Raine sighed. There were many instances in which she missed Laguna: When she was trying to convince the townsmen to take her seriously, when she had something heavy to lift, when she needed a plug changed…but none more than now.

Granted, it had been hard giving birth alone but, one look into her baby's eyes and it had all been worth it.

She'd heard many people over the years complaining about their children – about how they were too noisy, too needy…she didn't feel that for her perfect son. She loved him completely. She was more than happy to cater to his every whim. She didn't really feel the loss of Laguna as her time was taken up mostly with the needs of her new son and Ellone.

No, the reason that she most missed him these days – apart from the obvious – was that she knew – just KNEW that he would have come up with a name already for their son. She had no luck whatsoever. He didn't look like a Sam or a David or Alex or something so…generic. No, their son deserved a special name for a special and unique child…but WHAT?

Oh, she loved him so very much. There wasn't anything about the boy that didn't astound and captivate him. He was just so perfect in every way, wasn't he? Oh sure, she knew that every mother said that but, in his case it was true. She doubted that anyone could think otherwise – one look into his expressive eyes and they'd be won ever. She felt honoured to know she'd get to see him grow up.

It was definitely his eyes that did it. Everyone who'd held him had said the same. When he was happy, they sparkled and though he was still too young for his smiles to be anything but wind, his eyes told her that he was smiling.

When he was sad though, oh, one look at his eyes could break her heart. Those beautiful eyes clouded over, turned grey like the sky in a storm…

It was then the perfect name came to her… "Squall." She smiled as her son's eyes sparkled as if he agreed totally with her. "Hello Squall…hopefully your father will be home soon to meet you."

edit: A small change made in one paragraph. Thank you to Synchrony for pointing it out. ~daydreaner4179