A/N: So here comes the last chapter! This is soo sad :( But well, every story has to end some time, right? I really hope you'll like this chapter. Its format is kinda different…but I wanted to show you both perspectives, Troy and Gabriella's, and I think the way I've written the chapter allow you to do that.

This chapter is so long…sorry about that, but well, is the last chapter, so…it had to close all the subplots…as well as the main plot, so the length shouldn't be a problem ;)

Being this one my last A/N I want to repeat how thankful I am for the readers I have; each review, each PM has been the perfect gift, seriously! The way you've talked about the story has been something super encouraging for me to continue with the story; you know I'm Spanish and there had been moments when I was super insecure about a certain chapter, because to phrase feelings and emotions in a foreign language is super difficult, but your kind words had encouraged me to write without fear. So THANK YOU! :D

Next story topic – some of you have asked if I'm going to write a sequel. The answer is no, sorry; with the way I write…I don't know, I think the stories end quite good, and I'm sure a sequel would be something with bad results in the end…and I don't want that, so my stories will end, always, with the last chapter.


I'll write another story :D I have the idea in my mind and now it's only a matter of time until I post it (which probably will happen during the weekend if not before). It'll be another TG story…but the others will be there too as supporting cast. I hope you'll check it out! ;)

THANKS again for your continuous support :)

Here goes chapter 25, the last one. Enjoy! :)

Month #1

"Baby, I've just arrived to the farm and met Frederic, Susan's grandfather. He seems to be a kind man, and I think we will be okay here together. Or so I hope…

This place seems to be beautiful! I haven't had the chance to go and check it out because now it's all dark, but the moon is full and so I've been able to see more or less how this place is. It's huge, and Frederic has told me he has a lot of horses…remember when my dad took us to the range of his friend for those riding lessons? That has been like a sedative; I think that to know that I'll have this little thing that will remind me of my dad and you with me here will help me…at least at the beginning. It'll be as if I still have something from home with me… :)

Now I'm in my room; Susan and Frederic are already in their rooms sleeping, and I was about to do so, but then I've realized that I needed to share with you my first impressions, you know? I'm already missing you…and though I know we've agreed that we wouldn't write anything related to our feelings, I want and need you to know that I love you, and that if I've agreed to come here is because I want you proud of me…and because I know I have to be able to be happy with myself to be able to be happy with…someone.

I can't forget the perfect weekend we've spent together; it's been magical, and believe me when I say that memory will be with me all my life. Those two days only with you have been a perfect goodbye gift for me; to be able to hug you, to kiss you, to hold you, to love you…again, is a treasure I have here with me and I'll protect it with my life if that's necessary.

I should sleep now; a weird and exciting (somehow) day is waiting for me tomorrow, and I want to be ready…you know how I am ;)

I love you with all my heart,

Troy xxxx"


Gabriella smiled sniffing a little and wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks. She was also keeping their last weekend together as a treasure, and knowing how much it'd meant for Troy, put a smile on her face…because that last weekend had been the perfect way for them to say goodbye…at least for a while…

Knowing they would be separated for a while, Gabriella and Troy decided to spend their last Friday with their friends, but stay alone until Troy had to go to the airport on Sunday evening.

When Gabriella woke up on Saturday, she sighed contently feeling two strong and warm arms wrapped around her, and a strong chest that shielded her from the world. A sudden kiss in her shoulder alerted her that Troy was wake, and she turned in the circle of his arms. "Morning…"

"Good morning, baby…" Troy whispered in a husky voice leaning down to kiss her lips softly. "How have you slept?"

"Perfectly," she said rubbing her nose with his. "You?"

"Amazingly," Troy said pulling her back to the mattress so he could cover her body with his. Rubbing her lower lip with his tongue, Troy deepened the kiss when she granted his tongue free entrance into her mouth, moaning when their tongues rubbed together and danced the sensual dance they loved to dance.

The contact was soft, but meaningful, where each caress, each tug, each moan, each groan meant much more than it seemed at first sight; both were trying to convey into the kiss and the caresses everything their hearts were feeling, and soon both founded themselves in a love making without the proper act, because with the way they were moving their lips, with the way they were moving their tongues, the love they felt was evident.

Pulling away when the need of air was too much, Troy couldn't help but lean down again and peck her lips. "I've missed that," he whispered burying his face in the crock of her neck.

Gabriella didn't answer; she knew her voice would crack and she didn't want to begin their last weekend together swimming in tears. She wanted to remember that weekend as something happy, and for her to be able to do so, the tears couldn't begin before the weekend properly started. She only tangled her fingers into his hair and kissed his shoulder, tightening her other arm around his strong torso.

The couple remained embraced some minutes, trying to regulate their breath and savouring the moment, paying special attention at the smell, the scent, the sound, the breathing and the heartbeat of each other so they could remember it whenever and wherever they were.

Troy lifted his head from her neck and locked his eyes with her; both knew what the other was thinking and, at the moment, that was enough. They didn't have the strength to say the words, but they could read them in each other's eyes, that were screaming them. "Breakfast?"

"Sure," Gabriella smiled.

"Okay," Troy nodded grinning.

Gabriella looked at him pointedly. "You need to get off of me so I can get up…"

"I know," he nodded giving her a goofy smile.

"Trooooooy," Gabi whined.

"Gabiiiiiii," he answered back.

She pushed his shoulders and pouted when her efforts barely moved him. "I'm hungry doofus. Come on!"

Troy chuckled seeing her pout and he couldn't help but lean down and peck it away. "You're adorable when you pout…"

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes. "If you don't want the baby voice, the pout and the puppy dog eyes all at once I advice you to let me go…"

Laughing, Troy rolled onto his back and soon Gabriella was giggling with him.

After one funny breakfast, cleaning the mess they did in the kitchen with their food war and showering separatedly, Troy and Gabriella decided to simply watch a movie cuddled together on his sofa. It wasn't that they didn't want to go out but the fact that they knew wherever place they went to it would be someone who knew them, or a lot of people, and they wanted quietness, silence, peace…so their best option was to be inside for a while.

They teased each other playfully with the movie they should watch, choosing in the end an option both were satisfied with: Gabriella would choose the first one and Troy would choose the second one.

Their position was the same during both movies; Troy sitting on the sofa but with his legs on the coffee table, while Gabriella lied on the sofa with her head on Troy's chest, their hands touching if not intertwined and their heartbeats beating in sync. Troy played with her hair randomly and Gabriella drew random circles and lines on his legs. No words spoken; only gestures that showed both were aware the other was there, only gestures that spoken about their feelings, their need for each other, more than words could do.

Because those simples gestures were more than enough.

When both movies ended, Gabriella turned to look at Troy. "What should we do, now? We can't be indoors all the weekend…"

"How about we go to the mall?" Troy suggested pulling her hair out of her face.

Gabriella thought about it for some seconds. "Fine with me; are you sure, though? You usually don't want to go the mall with me because you say I use you as bag-carrier…" She giggled sweetly making Troy smile.

"That's true," Troy sighed. "But I kinda need some jumpers and hoodies; the ones I have are way too old or in your house, and I don't know if you'll give them back or not…" He teased tickling her.

"No way," Gabriella gasped. "The clothes that are already in my house are my clothes now. They're hostages, remember?"

"And what about me?" Troy pouted. "I want to have something yours with me too…"

"I'll think about it," Gabriella answered vaguely. "Now let's go to buy you some cool clothes." She said standing up from the sofa. Troy laughed amused at her antics and Gabriella glared at him. "Care to explain what's so funny, mister?"

"You," he answered still laughing. "You can be like sleepy at one moment but when someone mentions clothes, mall, shopping you become the more awake person I know…"

"You're the one who has suggested the mall!" Gabriella crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly. "I was also showing some enthusiasm for your sake…"

"Sure you were," Troy said rolling his eyes. "But it's okay today, I need the clothes. Shall we go?"

"You're impossible," she said stubbornly but grabbing her bag at the same time. "Impossible, impossible and impossible."

Troy chuckled. "Come on shopaholic," he said reaching for her hand, intertwining their fingers together when she placed her petite hand into his big and awaiting one. "Let's go and burn our credit cards!"

Giggling, Gabriella followed him out of the apartment and to the car, where he opened the passenger's door for her, closing it softly when she was sitting inside, and then going to the driver's side. "Which mall do you want to go?" He asked turning on the engine.

"I don't care," Gabriella shrugged. "You choose because you're the one who has to buy clothes for himself. I'll only buy something if I see something I like…so you pick."

"How about the one beside the arcade?" Troy said putting his sunglasses on and reversing the car from his parking spot.

"Fine with me," Gabriella smiled turning the radio on.

When the car was in the street, Gabriella reached for Troy's hand, and put their intertwined hands on her lap. "You know? I think you should buy some boots too…" She said randomly after a while.

"Boots?" Troy turned his head to look at her. "No way! I'm more than happy with my sneakers, thank you very much…"

Rolling her eyes Gabriella sighed. "You'll be in a farm, in a range…you need to have some boots with you."

"But why?" He whined. "I don't like them and they'll make me look all weird."

"You won't look weird," Gabriella patted his knee. "In fact you'll look sexier than with your sneakers when you're surrounded by cowboys…"

"But," Troy pouted. "I don't like them…"

"Come on baby," Gabriella said. "Don't be such a baby. You'll need to have a pair of boots and you don't have any, so we'll buy ones discrete but cool."

Knowing that maybe she was right, and also that when she had something in mind there was nothing in this world capable to make her think differently, Troy huffed and caved. "But I want them discrete…nothing too bright or shinny…"

"How about some dark brown boots?" Gabriella smiled sensing how he'd surrendered. "They'll look incredible with all your jeans and probably those will be the more discrete ones…"

"We'll see," he muttered stubbornly.

With a very cool, in Gabriella's opinion, pair of dark brown boots purchased, the couple went to all the typical shops where they could find clothes for Troy. Some shirts, hoodies, jumpers and two sweaters later, Troy and Gabriella found themselves in front of a Starbucks. "Can we go in?" Troy said fed up with the shopping. "I swear I don't know how you can be so cheery after three hours of shopping without any stop…" He complained.

"Practice," Gabriella answered nonchalantly. "I could go with a drink now…okay, let's go in…"

"Thank you," Troy said exasperated. "By the way, you know you haven't bought anything for you, right? Are you feeling well?" He teased her.

Gabriella turned around and glared at him. "If you want for me to buy something, three more hours of shopping are waiting for you. Are you really in?"

Troy widened his eyes in horror. "I'm proud you know how to control yourself from buying clothes you don't really need. Do you want a frapuccino?"


After thirty minutes in Starbucks talking about anything and everything, Gabriella took pity of him. "Do you want to go, now?" She asked sweetly kissing his cheek, knowing he was more tired than he would have ever admitted.

"You know me too well," Troy answered chuckling. "The truth is that I can't wait to go home…but if you want to look something for you then…"

"No," Gabriella smiled standing up. "Let's go home…"

Exiting from the coffee shop, Troy stopped dead in his tracks, stopping Gabriella with him. "What are you doing?"

"I want to do something before we go," Troy said excitedly. "We need photos."

"Photos?" Gabriella asked confused. "Photos of what?"

Troy went to stand in front of her and touched her forehead with his. "Baby, I think we need some photos to keep with us while I'm not here…a reminder of today…of…us…" His voice broke a little in the end.

"Where do you want to go?" Gabriella asked placing her hand on his cheek and smiling when Troy leaned into her touch. She understood his intentions and his mood; to have some photos of that day, where they were happy, where they were in an unbreakable bubble would be the perfect way to remember each other during his long absence.

"Right there," he said pointing to the shop behind Gabriella.

"Let's go then," she leaned up, kissed his lips and pulled away but reached for his hand.


When they arrived at his apartment, Troy dropped the bags carelessly in the living room and went to lie on the sofa. "I'm tired as hell!"

Gabriella giggled and went to sit beside him. "Don't be such a baby, we've had a blast!"

"True," Troy said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her body so she was on top of him. "But I prefer to be here with you…only you; away from stares, away from whispers, away from gossip…"

She didn't say anything back; leaning down, she kissed his lips sweetly at first but soon the passion she felt overcame her, plunging her tongue into his mouth without any doubt, forcing a sexy duel full of fervour between them. Troy responded into the kiss with an equal fervour, tightening his hold around her waist, pulling her body even closer to his, smirking when Gabriella moaned at something poking into her tight, and groaning when Gabriella used one of his hands to caress his length.

When the need of air became too much they pulled away, breathing irregularly and locking their eyes lustfully. Both knew what they wanted, but neither of them dared to say it aloud. Of course they could read the other's lust, the other's passion, the other's love in the other's eyes, but they were afraid that some spoken words would break the magic of the moment.

It wasn't about sex but about love; the need they felt for each other would have win over everything if not because they knew they just had an only amount of time left together, and they wanted to remember the weekend not only because of their sexual activities but because it'd been a perfect and full of feelings weekend. Each moment was a treasure; each moment was different from the others, and so they wanted for each moment to be perfect. Passion and lust couldn't overcome them if they wanted to have something to grab onto when their separation was a fact.

Troy dropped one of his arms from around her waist and placed his hand in her cheek. "Tell me what you want to do, please…" He said in a husky voice full of love. He didn't want to have anything for granted; their feelings were way so much important than their needs at the moment.

Gabriella was torn between the physical need and the mental need; part of her wanted to let go and let the passion win, spending all the time they had in bed, showing each other how much they loved each other, but another part of her wanted to have different things to be able to remember. Their relationship had never been only about sex; they had been friends and then best friends first, and so that was something neither of them wanted to lose any time soon. "I want what you want to give me," she whispered as softly as he'd talked.

"I need you," he said with a voice full of emotion.

That was all it took for Gabriella to kiss him again and soon the passion overcame the couple, who joined their bodies and their hearts in the most intimate way.


"I'm hungry," he stated from his position under Gabriella's body.

Gabriella chuckled and rolled her eyes. "You're always hungry!"

"That's not true!" Troy protested. "I'm not!" He continued seeing her disbelieving face. "And anyway, I'm a growing boy…I need food!"

"Aha!" Gabriella smirked. "So you admit you're always hungry!"

"I haven't said that!" Troy tickled her sides making Gabriella squirm. "Okay no tickles," he muttered rearranging her body on top of his so his "friend" didn't notice any pressure.

Gabriella giggled and stood up. "Come on, let's grab something to eat…" She said going to the kitchen wearing nothing making Troy to wide his eyes.

"Gabriella!" He shouted from the sofa. "Stop the teasing and put something on!" Gabriella didn't say anything but giggled and Troy sat on the sofa, putting on his boxers and grabbing the shirt he'd been wearing. "That girl will be the death of me…" He muttered going to the kitchen. "Put that on," he commanded tossing his shirt to her, closing his eyes and turning his body.

"And what if I don't want to?" Gabriella asked playfully already putting on the shirt. "What if I want to be nude for a little more?"

Troy groaned. "Please baby, don't tease. It's not nice…"

She giggled and rolled her eyes. "I'm dressed; you can look now…" Troy turned around with his eyes still closed. "Troy really, I'm dressed…"

"It wouldn't be the first time you trick me," he said.

"Trust me, I'm dressed." Gabriella said walking up to him and grabbing his hands so he could touch the shirt on her. "But what's the point? You've seen me nude before…"

"You're too tempting for your own good," he smiled goofily wrapping his arms around her after he opened his eyes, earning a precious giggle from Gabriella and a sweet peck on the lips.


"I want you to wait here until I say so," Gabriella commanded sitting Troy on the sofa.

"Where are you going?" He asked confused by her behaviour.

"Don't worry," Gabriella said kissing his cheek. "Hang on here and I'll be back in a minute…"

Troy looked at her; she'd been behaving weirdly since the dinner, and he couldn't help but feel worried about her.

He didn't want for her to regret anything that had happened between them; he wanted her being totally at easy, comfortable, but her nervous behaviour was doing all but calming his fears. However, when Gabriella saw his hesitation she used her pout, and so that served him to placate his nerves. "Okay go, but hurry back to me…"

"Cheesy much?" Gabriella giggled already from the doorframe.

"You know you love it!" Troy exclaimed from the sofa chuckling when her giggles intensified.

Those minutes alone served Troy to think about the magnificent day they'd spent together; of course they'd caved under their bodies' pressure, but it hadn't been only about that. They'd talked, they cuddled together, they watched movies, they went shopping…a lot of things that were a proof that what they had was not only about their physical connection but about something much deeper.

He was intrigued by her plans; he didn't know what she was up to, but seeing her happy after some hours of distress and nervousness calmed him. Whatever it was, was something she was happy for, and that was enough for him.

Gabriella, on the other hand, rushed to his bedroom. "Where the fuck I left my bag?" She muttered surveying the room with her eyes. She looked beside the desk, under the bed, in the bathroom but the bag wasn't there. 'How strange…' she thought. "Baby!" She exclaimed from the door.

"What?" Came Troy's answer from the living room.

"Where's my bag?" She asked. "Do you remember where we left it?"

"In my closet!" Troy answered back. "Why?"

"Nothing." Gabriella shouted going to open the closet, finding her bag there. "Don't move, uh?" Something incoherent came from the living room and Gabriella knew Troy was whining again. "Stop with the winning; I'll be there in a minute!"

Rummaging into the bag, Gabriella found the item she needed to find; she folded perfectly again and took a deep breath. It was so silly what she was about to do! She knew it, but still she hoped Troy would love it…

Going to the living room again, Gabriella stopped in the doorframe. "Close your eyes, Troy…"

He turned to look at her. "What?"

"Please," Gabriella whispered. "Close your eyes for a moment…" Seeing her change of mood, Troy obliged and closed his eyes, feeling how a new weight sat on the sofa beside the length of his body. "You can open them now…"

Her quivering voice alerted him and he opened his eyes at the same moment she allowed him to do. Looking at the item she had on her lap confusedly, Troy tried to read her face, but he couldn't. "What's that for?"

"You're always saying you want to have something mine," she whispered knowing her voice would crack if she talked normally, "but none of my clothes fit you, and I've thought that you could keep that…with you…like a teddy bear if you want…" Her cheeks flushed embarrassedly; she realized that what she was saying was sounding so silly, she didn't dare to look at him to see his reaction.

Troy, on the other hand, was speechless. It was not as if he didn't like what she was giving to him but the fact that she had thought about it, that she'd been so thoughtful with his feelings, he didn't know what to say. "Look at me, baby…" He whispered sitting on the sofa. When she didn't do as he told her to do, Troy placed two fingers under her chin and lifted her head. "I love it…"

"You do?" Gabriella's voice broke and a low sob escaped from her mouth. Too much was feeling, too much was happening for a tearless weekend.

"Of course I do," Troy said pulling her body into his, embracing her tightly and as closer as he could. "I love it so much…thank you…"

"Are you sure?" She asked wiping her tears with the palm of her hand. "You don't have to keep it if you don't like it…"

"I want it," Troy answered seriously grabbing the red dress from her lap and placing it over his heart. "I love it…"

When Gabriella thought about Troy's requests about him not having anything hers, her first thought had been that she was lucky his clothes were comfy clothes for her, but then she realized her clothes couldn't be as comfy as his were for him, so she thought she could give him something really meaningful for them, but hers at the same time, and thinking about it, the only thing she'd been able to think of had been the red dress she wore in their first date…and in their new first date.

Troy was amazed by how thoughtful Gabriella was; this same red dress she'd worn during their two most important nights together was perfect for him to keep it with him while being in Texas. Of course it would be like his teddy bear; it was so soft, the silky material on your skin was as if a feather was massaging you, and he imagined him sleeping beside the dress, surrounding by Gabriella's pure scent, surrounding by a texture almost as soft as her skin, and he couldn't help but feel really really touched by her gesture, knowing that it would be a sedative for his sleepless nights, when the nightmares chased him or when his worries and fears overcame him.

"I love you," he said a low voice, locking his eyes with hers when they pulled away. "I love you so fucking much…"

"I love you too," she chocked a sob and hugged him tightly. "I don't want you to go…"

Troy closed his eyes. "Baby you know I have to go; it's for the best…" Gabriella shook her head and he could feel her tears damping the bare skin of his neck. "Baby please…I need to do that so we both can be happy…"

"But if we're together we're happy," she said between sobs. "How can we be happy if we are apart?"

Rubbing her back with big circles, Troy manoeuvred her so she was sitting on his lap. "We need to be happy without the other, only with ourselves, and you know we can't do that if we're together…"

She didn't say anything back and he knew she wouldn't talk anymore, so he tightened his arms around her and let her sob, letting out some silent tears himself. What they were feeling was a tumult of feelings mixed: happiness because they were together; sadness because they would be apart for a while; love because they loved each other to death; pain because, though they knew Troy going away was the best, it still hurt; and need, because both needed to make the most of these last moments together.

When her hold on him tightened, Troy took strength from he didn't know where and grabbed her body, standing up from the sofa. Carrying her bridal style, with her face still buried in the crock of his neck, Troy went to his room, placing Gabriella on the bed and lying beside her, knowing this way both would be more comfortable.

After a while her sobs subsided, but she continued with her face buried into his neck. "I'm sorry," she whispered with a throaty voice from all the crying. "I didn't want to cry but…"

"Shhh," he whispered rubbing her back softly. "It's okay, and I understand…"

"But I know you're right," Gabriella pulled away and gasped when she saw his own tears running down his cheeks. Wiping them with her thumb, she continued. "It's just…that…I don't know how to let you go…I can't let you go…"

"And you don't have to do so now," he said wiping her tears. "We still have some time together; we need to be happy because if not, if we both felt miserable, we won't remember those last moments with a smile on our faces…and I need that smile baby, I'll need to be able to smile when I remember you…"

Gabriella took a deep breath and nodded. "No more tears…"

"No more tears," he nodded as well…though both knew that would be impossible. "Thank you for your gift; I'll keep it with my life…"

She giggled softly and he smiled. "I'm glad you've liked it…I didn't know if that would be so much silly or…"

"It's not silly," Troy interrupted her, "it's perfect…like you…"

Knowing more tears would appear if they continued like that, Gabriella pressed her lips softly to his so he couldn't talk…but soon she reacted into the kiss. The passion erupted and soon they were kissing passionately, their tongues dancing sensually and their hands roaming along each other's bodies.

Pulling away when the need of air became too much, Troy moved his lips along her jaw down to her neck, nipping, sucking and lapping her skin there when she moaned, warning him he'd found her soft spot, though he knew it by heart.

His hands didn't remain stilled; his left hand moved down her body until he reached the hem of his shirt, and he pulled the item up, massaging softly the skin of hers that became nude, making goose bumps appear and a trail of fire when his fingers touched her skin. Gabriella moaned at the contact and she arched her back when his hand touched her breast. Troy took the opportunity and pulled the shirt all the way upwards, throwing it randomly behind them. "You're perfect…" He muttered worshipping her body with his lips, caressing each inch of skin, paying special attention to her breasts.

Gabriella, on the other hand, moved her hands backwards, pulling down his boxers and freeing his erection. "Make love to me, Troy…"

Of course Gabriella knew their current activities would lead them to the sexual act, but she knew how important was for him to hear those 4 words from her; she never understood why, and he'd actually never been able to explain why they were so important, but she knew they made him feel good. Maybe it was a reminder from their past together; for him to know that she was aware that he was making love to her, that he wasn't using her, was what he needed to feel his heart more at peace.

Covering her right breast with his mouth, Troy pinned her already erect nipple with his tongue, fondling her other breast with his hand. Hearing Gabriella moan his name in so abandoned pleasure turned him on…more than ever, and he grunted in pure bliss when Gabriella caressed his engorged penis with her little and warm hands. Changing breasts, Troy copied his movements and moved one of his hands down her body, making her shiver in pleasure, and soon he arrived at his destiny.

Caressing her warm walls with his fingers, Troy introduced a finger inside of her, and Gabriella gasped dropping his penis and placing her hands around his torso, clawing her nails on his back. "Fuck Troy…"

Adding another finger, Troy buried his head in the valley between her breasts, lapping there randomly. "Come on baby…"

Her moans got louder and soon Gabriella was panting desperately. "More…harder, faster…"

Adding a third finger, Troy had to close his eyes; his erection was being too painful but he didn't want to cum. He needed for her to reach her peak first, and he would do whatever it took for that. "More?" He panted.

"I'm going to cum…" She panted breathlessly bucking her hips at the same rhythm he was plunging his fingers into her body.

"Cum for me, baby…" He moved his body so he was kneeling beside hers and focused all his concentration in the hand that was opening the heaven for Gabriella to go in. He fastened his moves, and he used his thumb to apply some little pressure on her clit, and soon he noticed her walls clamping around his fingers, knowing she was so close. "Come on…"

Gabriella's body shook violently with the power of her orgasm, shouting violently his name, and soon her juices covered his hand. He retrieved it from inside of her, lapping her juices and moaning in pleasure at her taste. "Exquisite…" He murmured embracing her still trembling body closer to his, until it calmed down.

"Thank you," she panted hugging him and kissing his shoulder.

"You're welcome," he said in a strangled voice which Gabriella picked up.

"Lay down," she commanded pushing his body so he was flat on his back, his erect member poking into the air proudly. "My turn," she whispered grabbing the base of his penis with her hand, beginning to pump it up and down at a steady rhythm.

"Fuck," he groaned grabbing the sheets tightly.

Gabriella took a moment to look at him and when she saw him with his eyes closed, simply enjoying her ministrations, she lowered her mouth, lapping the shaft with her tongue and swirling it around its head. Troy gasped at the sudden new contact and moaned her name loudly, and then Gabriella engulfed his member into her mouth, while her hand never stopped.

"Shit!" He moaned bucking her hips and thrusting into his mouth, while tangling his fingers into her hair.

When the pressure on her hair increased, Gabriella fastened her movements and soon a warm liquid penetrated into her mouth and a loud shout of her name could be heard. Lapping him clean, Gabriella placed her mouth once more around the head of his penis, mewing like a cat and sending vibrations that made him squirm and moan once more between gasps of air.

Ending with a "pop", she crawled upwards and hovered his body with hers, waiting for him to open his eyes. When he did, she smiled at him and he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forcefully and plunging his tongue into her warm mouth, so their juices got mixed.

He rolled her body back, and when he was covering her, he continued moving his mouth along her neck again, letting his penis some time to get hard again. It didn't take long though, and soon Gabriella wriggled under him. "Baby please, now…" She was feeling his already engorged shaft poking into her tight, and she needed him, she needed to reach their heaven together.

Troy pulled away and the couple locked eyes for a moment. "You're my life," she whispered placing her hand on his cheek.

"You're what keeps me alive…" He murmured back before he kissed her lips again.

Gabriella opened her legs so Troy could rest more comfortably between them, and locked her arms under his, anticipating his new move. When his tip touched her burning core, Gabriella moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, closing her eyes at the new sensation.

Troy, on the other hand, kissed her breasts while he entered her slowly, inch by inch, savouring the moment. When he was fully inside of her, both moaned at the feeling; it was as they were already home, and the couple took a moment to hug each other.

"I love you," he whispered beginning to move in and out of her.

Gabriella kissed his lips and whispered her response, moaning when he fastened his thrusts.

Soon she was bucking her hips upwards, meeting him thrust by thrust, closing her eyes in pure ecstasy; she needed to keep this feeling, this memory, this moment under key in her brain. "Faster Troy…"

Troy obliged speeding up his thrusts, and he buried his face in the crock of her neck, kissing randomly and biting her skin softly when Gabriella bit his shoulder in abandoned pleasure. "Come on baby…" He muttered; he wouldn't last but he needed to cum with her.

"Almost…there…" She panted tightening her hold on him. "Harder, Troy!"

His thrusts became then erratic; he moved his hips as fast as he could, and her walls began to clamp over him. "Come on Gabi…" He pleaded.

"Almost…" She panted closing her eyes forcefully but still keeping her rhythm in sync with his.

"Open your eyes, baby," he begged when her walls tightened around him, contracting spasmodically, knowing she was already there. "I love you so fucking much…"

"I love you too," she panted before she opened her eyes. Because when she obliged and opened her eyes, this lock of eyes with his was all it took; their orgasms came together, and Troy released his seed inside of her, while her juices covered him, both screaming each other's names.

Retrieving himself from her carefully, Troy collapsed beside her, not wasting a second and wrapping his arms around her trembling body, pulling her body into his, feeling every inch of skin connected, their heartbeats erratic but in sync as if they were one, and their chests convulsing evenly grasping whichever piece of air their lungs were needing.

When their breaths got normal again, Gabriella kissed his chest, lifting her head afterwards. The look they shared, full of love, filled their eyes with tears again, and soon the couple embraced in a tight embrace, trying to be as close as they could, damping their already damp skins with each other's tears.

But they didn't care.

Because it was then, in that moment, that both realizing their love would survive everything; their connection was so deep, so magical, so perfect, neither time or distance would be able to separate them. They needed each other, but they needed the other being happy, feeling normal, feeling at easy, reconciled with their pasts, and so they knew they had to fight against their demons physically separated but with their hearts closely joined.

"I love you," she chocked between sobs.

"I love you too," he sobbed as well, pulling her body over his.

Soon their sobs stopped, but neither of them moved; kissing each other's randomly, sleep overcame the couple who remained embraced together, with their legs tangled together, with their chests moving in sync and listening each other's breathing got even.

Magical dreams joined them at night; a magical place where they could be together without worries, fears, ghosts, demons…only a boy and a girl deeply in love.


Some hours later, Gabriella woke still lying over Troy. Lifting her head from his chest, Gabriella took a moment to observe him while he slept; his face was peaceful, and from time to time his arms would tighten around her, as if he was checking if she still was there or not.

Slowly and carefully so she didn't wake him up, Gabriella used her thumb to draw the lines of his face; his hair, his forehead, his closed eyelids, his cheeks, his nose, his parted lips, his strong jaw…it was as if she was memorizing an already memorized face, as if she was studying him so she could draw his face when he was not there. He was so perfect in her opinion; his body was the body of a god, and everything about him was inviting. It was as if they were both two magnets; even if they fought to be separated, they ended joined together. A more powerful force drew them together not only physically but also emotionally.

She was so concentrated on her task that he didn't realize two blue orbs were looking at her intently. Troy was mesmerized by her beauty; he knew she was gorgeous but boy, he didn't know if because they'd spent a perfect night together, because their feelings were running wild or what, but at this same moment Gabriella looked like the most perfect thing in all the universe, and he couldn't believe she was real, that she was in love with him, that she loved him, that she was in his arms. "Am I dreaming?" He asked; he needed the reassurance.

Gabriella gasped softly and gave him a small smile. "No."

"Am I dead?" Troy smiled, running his fingertips along her facial features.

She giggled then and shook her head. "No."

"Then I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world," he grinned at her and she giggled, sighing contently when she placed her cheek on his chest, letting his warmness and his heartbeat be her lullaby. "I'm definitely the lucky one," she muttered before sleep overcame her body again.

Troy chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Definitely we're both the luckiest people: we love and we're loved by our loved ones. Sweet dreams, my love…"


When they woke up again, the sun was already up and bright. "What do you want to do today?" Gabriella asked wrapping a towel around herself after a warm shower, stepping outside the bathroom so Troy could shower himself.

"I don't mind," he shrugged. "Whatever you want to do is fine with me…"

Closing the bathroom's door so he could shower in peace, Gabriella got dressed in the bedroom. She knew what she wanted to do, but she didn't know if Troy would be up to that or not, and she didn't want to force him into anything.

When she got dressed, Gabriella made the bed and put a square box with a big red bow on top of it, with a note. Nodding to herself when she saw the final result, she went to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat, closing softly the door of his bedroom behind her.

In the meantime, Troy ended his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, going to his bedroom to get dressed. Going to the closet, he grabbed his clean underwear and his clothes and he got dressed, not paying attention to anything. When he went to the bathroom to hang there the towel he'd used, from the mirror he saw a box with a bow lying on his bed.

Narrowing his eyes, he turned around and walked slowly to the bed again. He saw an envelope beside the box, and he sat there, grabbing the envelope and unfolding the letter.

'Baby, I know you have the dress and that you'll keep safe with you, but I wanted and needed to give you something more personal, more…about us and who we are, and I've thought this would be a cute way to do so… :) I really hope you'll like it!

Lots of love,

Gabriella xxxxx'

Curiosity took the best of him, and so Troy opened the box, gasping when he saw its contents. "God…" He muttered in awe lifting the big frame full of pictures of him, his family, his friends, his friends' parents, Gabriella, Susan…

Touching each picture with his fingertips, Troy couldn't help but shiver seeing each person who was important for him looking directly into his eyes, smiling at him and encouraging him to get better. He couldn't believe Gabriella had had time to prepare and do that surprise for him…when they'd been spending all the time together

Roaming his eyes over the collage, a series of pictures of he and Gabriella placed in the lowest part took his attention; not only because of the pics, though they were incredibly perfect pictures, proofs of their love for each other, but because the sentence she' written under those pictures. 'You'll always be my kuippo. ILY'

Leaving the collage over his bed carefully, Troy opened his bedroom's door searching for Gabriella. "Gabi!" Stopping dead in his tracks when he saw her, he took a tentative step towards her figure. "Gabi," he whispered with a strangled voice.

Slowly, Gabriella turned around and soon their eyes connected. "You like it?" She asked quietly not really knowing what she would do.

He shook his head, walking directly towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist when he reached her. "I love it," he touched her lips sweetly and softly with his. "I love you…"

"Love you too," Gabriella whispered hugging him. "So much…"

After some silent minutes, Gabriella spoke again. "I know what I want to do today…"

"What?" He pulled away sniffing a little and giving her a smile when she used her thumb to wipe the tears that were beginning to fall from his eyes.

"Can we go and see Lucy?" She whispered locking her eyes with his.

"I think it's the best we can do," Troy nodded and hugged her again.


Arriving at the cemetery, Troy squeezed Gabriella's hand so she looked at him. "Do you mind if I go alone to my family's tombs?"

"Of course not," Gabriella smiled at him. "I'll wait for you here and then we'll go to Lucy's together, ok?" She kissed his cheek and was about to turn around but Troy pulled her body towards his, hugging her and gaining courage enough to go and say a see you later to his family. "You can do it, baby. I love you…"

Stepping away from their embrace, Gabriella turned around and went to the bench nearer to Lucy's tomb, looking in the distance how Troy went to his parents and brother's tombs. She saw his knees giving him away and, though she wanted to go with him, she knew he had to deal with whatever he was feeling alone.

His shoulders bounced and she knew he was crying, but she kept herself together. She would have time to console him, but at the moment, this one was a moment only between Troy and his family.

He never told her what he said, felt or thought while being there, but she knew; she knew he'd promised them he would make them proud, she knew he'd told them he loved them, she knew he'd finally let go of their ghosts, she knew he'd told them he'd finally had accepted that they would want for him to be happy, she knew he'd forgiven them for go away from him, she knew he'd told them he'd forgiven himself for not be with them wherever they were…and she knew he'd promised them he would come back totally recovered, remembering only their good times together, away from the demons that had been haunting him.

When he returned back to where Gabriella was waiting for him, they hugged wordlessly; he wanted her comfort, she wanted to comfort him. "Are you okay?" He simply nodded, but she knew he would be just fine.

Going to Lucy's tomb, walking slowly hand in hand, Troy and Gabriella stopped together, at the same time. "Hey Lucy," she whispered smiling. "How are you granny?"

Troy stepped away from beside Gabriella and went to stand beside her, wrapping his arms around her waist and buried his head in her shoulders; she knew he was crying and that he probably wouldn't talk, but she also knew he was making amends with the old lady at his own way too.

"I'm here with Troy," Gabriella said interlacing their hands together. "We're sorry we haven't come here sooner but our lives have been a little mess. Don't worry, everything is fine now…"

"We know you wanted for us to be happy together, granny," she took a deep breathe noticing the first tears burning her eyes, "but we can't do that now. Now it's impossible…but we're here because we want to promise you that we will come back here, being together…or not…" She chocked a sob and Troy kissed her shoulder affectionately, "but I promise you we'll always be together in our hearts. We'll always be the best of friends, and we'll always have the other supporting whatever we do. We love you, granny…"

"I love you, granny," Troy whispered from behind Gabriella.

After some minutes in silence, Gabriella pulled herself away from him and wrapped her arms around his torso. It was incredible the feeling of pure peace they were feeling at the moment; they had accepted their fate, whichever it was, and they had finally faced (and had won) the first of the battles they would have to face. "Let's go, Troy…"

He kissed her forehead tenderly and lifted her head placing two fingers under her chin. "Thank you," he whispered lovingly. And Gabriella understood why he was thanking her.


Knowing they had only 4 hours left, Troy and Gabriella were trying to decide where they wanted to go while walking around the city. "How about the park?" She suggested knowing it was one of the most special places for them.

"Do you want to go grab something to eat first?" He asked looking at his watch.

"We could grab something and eat there," she shrugged. "Like we did when we were little," she giggled, "and you ended always with big stains on your t-shirt…"

"That's not true!" He protested mock offended.

"You've always been a mess when you eat," she teased. "Even now, all adult and grow up but still you should have a bib with you when you eat…"

"Oh now you're so in for it!" He said chasing her when she began to run to the park.

Their laughs sounded free, sounded right; and that was because both had taken their first step towards their recovering together, one beside the other, one supporting the other.

Gabriella collapsed onto the grass still laughing and soon Troy collapsed beside her. "Who would have told me you were this fit…" He teased laughing.

"Hey!" She slapped his arm. "I'm one of the fittest people in this world!"

He chuckled again and rolled his eyes. "Sure you are, baby, sure you are…"

"I am!" She pouted when his laughter didn't die. "I'm fit!"

"Of course baby," he nodded winking at her. "That's what I was telling you…"

"You're impossible," she groaned.

Troy moved his body so he was covering hers, and leaned down to talk against her lips. "But you love me…"

Gabriella smiled at him and then she pushed his face down so she could kiss him properly.


"Hey!" Gabriella protested. "I was eating that!"

"Oh sorry baby," Troy said from his position behind Gabriella, while they were lying under their tree. "I thought you had finished…"

She narrowed her eyes and slapped his tight. "You're lucky I wasn't hungry anymore…"

Troy chuckled; if he'd eaten her food had been because he'd seen her hesitant movements, warning him that she was eating because she still had something to eat, not because she wanted to eat. "Wow, I'm a lucky guy, aren't I?"

Gabriella giggled with him and soon their moods changed; their time together was arriving to its end, and they were in the most significant place in the world for them, enjoying each other's company, enjoying the feeling of their bodies touching, enjoying the feeling of the bubble they were in.

They talked, they joked, they kissed, they caressed each other…savouring each one of them at its maximum, knowing that the gesture would be the last one…at least for a while…


Standing in front of his apartment, Troy and Gabriella were hugging each other, both crying on each other's shoulders, while Susan and Peter carried Troy's bags in the car.

"Troy," Susan said softly. "We need to go…"

The boy stepped away from Gabriella, keeping his hand intertwined with hers, and went to stand in front of Peter. Both mans hugged tightly. "Take care of her for me, please…" Troy whispered with a broken voice.

"With my life," Peter promised. "Take care of yourself and come back being the real you, okay? We'll be waiting for you, cheering for you and sending all our support. Don't give up on yourself; you're better than that and we need you, okay? Be safe…"

Troy nodded and stepped away from the man, pulling Gabriella's body so she was in front of him again. "Well…that's it…" He sniffed.

Gabriella threw her arms around his neck and freed the sobs she'd been trying to control. "I love you, Troy…" She chocked between sobs. "Be happy, okay?"

"I love you too," Troy whispered hugging her so tightly. "You've been what have kept me alive Gabriella…and now I want to return you the favour."

He pulled away and locked his eyes with hers. "I want you to promise me that if you find someone who makes you happy you won't think about me. I don't want to tie you back; if you find happiness with another person, go for it. I'll be happy for you…"

"No Troy," she interrupted sobbing even more hardly.

"Please? For me?" Troy whispered with a voice laced with emotion. "Be whatever you need to do in order to be happy…"

"Only if you do the same," Gabriella whispered locking her eyes with his. "If you promise me you'll do whatever you need to do in order to be happy, even if that's with another person, then I'll promise the same to you…"

The couple locked eyes silently for some minutes. "I promise," both said at the same time.

After one passionate kiss, devouring each other's mouths desperately, intertwining their tongues as if there wasn't tomorrow, pressing their bodies as close as they could, not even caring about Peter and Susan's presences, Troy and Gabriella pulled away breathlessly but with a smile on their faces. "I love you…"

Their whispered words, said at the same time, were the last thing they told to each other. Both wanted to keep this last memory in their heads forever, and so they had to tell each other their deepest feeling towards each other with a smile on their faces. It'd be hard, but they would remember that moment as something happy at some point in their lives.

Month #3

"Dear Troy,

I can't believe it's been already two months…it's like you're still here with me. Your clothes still smell like you and when I feel down, to look at the pictures we took that day at the mall cheer me up. Both look ridiculous putting all those crazy faces, but they put a smile on my face :)

I'm glad Frederic and you are having a great time together…and that he'd complimented your cool boots!! :D see? I was right! You needed a pair of cowboy boots urgently… :P

Chad and Taylor sent their best greetings for you; they are as happy as I am that you feel well there. Maybe you were a cowboy in another life and so it's everything come back…though please, don't begin with masking tobacco now! ;) I'm sure that you, being the healthy freak you are already know by heart each path, each trail and everything of those mountains by now…be careful though, okay? Don't get all savage now! Hehe!

We're missing you…this is not the same without you here. School sucks, by the way, but now with the finals so close I'm studying like crazy. Susan was here the other day and told me the school has allowed you to do the exams there in Texas; that's great so you won't lose the year :) She's told me she'll go to Texas with the exams, that you'll do them and that she'll bring them back so the teachers can mark them…it's pretty cool Matsui has been so easy about it…but well, what can we expect? You're the most famous and popular Wildcat ;)

The other day was the last game of the season; the Wildcats won (obviously) and Chad was incredible! I and Taylor were like jumping from our seats but it was super exciting, I swear. I wore your jersey like Chad told me you wanted; I felt, and feel, honoured that you wanted for me to wear it, and since then I wear it sometimes to go to school. Sharpay throws a fit each time but…I'm handling her just fine. We've had some encounters but I couldn't care less about all the shit she says about me, you or us. The girl just doesn't learn and each time she makes a fool of herself…but well…you should see her…it's pretty funny to see her stomping her foot, pouting and telling me I'm mean with her. I mean…WTF? ;) but well, it's funny and we laugh a lot with that… :)

Tell me more things about Texas…

Lots of love,

Gabriella xxxxx"


Troy folded the letter and smiled; her letters were always funny to read…though sometimes he felt his insides melt with the sweet things she would say. He tried to not think about them often, but sometimes it was inevitable.

He felt proud of her; she'd been able, finally, to face Sharpay. The way she talked about their encounters was funny, and he was more than happy that Gabriella was seeing all the drama that Sharpay meant the same way he did: with a laugh and thinking it silly.

"Troy!" An old man shouted. "Roger is here!"

"Coming!" Troy shouted from his room. He put the letter in the drawer of his nightstand, where Gabriella's letters were, and locked it with the key he always had with him. After a few seconds standing in front of Gabriella's collage, his "Memory Wall" in Texas, Troy stepped outside his room, closing the door softly behind him. "Where is he, Freddy?" He asked grabbing an apple.

"It seems the young lady you two met the other day was calling him," the old man rolled his eyes. "I swear that boy is whipped…"

Troy chuckled. "You can't blame him; the girl was hot!"

"Troy Bolton!" Frederic said. "You are not going to talk this way in my house!" Troy laughed hard; Frederic was sweet and funny but he also had some temper and Troy loved to tease him and annoy the crap out of him with his comments. Frederic observed him; after every letter from Alburquerque, specially the ones from Gabriella, Troy was happier, more relaxed, more at ease, and the old man couldn't help but be curious about this young lady that seemed to have this tough boy so wrapped around her pinkie finger. "You have mail; have you picked it?" He asked nonchalantly.

Troy rolled his eyes at his tone. "I know you know I've read my letter already, and I know you know the letter was from Gabriella…and I know you are going to ask me something now…"

Frederic widened his eyes in feigned innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Of course you don't," Troy said smiling. He took a bit of his apple and chewed it looking amusedly at the man, who was blushing because he'd been busted. "Come on; spill…"

Frederic cleared his throat. "Is this Gabriella girl your girlfriend?"

Susan had explained to him a little about Troy's story and life, but only the most superficial details so he knew a little about the guy. He hadn't wanted to know a lot about him because he preferred to discover the real Troy by himself, and with what Susan had explained to him about Gabriella…and with the face Troy had every time this girl's name was mentioned, he couldn't help but feel super curious.

"No," Troy answered more seriously. "She's my best friend…"

Sensing he didn't want to talk more about it, Frederic nodded. "Whenever you want to talk about her or whatever I'm here, okay?"

"Thank you," Troy nodded.

"Now go," Frederic laughed when Roger, the youngest of his employees (who was the son of his best man working in the ranch) honked twice. "This boy is stupid. He's going to scare the horses if he continues like that!"

"Don't get mad," Troy smiled at the grumpy man.

"Go have fun," Freddy said pushing Troy out of the door. "Be back by seven!"

"Okay!" Troy shouted from outside. "Hey man," he greeted his new friend jumping inside his truck. "The oldie says to stop with the honking. He says you're going to scare the animals…"

"Whatever," Roger said rolling his eyes. "Melissa has called me," the boy said smirking.

"I know," Troy nodded. "Freddy has told me you're whipped!"

"I'm not!" Roger said. "Dude," he continued when Troy continued his laughs. "I'm not whipped. I'm totally in control of that…I have her eating from my hand, you know?"

Troy laughed at his friend's antics. "Whatever you say…"

Roger reminded him so much of Chad; the same cockiness in front of people but also the same pureness in the inside. Roger had been asking about Gabriella too, and Troy had shared with him some things…but not the whole story; he wasn't ready for that, but he was getting there.

The nightmares still chased him; some nights he would wake up sweating in fear for Gabriella, but during those nights he would hug tightly to his chest her red dress, letting her sweet scent surround him and so sleep would be back in seconds. Both Frederic and Roger knew there were nights where something happened with Troy; the morning following those nights he would be quieter and moody, but soon discovered that when they less talked about it, the more Troy was open about it, and so they always let him his own space to deal with whatever that was worrying him, knowing that he would be his normal self with some time alone.

Month #5

"Dear Gabriella,

I'm proud you won the Scholastic Decathlon! Well done! I wasn't expecting any less, with you and Taylor…fuaaaaaa…no team is better than you two, brainiacs! :D

Susan is coming with my exams next week; I'm nervous as hell! I've been studying but with Roger…it's impossible. Is like Chad, I swear they seem to be the same person…but Roger doesn't have an afro :) they have this same cockiness with them, but then, if you dig a little you find the perfect friend, you know? He's helping me a lot :D

I'm so glad your father has started dating again…who would have known Peter has that inside of him, uh? I'd like to meet this Caroline woman; from your words, it seems you're quite fond of her already. Tell me more about her in your next letter and mostly how your father introduced you both…I need to be updated from the gossip you all have up there! Hahaha!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! Freddy has told me he's surprised about my skills with the horses; he says I remind him of when he was my age. It's pretty incredible to be able to feel this free riding a horse again; the horse he assigned to me is female, and do you know how she's called? BRIE. I swear I almost fell when he told me…the truth is that I froze, but I don't know, he saw me and he pulled me with him towards the kitchen, which is like his rooftop garden, and he served me a big cup of coffee…and I explained to him everything about Mark and his nickname for you.

Freddy is a great man; he explained to me he also had a brother, and that he died when he fell from a horse. I don't know, to know we've been through this same experience has made a great bond between us. It's like…we look each other and we instantly know what the other is feeling. You know? I've never realized about it but…Freddy is like a mixture between Mark and my dad. Not physically, of course, but inwardly. He has the same humour my dad had, but also the same playful nature and goofiness Mark had. With him I can talk seriously and also I can joke a lot…he's so easy to tease…man, I laugh out loud with him :D

I really want you to meet him some time; I know you'll love him!

Take care!

Love, Troy xxxxxx"


Gabriella smiled while she folded the letter, keeping it with the others received from Troy. She was so happy he was having a great time…she felt better knowing that, though he still thought about her the same way she thought about him, both were trying to move on and be happy by themselves.

"Gabriella," a voice sounded from outside her bedroom.

"Come in!" She said closing the drawer.

The door opened and a woman entered in her room. "Your father is complaining about the barbeque; I know for a fact the problem is he really doesn't know how it works but he's being all macho and saying the problem is the barbeque itself." She rolled her eyes and giggled when Gabriella's giggles echoed in her room. "Could you please come down with me and show him how the barbeque works? If you want to have lunch at a decent hour, that is…"

"Of course," Gabriella said standing up from her bed. "But you know what, maybe we should tease him a little more about it…we need to show him that two women know way better than him about everything, for example, with a barbeque, that is something usually "reserved" only for guys…" Gabriella smirked at Caroline, who squealed happily.

"Oh I love the way you think, Gabi!" Caroline rushed down the staircase, amusing the teen, who had to laugh at her goofiness. "Come on girl, we need to show him that we women wear the pants here…"

Gabriella laughed and soon Caroline placed a friendly arm around her shoulders, stepping into their backyard laughing and amusing Peter no end, who loved to see his daughter and his girlfriend bonding so much and having this weird relationship when they were kinda friends.

Observing them whispering for themselves and laughing, he couldn't help but let his mind walked back into the memory line, until the day he introduced Caroline to Gabriella properly…

"Hey Gabriella," he told her when they were having breakfast. "Can I talk to you for a minute, please?"

"Sure," she answered absently.

Peter sighed inwardly; it'd been three weeks since Troy's departure and Gabriella was still kinda down. He'd tried everything to cheer her up, but all is efforts had been unsuccessful.

Even though they'd talked about their past relationship and both had agreed to give their relationship as father and daughter another chance, Peter still felt Gabriella like too away from him. Since the accident he'd been a lot more at home; helping her and simply talking with her, trying to know her better and that she could know him better too.

He even had settled a "family night"; on Tuesday, he and Gabriella would have dinner together, without excuses, and they would watch a movie, or talk, or play cards…the point was to spend time together, without interruptions and also without any kind of barrier. They could talk about everything, and he'd asked her…well, begged her, that just she had a problem with him, they had to talk about it; he didn't want to be a stranger for her anymore, and they were still adjusting to this new feeling of to be a family.

He was the happiest man alive when Gabriella told him she'd forgiven him; she told him that when she saw how worried he was about her, how caring he was with her and how "fatherly" he was with her since the accident, she realized she wanted her father back and that this same father seemed to want his daughter back. Of course she imposed conditions; 14 years of abandonment couldn't be erased of her memory in a heartbeat, and so Gabriella had told him that she was giving him another chance…but that this chance would be the last one.

He'd accepted her conditions knowing she was right without a fight. And since then they would have breakfast together, if he wasn't travelling, which he did only when it was really necessary for him to be there, and he would always sleep at their home.

Gabriella noticed the efforts her father was doing and she tried to put an effort to make things easier for him too. Both left the pride behind them, only focusing in to have a normal relationship; they wouldn't be best friends but they would have a normal relationship where problems, fights and misunderstandings would be frequent…but never letting them set a grunge between them.

"You see…" He lowered his eyes and Gabriella picked his nervous state at once.

"Dad," Gabriella interrupted him. "What's up?"

"I…I…I…I want…you…to…" He stuttered clenching his hands in fists.

"Hey," Gabriella soothed. "What's up, dad?"

Peter realized he needed to speak about it aloud. "I want you to meet someone…"

Gabriella remained silent for some minutes trying to process this new information. "Someone as in a friend or someone as in more than a friend?" She asked gulping not knowing how her body would react with either of those answers.

"More than a friend," Peter whispered. "You don't have to if you don't want it…but I'd like for you to meet her…"

"Have you been dating with her behind my back?" She whispered sitting beside him.

"No!" Peter exclaimed alarmed seeing how deflated she seemed to be. "I swear we aren't dating…we're knowing each other…and I kinda like her…and I'd love to know what you think about her…"

Gabriella lifted her head so she could see his eyes; he seemed sincere and she felt well knowing her father cared about her opinion. Deciding that to meet her wouldn't hurt, Gabriella sighed and nodded. "Okay," she pulled her hair away from her face. "I'll meet her."

"Seriously?" Peter exclaimed surprised but mostly happy.

Gabriella giggled seeing his excitement; if she had the chance to move on, to start again, her father should have this same opportunity. "Yep, what's her name, by the way?"

Peter didn't hear anything; throwing himself at her, Peter wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around, making her to giggle uncontrollably. "Dad!" She exclaimed between fits of laughter. "Put me down!"

He obliged and hugged her. "Thank you, sweetie…"

"No worries," she giggled kissing his cheek. "Now tell me what her name is and how have you met her…"

Father and daughter sat again in the kitchen and Gabriella purred to cups of coffee. "Her name is Caroline, and she's 42. She got a divorce from her husband because he cheated on her 6 years ago, and she'd been single since now."

"She has values…I like it," Gabriella smiled winking at her father. "Where did you two meet?"

"Well, you know those big buildings that are like the door of the city?" He asked somehow hesitantly.

"Of course," Gabriella said excitedly. "Those are incredible! They are intelligent buildings, and we went with the school there for a visit. They are amazing…"

"She's the architect who designed them," Peter answered proudly seeing her daughter so excited about something related to his "special friend". "And you know Roberta? My secretary? Well she's her sister; I met her one day she came to the office…we talked and…well, you know…"

"Woah!" Gabriella widened her eyes. "Seriously? Oh wait…we're talking about Caroline Magree? As in the same Caroline Magree who has designed some of the most incredible buildings around the world?"

Peter nodded, not daring to answer speaking afraid of her reaction at this new information.

"I can't believe I'm going to meet her!" Gabriella clapped her hands excitedly. "I read an interview the other day; the woman is super wise, and her answers were so intelligent…woah, I can't believe I'm going to meet her!"

Peter chuckled. "So you're not mad, then?"

"Of course not!" She waved her hand dismissively. "Even though I admire her and probably she's a kind woman, I'll give you my sincere opinion about her being girlfriend material, okay?"

"That's what I'm asking for," he nodded proudly.

"Well then," Gabriella took a sip of her coffee and Peter imitated her. "When and where?"

"How about if we go to a restaurant being that the first time you two meet?" Peter suggested.

"Fine with me," Gabriella nodded. "Crap I have to go to school!" She widened her eyes when she realized she would be late. "Talk with her and when you have the plans let me know, okay? Bye dad!"

Peter chuckled and cleaned the mess, already hoping their interaction in real life would be as incredible as it'd seemed to be when he'd talked with both women separately.


The day of the meeting, Gabriella was pacing her bedroom up and down, with Taylor put on speaker. "I don't know what to wear Taylor!" She moaned. "I don't have anything to wear…"

"Don't sulk," her friend told her. "Where are you going?"

"Dad wanted to go to a fancy restaurant but she's told him that she prefers something more relaxed," Gabriella giggled. "She suggested the Paprika and dad threw a fit, but when he told me I pressured him too because you know I simply love the place and so we're going there…"

"Then why the hell are you worrying about what to wear?" Taylor asked confused. "Heels, jeans and a cute top and you're ready to go!"

"Are you sure?" Gabriella asked looking from the corner of her eye the outfit Taylor had just described she had separately from the others.

"Of course," Taylor clicked her tongue. "You'll be just fine; something classy but simple at the same time…"

"Do you think I should wear the turquoise top with my dark blue jeans?" Gabriella bit her nail.

"Of course," Taylor squealed. "Wear your hair falling down your back naturally, the gold earrings and your black boots. You'll go perfect!"

Gabriella giggled at her friend's excitement. "Okay, okay. I have to go now…I'll explain everything tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, bye hun!" Taylor said.

"Bye," Gabriella pressed the end call button and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


"Gabriella," Peter said knocking at her door. "Are you ready? I don't want to be late…"

"Yes," she answered. "I'm putting on my earrings. I only have to grab my purse and I'll come downstairs. You can go and turn on the car now…"

"Okay," Peter answered from behind the door.

Gabriella rolled her eyes; he was nervous as hell even though he didn't want to admit it. She knew him and, though she knew he hadn't wanted to pressure her talking about Caroline as someone already important in his life, the truth is that the brightness his eyes had when he talked about her gave him away.

She smiled remembering the butterflies she had when she began dating Troy; the feeling was incredible, and she was sure as hell that was precisely what her father was feeling…even though he didn't want to admit it aloud.

Although remember Troy still hurt her, she felt her heart more at peace now. Of course she missed him, but she realized she could function, live and be happy without him. She still had a long way in front of her, but she knew she'd get there. Turning her head to look at her favourite picture, where Troy and her were wrapped around each other laughing at something Chad had said, she winked at the picture. "Time to meet daddy's girlfriend Troy…wish me good luck…" She whispered laughing at her own silliness.


Arriving at the restaurant, Gabriella saw Caroline just with her first step. She recognized her from the pictures of the interview, but also because her face lightened up when she saw her father. "Peter," the woman said taking a tentatively step towards them.

Peter kissed her cheek affectionately and she blushed; Gabriella smiled inwardly at how cute they were. "Caroline, this is my daughter Gabriella. Sweetie, this is Caroline," Peter introduced both women who locked their eyes.

Gabriella saw warmness in Caroline's eyes, and she guessed right there and then that the woman she had in front of her really cared for her father. She didn't know why, but she knew at that moment that there was something special between them…something very special, and this same warmness she noticed in Susan's eyes invaded her chest. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you; my dad has talked about you and I couldn't wait to finally meet the real Caroline…"

Gabriella giggled and soon the woman was giggling with her. "No Gabriella, the pleasure is all mine. You're even prettier than what your father has told me…and I swear the pic of you he has inside his wallet doesn't do any justice…"

"Dad!" Gabriella whined. "Which picture do you have in your wallet? I hope it's not that one from the fair…" She muttered remembering how blurred and weird the pictures of that day were.

"I'm sorry sweetie," Peter sighed. "But I think you look cute…and…"

"Cute?" Gabriella rolled her eyes. "If I recall correctly, Troy thought it would be funny for him to throw ice cream at me…and my face is pink from the strawberry!"

"Oh please, you look too cute…" Peter said reaching for his wallet. "Look…"

"Oh no," Gabriella said. "We're not looking at that horrible picture. You need new pics dad…seriously, this is embarrassing…" She muttered.

"I still think you look gorgeous in those pictures…" He muttered clearly confused by Gabriella's antics.

"Men," Caroline rolled her eyes, placing a friendly arm around Gabriella's shoulders. "We need to work a lot with him Gabi…can I call you Gabi, by the way?"

"Of course," Gabriella nodded. "And yeah, you're right…it's like we're from different planets…gosh, sometimes it's like we even speak a different language…"

Peter stood there dumbfounded, looking at his daughter and his girlfriend talking about him as if he wasn't there; they seemed to know each other all their life instead of a minute. Peter saw their connection the same way the two women felt it and the threesome couldn't be happier.

The dinner went smoothly; they talked about anything and everything, Caroline and Gabriella interacting a lot, almost forgotten about Peter. They talked about music, clothes…everything that came to their minds; and what they liked the most, was that everything had been so natural, so normal, that they didn't have any awkward moment…it went perfect; absolutely perfect.

Since that dinner, it wasn't weird for Caroline to be at the Montez's household; she even spent some nights there, but Gabriella didn't care. Caroline was a great woman; she didn't want to be her mother but a woman who could understand her and a woman Gabriella could go to if she needed her, and soon Gabriella used that "will", because one day, when she received a letter from Troy, maybe it was because she was more emotional, she didn't know, but she cried and cried and when Caroline found her, Gabriella explained to her everything.

Caroline was a huge help; she gave him a different point of view, the one from someone who was totally out of their circle and their past, and soon she realized that Caroline was right: she was hurting because she was still holding onto Troy. Of course it was right for her to miss him, and probably she wouldn't stop to do so, but she needed to try and let him go; she needed to try and find her own happiness, and Caroline offered her help, distracting her, offering her to do girlie things so she could fill her mind of something more than Troy…and it worked.

The result of everything was that Caroline and Gabriella were close; they teased Peter together, with Diandra, Taylor, Meredith (Taylor's mother) and sometimes Susan they would go and spend the day at the spa, gossiping about men or simply forbidding to talk about men, so they could talk about whatever thing the men didn't want for them to. Those days were the funniest thing, and Gabriella always had a huge smile on her face when she arrived at home.

"Come on, you two," Peter shouted at his two women. "I'm starving and that thing won't work; we need to call and ask for a pizza or something…"

Gabriella rolled her eyes and elbowed Caroline. "I bet whatever you want I'm able to light the barbeque up…"

"You're in," Peter said confidently. "If you do that, I'll pay for this special weekend you and Taylor want to spend in Disneyland."

"Do you promise you'll pay for the whole weekend?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. "Planes, hotel, passes, shows and souvenirs without a tantrum?"

Gabriella narrowed her eyes; she and Taylor found a special offer to go to Disneyland and when they read the ad on the newspaper they craved to go there all of a sudden. Of course their parents told them they wouldn't be the ones paying, and so both girls were saving their money, doing little jobs, babysitting, tutoring…whatever they needed…so this deal Peter was offering was the most tempting thing for Gabriella at the moment.

"I promise," he said confidently. "Now come on…" He dared her signalling to the barbeque.

Gabriella turned her head and winked at Caroline, who exploded in giggles. "You are so going to lose darling!" She teased Peter who looked all offended.

"I'm not," he said stubbornly looking at her.

"I don't think so," Caroline gasped for air, holding her stomach that hurt from the laughing. "Looks like you've already lost!"

Peter turned around and gasped in shock; Gabriella was beside the barbeque pointing at the flames excitedly. "I'm going to Disneyland, I'm going to Disneyland!"

Caroline gave Gabriella a high five and soon both women were laughing at Peter's dumbfounded expression. "Women…"

"What was that?" Caroline asked glaring at Peter.

"Oh nothing," Peter waved his hand dismissively. "Shall we eat?"

Caroline continued glaring at him and Gabriella giggled. "Looks like you're in trouble, dad…"

"Oh shush," Peter hissed. "Don't give her ideas…"

Gabriella exploded in a fit of giggles and soon her father and her father's girlfriend joined to her, sharing the evening together, talking and laughing about everything, as a family.

Because Gabriella finally realized that, apart from her friends and Troy, she finally has a real family behind her, who had her back and supported her unconditionally.

Month #7

"Dear Troy,

How are things down there? I'm fine…well, more than fine excited! :)

I've just arrived from Disneyland with Taylor. We've had a blast! And I now, we are kinda old to enjoy those things but I swear we've had a great time. It's been like a girlie weekend but instead of manicures, pedicures and stuff, we've shared our time with Mickey, Pluto and Goofy :P

We've felt like little girls again, and though at first we were like…too embarrassed to let go our squeals, because believe me, the park is absolutely incredible, in the end we thought that we could squeal, scream and laugh all we wanted, even though some people would think we were silly. And we did, and it was amazing! :D

You know? We decided to buy Disney-shirts…mine was green and has Pluto…but its ears are like hanging outside the shirt! It's super funny! Taylor bought one in red with the elephant of Tarzan, I can't remember his name now, but its tail and its trunk are also hanging outside the shirt. Of course we also bought Minnie caps, with its red bow full of white dots and her black ears…and we went through the park dressed like that…embarrassing? Maybe, but also super funny and super worthy :D In the envelope I've added a picture we took that day… :P hilarious? Isn't it?

I'm so glad you and Freddy are getting along this way…I can't wait to meet him! tell him I say hi :) Susan and James are going down there again. The other day I met the guy; he's super in love with her, I swear it's funny to see him so whipped and Susan blushing so furiously when we tease her! James told me he brought some Lakers stuff for you…so now I can imagine you all cowboy, with your cool brown boots, your jeans and…your Lakers jersey! Hahaha! I'm sure a pair of black boots with sparkles would have been more discrete than your current outfit… :D

How went your exams? Mine good; I think I've passed everything…though Morron did a super difficult exam. I swear this man lives to put a D in our exams… : but well, we'll see our marks next week. I hope your exams went good and that your marks will be good too :)

I have to go now; Caroline wants to go and buy a nice dress because dad is taking her to the Annual Gala of his company for the very first time. They are sooooo cute together… ;)

Hope to hear from you soon!

Love, Gabriella xxxxx"


Troy searched for the picture inside of the envelope and when he saw it he exploded in laughter. Gabriella and Taylor looked ridiculous somehow, but the smile adorning their faces was a proof that they were goofying around and having a great time together.

Something took his attention though; something bright in Gabriella's finger…and his heart melt. She still was wearing his kuippo ring…the same way he adored the kuippo collage she'd done for him.

"What's with the laugh?" Freddy asked from the doorframe of the kitchen.

"Gabriella," Troy panted between chuckles. "Look at this picture, Freddy…"

The old man grabbed the picture and laughed with Troy. "Gabriella is the one with the green shirt, right?"

"Yeah," Troy nodded grabbing the picture Freddy was handing him.

"The girl knows how to have fun, that's sure…" Freddy said softly knowing Gabriella was a soft topic for Troy. The boy nodded and Freddy sensed he needed distraction. "Let's go ride, come on…"

"Of course!" Troy exclaimed. "Let me put the letter with the others…"

"I'll wait for you here, then." The old man smiled watching Troy climbing up the stairs almost running, still with a smile on his face.

Freddy knew Troy a little more; they had connected, and Troy had explained to him some of the ghosts that haunted him. They'd talked a lot, and Freddy was sure Susan's idea of sending Troy down to Texas had been the best decision.

Troy seemed freer now; his eyes didn't hold the thunderstorm he'd seen at the beginning, and his smile was sincere. It was something incredible to see Troy's face light up whenever Gabriella's name was mentioned, but that didn't contain misery and sorrow anymore. It was as if Troy was only keeping in his memory the good times they'd spent together; the bitterness of the separation wasn't there anymore. Troy explained to him that their love was so deep it couldn't be erased ever, but that he'd learned to survive without her.

Gabriella was the most important person in Troy's life, but not in a desperate way but in a "normal" way. They were best friends again and who knew what the future was holding for them? At the moment they were keeping in touch, updating their lives and opening their hearts to new people…new people who was there for them, new people who'd taught them that both had something inside worth it for the rest of the world to know.

Even talking about his family, Troy seemed more at ease with his past. Of course it still hurt him, but it was different. Now guilty was not the feeling Troy felt; he felt bad and sad because they weren't there, but he could speak about them normally, remembering the good times, sharing anecdotes with him…

Yeah, definitely, Troy was closer to his recovering than ever.

Month #9

"Dear Pluto,

I've passed all my exams! Susan called me the other day and it seems Morron loves me because he's marked my exam with an A+! :D I would tell you good luck but I know for a fact you don't need it because I'm sure all your marks are like this only one mine so…there ;)

I have great news! Freddy has asked me to take care of some kids and I have to teach them how you ride a horse. It's pretty funny to see them…I have a blast! Though some kids are too little and so we make them practice with ponies instead :P but I'm enjoying this so much…to be able to explain to them some tricks, give them advice, teach them how you have to hold the reins…I don't know, it's like I'm useful, you know? The feeling is great :)

Roger and I went to the Fair the other day, and your picture encouraged us to be more…careless about the others' opinions…so we ended buying two cowboys hats and fake guns! We look ridiculous and people stared at us, but we felt like Walker, I swear! You should have seen us, our jeans, our boots, our fringed

vests, our sunglasses (the only thing that seems to come out of this world) and our hats :P Freddy called us all the bad names he knows but…we couldn't care less; we were having our own little party and it was more than funny, so it was worthy! There is a pic in the envelope; be careful with who sees it but…we look cool or what? :D

I can't wait to meet Caroline…she seems to be perfect for your father ;)

Love, Troy xxxxxxxx"


Gabriella looked at the picture and laughed; Troy seemed to be a ranger, a goofy and silly ranger but a ranger nonetheless. This Roger guy seemed to be a fun guy, and she was glad Troy had a great friend there. The way he talked about Roger told her he respected him and that he'd let himself to be his true self around him, and she was more than glad that he'd let someone in. Well, in fact, it seemed that both Freddy and Roger had a soft spot in Troy's heart, and they seemed to be so close, though in two different levels.

Plus, the way he talked about Freddy…was something refreshing. She didn't know what it was, but this old man seemed to have bring out from Troy the best of him: maybe it was because, like Troy said, he seemed a mixture of Mark and Jack, she didn't know, but Troy seemed to be more at ease now, more in peace, and she was sure as hell this Freddy man was the reason.

Her phone beeped then and she answered. "Hello?"

"Gabriella!" Taylor panicked voice sounded from the other line.

"Tay?" Gabriella asked confused. "Are you okay?"

"NO!" Taylor screamed.

Gabriella widened her eyes. "What happens?"

"I'm in a serious need of a new outfit Gabi;" Gabriella heard Taylor's sigh. "Chad is taking me to the fanciest restaurant of Alburquerque because you know tomorrow is our anniversary, and I don't have anything to wear. The gold dress, you know which one I mean, right?" Gabriella hummed and Taylor continued. "Well, it was perfect but the zip is broken and this is the only one appropriated dress…"

Gabriella smiled sweetly. "How about a quick trip to the mall? I could go out of the house for a while. My dad and Caroline are I don't know where because they needed to buy a new sofa or something like that, and I'm kinda bored now…"

"Would you come with me?" Taylor's voice sounded relieved.

"Of course," Gabriella said already standing up from the bed. "I'll pick you up in 10, okay?"

"Oh god, thank you Gabi," Taylor smiled for the very first time. "I didn't know what to do…"

"Well don't worry now," Gabriella giggled. "We'll find the perfect dress and Chad won't know what has hit him…" Both girls giggled and then Gabriella continued. "I'll see you in a few, okay?"

"Ok, bye!" Taylor hung up the phone and Gabriella shook her head. Trust those two to amuse her no end.

Writing a quick note in case Peter and Caroline returned sooner than her, Gabriella grabbed her phone, her bag and her keys, stopping a moment to look at the picture on her nightstand smiling; she was missing Troy, but she didn't need him anymore. Of course she still loved him, but this love wasn't desperate now; she could live without him, she'd been able to look at things with perspective, realizing that she had a lot of things to be thankful for. If Troy was in her future as something more than a friend, she'd welcome him with her arms wildly opened, but if not, if their fate was to remain best friends, she was okay with that…because those letters they wrote each other showed her that they would be in each other's life for good, supporting the other and being a friend.

Month #11

"Dear Walker,

I can't believe you've participated in a rodeo!!! I couldn't believe it when I read your letter, but I'm glad you're okay…and that you haven't liked it so much so you need to participate anytime soon. How's your butt by the way? :D

Things here have been crazy. Chad and Taylor had a huge fight and I've been trapped in the middle. Everything is okay now…but because I locked them in a closet. Can't you believe how stubborn both are? They didn't want to talk about their problems and so the "problem" became bigger and bigger until neither of talk with each other! I could have strangled them…so I decided to…do something about it… ;)

I locked them in my closet and they had no other option but talk. They are good now but…gosh, the fight was something over so stupid…neither of them want to tell me what it was about, but from what I heard while they were inside of my closet talking, it seems Chad told her that she needed to go to the hairdresser or something…and she had just come from there! This boy won't learn…ever…how a feminine minds works… :D

I have to go now; we've decided to go to Colorado, the three families plus Susan and James. It seems there is a lot of snow, and we've thought it would be a good escapade before Christmas. I'll send you photos :)

Love, Gabriella xxxxxx"


Troy smiled while folding Gabriella's letter. Trust her to be the peacemaker; he loved the fact that she was able to help their friends with their relationship's problems, because it showed him that she was able to be happy for their friends' happiness…instead of being all bitter about it because she didn't have a man in her life.

Neither Troy nor Gabriella had been with anyone all this time; it wasn't that they had their doors closed to love but the fact that they wanted to be okay with themselves before they put theirselves in another relationship. Their relationship had taken a lot from them, and the point of their separation was to recover, to be able to be happy, to deal with both pasts…and if a new person arrived, then she or he would be welcomed, but going slowly and thinking things twice. Neither of them wanted to rush things; they were more than fine being singles, enjoying their time with their friends, remembering their good times together, meeting new people…and that was the main goal.

A goal both seemed to have accomplished.

Month #13

"Dear Pluto,

How are you? I'm fine; still with Frederic, helping him with the farm and stuff. You know? I thought I wouldn't have been able to live in a ranch in the middle of nowhere but I'm loving this kind of wild life. When I graduated in June, Freddy organized a party here in the ranch with all the staff and we had a wonderful time together: we danced, we laughed…I even cooked the meat in the barbeque! :D

I don't know, this life…is different; the pure air of the mountains is like a vacuum cleaner of ghosts, the contact with animals is…magic, to be able to go to the mountains to think is…I don't have words, really. I'm thinking that maybe my place in this world is here; maybe I should move my permanent residence here…I'm still thinking about it. Freddy has told me that he would be pleased if I was the one continuing with his work here…and he's offered me to be his heir. It's weird, because we've known each other for 13 months but, at the same time, is like we've known each other forever.

Susan told me about the wedding; believe me, I'd love to be there with you, but I can't. I'm not ready yet, and I don't want to mess up anything. We both are happy now, but I'm not sure if to see each other would be something good or bad…and in front of the doubt, is better if we continue like until now. I know a wedding day is something huge, but it has to be a happy day, and I don't know if I being there would help you to be happy or not. I want pictures though…so I hope you'll send me some! :)

Well, I have to go now; I have a riding lesson to do! The kids are incredible…and they say I'm the best teacher they've had ever!! It seems I'm the coolest guy down here… ;)

I wish you all the best!

Love, Troy xxxxxxxx"


Even though she'd read this same letter uncountable times, even though she already knew the letter by heart, with its every word, every coma, every point, it still hurt her. Her eyes created tears each time she read it though she didn't want them to; in fact, some of the words were blurred because of the drops fallen over them, but still Gabriella couldn't help but read it over and over again.

She received this last letter from Troy one week ago and since then all her tries to contact with him had been unsuccessful. They agreed they wouldn't call each other when they separated; both had behaved and the phone hadn't been used, but they'd sent letters to each other. Of course never talking about anything personal or about their feelings, but still they'd served for them to keep their friendship untouched.

"Gabi," Caroline knocked softly and opened the door. "We have to go now; how come you're not ready?"

"Troy is not coming," Gabriella muttered wiping the tears that were falling down her cheeks furiously.

"Oh sweetie," Caroline went to sit beside Gabriella. "You know he would love to be here with you, but he's not ready yet. You have to be patient…"

"But from his letters it seems he's already ready," Gabriella muttered. "How harm could do for him to come to the wedding? I'll be in the altar, where everyone can see me…and I hate the attention. With him there with me things wouldn't be so fucked up…"

Caroline hugged the girl and Gabriella sobbed into her neck. "Gabriella listen to me," the woman said pulling away. "The whole point was for you two to be able to be happy without each other, to be able to be happy by yourselves…and you've reached this goal but maybe Troy still needs to work more in it. You can't be selfish now…not after everything you two have gone through…"

"I know but…" Gabriella sighed. "I'm being silly, I know that…but I can't help but want him there with me…"

"I understand sweetie," Caroline kissed her forehead and wiped the tears that were falling from her eyes. "But if he says he's not ready is better this way; neither of you can't force the other…because if you do, if you force a meeting when you're not ready, things would turn out badly for one of you. Think about it this way: this is the major test for you. To be at the altar, where everyone can see you, without him, will be like a test, because you can prove yourself that you can do that, that you are confident enough only by yourself…"

Gabriella thought about it and looked at the woman she was starting to see like a mother. "Can you help me with my dress?" She asked in a petite voice.

Caroline giggled and hugged Gabriella's body tightly. "Of course! I'll do your hair and make up too. Now hurry up and take a shower. I'll wait for you here with everything ready."


Arriving at the church, Peter and Caroline went to sit with Taylor and Chad's parents. Taylor and Chad were in the bench behind them, and soon the 8 people talked animatedly about the event that was about to take place in front of them.

"Susan," Gabriella entered in the room where Susan was getting ready.

"Gabi!" The woman hugged her. "You look gorgeous! I knew this red colour will look wonderful on you…"

The girl giggled. "I still can't believe you decided for me to be the maid of honour of your wedding…"

"Why not?" Susan smiled sweetly. "You are like my little sister…the little sister I've never had, so it just made sense…and seeing how beautiful you look in red, I know I was right!"

"Which colours are wearing the bridesmaids?" Gabriella asked grabbing the veil from the chair and signalling to Susan to sit, so she could put it on her.

"Light blue," Susan said applying some lip gloss and avoiding to look Gabriella into her eyes, though the girl was so focused in the veil that didn't realize about it.

"Red and light blue?" Gabriella asked confused. "It's a weird mixture, don't you think?"

"I talked about it with James, of course," Susan explained. "And he told me he was so agree…we decided it didn't matter what the others thought about it because we were the ones who were getting married…"

"Oh okay," Gabriella smiled. "There, perfect! And seriously, you look absolutely incredible!"

"Thank you," Susan smiled and a sudden knock on the door made both women to turn around.

Susan gasped when she saw the man entering in the room. "Grandfy!"

"Oh my baby," Freddy exclaimed opening his big arms for Susan to step in. "Don't you look gorgeous!"

"How was your flight?" Susan smiled wildly. "I thought you couldn't come…"

"James called me," Freddy chuckled. "And told me you needed me here so I arranged everything so the farm was in good hands…and well, here I am."

"Oh grandfy," Susan said grabbing his arm. "I want you to meet the maid of honour…"

Freddy looked closely at Gabriella and soon he understood Troy's love for the girl; she was beautiful, but also…she had something in her face, something magical, a special aura that invited you to go and hug her…and that was what he did, shocking Gabriella no end who, hesitantly, returned the hug.

"Gabriella," Susan said smiling at her. "This is my grandfather Frederic. Grandfy, this is Gabriella."


Grandfather Frederic.

Frederic as in Freddy, the man who had helped Troy.

Unconsciously, Gabriella hugged the man tightly who, startled, returned the hug. "Thank you for taking care of Troy…" She whispered in his ear making the man smile.

Freddy pulled away and kept one arm around her shoulders. "So you're the Brie I've heard about so much…"

Gabriella froze when she heard that nickname; it was Mark's nickname for her and she promised Troy that no one would use it ever. "I'm sorry but…it's Gabriella…or Gabi…Troy…his brother…"

"But Troy is the one who wants for you to accept this nickname from Freddy." A husky voice came from behind her, freezing Gabriella's body.

Susan and Freddy embraced and looked at Gabriella smiling softly, who was still in the same spot, with her eyes widened in surprise, a lot of tears shining in her eyes, her mouth covered by her hands, muffling a gasp.

"Gabi?" Troy asked walking tentatively towards the girl. "Are you okay?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

That was all it took for Gabriella to turn around and threw herself at Troy's awaiting arms, which encircled her waist tightly, feeling both teens at home again. Gabriella sobbed in the crock of his neck, and he rubbed her back softly, peppering kisses in each inch of skin his lips could reach and whispering soothing words into her ears.

"How? What? When?" Gabriella stuttered from her position in his neck.

"It was a surprise," Troy explained. "A wedding is not a wedding if the best man is not there, isn't it?"

Gabriella giggled and pulled away. "But your letter…"

"All was a lie; I needed to make you believe I wasn't coming so this was a surprise…" Troy smiled wiping her tears. "Thanks for the red dress Susan…" He smirked looking at woman he'd learned to love as if she was his big sister.

Gabriella gasped and turned to look at the woman who was giggling happily in her grandfather's arms. "Troy told you about the red dress?"

"He suggested it," Susan wiped a few tears that were falling from her eyes and Freddy squeezed her shoulders. "And I can see why because you look really gorgeous…"

Gabriella blushed and buried her face in Troy's chest, who chuckled freely and happily at her antics.

"You have 15 minutes to catch up," Freddy explained. "We'll be in the other room…"

"Thanks Freddy," Troy smiled sincerely at the man he loved as if he was his own grandfather, pulling Gabriella's body into his arms again.

When the couple was alone, Gabriella pulled away from his chest to look at him; he looked different, but in a good way. He seemed older now; his hair was longer and fell over his blue eyes, his jaw was more defined and his torso and arms were stronger. His eyes were light blue; no torment, no sorrow, no pain, no sadness…only happiness.

Troy, on the other side, was admiring Gabriella. Time only had made her look even more beautiful; her big brown eyes were shining in pure happiness, and her body was still pure perfection. "Hey…" He whispered.

"Hey you," she whispered looking from his eyes to his lips.

Both needed the contact, but neither of them dared to make the first move. However, the love they felt for each other overcame them and both leaned to join their lips, moaning at the first contact when they could feel the fireworks exploding in their bodies, enjoying the feeling of each other's taste, body and scent close again.

The kiss lasted only a few seconds but it was more than enough for the time being; their feelings were still there, it had been obvious for the both of them with the kiss, but what neither of them expected happened. The feelings were deeper, were more intense, were healthier, were…perfect.

"I love you," Gabriella whispered hugging him tightly.

Troy closed his eyes letting his own tears fall freely and tightened his arms around her; he couldn't believe how incredibly he felt after hearing this words from Gabriella again, the woman he loved more than life itself, the love of his life. "I love you too, so so much…"


And both realized that life could throw at them all the crap it wanted because they would be together facing everything; they'd always loved each other, but they'd learned to live without each other now. They were happy with themselves now; with their pasts and their stories. They had made amends with who they were…and now they were, finally, ready to be happy with each other.

Gabriella now had a family behind her; she'd forgiven her mother long time ago, and she realized that the lost was for the woman who gave her birth, not her, because Gabriella was surrounded by people who loved her, who had her back. And she knew she was worth it; she knew her love and her persona were worth it to love, to respect, to trust.

And she loved, trusted and respected herself now. Troy's strong love showed her that she could be loved…and she worked on herself from the inside; it'd been hard, but she'd realized that everyone had good and bad things…and she was like everyone. What was important was to be aware that you have bad things you have to work with…that you have to try to be a better person…never forgetting that you also have good things that make you a good person. She'd learned that it was okay to lean on another people; to talk about problems instead of bottle them inside, to not close yourself at anything, to have an open mind, to not be afraid to let new people in all the way…because you have more to win that to lose.

Gabriella had learned that each new person in your life could give you great advices, company, great times; that each new person in your life could show you new things…the same way you could do all of that for them…and for that to happen, you had to welcome them.

Troy's walls didn't exist anymore; he had learned that love was beautiful…if you let your heart feel it. He still missed his family, but he'd learned that they wanted for him to be happy…he'd learned that they had given him a new chance to start again, and he took that chance.

Now that he'd forgiven himself and his family, now that he was free from ghosts and demons, he could be happy with another person. Gabriella. Because the love she showed him, the love she felt for him, was the thing that threw the first punch towards his walls…beginning the breaking he'd ended only trusting in himself.