A/N: Ok, I know I seriously need to go and kill myself for that.

Cause this is the third unfinished story that I start.

But what can I do? I have so many ideas…

Now this story is crazier than the others

It is strange and the Rose you are about to meet in nothing like the ones you knew

Mature themes implied only



Chapter 1 : A Heartless

I am what you might possibly call a Heartless.

You know this creatures that roam around the wizarding world alone , enjoying other people's pain. That's me.

And if you think you know what heartless means just because you have cheated on your girl-boyfriends once or twice or because you send no money to the poor this year then you are terribly mistaken and I'm probably equally mistaken for wasting my time talking to you.

Cause those lame examples of heartlessness are not even close to what I call heartless. And if you wonder how do I know I am heartless I will tell you immediately.

I have no idea for how long I've been that way but the first time I really realized and of course accepted it was when I heard my former-friend Ethie crying her eyes off in the bed next to me and decided I was not planning on consoling her any time soon.

Since then I took drastic action about the fact. I was no longer going to put up with the niceness of people who had dedicated their lives in being stupidly and conveniently good-natured.

I ditched my friends and family and I turned my attention elsewhere. There must be some heartless people in Hogwarts, or some that are easily converted, I had thought. And I was of course correct. There were lots.

Some of them eager like myself to face their nature, others not equally so.

All in all I became friends, or actually not friends. 'Friend' is a word used for those you care about, those that you like hanging out with. The people I spent my time with are not my friends. They are my partners. People I share the same ideas with and people conveniently close to my way of living.

And seeing as I've already begun talking about partners and ways of life I believe it is about time to make introductions.

My name is Rose Weasley and I am a heartless. I normally spend my mornings studying like a good girl that I am and acting like I care for school and stuff. But my nights I spend completely different.

My partners are Riel and Rett McLggen (which stands for Gabriel and Garrett) and who are lucky enough to be finishing with their so-called education this year. They are also lucky enough to be Slytherins and live in the dungeons where heartlessness goes almost unnoticed.

From time to time I speak to Mad too (Maddox Crabb) who is Slytherin too and kinda heartless too. Just not reaching our standards.

So my nights are like the alter-ego of my days. If while the sun shines I am logic and contained sometimes even close to good, when the moon goes out I am free.

I get to sneak out to Hogsmeade and get wasted with the Riel and Rett and I get to 'uphold' objects from the shops in the village and prank people's heads off.

Not literally of course. I mean, agreed, I am heartless, meaning I would never care if someone was in trouble, but committing murder is way too foolish for me. I would probably end up in Azkaban any way and that would be just a waste of my life and talent. So no. Not willing to do prison thank you very much.

And then we have boys. Now them I am very willing to do. Once upon a time I was a giggly timid little girl that spoke only when spoken to and expected the prince.

Not anymore.

Now I flirt with anyone I want, I snog anyone I want and I most certainly sleep with anyone I want. And if prince charming thinks he can handle me then let him come.

"So Wes are you up for an orgy in 'Flash' tonight?" This is Rett.

"Is there gonna be enough rum and firewhiskie?" I ask him and Coach Hooch glares our way. I would just tell her to go and –… but my parents are not really aware I possess this kind of vocabulary and my life would become increasingly miserable if they found out.

"Is that all you ask for?" The Slytherin whispered from next to me.

"And boys to shag." I add thoughtfully.

"I'm always here, Wes." Rett again.

"Yes, but only when I'm desperate." I point out. And I am never desperate.

"I see. So I'll pick you up from the Fat Lady at twelve." He continues and smirks. He knows how it pisses me when he just reminds me he is a Slytherin and I am a bloody Gryffindor.

"I would say 'fuck you' but you do so anyway." I shove him in the arm and go to play some Quidditch with my team. Which I hate. But it is a good cover for my late-night activities so…

"Hey cousin, what's up? Haven't talked to you for some time." Luckily. Cause this is my cousin James. Totally mental, a prankster alright but playing it nice and all. Sucks.

"She was out again yesterday." Lily. My other cousin. Now her I hate. She is a nosey little know-it-all who messes up with my life and one day she's gonna pay for it.

"Leave me alone." I mutter darkly.

"Where have you been?" Asks James again. Like the awful person that he is.

"In the kitchens drinking pumpkin juice." I say sarcastically and he snorts. But who gives a shit?

"She was not even close to the kitchens yesterday. Were you…Wes?" A voice from over my head speaks . Malfoy. I narrow my eyes immediately.

Remember when I said I was no killer? Well, for his eyes I would certainly become one.

He is the son of Draco Malfoy, once-follower of the biggest Heartless of them all, Voldy. And it is true, Voldy was a rotten man, but some parts of his heartless existence, the non-mental , non-killing parts, were interesting.

Yet this bastard is determined to sabotage every one of my moves. He's sorta good in a smug kind of way and he thinks he owns the place. Plus he is lucky enough to be a Slytherin and still he plays justly. He's the poor, noble son of a traitor. Pathetic.

Trying hard to deny his evil nature and be good.

Second in my class , after me, prefect, Captain of the Slytherins and a real Casanova . And you know the worst part? Always going by the book. No cheating , no lying , no cries for help. He snogs girls and then leaves them begging for more. And you know what? They never hate him.

So, as I said, pathetic.

"Shut your bloody mouth Malfoy." I shout up in the skies where he is located at the moment. If only I could push him off his broom…

I kick the grass and find myself over a hoop in no time. I make some turns in the air, some dives and some climbs and soon I am ready for the game. I love the game.

Mainly because like the Beater that I am I get to kick everybody's arse and get away with it. The only deal is my fellow Beater who is the same Lily that I absolutely despise.

Needless to say that I have attacked her with a bludger more than once. Her and almost everyone in my team. How I hate Gryffindors!


Half-past twelve. Trust a McLaggen to come on time. Days like this I'm considering changing partners. Those are too stupid. But as I said , no matter how many heartless people there are in here there are only a few who accept themselves as they are.

"Sorry , Wes. We almost got caught by Filch." Does it look like I care?

"Save it Riel. Let's go." They nod and we head to the kitchens. Did you know that kitchens are the only place in Hogwarts that one is able to Apparate in and out?

We found out last year. Awesome isn't it?

Anyway all three of us Apparate right inside 'Flash'. There the music is way too loud. Like I enjoy it. Smoke is all over the place and people are dancing like crazy. People mostly older than ourselves. But who cares as I have said before.

"A round of firewhiskies." I scream at the ugly barman who recognizes me and seems just a little alarmed. Ok, so I have caused mess in the place the last time I came in.

Actually I was making out with a new lad I met just that night and I was drunk enough to miss the fact that an old friend of mines, Dev was watching.

Now , about Dev I am not proud. Cause as I said before, heartless in one thing and reckless in another.

So it was last year when I met Devon Cart in this precise spot. He was then just out of Durmstrang and very impatient to celebrate it. And I was out of my pretending to be nice cocoon and equally impatient. So we talked a bit and drank like nuts and danced. After that all I can remember was that I woke up at his place the next morning just too glad it was Saturday and noone was going to notice my absence.

We met with him some more times, getting drunk and shagging till I got bored of it. So I ditched him royally and went on to the next guy. Only he didn't take it too well.

He called me names, which by the way I totally deserved and slapped me.

I didn't protest. As I said, I deserved it and it's not like he hit me or something.

The next time I saw him was here while I was snogging a guy's face off. The guy's name I cannot even recall. So Dev came over and made a real fuss about it. He slapped me again and bit the poor guy to death. But this time I didn't deserve it. So I Sectumsempra-ed him and had him flying over some tables.

As a result I am not wanted in here. But I think I'll live.

"Cheers." I raise my glass and drink its content at once. It makes my insides hotter and a smile comes up my face.

"I'm off." I shout at my two partners whilst drinking my second and third shot.

I spot a group of guys on my left and move fast towards them.

"Not so fast." I feel someone tall and strong catching my waist and pulling me back. Now there are two possibilities. A) He's a rapist and plans on taking advantage of me. In which case he'll soon be dead cause my wand is in my right pocket.

B) He's an I-want-it-I-take-it kinda guy . In which case the dance floor is over there and let's hope his place is somewhere nearby.

"Let me go or I'll loose the object of tonight's fun." I whisper to him playfully and he turns over so that I can see him.

Disappointment. He's wearing a mask. But then again so am I. What? Don't tell me you thought I was partying away my parents' money and I would let them know? Ridiculous.

"If I let you go then I'll loose the object of my fun." He is good that guy. I already like him. Seems heartless enough. He won't cause me any problems with love too.

"And we don't want such a thing do we?" I ask suggestively.

"Surely not." He replies and a smirk escapes his mouth. Truth be told I never liked smirks. They are the signature of Malfoy and they always remind me of him so …Kinda ruins it for me.

"You know what? I know you for less that a minute and I already found what I hate about you." I grin. This is gonna be a joy!

"I guess it is a record for you then? Less than a minute." Nice comeback. I have to give him that. He's got wits.

"Really is."

"And what may that be? The thing you hate about me I mean." I try to hold back a laugh. He fell to the trap.

"Your smirk. Brings up bad memories." He seems amazed. Why so?

"Usually my smirk gets great comments." He says.

"Sorry." I mouth and grab his hand.

"You'll just have to make up for it with a dance." He nods. Like he has a choice.

I tie my hands around his neck and come as close to him as possible. He seems just a bit taken aback by my eagerness for a moment but plays along. He looks like a good dancer. I move slowly going with the music and sometime later I hear his voice penetrating my thoughts and dizziness.

"So am I making up for it?" He breathes into my neck.

"I think so." I call back at him.

"So how old are you?" He asks suddenly and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Old enough." I shoot back.

"Which means you're still a teen." He mouths matter-of-factly. Great. Now he's gonna say something stupid like …

"If only your parents knew." Exactly!

"Bu they don't." I point out acidly.

"Luckily for me." He adds. Nice.

"And how old you might be." I ask.

"As old as you want me to be." I suppress a laugh.

"You're not much older yourself then." The jerk. Wanted to scare me.

"Obviously." He admits.

"Aren't you afraid I might leave you and search for someone more mature?" He thinks he is cool? Well, think again.

"Not really." Hmm.

"How so?" I wonder…

"Choose maturity over talent? You look smarter than that." Interesting, very interesting.

"I might be." He really knows what he talks about. As soon as he gets relaxed on the floor he turns me around so that my hair is on his face and presses his hands on my waist.

"You are a good dancer." The masked guy whispers in my ear.

"I know." I shrug.

"So what is it that you hate so much about my smirk?" Should I tell him?

"There's this guy, Malfoy, who smirks just like you. I hate that guy." I don't think I let go much about my identity did I?

He seems uneasy again. Oh, Merlin, what is his deal?

"How so?" He risks a question.

"Do you really want me to talk about another guy now?" I give him half an eye.

"I guess not." Oh, this is crap. We have been talking for half an hour now. I need action.

I release myself from his grip and look up at his masked face. He must be cute. He is really fit and tall. Now his face and hair I cannot see. His mask extends backwards to cover his hair which must be rather short since I can see no sign of it.

I stop dancing and scan him with my gaze. He's probably a catch. Had I been any other girl I would be thinking seriously about him. Handsome, witty, courageous enough. But I am no other girl. I am Rose and I will certainly ban thoughts like that from my heartless side.

"You know you seem like you need something." I put a finger in my chin pretending to think.

"I do?" I can't tell if he is playing or if he is honestly shocked.

"Yes. You look too smug. Too sure of yourself." Still thoughtful.

"Oh! I know." I say and before he can react I press my lips on his. He does not respond at first. Then he brushes my lips with his tongue. He seems too hesitant though. Like he is doing something wrong. But I won't let that affect me.

I deepen the kiss and he holds me tighter. Like he's afraid I'm a lie. A dream.

Ok, I am imagining things. That is for sure. Guys in this bar do not have second thoughts. Men in this place do not dream. That's why I like it so much in here. No expectations.

I break the kiss just the moment I know it is getting better. Always leave them wanting more.

I give him a strange look. He is notably surprised. No smugness left. Hurray!

"Better." I comment. He doesn't smile. Now, I know for a thing that I kiss nicely. Why is he troubled?

"Do you always attack guys like that?" He asks after a small pause. What does he want now? To make me question myself? Not happening.

"Absolutely. And they usually like it." I say suggestively.

"Well, I don't." Ok, so… fine. I'm off. I don't spare him a second look. I swift in the spot and leave. I'm not wasting my time with this sis.

"So guys!" I exclaim as I reach my first targets of the night, the group of boys. They seem significantly gladder to see me. Get that masked guy!

"Want to dance cutie?" A black-haired dude at about twenty suggests.

"If you promise not to call me cutie ever again." I say and raise a hand to his hair and tangle it in them. He responds to my touch and approaches. Closer and closer.

"You know what? I promise to call you anyway you want as long as we skip the dancing part." He whispers.

"It's a deal." I agree and before my sentence is over he is kissing me. Tongue and all. A different kiss than the previous. More passionate and yet less interesting. True the masked man was more interesting but a damn jerk too.

I respond to the black haired guy and soon we end up in a corner snogging. He's touching me all over and I shiver. He's not that bad. But when I open my eyes for a split second I recognize the masked man staring at us from the bar. I pay him no attention.

Let him watch.

Let him see what he lost.

Let him regret.

A/N: So Rose is a bitch… True

But things are gonna get better …

I promise!

So review people!!

I am such an addict.

I cannot live without reviews

So do not hesitate

Love ya all
