I do not own any of the WWE wrestlers within this story... as much as i wish i did. all other characters are mine.
Vince McMahon was sat talking with his most influential superstars; Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and John Bradshaw Layfield. He had called the informal meeting that
morning when he got the results of the latest round of drug tests.
" what am I supposed to do whan half of my cruiserweights are on steroids?"
"Pull the attention away from them. Concentrate on everyone else." Paul (Triple H) said evenly.
"Build the tag teams, and train the Divas to actually wrestle!" Mark (taker) Callaway muttered.
A loud knock sounded at Vince's office door and all of the guys stopped and looked at the door as it opened.
IN walked a woman that scared most of them, she was 5'7", curvy with big breasts and she had pure blue eyes. She was also covered from what they could see in tattoos. Dressed in a
black bra and jeans they could see that all of her torso was covered in black and grey ink. Cat wasn't intimidated at all walking into Vince's office half naked when he was in a meeting.
"Vince you have a problem!" A strong Texan accent came out of the woman's mouth and both Mark and Glenn (Kane) couldn't take their eyes off of her.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't work with someone who can't keep their hands off me and doesn't appreciate my tattoos."
"Well I'm sorry Cat but there is no one else who is free and I happen to think you make a great team."
"Who are you with?" Paul Asked and Cat looked at him.
"Lance Fucking Cade!"
"Cat there is no one else." Vince stated again more loudly.
"Well you better find someone because I cannot work with that man. And I'd rather quit then be stuck with that asshole."
The whole time Mark and Glenn had been studying her, Glen nudged his 'brother' and smirked at him.
"What's so wrong with Lance Cade?"
Cat turned to the direction of the deep Texan accent and came face to face with her idol, the Undertaker.
"If I wanted to be groped, poked, prodded, felt-up and asked for a lap dance I would've become a stripper."
"Well Darlin' you're a diva you'd better get used to it!"
Sitting next to him Glenn found it hard not to burst into laughter when he saw the daggers reach her eyes, Mark was prodding her trying to find out what type of temper she had and who would be best suited to be a better partner for her.
"Firstly I'm not a Diva I am a wrestler. Secondly just because I am female don't mean I'm any less worthy to be here than you. I didn't sign up to be part of the tit and ass show!"
Mark could see the daggers coming at him; he'd have to get Glenn to explain it to her later.
"If you've got them why not?"
"Because you ignorant old ass I have more self respect and talent than the others combined. Just because I have curves and tattoos doesn't mean that people can tough me whenever the fuck they want!"
The others were all sat watching with immense interest, wondering why Mark was purposely maker her mad.
"I bet you don't like people touching you just cause you have tats."
"Darlin' no one touches me!"
"Well next time you walk past I'll happily slap you on the ass and see how you feel."
Glenn couldn't help himself any longer and burst into laughter earning himself a glare from Mark.. It had been quite a while sine he'd laughed and hearing this little girl tell Mark off was just the thing. Well she was only little compared to him, she was curvy as hell. He wasn't generally attracted to women with tattoo's but this woman was hot.
"Thanks Darlin' I'll hold you to that."
Cat smiled and turned back to Vince.
"Sorry but there is no one else."
She turned and headed to the door, before she could open it another deep sexy Texan accent spoke up.
"We'll take her with us!"
All eyes looked at Glenn and Mark elbowed him roughly.
"What? If anyone's equipped to deal with tattoo's its his big dead ass, plus the fans would love it. And we get to stick it to Lance Cade, asshole that he is."
"It's up to you Cat. You can have Cade and Jericho or Glenn and Mark, your choice."
They watched as she appeared to be considering her choice.
"Glenn and Mark it is." She smiled "Sorry Deadman you're stuck with me!"
"Sure we'll survive Darlin'"
At that moment the door slammed open and Sara (Mark's ex-wife) stormed in and started yelling at him. Cat could see the anger infest Mark within seconds and decided to save him.
"You're Sara yeah?" the woman's eyes turned to her and looked her up and down.
"Yeah you are?"
"Cat. You're a photographer aren't you?" She asked as she placed herself between Sara and Mark. Sara nodded gently still not taking her eyes off of the younger woman. "Would you be able to help me, I'm doing a photo shoot and the guy is hopeless. Is there anyway you'd do the shoot for me?"
Glenn was watching with amazement and knew that Mark was also.
"Ugh yeah ok. Where is it?"
"Just downstairs, come on I'll show you."
Cat dragged Sara out the door without another word leaving all the guys looking between each other.
"She saved your ass!" Glenn muttered earning himself another elbow in the ribs. "Well she did!"
"Are you sure you want her with you?" John Bradshaw Layfield asked.
"Yeah maybe she'll teach him not to be an ass." Glenn said receiving another glare.
"You don't know who she is, do you?" Paul asked everyone, they all shook their heads except Vince of course.
"That is Ventura's litlle girl."
"She sure grew up ok." Shawn muttered.