AN: This is it! Thank you again for reading, the comments and reviews! It was really fun to write. I hope you enjoy. Until next time.
Going to the chapel and we're going to get maaaaried. Going to the chapel and we're going to get maaaried.
"Bella! Snap out of it so you can go and become my sister."
"Okay Alice, geeze don't be so pushy."
That's right my day has come, I watched Alice and Rosalie get married and now it was me and I couldn't be happier. We chose a wedding in September, a little after 1 year after we started dating. News of our engagement came out the Sunday after Alice's wedding while we were at brunch. We were all just happy and then everyone started to joke when Edward was going to pop the question to me, and I blurted out that I had already asked him. It was all great from there. Family reactions were as expected, everyone was happy.
"You look really beautiful Bella; I can't believe my baby is getting married." My mom cried.
"Stop or you'll ruin you make up."
My mom flew out right after hearing of my engagement, and was elated to meet Edward, She was a little peeved about not being informed in detail of my relationship earlier, but she adored Edward.
I looked up and at myself in the mirror, holy crap I looked good, but not unlike myself. I didn't want to over do it. Edward and I decided to an outdoor wedding and so I went with a tea length cap sleeve dress in an ivory, I had on some delicate silver sandals and I wore my hair pinned back and wavy. It was almost contradictory how innocent I looked, with all my tattoos, but I really loved my dress.
"So ladies any advice?" I asked.
"Advice for the wedding night? Oh Bella if you have to ask you should not be getting married." Rose quipped.
"Ha ha, that is not what I meant, I meant advice on being married."
"Never go to bed angry." Esme answered.
"Don't get upset over socks on the floor." Alice chimmed in.
"Keep having SEX!" Only Rose.
I looked at the ladies in my life and landed on my mom, who uncharacteristically quiet.
"What mom, cat got your tongue? You are usually so ready to offer some words of wisdom" I laughed.
"Oh Bella." My mom had tears in her eyes. It was hard to look at; I didn't want to get weepy.
"Mom it's okay, we knew this day would come, or at least we hoped for it." I was trying desperately to keep the mood light, and offered a watery smile.
"Bella, I have been married twice, so I'm not sure how helpful I will be."
"Mom, that doesn't matter."
"I know I know, I guess my advice would be for you to always have fun, find some way to have fun with one another."
I kissed my mom on the cheek, she was really having a go of this.
"That is excellent advice."
I am not sure where everyone went off to, but it was just a quiet moment between me and my mom.
"I love you mom."
"I love you too Bella and I am so happy for you. Edward is a great man."
"Thank you."
I not sure how much time had passed, but Alice popped her head in and let me know it was time. I walked out of the dressing room and saw my dad.
"Oh Belly, you look beautiful"
"Thanks Daddy."
"I am proud of you Bella, and you have a great man out there, and you are going to make me extremely happy with grandchildren one day."
"Dad, with the grandchildren, please stop, let's get through the wedding first."
"Come on, I'll need someone to spoil."
"By all means continue to spoil me."
"Oh no, you're getting married now. That's your husband's job."
"Whatever. Let's go."
Alice and Mom just laughed and I took my dads arm as we walked into an entry way. I could just peak out through the double doors, I could see clearly Jake sitting next to Leah and I could see Paul. I couldn't bring myself to look at the alter. I knew I would bolt straight out the doors to Edward.
"Okay Bella, I'll see you out there."
"See you out there Mom. Relax and have a good time." She couldn't get the tears out her eyes.
I watched her walk out the door and I saw Phil stand up and give her a hug. I turned to my girls.
"Alright you guys ready?"
They both nodded their heads.
"What about you old man?"
"Oh yeah, I can't wait to give you away, you're Edward's problem now."
And then it began.
I watched as Rose and Alice walked down the aisle and I could see people turning their heads and trying to look in the entry way. I took that opportunity to look at Edward for the first time. I felt my heart stop. He looked absolutely mouth watering in a simple black tux with a black bow tie. His hair although shorter was no much tamed then it normally was. He finished his outfit off with black chuck tailors. A man after my heart, he looked so good.
"Alright Belly, it's our turn."
I gripped my Dad's elbow, and took a deep breath. This was it and my happiness waited for me at the end of this aisle. When I heard the music start my dad urged me forward and when I hit the patio and was able to see Edward full on, I knew that this was it. This was the right thing and the moment was Zen.
I had waited the whole day for this moment and if I was really being honest I had waited for this to happen the moment I saw Bella in my mom's bakery. I spent the good part of my day schmoozing with people and accepting their well wishes when all I wanted to see was Bella. And finally, finally I was put out of my misery when I heard the music start.
"This is it man. You ready?" Emmett asked. I expected him to make a comment or a joke, but he was sincerely happy for me and wanted to know.
"I am. More than ready."
Emmett just clapped my back. "Man, look how hot my wife is?"
Ok and there was the Emmett I knew. "No offense but she will pail in comparison."
"Yeah yeah."
Okay so there's Rose, and there's Alice. Just one more, where is she. Then finally the music changed and people stood. I saw Charlie before I saw her but my eyes were quickly drawn to her and stayed with her the whole walk down the aisle. She was a vision, and I had never felt luckier than I did at that moment. At some point she made and we just stared at each other, hardly believing that we were in the moment.
"MmHmm. Shall we start?" The minister asked.
"Oh yeah, that. Let's do it."
The crowd laughed at my answer. Bella chuckled.
We went through the whole ceremony. I chocked up when Bella went over her vows, and although we didn't write our own I could feel the love that was radiating from her. And then came the moment I had been waiting for.
"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You make kiss your bride."
I kissed the hell out of her, and she did not resist.
"God, Bella I love you so much. And I swear I'll be good to you, great to you and I will be everything you need and more. I love you so much and thank you for proposing to me and thank you for marrying me."
I whispered all this too her, while our guests were clapping.
"We should have just written our own vow, that was unbelievable." Bella smiled at me.
"I will gladly call everyone's attention, and do this again."
"That's okay. I'd rather just have that for myself. And I hope you know how much I love you Edward, and this day has been one of the best in my life."
"Mine too Bella."
From there we danced, we ate, and we enjoyed our family. It was really only the beginning of our lives together. And then just as quickly as the day came it ended and we were saying our goodbyes.
"Take care of my girl Edward."
"I will Charlie, you can count on me. And we'll be by for Thanksgiving."
"I look forward to it." Charlie replied.
"Ready to go sweets?" My wife asked me. Ah my wife.
"With you, always."