I'm sorry.

Really sorry.

I'm one of those writers.

You know the kind we hate where they start a second story then out it on hiatus and it's really annoying and you want to yell at them for starting a story they didn't have time for.

So yeah.....

That's what this A/N is about, it's not a chapter I'm afraid.

I did start the next chapter but it was so horrendous I got really stressed and just confirmed my suspicions that I can't write two stories at the same time and keep up with my actual real life job.

Plus TATH is getting to the gritty moments and I keep getting all these ideas for it, and like nothing for BITCH. Seriously, all ym enthusiasm and ideas for this story have completely fucking disappeared.

So I'm putting this on hiatus and will update when the mood takes me. And once TATH has finished of course.

Obviously don't review this so I can put the next actual chapter here when it's time. But you can PM me to tell me how annoying it is when writers do this. And that you hope bad things happen to me. Because they should.

Thank you for following this story thus far, and I hope you continue when I resume it.

Helena x