"Is there anything we can do?" Phineas asked, as he stood up to his feet.

Dark Isabella thought for a second. "Yeah, there should be something…"

"Anything more specific?" Isabella asked her.

"Not really. Let's just see if we can find anything…"

"Well, let's go!" Isabella said.

The kids lifted Dark Isabella's halves onto Dark Perry's back, and he led them out of the room.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the facility, a burst of flame appeared in one of the rooms. As it dissipated, a charred cyborg stood in its place.

He stood up, and began to breathe heavily. He toppled forward on his hands and knees.

The panels on his back moved aside, and a group of exhaust pipes. A deep, computerized voice spoke.

"Overheat alert! Automatic cooling systems engaged. Cooling mechanisms now."

Dark Ferb was unable to move as blistering hot air flew out of the pipes.


Dark Perry ran down the hallways, Dark Isabella resting on his back. Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella ran to keep up.

"Not so fast Perry," the wounded girl moaned to the platypus, and he did as she asked.

"So, you're telling me these two turned over to help us?" Phineas asked Ferb and Isabella, who were explaining exactly why they were helping each other.

"Yup," Isabella answered. "But we were keeping an eye on them, in case it was a trick, but now…"

Dark Isabella, who was not listening to the kids, had her eyes closed and her head resting on the platypus'.

Dark Perry worried for the girl, and was determined to save her, no matter what it took.


Dark Ferb's cooling process had finished, and he was capable of moving again. He stood up, and the pipes retreated into his back.

He activated his thrusters and flew out into the hallway, intent on killing the kids and his former teammates.