Woooow, I had completely forgotten about this story, called 'What Have You Done..' Yeah, you all know what I'm talking about! ..and if you don't you need to go look at my stories and read that one! :0 I started writing a sequel to it called 'All We Ever Wanted,' but it turned out to be quite suckish.. so yea. I'm just going to try again. Oh, and also I'm in the works of writing ANOTHER Code Lyoko story :D one that has my bo-frann in it. Lol! Okay, well here we gooo!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in here except Mannie Diazdeleon, Celestine Diazdeleon, Avril Taisley, Mickey Knox

All We Ever Wanted

Chapter 1: I Hate This Part

Last Time on 'What Have You Done: "Well, you don't think that I haven't been doing nothing this whole time, do you? It's a devirtualization program I've created." Jeremy nodded. Odd walked over to his phone and saw that he had a new voicemail. He walked out of the factory over to the bridge to listen to it. When he saw it was from Mannie, he got excited...but when he finished listening to it...he squeezed his phone and then thrusted it into the river running below.

"Why Mannie?! What have you done??" Odd squeezed the bar that he was holding onto and then walked back into the factory.

"I had to do what I had to do Odd." Mannie looked up at the night sky, while she was standing on her balcony. A single tear fell out of her eye and she brushed it away as she walked inside her new huge room, and she shut the glass door and shut the curtains.

'Hey Odd, it's me Mannie. Heh. Ummmm, sorry I haven't called in a while. Actually a long time. I've just been super busy, with everything I'm doing and all. Soo yah. Umm I actually called to tell you something important. Super important actually. Look, this is really hard for me to say. I think that...we should separate for a while.

It's true what they say...long-distance relationships are hard to maintain. But just remember this...I still love you.

"Like I said Mannie. I'd get Odd back. Us Knights, we never lose." Sam smirked and laughed as she watched Odd, knowing what just happened. "Now to tell Master that we've gotten rid of her. He'll be pleased...and I get Odd to myself. Plus with Diazdeleon gone, my life just can't get any better." The evil laughter just carried on.

Mannie was in her dressing room, getting ready to put on her last concert of her tour. She was up there with the top names of the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. It had been almost a year and a half since she signed her deal with 'Reconizer Productions', and she hadn't heard from anyone in Kadic since she left that voicemail for Odd. She felt so bad, and whenever she had any free-time she thought about them. You'd think that she'd just forget about them, but she couldn't.

"Mannie, it's time!" Her manager yelled to her.

"Okay.." She answered back quietly. She had made up her mind.. she had to do what she had to do. She was a determined girl. She got backstage with the rest of the other bands that she had gotten so close to in the past couple of months.

"Mannieee! Are you suuure you want to do thiiiiis? We're gonna miss you sooo much!" A girl pouted hugging her from behind. Mannie laughed.

"Yes Mickey, I'm sure." Mannie smiled and hugged her friend.

"Okay, well like, you like, better like, go like, up like, there like, yeah. Now!" Mickey pushed her up on stage.

"Hey guys! How are you doin' tonight Chicago, Illinois!?" She yelled into her microphone. The audience of 29,000 people screamed back at her, and almost blew her away as much as the wind of the Windy City itself would have. So she started on with her concert, and sang many songs, as well as other bands that went on did. She went back to her dressing room, lie down on her couch and fell asleep.

When she woke up she was in a completely different place.

'…wh..where am I?' She thought to herself. She sat up and looked around. "Oh my god!" She got out of the bed and ran downstairs. "MOOOOM!" She ran into the blonde beauties arms.

"Oh my darling sweetheart! I've missed you so much!" Celestine hugged her daughter lovingly and happily.

"I've missed you too mom!" Celestine let go of her daughter and took a good look at her.

"Wooow hunny, you've really changed!" She had some brown lowlights mixed in with her blonde hair, she was taller, and more figured. She was wearing a short black dress that had blue sleeves, and some dark blue straight leg jeans with some black ankle-high boots. Mannie giggled.

"But you look the same mom!" She jumped. "How did you get me here so fast?"

"Well, I heard that you wanted to come back, so I sent a private jet for you, and some body guards to come and get you. I didn't really think you would sleep the whole way here." Celestine laughed. "Are you hungry? I can imagine how you would be…"

"Yeah! I haven't had a home cooked meal in forever! That would be great!" Mannie exclaimed happily. So her mom started making her spaghetti. "Uhh, mom.. where am I going to be going to school..?"

"Kadic, darling. Where else?" Her mom said while preparing her spaghetti.

"…what?" Mannie stopped breathing.

"Why yes hunny, I know that's where you want to go. It'll be hard at first.. but everything will be alright… so don't worry!" Mannie's mom walked over to her daughter and stroked the side of her face. "You'll see. I'm your mom. I know what's best for you." Mannie stood up, emotionless and walked to her room. "I'll call you when your food's ready!" Celestine smiled.

The next day Mannie sat up in her bed, stretched and got out of her bed. 'I really do not want today to come..' She thought to herself frowning. Mannie put on a black shirt with long white roses on both sides of the shirt that said 'NO R.E.G.R.E.T' on the back in curly writing. She wore some short jean shorts with some black Puma sneakers. She pinned her brown and blonde bangs to the side and curled the bottom layer of her back length hair. The front part of her hair only came to her shoulders though. She walked down the stairs and stared blankly at her mom who waved and smiled at her.

"Have a good day hunny!" Her mom smiled. Mannie just walked to the door and into the limo that was waiting for her. While on her way to Kadic she had a hard time breathing right. She was extremely nervous for her first day back. She didn't know how anything was going on there. She didn't know if anyone had died, had a baby, if they shut down Lyoko or anything. When the car pulled up to the side of the school, she felt like she was going to throw up. She wiped herself off, grabbed her tote and got out of the car. Her driver smiled and nodded.

"Good luck Miss Diazdeleon!" The man grinned. She gave him a small smile and walked to the office of the school. The secretary was typing on her computer and didn't even notice her walk in. Mannie cleared her throat.

"Uhh.. Mrs. Weber..?" Mannie said quietly.

"Yes..?" The lady didn't look up.

"I need my schedule." Mannie smiled. Mrs. Weber finally looked up at her.

"Oh my goodness! Manuela Diazdeleon!" Mrs. Weber stood up and hugged the girl, which Mannie really wasn't expecting.

"Hi to you too!" Mannie laughed hugging the woman back. Mrs. Weber sat back down and printed out her schedule.

"Mannie, whatever happens out there, everything will be alright." Mrs. Weber smiled at her. Mannie smiled at the lady and walked out of the office, and on her way to her first class, Chemistry with Mrs. Hertz. She knocked on the door and Mrs. Hertz answered.

"…oh my god.." Mrs. Hertz said when she opened the door. She backed up as Mannie followed her inside. "Class, I'm surprised.. and excited to welcome a new student to our class. Well.. not so new, but new. Welcome, Mannie Diazdeleon." Mrs. Hertz nodded towards the girl. Many pencils dropped as a group of kids looked up at her. Mannie looked at many familiar faces, some that struck fear into her very soul. Odd and Mannie made eye contact and all she saw was emptiness, no anger, happiness, sadness, excited, or any other emotion. He stared blankly at her and looked away. Everyone else that she had been close to, or known just glared at her. "Mannie, how about you sit in the back next to Avril? You remember her right?" Mannie nodded and walked to the back of the room and sat next to the only girl who wasn't glaring at her.

"So class for your assignment tonight…" Mannie automatically dazed off into a deep daydream.

(Odd's P.O.V)

How she had the nerve to ever come back here, I'll never know. She totally betrayed us when we needed her, and she totally ripped my heart apart. Well, it's not like it matters to me at all… I have someone else. Sammie was right, she left me, just like she said she would. Even though Mannie is completely 100% more beautiful than she was before, which I don't even know if it's possible. But it's not like that matters. I will not let her effect my new relationship with the love of my life. Samantha Knight. She's the most beautiful person in the world. Oh no! Mrs. Hertz knows I'm not paying attention!

(Regular P.O.V)

"Odd! Pay attention! If you want to get into college, you're going to need to pass and you're not even close to passing young man!" Mrs. Hertz put her hands on her hips and looked angrily at Odd.

"But what if I don't want to go to college." Odd smiled.

"Yea, he wants to go to clown school!" Ulrich started laughing and the whole class joined in.

"Yea.. well.. whatever!" Odd grumbled. Samantha grabbed his hand and smiled at him. Mannie just looked at them and took a breath in and looked at the table.

'What have I done? I drove him right back into her.. But it's what I deserve.. so I don't know.. I guess I just sit back and do nothing..' Mannie frowned.

"Samantha's pregnant." Avril looked at her and said quietly.

"…what?" Mannie looked at Avril with wide eyes. "Is it Odd's?"

"We don't know. It could be anyone's really.. she's slept with so many guys, on and off of campus. But Odd believes it's his… kind of.." Avril looked at the short blonde boy.

"What do you mean.. sort of?" Mannie asked her, confused.

"Well, I mean he's had his doubts because he's caught her cheating so many times, but I mean we can't really actually know until the baby is born…" Avril stared at the two parents to be.

"I guess… I just can't imagine Odd.. knocking someone up.." Mannie said awkwardly.

"We all thought it would be you he knocked up. Not that little slut." Avril laughed. Mannie laughed lightly and looked at the science table.

"Mannie!" Mrs. Hertz snapped.

"Y-yes ma'am?" Mannie asked.

"What have you learned about in Chemistry?" The lady replied.

"I've already gone over all of this stuff…" Mannie said quietly.

"Good, but Miss Taisley has not, so I must ask you to be quiet." Mrs. Hertz nodded to her and turned back toward her board. Thirty minutes later the bell rang and all kids ran out of the classroom to their new classes. Mannie ended up walking by herself, when someone came up behind her and put their hands over her eyes.

"..uuuuhh? Who is this?" Mannie said confused.

"Guess! Guess!" A familiar happy voice sounded.

"Mickey! What are you doing here? How did you find me?" Mannie turned around and hugged the girl happily.

"You didn't think I was going to let you be here by yourself did you? I'm not that bad of a best friend! Gosh, now show me where this cutie pie Odd Della Robbia is! And that hottie Ulrich, whew! I wanna see everything!" Mickey said excitedly.

"Hmm, well they aren't really that excited to see me… but anyway.. are you a student here..?!" Mannie asked hopefully.

"Yup! I am officially a Kadic resident, and student! Yay!" Mickey hugged Mannie tight. "I knew this was going to be hard for you, so I thought, why not? What do you have third period?"

"Music." Mannie stuck out her tongue.

"Me too! Let's go entertain some folks!" Mickey pulled her to the classroom.

"How do you know where you're going?" Mannie asked her.

"Some cute little kid showed me." Mickey shrugged. The two got into the classroom just as the bell rang and everyone stared at them. "Hi! We're new here, but you probably know about us anyway, I'm Mikaela Knox, and this is Manuela Diazdeleon!" Mr. Charin stood up and took Mannie in his arms.

"Manuela? Mon Manuela? Enfin vous êtes revenu à moi! Bonjour, mon chéri!" Mr. Charin said happily. She was the only student he spoke in full French to. (Translation: Manuela? My Manuela? Finally you have returned to me! Hello, my darling!)

"Monsieur Charin, il a été trop long! Bonjour à vous aussi! J'ai tellement manqué! Comment avez-vous été?" Mannie asked him in the same excitement. (Translation: Mr. Charin, it's been too long! Hello to you too! I've missed you so much! How have you been?)

"J'ai été très triste depuis que vous avez à gauche moi, mon monde musical, a estimé morts. Mais maintenant, je peux être heureux à nouveau! J'ai acheté tous les albums, a vu chaque spectacle que vous avez été po Aucun des comédies musicales étaient à droite .. vous ne savez pas combien vous nous ici à l'impact Kadic. Je sais que Monsieur Odd a été. Avez-vous voir sa petite amie, Samantha? Voir ressemble à un gros ballon .. mais assez de bavardages, comment avez-vous été?" Mr. Charin laughed, and so did Mannie. (Translation: I've been so sad since you left me, my musical world felt dead. But now, now I can be happy again! I've bought every album, saw every show that you were in. None of the musicals were right.. you don't know how much you impact us here at Kadic. I know Mr. Odd has been. Did you see his girlfriend, Samantha? See looks like a big balloon.. but enough gossip, how have you been?)

"J'ai raté ce lieu tellement ... et j'ai raté votre classe encore plus! J'ai été d'accord, mais je pourrais être mieux .. Je suis juste heureux d'être de retour. Oh! Ceci est mon ami, de retour de danseur, chanteur et soutenir, Mikaela. Elle est tout aussi étonnant que je suis, et je suis sûr que vous allez aimer!" Mannie clasped her hands together excitedly. (Translation: I've missed this place so much... and I've missed your class even more! I've been okay, but I could be better.. I'm just glad to be back. Oh! This is my friend, back up dancer, and backup singer, Mikaela. She's just as amazing as I am, and I'm sure you're gonna love her too!)

"Okay, enough chit-chat. Everyone, I want you to welcome back warmly Manuela Diazdeleon, and to welcome her friend Mikaela Knox!" No one said anything and Mannie just smiled and laughed to herself. "And Mannie and her friend will be singing a song for us today, as well." Mr. Charin looked at the two girls pleadingly. Mannie sighed and nodded and whispered in her friends' ear. Odd, who was in the class as well looked at Mannie with a questioning look. He looked at Aelita and Ulrich who both shrugged their shoulders. Mickey went to the piano and started playing a smooth slow song. Mannie sighed and looked at the crowd of people in front of her.

"This is a song that just recently came out in America, and it's pretty big. It's by the Pussycat Dolls, and I love it a lot. So.. here goes." Mannie smiled.

"We're driving slow through the snow on 5th Avenue
And right now radio's all that we can hear
Now we ain't talked since I left, it's so overdue
It's cold outside but between us it's worse in here
," Mickey started singing with her friend, Aelita and some other students started clapping along with Mannie.

The world slows down
But my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part
Where the end starts

I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through my fingers

I don't wanna try now
All that's left's goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here

Every day, seven takes of the same old scene
Seems we're bound by the laws of the same routine
Gotta talk to you now 'fore we go to sleep
But will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me?

The world slows down
But my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part
Where the end starts

I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers" Mannie took in a deep breath and looked at Odd and smiled at him. Mr. Charin was the first one to start clapping, then the rest of the class, except Odd, and Ulrich were clapping.

I don't wanna try now
All that's left's goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here

I know you'll ask me to hold on
And carry on like nothing's wrong
But there is no more time for lies
'Cause I see sunset in your eyes

I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers

I don't wanna try now
All that's left's goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

That I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I hate this part

I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I gotta do it, oh

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take these tears
I hate this part right here…

"Encore! Encore! Encore!" Some students were yelling.

"Well Mannie, how would you like it to sing one more song?" Mr. Charin asked her. She giggled and nodded.

"Okay." She pulled her I-Pod out of her backpack and plugged it into the speakers. Her and Mikaela got into a formation and when the music started, they started dancing.

Where you from, how's it going?
I know you
Gotta clue, what you're doing
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Look at you
Gettin' more than just re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin' like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

You're a womanizer
Oh Womanizer
Oh You're a Womanizer Baby
You, You You Are
You, You You Are
Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer

Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)
Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)

You Got Me Goin'
You're also Charmin'
But I can't do it
U Womanizer

Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)
Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)

You Say I'm Crazy
I got your crazy
You're nothing but
A Womanizer

You got the swagger of a champion
Too bad for you
You just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have won too many, makes it hard
It could be easy
Who you are, that's just who you are, baby

Must mistake me you're a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim of another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby

You're a womanizer
Oh Womanizer
Oh You're a Womanizer Baby
You, You You Are
You, You You Are
Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer

Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)
Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)

You Got Me Goin'
You're also Charmin'
But I can't do it
U Womanizer

Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)
Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)

You Say I'm Crazy
I got your crazy!
You're nothing but
A Womanizer

Maybe if we both lived in different worlds
(Womanizer Womanizer Womanizer Womanizer)
It would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girl
But I can't 'cause we don't

You're a womanizer
Oh Womanizer
Oh You're a Womanizer Baby
You, You You Are
You, You You Are
Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer

Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)
Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)

You Got Me Goin'
You're also Charmin'
But I can't do it
U Womanizer

Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)
Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)

You Say I'm Crazy
I got your crazy!
You're nothing but
A Womanizer

Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)
Boy don't try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)

You're a womanizer
Oh Womanizer
Oh You're a Womanizer Baby.."
Mannie and Mikaela finished with a big ending and they started laughing and high fived.

"Yeaah! We rock!" Mikaela did an arm pump.

"Don't get too excited there, hunny.." Mannie laughed.

"Mannie darling, I have a proposition for you, how about you help me teach this class, and you'll get a one-hundred every grading period.." Mr. Chardin asked her hopefully. Mannie nodded excitedly.

"Of course! That would be an honor!" She hopped up and down excitedly.

"Great! So now students get out your music, and show Miss Manuela what you've got!" Mr. Charin smiled. He got up and gave Mikaela some music and she went and sat down. Mannie listened to the class sing and gave them her critique. Eventually the class was over and Mannie and Mikaela walked out. Odd ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Mannie… I.." He started but couldn't find the words to say.

"You what? Wanted to apologize for being a jerk and not returning my phone calls when I tried to talk to you about us? You think that was one of the easiest things for me? Well it wasn't! God, you don't know how long I was mourning after that." Mannie turned around and glared at him.

"Why should I have to apologize to you? You're the one who broke up with me; we could have made it through all this time. I could have visited you. You could have visited me, long-distance relationships do work, but no. You just gave up. I mean, how can you even face me right now?" Odd yelled at her.

"I didn't even talk to you, you're the one who's talking to me so don't even start. Plus, you got Sam pregnant. Why the fuck would you do that? That's disgusting." Mannie shivered at the thought.

"None of that is your business, Mannie. I love Samantha, and she loves me. We're destined to be together." Odd crossed his arms and huffed. Mannie started cracking up.

"Woooow Odd, I really don't know what happened to you. But obviously whatever it was, messed with your brain. You're insane if you think you and Sam are meant to be together. She's just using you to get back at me, and who knows if you're not just using her as well. But whatever the case, you'll figure it out soon enough. Let's go Mickey." She shook her head and her and her friend walked away.

Okaaay, here's the first chapteeer! Yaaay! I'm relieved to get that done. & yes, Lyoko, William, XANA, Jeremy, and everyone else

will make their way into this story. Again, if you have NO idea what's going on, watch Code Lyoko AND/OR read the prequel to this story, What Have You Done. There are also links to pictures of Mannie, Avril, Mikaela, and Samantha on my profile from What Have You Done and on this story if you want to see!(: Thanks for reading guys, R/R!
