A/N: This is my second fanfic, but my first OHSHC one. Read on!

I was sweating as I climbed the large oak tree in the schoolyard. None of the library rooms were quiet, and my roommate was practicing her dancing, so I needed someplace quiet. I had only been at the school a week, it being the second week of September. Being American, I found it hard to fit in with the rest of the students. My large eyes set me apart. As did their color; green and gold. My hair was brown and blonde, and it was naturally curly, always spiraling into ringlets as it dried. I was so un-Japanese that I wondered how I would ever fit in.

I finally reached a branch that looked sturdy and tried to sit on it. These dresses that they made us wear were ridiculous. I hadn't worn a dress since my grandfather's funeral a few years before.

I took out my torn and used book, Pride and Prejudice. It was my favorite book since my last year of middle school. Now I was a sophomore, or a second-year as the Japanese students call it. Learning Japanese wasn't hard, just painfully boring.

I relaxed as I started reading my book, listening to some students play childish games under the large branches. They all gathered around the tree in a circle. I leaned over the branch to see who it was when I heard a large noise coming from beside me.

My eyes flashed to the spot on the tree where the branch had rotted from the past winter. It was nearly broken through, and I scrambled to try to get off it before it fell down. My dress caught on a branch, causing me to be pulled back farther from the trunk of the tree.

With a deafening crack, the branch collapsed. Though it didn't fall off the tree, it hung by a single piece of bark. I, however, was sent falling through branches with my book clutched in my hands.

I let go of my book and put my hands over my eyes, expecting to hit the ground. I was not, however, expecting to fall right into someone's open arms.

I sat, trembling, with my eyes covered for a few moments. I heard someone catch my book, which landed after I did. Still shaking, I felt someone pull my hands off of my face.

"Is this yours?" A tall student with glasses and black hair asked me. He held my tattered book in his hands.

"Thank you." I said as I gently took it, not wanting it to fall apart. I looked up at the person who was carrying me to see a guy of similar black hair, but it was sort of spiked. He didn't have glasses.

He smiled at me and gently placed my feet on the ground. He realized that I was still shaking from the shock and he held my elbow in a firm but brotherly grip. I looked down at my dress to see that it was torn and dirty. Sighing, I looked for the first time at the people who were playing under the tree.

There was a blonde one with blue eyes. I was relieved to know that I wasn't the only foreigner…

There was also a pair of twins with orangeish hair. They looked almost exactly identical.

There was another blonde, very short, that looked like an elementary school child. He was looking up at me with large eyes and a childish expression.

There was another boy with brown hair and brown eyes that stood slightly away from everyone else. He looked especially girly. In fact, I could have sworn that he was a girl.

And then there were the two people that I had seen already, the glasses-wearing book-catching boy and the catch-girls-that-fall-from-trees with spiky hair one.

I tried to steady myself and I felt the grip on my elbow disappear. I ran a hand through my hair, which surprisingly suffered no ill-effects from the fall. Fixing my bangs, I tried to inspect the damage of my dress further. Only the bottom was torn; I could just cut it off for the hot weather and wear it knee-length. I was wondering if that was even allowed when the blonde foreigner began to speak.

"Hello, angel." He started. I looked at him skeptically. Angel? Was that some kind of joke?

The guy in glasses chuckled at my expression.

"Allow me to introduce myself." The blonde continued. "I am Tamaki. This is Hikaru, Kaoru, Hunny, Haruhi, Mori, and Kyouya."

I looked up in concentration, trying to remember the names. Japanese names were hard. It was like no two people had the same name. No generic names like Will or Amy.

Tamaki waved a hand in front of my face. "Are you there, princess?"

I looked at him weird again, and then realized that he wanted my name.

"I'm Sarah." I said in my best Japanese.

His eyebrows shot up. "You're American?" He asked.

Kyouya laughed. "Of course she is."

Everyone said hello to me, and I turned to walk back towards my room.

"Wait- Where are you going?" Tamaki asked.

"I'm going to change," I said. "My dress is torn."

He raised a finger in the air. "Well we, fair maiden, will get you a new one right away! Sorry, Haruhi. We cannot play commoner games today when we have a princess to attend to."

I spoke up. "I told you my name. It's Sarah, not princess, or angel, or fair maiden." I said the latter with a twinge of disgust. Fair maiden? This was modern day! Not the Renaissance!

He did not seem perturbed by this. "As you wish, Sarah."

I followed them into the building, up the stairs, and down a long hallway. Only the two twins were behind me, and as soon as we topped the stairs, they each snaked an arm around my waist.

"Hey!" I said, not expecting it. I was trapped.

"Hey, Sarah." One said. I think it was Hikaru. "Why were you up in a tree?" The other asked.

"I was reading." I said matter-of-factly.

"Why didn't you go in the library?"

"It's noisy in there."

"Ah, so we've heard." They looked at Haruhi, who was talking with Tamaki.

I looked down. "Could you two please let go of me?"

They laughed, one for each ear of mine. "We're almost there." Kaoru stated.

"Hey, you're in our class. Haruhi! Sarah is in our class? Why have I not noticed her?" Hikaru, I think, said.

"Because at last week's opening meeting you and Kaoru," So I DID get their names right, "were making origami birds and trying to get them to fly out the window."

"Ah," Hikaru said. "I remember now." Kaoru nodded.

"Is Haruhi a girl?" I asked, out of the blue.

Tamaki stopped right in the middle of turning the knob to the Third Music Room and turned to me.

"How did you know?" he asked quietly.

I shrugged.

He smacked himself in the forehead. "Ugh! No outsiders must know! I wanted to keep it in the host club…" He slouched his shoulders.

"But Tamaki, Kasandoa knows."

"He is different. He is not a gossipy girl. The entire school will know tomorrow, and Haruhi's reputation will be ruined." Man, two seconds ago he was Mr. Happy-go-lucky.

"Hey! I'm not gossipy!" I said, still trying to free myself from the evil twin deathgrip. They chuckled at my efforts and held tighter. "How are you a gossip if you don't have anyone to gossip to?" I pleaded.

That was a mostly true statement. My roommate had her own, exclusive group of friends. She let me know from the start that I was not welcome.

Tamaki went from gloomy to hopeful. "You have no friends?" I shook my head.

He lifted his finger in the air once more. I braced myself for an idea.

"Then you will join the host club! We are here to make girls happy. You need friends to make you happy. We need you to not get friends that are girls so that you won't gossip and reveal Haruhi's secret. Problem solved!"

Everyone had their jaws on the floor. I was confused.

"What is a host club?" I asked in a small voice.

I blushed as everyone looked at me.

Kyouya stated, "Ouran High School Host club is where boys with too much time on their hands entertain and charm girls who also have too much time on their hands." He sounded bored, and never looked up from his notebook.

"How in the world am I supposed to charm girls when I am one?"

Tamaki laughed. "We will make a girl host club! You will not charm girls, but boys!" He wore a wide grin on his face. "Of course, it won't be a separate club, since it only consists of one member. We will start your training right away!"

"Yay!" The twins shouted.

"Can I get a clean dress now?" I asked.

A/N: So? How was it? Please tell me what you think! I have some more chapters already written, but I wasn't planning on actually posting this, so I'll have to tweak them a bit.

Please Review! It would mean the world to me!

Oh, and if you like Harvest Moon ToT, read my story titled Something. It's ChasexAkari