Disclaimers: I don't own Mummies Alive, the people who made it do, and I don't make any money off this.

Note: This is my first story about Mummies Alive, and it's been probably three or four years since I've seen it. If any of my information is wrong, please tell me. I'll write chapters whenever I get the inspiration and free time. That means that the chapters should come out fairly quickly, since I have nothing better to do with my free time than write stories and obsess. I hope you like it, but I'll keep posting even if you don't like it. I just want to get one of my stories out there. -Celeste Jade

Celestia walked into the museum, her fingers caressing the head of her snake necklace. She walked toward the Egyptian exhibits, a broad grin on her face. The benefactor of this museum, Harris Stone, must be intensely interested in Ancient Egyptian history. She felt her black hair rub against her shoulders as she hurried through the hallways. Her peripheral vision became almost nonexistent as she neared the exhibit. She felt something collide with her and heard a soft thud as she lost her balance. She toppled backwards and landed on her butt, her skirt falling between her legs, leaving her left leg mostly bare. She looked over and saw a boy sitting on the floor, his reddish-brown hair falling in his face. A rather tall, very thin man stood behind the boy, helping the child to his feet.

Celestia got to her feet, rearranging her clothes into a more modest position. The boy, who was wearing medium green shorts and a bright green, short-sleeved shirt, held out his hand, a flush spreading over his tanned face.

"Sorry about that," he said as they shook hands. "I'm Presley."

"That's okay, Presley. It's nice to meet you. My name is Celestia."

"What a heavenly name," Presley's companion said in a deadpan voice. She found that he spoke with a British accent.

She smiled and giggled. "Good one," she said. She noticed that he was almost completely covered, despite that fact that it was summer. He was wearing a jacket, long pants, sneakers, a knit stocking cap, and even gloves. The only thing he wore that was appropriate was sunglasses. The skin she could see looked ashen gray.

"Is your friend okay?" she whispered to Presley as they kept walking.

"Him? Oh yeah, h(s fine."

Just before they parted ways, she saw the man take out a notepad and pen, and he started writing in what she thought were hieroglyphics. She closed her eyes and shook her head, telling herself it must have been a trick of the light. She'd have to keep an eye open for those two. There was something strange about that man, she just wasn't sure what. Yet.


Celestia walked through Golden Gate Park watching the colors of the dusk as it turned slowly to night. She was wearing very little, enjoying the caress of the cool night air on bare skin. She wore a blue skirt that fell to her ankles with a slit most of the way up one side. Her Y-shaped yellow belt was more for decoration than for holding her low-cut, hip-hugging skirt up. Her shirt consisted of no more than a sky blue, halter top. She wore her customary jewelry: an armband, a necklace, and a bracelet. Her armband was gold and reflected the golds, purples, oranges, and blues of the evening sky. The head of her snake necklace rested in the slight hollow where her collarbones met and there was a slight digging sensation where the tail rested against the side of her neck. The amethyst eyes glinted almost as if it were alive. Her bracelet, too, was shaped like a snake. The head rested on the back of her left hand and it curled once around her wrist before its tail stopped about halfway up her lower arm. Her black, patent leather boots creaked slightly as she walked.

After a few minutes, she thought she heard the sounds of a struggle and took off at a run. When she reached the sounds, she ducked behind a tree to examine the situation. She saw a man in black robes with a pinkish-purple strip running down the front. He wore a tall hat that had a scarab the same color as the stripe on the front of his robes emblazoned on the front. His skin was extremely pale and he had what looked like the beard of an Egyptian Pharaoh on his chin. She caught a glimpse of the boy in his arms. It was Presley!

She looked around desperately, trying to find a weapon. Not seeing anything except rocks, she took her belt and armband off. She tied the armband to the belt and picked up a few rocks for good measure.

She pelted from behind the tree and rushed at the man, screaming at the top of her lungs and throwing rocks at him. She hoped that the surprise of being attacked would cause him to let go of Presley and they could run away.

Instead, the man called, "Get her!"

She wondered who he was talking to for all of one second before men in Egyptian kilts started emerging from behind him. Each of them carried a staff with a glowing pink tip. She swung her belt then the came into range, hoping to hit some of them. None of her desperate attempts worked and she soon found out what the staves did. She danced to avoid the beams from the weapons. She kept trying to hit on of the men, but failed miserably. One swing finally connected with a man's head. She expected to see him stagger and grab his head or, possibly, fall to the ground, unconscious. She was surprised when neither of these happened. Instead, his head shattered and the body fell to the ground. As she kept swinging, she realized that her weapon was woefully inadequate, but kept fighting.

She was so caught up in what she was doing that she didn't hear the roar of vehicles behind her. She shattered one more man before seeing that two or three had their staves aimed directly at her. She closed her eyes and waited for the beams to find her. She felt herself being swept off her feet before the beams converged on her. She felt herself being pressed against a strong chest that was covered with metal. The arms encircling her also felt metallic. She opened her eyes and was looking up at a man wearing a falcon headdress of blue and yellow. His face was mostly in shadows, but his blue eyes reflected the light from the fading sky. She looked down and saw that she was about twenty feet off the ground. The man holding her came in closer and set her down on the ground before turning and flying back the way he had come. She followed him on foot as fast as she could. As she neared the battle again, she hid behind a tree to watch the four people. She saw the man who had taken her away from the battle along with three other people. One was dressed in armor shaped like a ram and had one arm made of gold. There was a woman who had the head of a cat and she wielded a whip with a small metal weight on the end. The last one was a man dressed in a cobra headdress with a sword in his hands.

They all had an Egyptian style to their armor. All four of them defeated the crumbling men easily, but more kept coming. Falcon-man finally flew into the air and attacked the man in the black robes with one of his flaming arrows. The man let go of Presley for a split second, but that was all it took for the boy to get away. A couple times during the battle, she saw snake-man summon balls of green energy and throw them at the attackers. Right now, snake-man was fighting off three of the people while another lined up a shot behind him. She saw that the creature was going to shoot the man, so she forgot all rational thought, ran out, and launched a flying kick to its head. It shattered and fell to the ground with her straddling its back. Soon the man with the scarab hat transformed into beetle-like armor and flew away, clutching a golden snake staff in his hand.

The four people immediately gathered around the small boy and began asking him questions. Most of them were about his state of being. She walked closer to see if Presley was okay. She slipped her armband back on and buckled her belt back around her hips. She brushed an errant lock of hair out of her face as she walked up behind the people. She wondered why they were calling Presley a prince as she caught snatches of conversation.

"Hello, Presley. How are you?" she asked and all four people with him whirled around, their weapons at the ready. She backed off a few steps, her hands raised in front of her.

"It's okay, guys. She won't hurt me," Presley protested.

"You do not know that, my prince," falcon-man said over his shoulder.

"He's right. I'm not going to hurt you or him."

"Really, guys. It's okay. Me and Rath ran into her the other day at the museum. Literally." Presley grimaced at the memory.

Falcon-man looked over at snake-man, who was apparently named Rath. Rath nodded. "He speaks the truth, Ja-Kal."

Now that she looked closer, she saw that Rath was about the same height and build as the strange man in the museum. The four people lowered their weapons and Celestia just noticed that they, too, wore Egyptian kilts and there were bandages wrapped around them.

"What do you want, then?" Ja-Kal asked her.

"I wanted to see how Presley was, and now I want to know more about you guys. You look like you're undead or something. Re-animated mummies or some such nonsense. I thought those things only existed in horror films."

Rath just looked at Ja-Kal. "Perhaps we should go back home," the gaunt man suggested.

"Good idea," Ja-Kal replied. "You," he looked at Celestia questioningly.

"Celestia," she supplied.

"Celestia will ride in the Hot-Ra with the rest of you. I will fly home."

Presley led her over to a car. That was the only word she could come up with to describe it. It was a mess of colors, but an organized mess. It had five seats in it, all with seatbelts.

"You'll love this," Presley told her excitedly, pulling her to the long car. "Hey, Nefer-Tina, can I sit in Ja-Kal's seat?"

The cat sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Rapses, you may."

"Cool!" Presley said, clambering into the second front seat. The Ram-man sat in the very back seat, which happened to be the largest. Rath climbed gracefully into one of the middle seats and Celestia took the second. Nefer- Tina closed a canopy over them and took off at high speeds. Celestia looked through the clear roof to see Ja-Kal above them, keeping pace.

"Can we stop at Beefy Burger?" the ram-man in the back seat asked. "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry, Armon," Rath replied, looking annoyed. "There is food at home."



That was all Celestia could say. Ja-Kal and the others had just finished telling her their story. "I really thought that this only happened on horror movies or children's cartoon shows." She looked over at Rath. He had transformed out of his armor and now wore a green-and-gold hat that made him look a foot taller than Ja-Kal. "A couple times when you were fighting, I saw you throw balls of green energy. Where did you get them from?"

"I am a magician. It was a rather simple spell."

Celestia's eyes lit up. "You're a magician? Not just one of those people who do tricks and sleights-of-hand?"

Rath almost looked insulted. "I assure you, I am a real magician. I know no tricks, only spells."

"Which means that your god must be." she searched her memory of Egyptian Mythology, "Thoth. Right?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed when Rath nodded. "Now I'm going to take a stab at the rest of you."

"I thought you were not going to hurt us," Ja-Kal said, taking a defensive pose.

Presley laughed. "No, guys. She just wants to guess what your god or goddess is."

Celestia nodded. "Yeah, that's right. Sorry if I scared you or anything."

She saw Ja-Kal relax and summoned memories of their armor. She turned to the lone woman. "You're pretty easy. Your goddess is Bastet." She turned back to Ja-Kal. "If I remember correctly, you looked kind of like Horus."

"You know much, young lady," Ja-Kal told her.

"Thanks. I've always liked Ancient Egypt and its mythology." She turned back to Armon. When his armor had disappeared, she found out that he really had only one arm. He must have lost the other one in some sort of battle. Right now, Armon was busy stuffing a sub into his mouth. "You." she started. "I don't know who your god is. I don't recall ever having seen a ram before."

"His is the god Khnumn," Ja-Kal told her.

Celestia nodded. "Okay. I don't think I've heard of the god before. Just goes to show that you learn something new every day. Who was that man who attacked Presley earlier?"

"That was Scarab, a sorcerer from our time. He needs the soul of Rapses to become immortal," said Ja-Kal.

"Okay," Celestia replied nodding. "So what were the things that did his fighting?"

"Those are his minions, stone men called Shabties," Nefer-Tina told her.

Celeste nodded her head decisively. She gathered up her courage and spoke. "I would like to join you," she announced.

"What?!" Ja-Kal said. He looked just as surprised as the rest of them.

"I would like to join you; to protect Presley."

"Why?" was all the leader could get out.

"Because I like Presley and I think it would be cool to fight evil like a superhero."

"But you could get killed."

"I'll take that risk." Celestia grinned like a cat. "Besides, I've always wanted some adventure. I know how to use a sword and, if Rath will teach me, I'd like to learn magic."

"But you have no weapon or armor."

"Well, where do you guys get them?"

"From the magic in our amulets," Rath butted in.

"Maybe you could teach me that spell," she suggested.

"That is very advanced magic," he replied indignantly.

"Perhaps, you could make one for me then?"

Rath look warily at her and back at Ja-Kal, almost as if asking a question. Ja-Kal, in turn, looked at Celestia as if measuring her up.

"I have a sword at home that I picked up from a Renaissance Festival one year. I could use that for a weapon." She looked Ja-Kal in his blue eyes, a pleading expression on her face.

Ja-Kal sighed and shook his head. "I can't believe I'm doing this." he said. "Yes, you can stay here and become a guardian, but it is difficult. That is why we are mummies protecting Rapses reincarnated spirit, instead of warriors protecting Rapses. You have been warned."

Celestia hopped up and ran over to Ja-Kal, flinging her arms around his neck. "Thank you, Ja-Kal!"