Read my profile for more info. on the sudden changes

Do you ever wake up one morning, thinking 'Why can't something extraordinary happen?' Sure, the girl you despise so much gets punched in the face, and you might hook up with the most amazing guy/girl in the world, but have you ever wanted something more exciting to occur? You know, to be abducted by aliens? Or find a real life vampire, and faint of he sparkles in the sunlight? Ha ha! Twilight reference. Just kidding.

Well, to me, something extraordinary is about to happen, whether I realize it or not. It happen on the day after school was over. I was passing freshman year at the Freshman campus. Our town is so lame, it separates the freshman from the normal high school people. I had just finished an amazing year, met so many new friends, broke up with my (insert many curse words here) ex-boyfriend. I'm the happiest child right now.

The school is having a camping trip out in the forest nearby, and anyone that signed up could go. Me and my friends had signed up together to go, and we all had a big sleep over at the biggest house, which wasn't mine. The next morning, yes, that is when this extraordinary thing happens to me. Something that will change my life, and the whole world, for that matter, forever.

"I claim this land in honor of Anime!" I shout. I had a big, smug look on my face, and I was pretending to hold up a flag in my hand.

"Come on, an Anime reference?" LeeAnn, my bestestestest friend in the world, complained.

"Oh ho? What's this, invading nations. Go, my Anime army, conquer them and brainwash them with Anime!" I shout to an invisible army.

We all had a big laugh at the end of that little charade. It was the first day of the camping trip of Summer. All of my friends were there, well, except a couple of them that said they were too awesome for camping. I would name all my friends that did come, but it would probably take a whole paragraph. I don't want to waste your time with names.

Me and all of my friends were camping in one spot, away from the teachers and all the preppy people that wanted to come. It was also getting late that night, and we all made our own little camp fire. One of my friends brought a guitar and we all started to sing camp fire songs, getting glares from all the preppy people. I really hate them. After all of that, we all started to chat for a few.

"I have a major question to ask." I say randomly.

"Shoot." LeeAnn says, sitting up.

"I heard something from an Anime I watched-"

"Not another anime thing!?" They all complained.

"Just listen!" I say, annoyed. I look into the fire that was in the center of all of us. I pulled my knees closer to my chest, and then sighed. "It was about a boy and a girl who get together and all of these past problems start to erupt, and the guy asks the girl, 'What is happiness?'" I looked up to them all. "What do you think happiness is?"

"I think happiness is being surrounded by smoking hot guys!" My gay friend, Nathan, speaks up.

"Only you would think that." Amanda says.

"And you're not thinking it?" Nathan asks.

Amanda's face goes red and we all laugh, well, except for me. After that, my question went away. I sighed. I never did get the answer I was looking for. I would really like to know what true happiness is, for others, and well, myself.

I was the second to last to fall asleep that night. LeeAnn was the last to go. When I fell asleep, it was a deep sorta sleep. I was dreaming. I loved my dreams, because I can always remember them, even to this day. I remember the first nightmare I had, when I was seven. This was when I was first getting into Pokemon. that brings back so many memories. My first nightmare was about a school field trip to a haunted castle, and as we walked into the castle, there was a giant Pikachu that guarded it and liked to eat little kids. But, with the aid of the numerous Caterpie scattered about, we were able to get away. We ran outside, and the bus drivers were standing there, and the pulled their mouths wide open, and aliens stepped out of them, with huge mouths. Out of those mouths, a bunch of electrocuting strings came up to capture us and feed us to the giant Pikachu. That is, until all of our grandparents came by to rescue us with machine guns and in army outfits. I still have it like once a week now.

But tonight, it was sort of different. My sleeping bag was next to this tree. I don't know what was going on, but it seemed like the dreams I was having were not making any sense. I would randomly see two people whose faces I can't make out, with a bunch of people dancing in an ancient way. Then it would skip around to a scene of anger and battle of a hate/love situation. then it would skip ahead to a body laying in the forest with blood all around, and it was raining.

I stood there, watching the whole time. I couldn't make out their faces whatsoever. Who were these people? Why was I having this dream? It just didn't make any sense whatsoever. I then saw my body laying down in my sleeping bag, next to LeeAnn and Amanda. It felt like an outer body experience. I have never had this happen to me before. I watched myself sleep, which made me freak out a little. It was like I was talking myself. It was interesting to watch yourself sleep.

But something else was weird about tonight, too. It started to rain in the middle of the night, and I could feel it, but I wasn't waking up. Everyone else was waking up, but for me. They all stood around as I stood there, watching myself sleep some more.

"Where's Megan?"

What? I stopped, frozen. I was right here, or rather, my body was right there, sleeping. I was still asleep, not waking up. What was going on?

"Mrs. Sills! We can't find Megan!" I turned around as I saw panic spread throughout their faces.

"I'm right here!" I shouted at them, but my voice only echoed. "Hey!" I reached my hand out to grab Nathans arm, to let him know I'm here, but My hand only went through. My eyes went wide. what was going on? "Guys! Hey! I'm right here!"

All of a sudden, I collapsed in pain. I looked at my body again. It was a different body this time. I had grown dog ears, and my outfit became a battle kimono that I only saw in animes. My hair grew out longer and turned brown. The pain was coming from that body, too. I saw several gashes starting to appear, bruises, and blood. What was happening to this body was happening to me, too. It was the most severe pain that I ever had.

A few seconds later, the pain went away, and I hadn't notice the change in scenery. There was a bunch of trees now, but they were all scattered about, thrown everywhere, a small fire was burning nearby as a lightning storm crackled across the sky. I scene this image before, in my head, when I was writing my story a long time ago. Could it actually be happening? All my friend have disappeared. They were gone. It was like no traces of them anywhere.

"What's going on?" I asked myself. I heard a noise from behind, and a priestess looking woman walked by. Actually, walked right through me, to this body. She was young looking, about twenty-five or so. She called for help, and I saw a carriage being pulled around and several people picking up the body, and taking it away. At that point, I myself had passed out, collapsed on the ground, or rather, my spirit fell to the ground next to the body before they took it off, and I couldn't remember a single thing after that point on.