Epilogue – At Last

Author's notes:

Big thank you to my beta April, I couldn't have done this without you.

To everyone who has read, reviewed or added this fic your favourites thank you so much, this has been a huge encouragement and spurred me to keep writing.

While writing this I had my own soundtrack that inspired me, my choices are not necessarily what Amy Sherman Palladino would choose, however I think the emotions invoked by the songs chosen fits my theme and chapter.

Soundtrack Epilogue

1. "At Last" by Beyonce

Note: Unfortunately fanfiction dot net doesn't react well to youtube hyperlinks; as a result I am unable to provide direct links to the songs here.

September 5, 2009 – Dragon Fly Inn, Stars Hollow

It was a warm sunny day, the weather was twenty one degrees centigrade and Stars Hollow was full of activity in preparation for the wedding. Banners, pictures and streamers decorated the main streets that you would think "the Kennedys" (circa 1960) were coming to town.

Lorelai was outside the Dragon Fly inspecting the decorations and generally making sure everything was in order and perfect. Upon finishing her tasks, she began to make her way back into the Inn when she heard a honking sound coming from behind her. She turned around and saw that the source of the honking sound was Kirk and his band of merry men who were dragging along a bunch of crates that contained birds of different varieties.

"Kirk, what in heavens name have you got there?" Lorelai shouted as she walked towards where Kirk and his merry men temporarily paused with the crates.

"What've you got there Kirk? I don't remember…..asking for geese, doves and whatever else is in there?" said Lorelai as she peered into some of the cages Kirk and his merry men were carrying.

"Where do you want the birds?" he queried.

"What?" retorted Lorelai.

Kirk rolled his eyes and repeated, "Where do you want the birds?"

"I heard you the first time Kirk and I didn't order any birds."

"Are you Lorelai Gilmore?"


"Are you Lorelai Gilmore whose daughter Rory Gilmore is getting married today at the Dragon Fly Inn?"

"Yes I…Kirk cut it out you know who I am and what are these doing here?" she responded exasperatedly as she flapped her hands gesticulating manner at the cages.

"I have an order here for 10 Swans, 5 Peacocks, 10 Geese and 10 white doves for the Dragon Fly Inn in the name of Lorelai Gilmore; all paid for."


"Have a look at the invoice" he urges as he brings out the invoice and shows it to her.

"Hang on here Kirk; I'll get Michel to show you were to put them." With that Lorelai stomps into the Inn and yells for Michel.

"You bellowed or should that be screeched. Someone needs communications training."

"Whatever! Could you just kindly show Kirk where to put the birds please? He is waiting outside."

"What kind of birds?"

"Swans, Doves, et cetera, et cetera."

"Absolutely not!" responded Michel curtly.


"Why do I bother?" he muttered.

"What did you say Michel?"

"I said, why do I bother Lorelai! I have told you a thousand times that I hate swans especially after the incident in Luxemburg Garden. But do you listen or care about my trauma or feelings noooo! Every time there is a wedding Michel has to see to the swans. If anything happens to me I will sue you for every penny Lorelai, mark my words!" Michel stumps out of the Inn in a huff.

Lorelai leaves where she stood and storms towards the kitchen.

"I am going to kill my mother!" exclaimed Lorelai as she storms into the kitchen.

"That involves doing something, you are not supposed to be doing anything today remember?" responded Sookie.

"She just makes me ahhhhh!"

"Ok sit down; tell me all about it while I get you some coffee."

"This is my daughter's wedding, my daughter Sookie! She ordered a whole menagerie of birds out there, who has that many birds during a wedding? It is outrageous! She is controlling everything like she normally does!"

"Menagerie of birds?" said Sookie



"I know!"

"Maybe it's her way of helping. She never got involved in your wedding and this being her only granddaughter's wedding I'm guessing she is just really excited and going overboard," said Sookie trying to help

"I guess…hey you are not helping my being mad at my mother mood, shame on you Sookie!"

"I know! Any other day I would be an enabler but today I want you to relax and be all smiley; this is one of the proudest days of your life."

"Oooh you are good missy. So how are things in here?"

"Oooh you have to see the cake, it is fantastic!" Sookie walks towards the middle of kitchen stand and unveils a tall structure.


"Isn't it just? It took ages to bake and decorate. I thought it'd be a good send off for Rory. It's got 5 layers, the bottom is vanilla, the next layer is coffee, then chocolate, then there's a sponge sandwich with cream and fruit in the middle, and then your traditional wedding cake with a hint of rum."

"Awww Sookie, Rory is gonna love it!"

"So how is Rory doing?"

"Excited and nervous, she is getting a massage and talking to Logan simultaneously to take her minds of things"

"Aren't they supposed to not…"

"I know but we Gilmore Girls are not exactly conventional."

"Little Rory is getting married, I can't believe it and I still can't believe she proposed!"

"Me either. Did I tell you know that she wanted to elope?"

"No way, wow!"

"Thank God Logan talked her out of it. Out of both of them who would have thought he'd be the one to knock some sense into Rory."

There was a bit of silence. Sookie then ended the silence by saying "So do we like him now?"

"I never disliked him, he was just so different from Rory and different from whom I thought Rory would date. Rory is a planner, he is spontaneous; she grew up in an Inn and then a small house in Stars Hollows, he grew up in a mansion in Hartford. However, they both come from good families; they are both very ambitious and love journalism. Plus, he is worships the ground she walks on and I have never seen her as happy as she is with him, how could I hate that?"

The wedding party was silent as they gazed adoringly at the radiant bride as she walked up the aisle with her father looking straight ahead at the nervous yet smirking groom at the altar.

Meanwhile in the first row: "Really Lorelai how could you let her wear such an outfit on her wedding day?" shrieked a whispering Emily in derision.

"I didn't make her do anything, it's her wedding day she chose what she liked," whispered Lorelai in response.

"That is exactly what I mean Lorelai, you did nothing! An oriental dress, who ever heard of a bride wearing an oriental dress on her wedding day? And a turquoise coloured oriental dress for that matter, whoever heard of such a thing?"

"The people in China?" mumbled Lorelai.

"That better not be a wise crack young lady."

Lorelai was already agitated from the days activities and was about to respond in anger when she felt Luke's hand rubbing her abdomen gently.

"You know what Emily, you are right. Maybe we'll get lucky with the next one and you'll get that Romanov wedding you always dreamed off. And if you look at it on the bright side, Rory did bag herself a Huntzberger which, I'm sure can be rubbed into the faces of the ladies at the DAR for another 6 months, don't you think?" Luke interjected.

Emily smiled at Luke and joined his hand on Lorelai's tummy. Lorelai smiled at Luke and said a silent "thank you."

The bride and groom said "I do" and exchanged rings; the priest then announced that the bride and the groom were going to read out the additional personal vows they had prepared specially for this occasion. Logan and Rory then turned to face each other and held hands.

"I Logan Huntzberger promise to always talk things through with you no matter how small and mundane they may seem. I also promise not to take mad drunken trips with Finn and Colin without your consent", vowed Logan as he gazed into Rory's eyes lovingly.

"That is outrageous mate, she has you by the…."

"Shut up Finn! I happen to like how she has got me", interjected Logan with a smirk as he turned back to look at Finn. This exchange caused the wedding party to burst into laughter. Logan returned to his original position of facing Rory.

"I Lorelai Gilmore promise, You Jump, I Jump Jack".

"I now pronounce you husband and wife and you may now kiss", said the priest.

"'You Jump, I Jump Jack?' What kind of vow is that, Lorelai this is all your doing!" shrieked Emily.

Lorelai for once choose not to be baited by Emily's comments and just smiled and said, "That's my Rory."

Some minutes later, the wedding party was at the reception area; the bride and groom had taken to the dance floor and were having their first dance to the warm sultry sounds of Beyonce singing "At Last".

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