The morning came, but anytime America tried to talk about the previous night, England would find some way to change the topic. Around lunchtime, America had finally had enough.

"For Pete's sakes, England, why can't we talk about last night?"

England merely looked at him, one prominent eyebrow raised as he took a sip of tea. America made no sign of understanding, and, with a resigned sigh, England placed his teacup on the table, using his newly freed right hand to pinch the bridge of his nose in an effort to stave off a headache. "Because, America, what was said last night was only said when you thought I was asleep. Therefore it must be an embarrassing topic, and it need not be brought up again."

"But England—"

"No, America." The older Nation picked up his teacup again, proud of himself for holding back another sigh. America was not to be dismayed, however, because the next thing England knew, the table had been moved, there were hands around his, and he was looking into a pair of bright blue eyes. "Ame—"

"I love you, England," America said, slowly and clearly. England stared at him in shock. Sure, he had gathered as much the night before, but he hadn't expected America to come right out and confess. So, with all the grace he could muster, England turned away and muttered, "Thank you."

This time, it was America who was surprised, and even a touch angry. The anger dissipated, though, when England's actions and words the previous night came to mind, and that, combined with the Nation's current blush, told him the truth. "And you love me, too, don't you?"

At that, the startled England brought his gaze back to America, who was still much too close and was grinning in a ridiculous way. "I…care about you, yes."

"You do more than care. You love me~ Admit it." America had that grin on his face that he only gets when he knows he's right.

"What makes you say that?" England asked quietly, turning away again, willing his blush to go away.

America let out a growl in frustration. "I just know, ok? Why won't you just admit it?"

England, finally getting his blush under control, smirked at America. "If you know, and I know, then why must I say it?"

"Because-because I said it! And you said thank you! Come on, England, it's just three little words and you know it's not a lie!" America was getting frustrated, and England chuckled.

"You want me to say it?"



"Please, England?"

"No, America."

"Come on! Just this once?" America was getting frustrated, England noted with a smile.

"Just this once?"


"Only this one time?"

"Yes, England. Just one time. Please?"

"Well, al—alright, then. Just this once. I…love you," He said quietly and then, without thinking about the consequences of his next action, England kissed America. The younger Nation paused in surprise for a brief second before responding.

The Nations pulled apart, and America had that knowing grin on his face again. "I knew you loved me. Was it really so hard to admit?"

"Oh, shut up," England snapped before picking up his tea cup.

America took a seat next to England on the couch, taking the older Nation's free hand in his. "I'll do anything you say," America quipped, making England smile again. The younger Nation snuggled against England, and was for once, silent. Over the next hour, they sat quietly, enjoying the other's presence. Though not a word was said, though neither one made any unnecessary movements, England felt inexplicably happy by just having America there.

Nothing lasts forever, though, and after an hour of silence, America decided that it was time to go do something, and dragged England along behind him. But, England was still fine with that. Of course, that didn't stop him from grumbling at America since he didn't get to finish his tea, after all.