
(A/N): This chapter is where the story really begins to diverge from the original write-up of Reflections Across Time. For those who remember it may either be a vast improvement or a major disappointment. I'm seriously hoping for the former. Well, on to the chapter!


Chapter Three: Shifting Perspectives


Six years and all Obito had been able to figure out was that he was apparently some orphan named Naruto, who everyone seemed to hate. He had tried to talk to someone, to tell them who he really was. But all his efforts were in vain. If he wasn't snubbed, he was called a liar, or an overly imaginative brat, although the last only by those kinder to him. In the end, he found it best to keep quiet until he could figure out what went wrong with his life.


Sighing, Naruto trudged over to the large, wooden stool and slowly pushed it against the counter hoping to reach the cupboards. Six years old and already living on my own… At least it's only temporary until Ojiisan can find a place for me to stay… Stupid orphanage attendants…

Well, at least being kicked out of the Uchiha compound in my last life wasn't for nothing… If that didn't happen, I probably wouldn't know how to fend for myself the way I do now… Damn it! Ramen again?! Oh well, not like I can afford much else… Still, I miss Aunt Mikoto's miso soup… At least I know how to make it.

Finishing his dinner, he went brush his teeth before freezing in front of the small mirror of his bathroom. What the Hell?! M-my eyes, they're… Black?! No way… Should I?

Concentrating chakra into his eyes, Naruto was greeted by the familiar site of the Sharingan with a single tomoe. Forcing a bit more chakra into them, he was shocked to find a second tomoe. Wow… This is great! Now to change them back…

Letting the chakra dissipate, Naruto's face scrunched up and his eyes narrowed in concentration. His eyes remained black. Even more alarming was his hair had turned ebony, his body even more petite, and his originally tanned skin was paler. He was once again Uchiha Obito and had no idea how to change back. Suddenly, he was struck by a wave of nausea.

Shit! Chakra exhaustion! Obito thought as he passed out.


Shockingly, Obito awoke in what appeared to be a gigantic sewer. Pushing himself up, he looked around, wrinkling his nose at the dank and moldy stone walls that surrounded him. Where am I and why do I always get into situations like this?

Trudging down a randomly chosen path, the only sound accompanying the boy on his lonely trek was the splashing of his shoes and the echoes they made.

Finally, Obito found himself in a large chamber, at the center of which stood an enormous cage. This is getting crazier and crazier.

Cautiously approaching the cage, Obito froze at the sound of deep, menacing growl.

"Filthy human," a deep, gravelly voice boomed, "what are you doing here?!"

Gaze wandering to what lay beyond the thick metal bars, Obito's eyes widened, his Sharingan activating as he beheld the towering figure, a gigantic fox, sitting in the cage.

"W-What?! You can… you can talk?" Obito asked, choking on the sudden surge of killing intent.

"Foolish mortal," the fox sneered, "Do you truly have no idea as to who I am? Surely your wretched clan has explained it to you? Why else would they send you here?"

"My clan? What do they have to do with you being here?" Obito asked, "I don't even know where we are!"

The titanic fox stared down at the boy and inquired, "Then how did you get here?"

"I-I don't know!" Obito stammered, "I passed out from chakra exhaustion and woke up in that awful sewer."

"Chakra exhaustion? " The fox paused, staring intently at the boy, "You look nothing like the human that sealed me in here. I am certain he used his own kit as the vessel. Yet you, a member of that accursed Clan, claim to be my jailor?"

"Man that sealed you? Jailor? Wait, what?" Obito asked, blinking for a moment before muttering, "You're not making any sense! None of this makes sense! Kami-sama! It's just like that time I followed that Kitsune spirit back to Konoha! One moment I'm there, next thing I know, I'm a baby again! I'm going insane, that's the only possible explanation for this. It's all just some big, crazy nightma—"

"Silence!" The fox commanded, cutting off the boy's rant, "You… You are that child? You look older, much more like your clansmen… I did not recognize… You are that human kit that tended my wounds in the forest…"

"What? I don't remember helping out a gigantic fox spirit," Obito began, "The only fox I've ever helped was—"

"the one near the mountain shaped of human heads," the fox finished, "the one you brought back to your den, cared for, then freed. That was me."

"What?! But you don't look anything like that fox!" Obito stated.

The spirit looked down at the boy for a moment before it began to shrink, its fur fading from deep and dull blood-red to a pale, glossy silver. Previously red-slitted eyes became a piercing cobalt blue.

"I would not have been quite as hostile had I realized it was you. Although I am surprised that you are of the Uchiha clan," the fox said, its soft smoky voice startlingly familiar, "Still, you have matured well."

Obito was still reeling with shock. Shakily, he sat down. Then, looking at the caged spirit, he asked, "Could you please explain what is going on? From the beginning, please."

"Very well," the spirit answered, before its eyes narrowed, slitting and turning red, "I was tricked, controlled, then sealed. That is why I am within this cage. This cage is inside of you."

"Inside of me?!" Obito yelped, "That's not possible! I'm right he—"

"We are in your mind and it is possible to seal a spirit within another living creature," the fox responded to the outburst, "I was sealed in you. Certainly you must have some strange marking on your body?"

Obito's eyes widened, "My stomach… there's this weird tattoo on it… That's the seal, isn't it?"

"Yes," the fox replied, "As for why I did not recognize you earlier… How old were you when you died last time?"

"Thirteen… Almost fourteen, Why?" Obito asked.

"You look like an older human now," the fox answered, "No longer a helpless kit, but not yet an adult."

Blinking, Obito looked at his reflection on the metal bars. I do look older!

"Your soul has not been cleansed," the fox said, "had you been reincarnated, your soul would reflect the age and experience of your physical body."

"Then why doesn't it?!" the boy asked.

"You were reborn instead, your soul retaining the characteristics of your previous life and is growing with your new experiences." The fox answered.

"Reborn?' Obito wondered..

"Not long after you had released me, I was hunting the enemy that had wounded me earlier. I was near the edge of my territory when I picked up your dying scent," the fox recalled, "I found you within the collapsed cavern and took your soul with me."

"You took my soul?!" Obito exclaimed, "W-Why?!"

"To repay the debt I accrued when you tended to my wounds and kept me comfortably safe," the fox answered, "It was I that planted your soul into the womb from which your new life was born."

"You gave me another chance to live? But, I didn't do much... You weren't that badly injured when I found you… I mean, you were almost completely healed by the end of the week." Obito pointed out.

"Beings such as myself heal considerably faster than normal animals," the fox responded, "Myself even more so since my clan specializes in healing, along with illusions and shape-shifting. That it took me an entire week to recover is a testament to the gravity of my injuries. Had my enemies found me your stead, I would have been slaughtered. Your interference insured my survival."

"Who were you fighting?" Obito asked as he gazed intently into the cage.

The fox's unnerving red gaze fell upon the teen and its voice returned to the frighteningly deep rumble, "It no longer matters, seeing as I am trapped. Tricked by one filthy human and imprisoned by another."

Obito cringed at the growing anger in the fox's tone. Surreptitiously, he edged away from the cage.

"Corrupted wretches! They bring nothing but meaningless destruction and cruel inflictions of pain for the sake of their greed." The fox snarled.

Obito looked away in shame. Despite his age, he had seen the darker side of human nature during the war.

Noticing the boy's discomfort, the spirit calmed, crimson eyes once again fading to cobalt and focusing intently on the boy before them.

The once again smoky voice murmured, "Perhaps I am hasty in my judgments… There are few exceptions, but they are there and to ignore them would be foolish of me."

Obito looked up, his eyes wide, the Sharingan spinning wildly.

"I wish to propose a deal," the fox said after a brief pause, "one that will be mutually beneficial to us."

Obito paused thoughtfully before saying, "I'm listening."

"In exchange for my guidance and gifts you will make my stay within you more comfortable and deliver justice on my behalf." the fox explained, "Also, should there be an opportunity to free me from this seal without harm to yourself, you will do so."

"That… Doesn't sound too bad," Obito began hesitantly, "I… I'm not sure how I can give you what you want…"

"This cage is within your mind, giving you the power to alter it to your desires so long as I am kept in some sort of enclosure," the fox explained.

Obito nodded then asked, "What did you mean delivering justice?"

"I was tricked and enslaved, a condition that led to my imprisonment within you," the fox answered, "Since I am unable to claim justice for myself, I wish you to do so in my stead. The human that wronged me is a most dangerous being, a serious threat not only to myself but to many others. I am asking you to take his life for the sake of justice and security."

"I-I'll try," Obito stammered, "and your freedom?"

"To mess with your seal would be both dangerous and foolish," the fox stated, "I am uncertain if there is a method that won't kill either of us. I do not like being imprisoned, but should our efforts to free me prove fruitless, I will consider an alternate solution to this predicament."

Obito nodded solemnly before speaking, "I accept our deal."

The fox's gaze sharpened, "You have not yet heard what I will give you in exchange. To blindly agree to such a proposal with out consideration for if the exchange is of equivalent value is foolish. I hope you are not this reckless in every decision you make."

"We've helped each other out before and my side of the deal doesn't sound too bad," Obito responded, "Besides, I… I trust you."

"Naïve human, it seems there is much I must teach you," the fox muttered before conceding, "Very well. We have a deal."

"Thank you Kitsune-Sama." Obito bowed.

"I am Keirin, last of the Mikazuki Clan," the fox corrected.

"I am Obito of the Uchiha Clan," the boy responded, "well, I was… But my new name is Uzumaki Naruto."

"Which name do you prefer, human-kit?" Keirin asked.

The boy hesitated, "I like my first name, from before I died. That was the real me."

Keirin nodded, "Very well, you are now Obito of the Mikazuki Clan."

"W-What? Your clan?" Obito asked.

"Assuming your new form is orphaned and I have given you both my blessing and mentorship, it is only proper that you take my family name." Keirin answered.

"I, that is… I mean… Thank you, I am most honored," Obito stammered as he bowed.

With that a great rapport formed between boy and spirit.


"You said that your clan specializes in illusions and shape-shifting, right?" Obito inquired, "Is that one of your gifts to me?"

"Yes," the spirit responded, staring at the teen.

"Before I found you here, I transformed," Obito continued, "I was the old me again and I tried using my Sharingan, that's why I passed out from Chakra exhaustion. Anyway, um… Before I passed out, I was trying to change back, but I couldn't."

"You must have a clear mental image of the form you wish to take," Keirin answered, "Seeing as you were reborn, it is easier for you to shift into the appearances of your past life and your true form."

"True form?" Obito asked.

"The way you were born in this current life," Keirin elaborated, "you must also learn to control your emotions. As you saw with myself, my appearance changed with my mood."

Obito nodded, eyebrows furrowing in thought.

Keirin continued its lecture, "Usually you revert to your true form when control is lost. However, since you are a reborn-soul, certain emotions will be tied to your past form and others to your true form. For example, when a member of your clan is angered, their blood-limit activates."

"So we can assume that I'll probably shift into the past me when I get mad," Obito affirmed, "what about other emotions?"

"Those you will have to discover for yourself," Keirin replied, "You should meditate if you wish to gain better control of the shifting. It would not do for potential enemies to know of your abilities and losing control could raise suspicions among your allies."

"How much can I change how I look with shifting," Obito asked.

"You can alter the colors of your hair, skin, and eyes," Keirin began, "the shape of your body, whether you appear old or young, and even your gender if you should wish it."

Obito's face scrunched up as he remarked, "I can turn into a girl?! That's so weird… But useful, I guess…"

Ignoring the outburst, Keirin continued to speak, "Nearly anything is possible so long as you have a clear, exact mental image of it, along with the concentration and energy to maintain the shape. "

"Anything, huh," Obito murmured thoughtfully.

"Yes, however, the closer to your true form, or even your past form, the new appearance is, the easier it is to create and uphold," the fox added, "Sometimes, it is better to do simple shifts and enhance those with equally simple illusions. That way, less concentration is needed to keep the image stable."

"Why is that so important?" Obito asked, "the amount of concentration, I mean."

"If your appearance is stable, then you don't have to worry as much about distractions that may lead to revealing your true form." Keirin answered, "Losing concentration will cause you to revert. Depending on your mood at the time, you could either turn into your true form or your past form. Either result is disastrous in the company of enemies."


"I see. And illusions?" Obito enquired, "Do they work the same way?"

"You ninja call it genjutsu," Keirin said, "however, the difference is that with my gifts the illusions are more powerful and much more difficult to detect. That makes them near impossible to dispel once you've attained mastery. Unless you dispel it yourself, the opponent must be specialized in genjutsu to do so or have a blood-limit to counter it."

"That sounds a lot like my clan's talent with genjutsu," Obito commented.

"Your clan was previously blessed by a kitsune clan, the Akayama clan to be more specific," Keirin answered, "Gifts of fire and genjutsu were generously bestowed. However, the former leader of the Uchiha betrayed the Akayama and wiped them out. Soon after, the Akamori clan who is sister to the Akayama, cursed the Uchiha."

"A blessing turned cursed? Wow, that figures." Obito interjected before muttering, "Looks like my family has a bad habit of messing things up. Not that it surprises me."

"The gifts of fire and genjutsu were greatly reduced by the curse," Keirin continued, "The evolution of the Sharingan, which was the form those gifts took, was also altered. Do you know of the Mangekyou?"

"It's a clan legend, but no one ever really talked about it," Obito answered, "it's supposedly the final form of the Sharingan. It is rumored to have three tomoe, which reveal powers beyond the imagination of any shinobi."

"The mangekyou was achievable by all members of your clan," the fox said, "however, with the curse, great limits were placed on the Sharingan."

Obito looked thoughtful as he asked, "What limits?"

Keirin answered, "Your clan is still very talented with fire and genjutsu, more than most ninja, however that power is nothing compared to what it was before the curse was placed. Also, the Mangekyou could no longer be activated without certain triggers."

"What are the triggers?" Obito asked, perking up.

"They are unique to each user, unless the Cursed path is taken." Keirin responded.

"Cursed path?" Obito froze.

"There are two paths in obtaining the Mangekyou. The cursed and the blessed." the fox answered, "The cursed path is triggered by betrayal. One must murder someone close to their heart to trigger a psychological reaction that activates evolution."

"That's insane!" Obito exclaimed, "How could anyone believe the Mangekyou is worth more than someone they love?!"

"It is the price of human greed and corruption. The Akayama were close to the Uchiha at heart and the Great Betrayal inspired the Akamori curse." the fox answered, "those who follow the cursed path of the Mangekyou slowly lose their sanity."

"No wonder," Obito muttered, "if they can kill someone they love just for power, they probably deserve to lose it."

"Yes," the fox nodded, "But there is more to it. The ability to copy other jutsu was a side-effect created by your clan's experiments in an effort to regain their more potent fire and genjutsu abilities. It has left unforeseen consequences on your clan."

Obito eyes widened, "what sort of consequences?"

"It overloads the mind when the user is cursed and that compounds the mental instability, speeding up the process of insanity."Keirin answered.

Obito was stunned, "S-So, what else happens if someone takes the cursed path?"

Keirin responded, "In most cases, their skills as a shinobi suffer as their madness takes hold. Further more, their eyes begin to deteriorate, the eventual blindness triggering despair. The end result is a desperate and dangerous psychopath who either commits suicide or goes on a rampage only to be slaughtered by their clansmen in defense."

"That's… Terrifying," Obito murmured, "The curse not only kills the user, but the people close to them too."

"The Akamori Clan was slaughtered by the Uchiha soon after the Curse was created. The last Akamori simply strengthened the curse with her dying breath.," Keirin answered, "The curse calls blood for blood and life for life. Although I believe 'an eye for an eye' is much closer to the common human adage. "

"So I am cursed," Obito whispered, "I'll end up killing the people I care about."

"No, there is also a blessed path," the fox corrected, "It is much more difficult to achieve the Mangekyou that way, but doing so gives it a greater power."

"But the insanity—" Obito began to argue.

"Only affects those lazy and corrupted enough to take the cursed path," Keirin interrupted, "the Blessed Mangekyou has safeguards against memory overload, mental imbalance, and deterioration of the eyes."

Obito pursed his lips in thought, "What sort of safeguards?"

"They are limitations on the Mangekyou, however they protect the user from the damage that the Cursed Mangekyou does not," Keirin answered, "For instance, memory overload is avoided since the user can choose which memories to keep and which ones to disregard, unlike the Cursed Mangekyou which keeps all that is recorded. The chances for mental imbalanced are reduced because the user does not need to take the life of a loved one to trigger Mangekyou."

"Those things deal with the mind, but what about the eyes?" Obito asked, "The Mangekyou eventually breaks down and the user ends up blind."

"The Cursed Mangekyou does not regulate chakra effectively," Keirin began, "In fact, it uses far too much, thus inflicting minute damage to the eyes each time it is used. Over long periods of time and extended use of the Sharingan, that damage builds up, eventually blinding the user."

"So, the Blessed Mangekyou is different because it's better at regulating chakra?" Obito puzzled out.

"It is more efficient," Keirin answered, "Less chakra is used and it automatically deactivates the blood-limit when there is a high chance of damaging the eyes from over-use. The user can not re-activate the Sharingan until the eyes have sufficiently recovered."

"That makes sense," Obito nodded, "So what sort of powers come with the Mangekyou?"

Keirin replied, "Common to Mangekyou users are increased abilities in genjutsu and katon-jutsu. Anything else is unique to each user. You will not find out until you achieve Mangekyou yourself."

Pausing, Keirin's blue stare bled crimson and seemed to pierce right through Obito. With a soft growl, the great fox spirit spoke in a slow, measured tone, "I advise that you do not even consider taking the Cursed Path that your foolish ancestors had beaten. You are my charge. As my vessel, you will represent the last of the Mikazuki Kitsune Clan. We will not be dishonored by the curse of the Uchiha."

"Yeah, I know." Obito gulped before sighing, "looks like I've got a lot of work cut out for me."

"You should start practicing your gifts as soon as you are able," Keirin advised, "I will rest until the next time we speak to each other. Should you need my counsel, meditate to return here. Now go."

"Eeh, ok… But, uhhh, how do I get back to my apartment?" Obito asked sheepishly.

The fox stared at him incredulously.


(A/N): So, how are you liking the story so far? If it's too horribly different from the original write up and you don't like the changes, let me know why and how I can fix it up more. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed. Your input is greatly appreciated!