Cammie's POV

"Mmm," I mumbled happily in my sleep, and with a small sigh, I sat up in bed. Zach was coming back tomorrow. I used to be afraid whenever Zach went on a mission, because I knew better than anyone that even the best spies weren't invincible. But Zach would always come home to me and assure me that he wasn't going anywhere. Looking around, I picked up our wedding picture from my bedside table.

"See you soon," I said as I caressed Zach's smirking face. I chuckled at the memory.


"Oh. My. Gosh," Liz and Bex said, jaws dropped.

"You look beautiful, Cammie," Liz complimented, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't believe you're getting married. And to ZACH!"

Wow I thought to myself. Things are moving so fast. I mean, first Gallagher, now this. I breathed and got up to hug my best friend.

"Don't mess up the makeup!" Macey yelled. "If you do anything to ruin my handiwork, I will personally hunt you down and choke you with this lipstick," she said ominously, holding up her golden tube of red lipstick.

I rolled my eyes and pulled myself from Liz. "Stop being so melodramatic, Macey."

"I am not being melodramatic, Cammie," she argued. "It is extremely important that you look so beautiful and absolutely ravishing so that when you enter that altar everyone's breath will be snatched in astonishment and be so envious that they'll have to restrain themselves from attacking you to such an extent that they'll be shaking!" she screamed at an extremely fast speed.

I just looked at her in astonishment, until she demanded, "What?!"

"Wow," was all I could say. "You're such a good friend," I breathed as I walked towards her.

"I know," she said proudly.

"I'd hug you, but...ya no," I said, gesturing to myself.

Macey laughed and said, "Yeah. I'd be mad if you did try to hug me after all that." We both laughed and soon, Bex and Liz decided to join in.

I sighed, "I'm gonna really miss this."

"Don't worry," Bex assured. "After the honeymoon, we'll be happy to bug you nonstop," she said with a huge, beautiful smile gleaming on her face.

I froze. "The honeymoon." I had completely forgot.

Sensing my distress, Liz came in and reassured me, "Calm down, Cammie. Even Zach won't be so irritating then."

"And if he is," Macey began. "You could just not give him any," she said as she filed her nails.

"Macey!" I shouted.

"Well it's true," she defended. "Zach may be an extremely annoying guy, but he is still a guy."

I just crossed my arms, not knowing what else to say, and stood there. I stood there for quite some time, but thankfully someone spoke up.

"Are you ready yet?" Grant yelled, banging on the door. "We've been waiting forever!" he complained.

"We're good, babe!" Bex shouted back. "Tell em to start the music in 2 minutes and 15 seconds!"

"K!" he screamed back.

"You ready?" she asked, putting a hand out.

I took a deep breath and nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be."

We walked out and when the music started playing, I walked down the isle, and Joe gave me away. As the priest began speaking, Zach started whispering to me.

"So, you're worried about the honeymoon?" he asked, smirking. My eyes must've bugged out so much, because I could tell that Zach was trying really hard not to bust out laughing right there. "Relax," he assured me. "I promise not to be annoying," he said as he took my hand.

"Is that even possible?" I asked. "Do you think you can handle not being irritating for three whole weeks?"

"I do," he said as he slid the extravagant diamond ring onto my finger. He winked at me, telling me silently that it had two meanings.

"Do you think you can handle three whole weeks alone with me?" he asked, wearing that dang smirk.

"I do," I said, sliding the solid ring onto his finger.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the priest announced. "You may now kiss the bride."

"Finally," he mumbled, leaning into me. Everyone broke into applause and cheer, and I heard Grant go, "That's my boy!"

I giggled, and whispered, "It's official."

"Mhm. Are you happy, Mrs. Goode?"

"Of course."

"So am I," he said as he leaned back in for another kiss.

~ ZC ~

As we were getting into the car, everyone was crying (well the girls anyway) and shouting "Bye" and I heard Grant shout, "My boy's gonna get some!" I laughed, but was still a bit nervous about the big night.

When we were in the car, Zach took my leg and brought it to his hip.

"We're finally out of there," he mumbled into my neck.

"I no," I breathed. He brought his lips to mine and we began to kiss so much that I started to moan. Zach layed me back onto the back seat and thrust himself into me by pulling my leg back. When his lips left my mouth, to caress my neck, I moaned and turned my head. I could see the driver peeping at us through the rearview mirror.

"Look at the road!" I scolded.

"Of course Ms. Morgan!" he stumbled. "I mean Mrs. Goode," he corrected quickly.

"Well there goes my mood," I announced, getting up so that I was sitting. "For now," I added, chuckling, when I saw Zach's face. It was silently screaming, "For the whole night?!"

He exhaled and sighed, nodding his head in understanding.

I laughed and gave him a quick kiss. He tried to pull me in for more, but I said, "Uh, uh, uh," and gestured towards the driver, who I just noticed was Bubblegum Guard. I suddenly felt really bad for yelling at him.

After a couple of hours, we finally pulled up to a huge mansion overlooking the coast.

"Here we are," he said nervously.

"I'm sorry about before," I apologized before getting out.

He quickly cheered up and assured, "Oh it wasn't your fault. Have a nice night."

~ ZC ~

Zach carried me over the threshold (so romantic, right?) and carried me upstairs. All the way, he kept pretending like he was losing his grip, which would in turn make me shriek, "Don't you dare drop me, Zachary Goode!"

He'd just chuckle and ask rhetorically, "Do you really think I would drop you?"

"You could," I mumbled to myself.

Zach just chuckled again. When we reached what I assumed was our bedroom, Zach put me down gently and asked, "Ready?"

"Umm," was all I could say because Zach started kissing me- full on. He opened the door and pulled me in with him. He moaned when I started getting really into it, and he started to unbutton his shirt. I shoved his jacket off and ripped his shirt open. His fingers moved too slow.

"Guess you're not so nervous now, huh, Gallagher Girl?" he panted. Great, he had to say that I thought. Now I'm all anxious again. He started kissing me again, but I softly pushed him away.

"What?" he asked, looking thoroughly confused (A/N: this is my fav thing to say ever!!).

"What if I'm bad at it?"

Zach laughed a breathless laugh. "You'll be perfect," he assured, his lips kissing my neck. I was really liking this Zach. The non-annoying one.

"How do you know?" I asked stubbornly, pushing him off again.

"Spy," was his simple response.

"How does that apply here?" I asked.

Zach sighed and explained, "Spies have great instincts, and since I'm a great spy, I have really great instincts. Now relax," he ordered, resuming kissing down my neck.

I took a deep breath and said, "Okay."

Zach layed me down on the bed, and our lives together began.

~Flashback over~

"Mmm," I sighed at the memory. "Hurry home, Blackthorne Boy."

watdya think? i think this story is gna be shorter than the other one, but im not completely sure. review!