1 The War of the Kings and the Warriors

The news of Sepiroth's defeat spread like wildfire across the world. Since Shinra had been defeated the world wondered who would lead them now. Because he had saved them, the people chose Cloud Strife to choose the new government. He was to speak and came out of the governmental building and said to the people in his speech that would become famous. This is where our story begins..

"People of the world it has become evident that after the fall of Shinra and the Great Sepiroth the world needs a new leadership. I have decided with the public leaders help, a new leadership for us all. I have decided of seven nations with seven kings and seven warriors in each one. I have already decided on the warriors, kings, and nations. The seven nations will be as follows: Mormakar, Ahmorhar, Denormas, Kyelya, Ewunfar, Barzax, and Laquwar. The king of Mormakar is Red 13 or Nanaki, the king of Ahmorhar is Bafas, king of Denormas Fharmas, of Kyelya Kyp, of Ewunfar Bason, of Barzax Rakrehu, and of Laquwar King Reeve. The warriors are as follows: of Mormakar Vincent, of Ahmorhar Cid, of Denormas, Barret, of Kyelya Zenon, of Ewunfar Deronfas, of Barzax Melmusres, and of Laquwar Shiron. I will give land to each nation. War will not be allowed! Tifa Lockheart and Yuffie here are my ambassadors. Any problem between nation will be discussed peacefully in the new city and world capitol, Gainsborough, named in honor of Aeris Gainsborough who died fighting Sepiroth. This concludes my speech, for now at least. Thank you all for attending and no questions until my next speech. That is all and God bless."

This is just the first chapter!!! I hope to publish 50 chapters!!!! Plz no flames and if I get 3 positive reviews ill write my next chapter!!!