This is a mini-fic I wrote for a prompt at LJ. Liked it a lot, so I'm posting it here, as well!

Promp was, Booth / Hodgins - something scary happens....but should be funny, by alias_jems.

He closed the door, turned, and ran for his life. He knew if the g-man were to catch him he'd be dead for sure--a couple bullets right between his scapulae. Booth often threatened him with shooting his brains off (OK, the brains off thing was his own addition to the scene, but somehow that's the way he had always pictured it), and judging by the feeling that was currently overpowering him, this time it'd be for real.

Not conscious of the train of thought that had led him to the elevator, he pressed the '-2' button repeatedly, as if the more he pushed it the faster he'd reach salvation.

A few minutes later he was hiding in his car, scrunching down in his seat. Finally taking the time to breath. To analyze the fact he'd walked into Dr. Brennan and Booth going at it on her desk. And going at it as if the world were to end.

He couldn't seem to get the image of them out of his head... It'd probably be imprinted on his mind eye for the rest of his life. The way her face was contorted in pleasure and abandon, her legs around him; the way his forehead was wrinkled in concentration, a couple of sweat drops shining on his skin as his hands gripped her hips.

The way the guy's eyes had pierced through him when the former had realized he was standing at the door, mesmerized by what was developping in front of him. And the immediate flee response that springed him to action when he read the murderous intentions in the man's eyes.

He closed his eyes and sighed. Of course it hadn't been his intention to interrupt them--he'd been so excited by what he'd discovered in the particulates he had been working on that he didn't even realize the door had been closed before he'd opened it. And witnessed something that was currently threatening his life.

Just when that thought crossed his mind he heard the distinct noise of metal knocking on glass. He startled, noticing there was a very angry Booth pointing a very menacing gun to him from the other side of his car window, signaling him to lower the glass.

For a moment he thought he wouldn't do that, as if the window would protect him from the Agent's fury. Then, realizing it just wouldn't do crossing him more, he reached with a trembling finger for the button that would bring him a step closer to death.

Unaware of the terrified expression he bore, he stared at Booth, waiting. He noticed the Agent's rapid breathing, his furrowed brow, the smirk of his mouth.

"You will not talk about this to anyone, not even to yourself in the quiet hours of night, from now on, 'till the time of your death--and only after that. You get me? Not even a whisper, not even the memory is allowed. Understood?"

"Yes," Hodgins whispered.

A few tense seconds passed until he could hear the gun being uncocked as if ordered by the former sniper's mind, as there was no other movement visible from him. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving the squint to recover his breath and composure.

It had been one of the sexiest--and most frightening experiences of his life. In a sense, he had to thank Booth for being the kind of guy he was. If it weren't for the fear for his life he would have started having fantasies about Dr. B, and that would never be a good idea. Specially considering he wasn't the guy for her... and who the guy was to actually match her. Now, thanks to Booth's version of honor saving, he would be able to look at them in the eyes. If only to try to let them know he wasn't thinking of them together. If only to make sure he was still safe.