ALRIGHT! IT'S BEEN FOREVER! BUT HERE IT IS! TE FINAL CHAPTER! I'm sorry I'm a horrible person writer thingy. Love, Ashley :D

"Thanks for uh...spending the night Ax. I mean it's not a big deal or anything but it just--" But the blonde was quickly interrupted by Axel placing his lips gently over his.

"It's really not a big deal."

"You're sure?"

"Dem, if I ever complain about sharing a bed with you, just put me out of my misery." The redhead said with a wink as he stretched his arms above his head and yawned. "I'm just gonna shower then I'll be in there alright?" The blonde looked around the darkened living room nervously before pouncing towards the bedroom and jumping on the bed.

"Ok! Come turn on the light for me! I can't leave the bed now that I'm on it!" Dem yelled through the apartment, making Axel smirk as he walked through the replica of his own apartment and switched on the light.

"Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious! This bed is my safe zone!" The blonde insisted but his boyfriend only rolled his eyes and walked slowly to the bed and sat down on the edge, grabbing Demyx's feet and pulling him closer, kissing his hands as he tried to push him away.

"Ok. Whatever. Enjoy your safe zone. I'm showering." Demyx pouted softly as the redhead began to turn but Axel crossed his arms and smirked. "You could always shower with me." He added and started to walk away again.

"But my saaafe zoooone." Demyx whined but bit his lip, manned up and followed his boyfriend into the bathroom with a giggle, closing the door behind them as Ax wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist and, being the helpful boyfriend he was, kindly started stripping his clothes for him.


The two boys laid on the bed, intertwined, still damp from the shower, Demyx shivering slightly from the ajar window, his goosebumps prickling against Axel's skin, making him chuckle.


"Noooo. I'm fine." Demyx said through chattering teeth. Axel laughed lightly again as he teetered his fingers across Dem's bare back but then pulled him closer, completely enveloping him and pulling a blanket over the two of them in hopes of warming his boyfriend up.

"Better?" He asked, angling his eyes as far as he could to be able to stare down at the boy in his arms.

"Much." Demyx cooed and nestled his head further into the crevice of Axel's neck.

"Have I mentioned that I really like you?" Axel smirked at the ceiling as he spoke and felt the blonde laugh against his skin. "And--"

"Shh shh!" The younger male insisted and played his fingers gently on top of his companions skin. "Hear that?"


"The rain!"

"Oh. Yea, of course I hear it." Ax smirked and closed his eyes, nuzzling his chin into the blonde mullet.

"That's my favorite sound in the world." Demyx said with a yawn and moved himself closer to Axel as they both drifted off to sleep.

It seemed like only seconds until a loud crash woke them but as they both bolted up and looked at the clock, they realized it had been hours.

"What was that?" Demyx whispered with an edge of terror in his voice. Ax only shrugged and started to leave the bed. "Where are you going?!" He whined but the redhead shooshed him.

"I'm gonna go see what it is." He answered and smirked when the blonde pouted and shook his head lightly. "It's probably nothing, something falling over or something. Stay in your safe zone." Axel finished with a wink and walked out of the room, slowly rounding the corner with a yawn.

A yawn that was cut off by a swift fist to the stomach however. The redhead hunched over and tried to catch his breath before shooting back up and shoving the random puncher into the wall, his forearm pressing fiercely against someone's strong neck.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Axel growled through his clenched jaw, pushing his arm further into the air pipe of the intruder. "Demyx. Get out here!" The blonde came pouncing out of the room as he pulled on a pair of boxers but stopped short when he saw the compromising position his boyfriend and former boyfriend were in.

"Xig...Xigbar?" Demyx nervously pondered though the answer was obvious. "Wh-what are you doing here?" The lithe blonde clinged to the corner anxiously.

"I you." He gasped out, a wicked smirk on his face. The two other boys saw the gleaming steel in his hand, saw him start to raise his wrist but Axel was fortunately quick. He easily knocked the gun to the carpet, praying the safety was on, and felt a wave of relief wash over him as it heavily humped without an ignition. "Get off me!" Xigbar growled loudly but the redhead easily pushed him back against the wall.

"Dem, call the cops." Axel instructed with a forceful tone. The blonde apprehensively shook his head and gripped the wall tighter. "Demyx, I promise he's not going to move. Please call the cops." Demyx cautiously walked into the kitchen, pressing himself against the wall as he went.

"What are the cops gonna do? Oh yea I'm so scared dude." Xigbar struggled to breathe, nonetheless speaking.

"See that gun?" Axel pointed with his free hand. "Is that registered?" Xigbar scowled at him. "Are you aware that you broke into someone's home? You've been stalking Demyx. I'm a witness, and so is everyone at the coffee shop. You asshole. You're going to jail dick wad."

"I called them..." Demyx said quietly as he lingered in the darkened doorway.


Axel wrapped his arm around Demyx who looked over at him with a still nervous grin.

"He's in the cop car. You don't have to worry anymore." The redhead told him with a smirk as he pulled him closer, wrapping the blanket around them as they stood on the cold pavement, the flashing colored lights of the cop cars.

"Y-yea I know." Demyx watched the car as it drove away, the other still lingering behind. "Thanks." He sighed gently as he leaned his head against the redhead's bony shoulder. The remaining cops walked over and stared at the two boys, awkwardly clearing their throats before beginning.

"I believe we have enough evidence to prosecute. We'll be in contact with you." Demyx nodded in response.

"Thank you." Axel said as he started to bring his boyfriend back into the apartment. He closed and locked the door behind them. "You wanna run back to your safe zone?" He asked with a smirk.

"No..." Demyx mumbled and rested his head against the redhead's chest. "I'm good right here."


Axel lightly tapped his thumb against Demyx's hand, making the blonde laugh melodically as the two entered the coffee shop, despite it being Axel's day off.

"Hey guys. what can I getcha?" Larxene asked in a standard waitress monotone as she poured coffee into Zexion's cup and then Xion's.

"You two live off that stuff...our whole apartment smells like coffee beans." Roxas complained as he rubbed his eyes.

"Oh whatever fruit freak. Gotta drown the smell of strawberries with you and your damn smoothies." Xion countered as she lifted her cup to her face. Roxas' only response was an eye roll.

"Guys?" Larxene asked, but Axel walked right past her, leaving Demyx to sit at the counter next to Riku and Sora who had become more regulars. The blonde chattered aimlessly with the small brunette and Xion as the rest of them watched Axel head towards the cash register, lift the try and take the money from the bet a week before. "What are you doing?!" Larxene shouted, obviously appalled.

"What day is it Larxene?" Axel asked with a cocky smirk as he gently flipped each bill, counting the cash out.

"It's...thursday." Xion answered with a pout.

"That's right! You're so smart Xion! Why ever did you drop out of school?" Axel asked, his arrogant grin aimed at her now. She merely scowled in response. "And me and Demyx haven't fought all week, have we baby?" The redhead looked at his boyfriend who grinned proudly.

"Not once!" Demyx beamed as Riku rolled his eyes and Sora chuckled.

"Exactly. None of you win that stupid bet. Therefore, I'm taking your money."

"Axel, that is--"

"Nah ah Zex. You all doubted me. You all suck. I'm keeping your money." Axel aimed his grin at Demyx who giggled in response. The redhead walked over, offering his hand to help the blonde up from his seat. "Now let's go buy you something pretty." He winked at the group of coffee shoppers as he smacked his boyfriend's ass, making him scream with laughter.

And there it is! The ending of the akudem. I hope it was adequate. A nice happy ending that I am not used to writing. Be sure to look out for another story from us! I'll try harder next time I swear it haha :)