Disclaimer: Final Fantasy does not belong to me...however much I may like it to. I own no characters, places etc. etc. so please don't sue me! I'm a nice person :)

Author's Note: This is my fifty-third fanfic...And it is my first ever chaptered fic! Ahhh! I'm quite nervous...Can I actually pull this off?...Maybe...I do hope so :)...PLEASE review as I really enjoy reading your views and they inspire me to get better! It would make me very very happy! Anyway stop reading this and get on with reading the fic! Hope you enjoy! :)


The city of Edge was covered in darkness, the night sky coloured a deep sapphire blue with wisps of smoky grey, caused by the thick clouds gently rolling across the twilight, hiding the pale white orb from view to nearly anyone attempting to find it, so now the tiny twinkling stars were all that was bringing a slight light to help guide the way for any late night walkers out on the murky streets.

Only one building in the whole city still seemed to be alight, and it stood right in the centre, shining like a ominous beacon to all who chose to search it out.

On the outskirts of Edge the streets seemed to have been coated in a pure black sheet of heavy material, which also brought a complete silence to the area, giving the place an eerie feel, almost as if it was secretly haunted by soundless spirits.

Inside one particular street, sat the small bar Seventh Heaven, the outside decorated in wood of the darkest brown, the shade so close to black that customers often argued over the actual colour.

It was closed now, the tables void of dirty glasses and heaving drunks, the air inside the bar clear of smoke and fumes brought in from the vehicles that had previously pasted outside.

Above the bar was a flat, a slightly small, very quaint, yet still quite beautiful, flat which always smelled of warming spices, which was caused by the occupant's constant desire to burn the special orange candles that could only be bought from a small corner stall on the midweek market held a few streets away.

The place was quiet, the rooms still, unmoving, as if they ceased to exist, ceased to be part of someone's life unless they were being used.

Only one room seemed to be possessed by a living form, tucked away in the back, between the kitchen and the bathroom, where the windows let in the smallest glimmer of starlight and the slightest of noises escaped from the creaking furniture.

The young woman shifted uneasily in her sleep, clutching at the covers as her head pushed itself deeper into the pillow, attempting to shut out the images whirling inside her head.

Glistening beads of cold sweat formed on her skin, causing her forehead to shine as she arched her eyebrows, her body reacting to the things playing out in her mind during her troubled sleep.

Her deep brown locks curled against the whiteness of the duvet as she turned her head yet again, trying to bring comfort to her racing heart.

The brunette's eyes shot open in a sudden rush of fearful energy, revealing her rusty orbs to the ceiling, and in an unseen movement she found herself sitting up, her form rigid with both shock and desperate pleading, the young woman wanting to free herself from the heavy burden of fear the dream...the nightmare had brought.

Her breathing was almost non-existent, the shirt covering her body rising and falling with the slowest elegance.

When the young woman had calmed herself to a reasonable state, so that her heart had slowed and no longer felt like a painful creature ripping its way through her chest, she thumped back down against the soft mattress, letting her hair spill onto the smooth material like the dropping of paint on a newly laid carpet.

It wasn't long before she'd curled into a ball, her comfort levels needing to be raised more so than when she'd originally fell into the bed that night. No matter how hard she tried her mind was still unable to block every image...every memory of the nightmare from her tired mind.

She let her rusty orbs drift over the empty space beside her, it looked so cold and bare, unlike it should be.

The brunette didn't know how to stop the crystal clear tears that formed, forcing her vision to become hazy and then proceeding to trickle down her pale skin, forming a damp patch on the large pillow pressed firmly against her face.

The night seemed so dark and endless and she was alone, completely alone in her room, in her flat and in her mind.

She knew when she awoke her head would seem clearer and the future would seem brighter, her friends would bring her that brief rush of want and happiness, while the bar would fill her with a ambitious desire that nothing else would be able to awaken within her.

But the night was different. It was the only time she was alone, without the presence of anything or anyone to help calm her troubled thoughts.

Every day she wished it would never arrive, tiny monsters of dread creeping into the back of her mind, telling her it would come again and again. And every time it felt like it would go on forever.

The loneliness of the endless night.

In the centre of Edge, the solitary building stood, lit up and looming over the smaller structures surrounding it. Inside dim lights glowed, lending just enough visibility for any worker still present there.

But every corridor seemed like a desolate wasteland, the odd painting or decorative plant were the only things that breathed life into the barren space.

Only one worker was present in the immense building, up on the seventieth floor, where the singular most important room was situated.

The door was made of the finest oak, the surface shined to perfection, and the golden letters painted across the glassy surface that was held in the centre, revealed the room's occupant.

Past the entrance, the office was a pristine space, everything beautifully sculptured and perfectly placed. Opposite the door lay a large window, covering nearly the entire wall. The dark silhouette of the night sky was broken by the presence of a generously sized desk, by which a young man sat, as he read the black thin text covering the glowing screen sitting on the surface in front of him.

His blonde hair fell forward across his pale blue eyes as he tilted his head in concentration. He didn't need to be there, his working day had finished before the city even began to get dark.

He'd stayed, stayed in an attempt to keep his mind awake, and away from the depressive thoughts that only the night-time darkness could bring.

But he knew he couldn't stay there forever, it wouldn't be long until he'd have to abandon his office for the cold, emptiness of his home, that had never really felt like a home.

The young man would hear the soft click of his heels against the polished wooden surface, echoing throughout the rooms, and corridors, the sound like a warning of just how alone he had become.

The night seemed so dark and endless and he was alone, completely alone, in the building, in the corridor, and in his life.

He knew that as soon as the pale morning light shone across the city his mind would feel calmer, the Turks would bring him amusement and friendly company, while the business would relieve his ambitious nature and concentrate his superior mind.

But the night was different. It was the only time he was alone, without the presence of anything or anyone to distract him from the uncomfortable thoughts whirling in his mind.

Every day be would stay behind at the office, wishing to push back the inevitable, the walls closing in around him, locking him away from the unknown company he wanted so badly. And every time it felt like it would go on forever.

The loneliness of the endless night.

A/N= You have no idea how tempted I was to make this a one-shot! Bad habits I think... but I managed to dissuade myself! This I guess is kinda prologue... just giving the reader an insight into each character's life, but don't worry not every chapter is gunna be all dark and actionless like this ;) this is just setting the scene if you will...and the epilogue will be of a similar style!