Okay… I know I have NOT updated since a very long time ago and I am so terribly sorry. I've got issues… I know you've all waited for so long and you've been planning to kill me (maybe, very possible) So, everyone, enjoy!

Oh yeah… I've got another Rimahiko story which is RDOT. Please also read. BTW it has no connection with this story.

Also I've decided that in this short chapter, I will jus reveal Rima's sickness. Then in the next, they'll go o America okay? Thanks for reading!


-Rima's POV-

I twitched. And stared as my principal was frantically running around his office going: "I was soo worried! Do you know how much trouble I would've been in if you'd gotten lost?! BTW thank you for bringing them back" So now he thanks us! Then I looked at my side where my new found friend was studying the planetarium, which intrigued her a great deal. Jenny though was not as excited as her brother, Peter.

He was independent and strong and somehow cute but not so much. His chestnut brown hair messy as if he didn't comb his hair in the morning (and I'm pretty sure he didn't) His intense blue eyes were looking around the planetarium (which, by the way, became the principal's office about a year ago). He was interested. I've learned that his number one goal was to be the world's top astronomer. I know I'm no genius, but I think that's a pretty darn hard thing to achieve. Jenny wanted to be noticed. She said she was always in the shadow of his brother. Actually last night I told her that if she makes people listen to her sing, she could probably out shine him.

"Rima, Nagi go to class now before I put you in detention." Tsukasa-san told us. "The hell! It's still 11:45. Classes starts at 1:00!" I whispered to Nagihiko. "You know how he is when it comes to new found friends." "Wish I didn't."

Me and Nagi scurried out of the planetarium and walked together in silence. "So… how's Sara? I know the first time I got Rhythm, I had so much problems, I nearly killed myself." Nagihiko said trying to break the awkward silence between us. "She's fine. Much more talented than I thought." "I see… would you—never mind." He stopped right away when he saw Sayuri, head of the Nagihiko fan club, passing by. We hadn't made public that we were going out. No, not yet. Sayuri and Kirishima would kill us both.

"HIDE!" he warned. He pulled me behind a tree while Sayuri passed by. She was heading to the planetarium, an egg in her hand. Not just any egg BTW. It was a Shugo Chara egg, decorated with queen crowns and hearts. I looked at Nagihiko the same look evident in our eyes.

Nagihiko sprinted back to the planetarium, startling Sayuri in the process. He burst inside and I heard him pleading. "Please don't let her in the Guardians!" "What are you talking about?" Tsukasa's confused voice rang through the whole planetarium. I walked by Sayuri and entered. I quickly I translated in English the whole scenario happening. From our fan clubs to our current problem. Jenny nodded in agreement that the lazy principal should keep her out. Peter just agreed as well.

In the end, he sent all 4 of us get out and attend classes. Before we went out he called out: "I'll inform Nikaido-sensei about those two new sit in students."

I walked to the Royal Garden with the 3 of them behind me. Amu was outside making out with a certain cat boy. "You two should get a room!" I shouted at them. Amu quickly came out of her trance and blushed a tomato red. I just laughed, Ikuto smirked, Jenny was dumbfounded, she told me later that it was because she was surprised that they could be so bold in their love, Nagi sweat dropped, and Peter looked like a stupid mouse caught in rat cage.

"Rima, introduce us to your new friend." Ikuto said. "Everyone this is Jenny. She's American and she's here to guide us to America. Her brother is here as well, Peter." Nagihiko said. "Hey" Amu said keeping her cool exterior but her face still a light shade of red. Ikuto just walked away. "I'm going to class!" he shouted. Tsk, tsk, Ikuto's skipping class again to visit a certain pink haired girl. I sighed. Just another normal day in a not so normal school.

Suddenly, I felt pain in my chest. Then I had hard time breathing. I screamed. It hurt so much I could die. And I really could actually. Nagihiko quickly ran to my side. I fell on the floor. I've had an episode like this before, but so far this was the worse. Nadeshiko quickly ran out of the Royal Garden and knelt at my side. She revealed at green bottle containing jasmine essence and let me inhale it. It usually calms me down then knocks me out. But today it was different. It made the pain worse then knocked me out. Usually, this is the part where I faint and have no idea what happens next.

-Nagihiko's POV-

Rima had an episode. That was never good. I looked at Nadeshiko the same fear in our eyes. We never want Rima to die, never! This has happened several times before. Each time more painful than the last. Right now, she's knocked out cold and we transported her inside the Garden before people started seeing what actually happened. This is my least favorite part. Luckily, Nadeshiko does all the work.

First she has to be out. Check. Then she needs to be around green stuff. AKA plants. Check. She needs to be fed this yucky blue stuff that tastes like goo and gross stuff. Then Rima coughs a lot. (I hate this part) She coughs up blood and the blue stuff. But the blue stuff needs to get in her so we feeds her more and she coughs more and more blood comes out. Rima always gets paler with each cough and it feels like she's dying every second. We do this for 9 spoons of blue stuff. The doctors say that that should be enough to get 2 spoon fulls into her. After the whole process, she doesn't wake up for about 3 hours and Nade is covered in blood and blue stuff. Check.

"It's done." Nade declared. I sighed. "But I've noticed. The more times we do this, the more blood gets on me. She's really dying Nagi." We've known that for a few years now, but nothing can stop me from panicking when I hear that.

The rest of the guardians were gathered around, watching Nade walking off to change out of her blue and red clothes. "I'll explain" I told them. "Rima has this sickness she was born with which also explains her littleness. The doctors have done all they can to cure her and stuff but they just couldn't. They've given us a procedure on what to do when she has this 'episode'. They say it's has something to do with her heart and lungs. As you've seen, I barely do anything and that really sucks. Rima's dying and I can't do anything. Nade does everything and sometimes she lets me help but I need to do more. Argh!" Kukai patted me on the back. "I know how you feel." He said looking at Utau.

By now Nadeshiko has finished changing and was back. "Tell the teachers we'll be absent because of Code Blue. They'll understand what it means. Oh, and tell Nikaido-sansei that the students canceled" I told Amu. She nodded.

Nadeshiko dialed on her cellphone one of her personal butlers. Of course I have my own, but I don't like him very much. She ordered a car in front of the Royal Garden in 5 minutes. And she told them it was a Code Blue.

A few minutes later, a limo was parked outside and Nade's butler came out and carried Rima to the car. Then her maid changed Rima into her clean clothes. We both got into the car and motioned Jenny and Peter into the car. When we were all in the car we sped to my house. We finally arrived and the butler carried Rima to the room she usually stays in when she's here, AKA the room beside my room.

"Your house is so big!" Jenny exclaimed and I could understand her. "I know. Everybody says that." I replied. She looked at my quizzically. "I learned English when I was 5. I keep it a secret from Rima. You see, to watch those shows like CSI and House, I had to learn English. It wasn't that hard really. "

Peter walked over to the fish pond and looked at his reflection. He also did that last night. After a few minutes, Jenny also stared at the pond. Nade and me looked at them both. Sadness dwelled in their eyes. I wonder if it's got to do with something in America. Then both of them looked at the house. What is wrong with them? I cleared my throat and they snapped out of their trance and apologized.

I escorted them into their rooms and went to see Rima in her room. Her room was decorated as she wanted. This was her second home. She had posters showing the most famous comedian on her wall and tens of gag mangas on a bookcase near her bed. Right now, she was still out. I was getting kinda worried. It's been more than 3 hours now and I could tell she was barely breathing. It's getting worse, I told myself.

I leaned into her. She was paler than usual. As if all her blood left her frail body. She was tremling slightly. I touched her face, she was really cold. I was starting to wonder if she was dead, but then I remembered that Rima's trembling, that means she's alive. I breathed a sigh of relief just as Rima was beginning to wake up.

She stretched and looked at me. "How long have I been out?" she asked. "3 hours 46 minutes" I replied. "It's getting worse" she mumbled barely audible. She looked at me and smiled, "Come on, I wanna eat. I haven't eaten lunch yet remember?" and as if on cue, her stomach growled. I laughed. "What's so funny?" she asked a dark aura surrounding her.

"Nothing you need to know about." I told her. She stared. I stared back, the usual routine after she'd wake up. Then I laughed. And she smiled. Damn! I always lose! I told myself. "Me 34 you 3. You've gotten even worse!" she told me. I helped her as she got off the bed and we trudged down the steps. "Rima! You're awake." Nadeshiko exclaimed. "Yeah, thanks for noticing." Rima said with lots of sarcasm. I guess she's going to be just fine… for a few more years that is…


Okay… that was shorter than expected. I'm sorry everybody!!

-KeiKei-chan ~*