Author: Lidi ([email protected])
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Universe was created by J. K. Rowling. I don't own
A/N - italic words with *stars* are Hermione's thoughts.
An Alibi
~ By Lidi ~
Chapter 1 - "Sacrifice"
"If Snape finds out he's gonna kill us for sure!" - Hermione's face squirmed with anxiety.
"If Snape finds ooooout he's gonna kill us for suuuure," - mocked Ron in a high voice, - "or worse - we'll get expelled."
Avoiding Hermione's 'I-hate-you-so-much-stare' he continued, - "Nobody forced you to help us, Hermiaaaaone!"
"That's it! Enough!" - she dropped a pile of papers she's been holding all that time, - "I thought it was an awful idea to cheat with exam's results from the beginning. And nobody listened to me! I quit! You aren't worth it, Ron!"
"Herm, wait," - but all Harry managed to grasp was cold air of the Dungeon.
"Let her go, we dont' need her anyway," - Ron tried to look confident but failed miserably.
Not that she had to be hold up, Hermione leaned against freezing marble of walls with a sign of frastration.
*They don't need me anyway. Why even bother... Oh, it's unfair! All I wanted is to help them. And how intent and warm Harry looked at me when I agreed. I think considering his strange behavior lately it quite possible that he's in l...*
Hermione paused her thoughts as she heard dim sound of steps echoing in empty halls.
*That's just fine. So fine. Perfect. I had to be caught in the middle of the night sneaking out Professor Snape's cabinet.*
She saw a shadow approaching from left corner. Hermione didn't have much choice. Either she lurked and thus doomed her friends, either she...
*bump into it (whoever it was) and then pretend I hit so bad I have to be guided to the med wing. I hope I won't get really hurt.*
And with those brave thoughts Hermione, so determined to make a noble sacrifice, mooved fast to the figure, appearing from the corner.
Hermione's plan was a stroke of a genius, except she forgot about simple physics laws - like if objects move towards each other with different speed or if they have different weight...
Hence a fragile boy by her feet, moaning and scolding through clenched teeth. Hermione, absolutely terrified, bent over this body, trying to examine if she caused inmeasurable harm, but as she saw it was The Boy That Was A Total Git, commonly known as Draco Malfoy, she backed off.
"You," - there weren't any slight sign of regret in Hermione's voice, - "What are you doing here?"
"You! Mudblood creep! How are you dare ask me questions! You almost got me killed!"
*I wish, though there is not perfection in the world*, - she thought, still standing over him, realizing with an unconcious relief that if this dork was abusing her as always he was just fine.
"I wish, though there is no perfection in the world," - she signed.
When Malfoy was going to answer her with the most terrible and dreadful insult he could think of, Harry and Ron peeked out of Snape's cabinet.
"Hermione, what's going on?"
She turned to disloyal friends only to see them suddenly staring past her with horror and consternation.
"Yes, Miss Granger, would you be so kind to answer that question?" - Snape's barely audible and exaggeratedly suave voice near Hermione's ear sent creeps down her spine. She just stood there, feeling Professor's presence in few inches, right behind her, unable to think, to move or even to breathe.