Disclaimer, I don't own Twilight as usual , or the song mentioned in here *grumbles*


I fucking hate her to death

I fucking hate her to death

She's incredible, unforgettable, undeniable, breath taking

Furious, she's so mysterious, I'm curious

Earth shaking

She's always right every time

I fucking hate her to death

She gives me sight even though I'm blind

I fucking hate her to death

She's always saving my life

But she don't belong to me

She tells me things are alright,

But she don't belong to me

I try to follow her light

But she don't belong to me

I feel her venomous bite,

'Cause she don't belong to me

She's funny

She's shinning

She's happy

I fucking hate her to death

She's caring

She's fun

She's smiling

I fucking hate her to death

I want you off this planet

I fucking hate her to death

You don't want me and I just can't stand it

I fucking hate her to death

I fucking hate her to death

She's unbelievable, unachievable, inconceivable, breath taking,

She's incredible, unforgettable, unregrettable,

Earth shaking

I see her wings and halo often

I fucking hate her to death

I'd be happy with her in a coffin

I fucking hate her to death

She makes the pain go away

But she don't belong to me

She makes the awful okay

But she don't belong to me

She brings the light to my day

But she don't belong to me

And then she just goes away

'Cause she don't belong to me

She's funny

She's shinin'

She's happy

I fucking hate her to death

She's caring

She's fun

She's smilin'

I fucking hate her to death

I want you off this planet

I fucking hate her to death

You don't want me and I just can't stand it

I fucking hate her to death

I want you off this planet

I fucking hate her to death

You don't want me and I just can't stand it

I fucking hate her to death

I fucking hate her to death

She's funny

She's shinin'

She's happy

I fucking hate her to death

She's caring

She's fun

She's smilin'

I fucking hate her to death

I want you off this planet

I fucking hate her to death

You don't want me and I just can't stand it

I fucking hate her to death

She's smilin'

She's happy

She's funny

I fucking hate her to death

She's smilin'

She's happy

She's happy

I fucking hate her to death

I sat in my chair that faced the window, I could not get her out of mind. I raked my finger though my hair again, Adreanna was out so I can sit here and have these thoughts with out upseting her. How could she ...with my so called brother I am not sure who I dispise more, Its her its always been her she wants to torment me.

I can not help but wonder what they are doing right now, I need to know what Bella is doing. I picked up my phone and called the only person I know would tell me the truth, How was I going to go about this, then I heard her answer it was now or never.

Carlise... "hello Edward?"

"hello Carlise...how is everyone?"

Carlise... "everyone is very good here the question should be how are you doing?"

I paused for a second I can not tell him the truth then I will not get any thing from him,

"I am good now...Adreanna has been great helping control things from building up inside...the real reason for this call is I wonder if I can talk to Jasper ...I did not want to call his phone if he does not want to talk, do you think he will talk to me?"

Carlise... " I am sure he would if he were here but him and Bella have already left"

There was a catch in my throat, they... left...

" They left... the family?" I was so confused

Carlise... "no Edward they are on their honeymoon they left this morning"

I saw red once more, I crumpled the phone that was in my hand with out even saying another word to my 'father' I was going to track them down, how could he ...house could she,he was uncivilized.

Maybe I should not have broke my phone and got somemore information from Carlise, I'm sure I could have got more from him, to late now. I left the house with out a note and was not sure where I was heading, I just knew I had to run, I had to kill.


The Morning came all to soon, I guess we are going away when we finally got out of bed and Jasper handed me and suit case and told me to pack... what for I do not know all he told me was bring a bathing suit and warmish clothes ... so it made no sence to me. He of course was already packed so he sat on the bed watching me buzz around like a bee, our flght left Seattle in like two hours. If I got my ass in gear a few minutes earlier I would not be fucking rushing so much.

Finally we were on the road Emmett was driveing so I had no doubts we would get there on time, and I thought Jaspser was an insane driver. I sat up front with Emmett while Jasper sat in th back after a five minute argument over the front seat... but him being the gentelman he is he insisted he take the back.

Anyways we got to the airport in time with out having to rush to our gate, that is when I found out where were going, London... nice I have wanted to go there for awhile..I wonder how Jasper knew I don't think I told him.

We finally borded the plane ...shocking enough we sat in coach but I like it, it was more low key,but I will say traveling this way was hard there were so many humans ...blood pumping I gripped Jaspers hand closeing my eyes trying to think about something else.

Its going to be a long few hours.


It took alot of ass kissing and bull shiting to find out where they were, Jasper is useing his own last name ... and she took his last name if I could I would be pukeing, the newly Mr and Mrs Whitlock were on the 11:15 flight to London, good I was not far away if I was to take the first flight I would most likely beat them there.

My plane landed on time, now to find out where they were staying, I knew Jasper knew his way around this city we stayed here for quite a few years, so to make some calls as Mr Whitlock asking for directions... after a few calls I got the right hotel, not far from the airport now to go and observe.

I was shaking with rage as I waited in my own room, I did not want her to know I was here, she shall find out soon enough, but first I had to take care of him. I paced...soon Adreanna would know I am gone, I did not even care at this point. She does not know how to get ahold of anyone so know one is going to suspect anything ... fuck ... Alice!

It's to late they will be here any second, in a few seconds I heard the door open and close in the room next to me, HA they are here now my only decision is if I kill him in front of her or take it somewhere else, will defend her mate, no she will not fight me he will not let her, he will know it would be certin death for her if she comes toe to toe with me now, I am in no mood to be fucked with.

I moved fast cause they will smell me coming and he will feel my rage, I went to their door, as I heard Jasper say 'stay back' I was kicking in the door and attacking like a mad man.


The flight was a little ruff ... for the both of us, she was having a hard time controling her thirst, but I am so proud of her she did it and no lives were lost. We got off the plane and made good time getting the bags from baggege claim, we even got a cab in record time, she rested her head on my shoulder resting from the trying ride she was a bit worn out.

When we got to the hotel we got right to our room...and what happened next was a blur, I felt somthing coming from the room next to us ... it was anger, I all of a sudden wanted to kill someone, that is when the door was kicked open by a rageing Edward, I had just enough time to tell Bella to stay back ...we colided hitting the bed so hard it broke under us, we tangled in blankets and pillows, he was so angery it was like he had newborn strength.

I was loseing this battle he was takeing me, he was slowly ripping my head off my body, all I could think about was loseing my Bella, I could hear the cracking of my neck ... then it stopped...

My eyes came back into focus and there she was stunned like a deer in headlights... holding his head in her right hand by the hair... oh my god Bella just killed Edward, quickly I pushed his body off mine and rushed to her.


I knew something wasn't right in a flash something in Jasper was differnet, maybe I emotionly drained him on the plane, but there was a loud crash Jasper yelled I stood there blinking as Edward tried to rip off my mates head, it was like it was instinct ...auto-pilot.

There was a horrid sound, and I looked down and there was his head in my hand, where was his body..I looked over to the mess of bed and sheets and his body was limp ontop of Jasper.

Things got strange even my vampire mind was not catching up with what was happening, Jasper moved a chair in front of the door to get it to stay closed ... Edward broke it .. then I killed him, I never killed anyone before, I stood there looking at his body, until Jasper took me and turned me away. I blinked a few times snapping out of it.

"Bella ...baby I know you are freaked right now but it was either him or me .. and who knows what would have happened to you if would have killed me, you did what you had to do... Bella are you listening to me" I just nodded, what were going to do now... what about the family oh god they are going to hate me, I started to fucking freak ...then I went numb.


I had to do something, all I could think to do was numb her... I don't know what was going though her head she was not talking, this was bad, and somehow I had to take care of this. I held Bella as I thought, then it hit me Aro... he could take care of this...I know of his power he will see what happen needed to happen, I needed to get word out to him before the mortals find us ... I went to grab my phone and saw it was still off from the plane ride.

I powered it back up as soon as it turned on I had like ten voicemails... I listened to them, all from Alice first they started out as concerned...then to panic ... then to sadness as she told me she saw what happened, the last one was telling me that Aro would understand and take care of this, Bella would be ok and to reasure her the family knows it had to have been done and that Carlise was going to take care of everything as far as Adreanna goes.

Thats why she was freaking out she thought the family would be mad at her. We grabbed our things and quietly left the hotel before sunrise, We got into our new room I pulled my fingers though my hair and looked at Bella who was stareing out the window.. "darlin... they are not mad at you, they are griving Eward but they understand you did what any mate would do you protected yours."

"Carlise is going to take care of Adreanna... he is going to invite her to come be with her cousin, he is not going to tell her we did it ..." I let out a sigh..I remember the first time I killed another vampire so I know how it feels. She came over to me and sat on the bed , " we are going to be ok " she said with a nod.