Chapter 1


The name's Mikan Sakura, 13 yrs old. I'm currently in a Black limo going to a school called Gakuen Alice or something like that. Anyway, the blonde haired dude that was supposedly my homeroom teacher, Narumi, explained to me that I have 2 of the rarest kind of Alice out there, specifically called the Nullification Alice and the SEC Alice.

( Narumi already explained everything, star ranks, rules and regulations etc….)

Great, just great…….

Another school means another set of slutty girls throwing themselves to a guy. And slutty girls means there's bound to be deranged fanboys, which in my case isn't really the greatest thing out there for a girl like me…….

I have a feeling you haven't fully seen me yet or should I say, I haven't described myself yet but lets just put it as simple as this, don't mean to brag but, my curves are to die for, my skin is as smooth as a glass but soft. I have silky brunette hair and chocolate brown orbs.


I can still hear my fanboys!!!


These guys are seriously nuts!!!!!!!!

Back to the blonde dude that I decided to call Naru. " Mikan-chan, For now, you'll be a special star student, and you have to pick a default alice, ok?" Naru said.

" whatever " I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

" Kawaii!!!!! Acting all cold !!!!" Naru squealed.

I cant believe I just noticed it now! The guy is so not straight! He's gay! And now, looking at him completely, Heck! He's the definition of gay. Even I don't wear stuff like that!

His pink long-sleeved sweater shirt is seriously making me blind! And did I mention that I'm not the girliest person out there? I'm more in touch of my masculine side if I do say do say so myself.

Hey, Naru stopped talking, and that's when I realized that the car stopped.

Oh man! going to this school is kinda making me dense. " oi, Naru, is there a uniform in this school?" I asked in a voice that could give no emotion away.

" Hai, Mikan-chan! Why'd you ask?" Naru said a smile in his gay face.

" Give me a guy's uniform. 2 sizes bigger than mine. Got that?" I said, okay, maybe demanded.

" Not meaning to be nosy Mikan-chan, but why bother? Your cute, pretty and drop-dead gorgeous in 1 package, why bother dress up as a guy?"

Exactly what he said! That's the reason why! Fanboys are irritating! And besides, its easier to go around wearing pants ( is it pants or short? I don't really know A/n)

" None of your business" I simply stated.

We got out of the limo and walk to the principles office to finalize my transfer. When we opened the Principle's office's door ( confusing right? I got confused there too) sitting on a leather chair behind a desk was my uncle….

That was a big shocker….

Never expected that my uncle would own a school as big as this. " Mikan-chan!" My uncle said as he ran up to in an attempt to give his favorite niece a hug. I just side stepped, avoiding the "dangerous" hug.

As my uncle fell on the carpet, I noticed that Naru was still outside the office with a sweat drop, well that was no surprise, considering how uncle just acted, anyone would be surprised.

" Mikan-chan? Is that really you?" Uncle said with a voice that had a hint of disbelief.

I just nodded my head.

" You've grown to be quite a young woman!" uncle said as he stood up.

I just smiled a small smile.

Nice, my uncle's the owner of a school that has some kind of mutated students.

I just hope I can see aniki here.

" Uncle, Is aniki here?" I said in a quiet voice.

" Aniki? Oh yeah! He's here as a teacher!" My uncle replied cheerfully.

Sometimes I wonder how we're even related! Our personalities are too opposite!

After he explained that I was a special star and etc, etc and etc……….


Whoa! Was that a bomb or something?! The sound was HUGE!!!!

" Oh, so the information about the escape of the infamous Natsume Hyuuga was true eh" Naru muttered as he jumped out the window. ( wow, was that Narumi? He's ooc! A/n)

I actually ran after him curious about what happened.

When the gate was already in my view, I saw a boy with raven hair, about my age that has a cat mask that was standing on the wall.

The next thing I knew was Naru blowing or was that whispering to the boy and the raven haired dude got knocked out.


Sigh, Why am I alone here again?, not to mention an unconscious boy in the same room.

I took out my Ipod and and earphones, wore my baseball cap just incase somebody walks in and finds out that I was a girl. I also switched my clothes from a skirt to a pair of baggy jeans and a loose t-shirt with a black wrist band together with a black thick wrist watch on my left wrist as a limiting device. At least It's comfortable! Not like those girlie tight clothes.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes, listening to my music when suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned to around and was instantly face to face with a crimson eyed and raven haired dude.

" Teme….. (you) " The boy started.

Then a vain popped in my head, I was now pissed, NOBODY TOUCHES ME! I screamed in my head.

I grabbed his wrist, then twisted his arm backwards, giving me the advantage of the situation.

" nobody touches me " I said in the most menacing tone that sent shivers down his spine.
