Roger hesitantly approached Mark's door to hear him coughing. He knocks hard on the door waiting for response.

"What do you want?" he heard Mark croak from inside. Roger rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to apolo- I wanted to know what you were thinking going out when you knew you were sick?" he made up. He couldn't muster saying the two key words to apologizing. He heard Mark sigh,

"I didn't want you to freak out on me like always, but I can see that logic didn't work." He said hoarsely. Roger tried the door knob, but it was locked.

"Mark Cohen, open this door right now!" Roger yelled at his friend.

"So you can yell at me some more? I don't think so." He said defiantly. Roger shook the door knob some more.

"Mark if you don't open this door I'll break your camera." Roger threatened.

"Wait what? I thought my camera was in here." He heard Mark moving inside his room looking for his beloved camera.

"Nope, it's right here along with your scarf." Roger said, "Maybe I could destroy your precious scarf while I'm at it." Roger heard the lock on the door click and he let himself into Mark's room.

"Happy now" Mark asked sarcastically.

"Yup" Roger replied plainly.

"So what was so important you threatened to destroy my camera?" Mark asked Roger.

"I'd rather not have a conversation behind a door." He remarked in an obvious tone.

"Oh please, you've had conversations behind doors before." Mark reminded his friend, "What's really bothering you?"

"Isn't this supposed to be about you?" Roger snapped.

"You're the one who NEEDED to be in here; I wanted a reason." Mark noted.

"I would destroy your stuff, is that not reason enough?" he asked. There was a short pause between the two.

"Where's Angel?" Mark asked.

"Getting medicine for your sick ass" Roger said meanly.

"Excuse me; I didn't know getting sick was a crime." Mark said sarcastically.

"What is it with you and sarcasm?" Roger asked angrily.

"What is it with you and anger?" Mark asked just as angered. Roger paused, realizing this was getting worse rather than better.

"Look…I'm…..I'm…I'm-" Mark interrupted

"You're, you're you're…" he teased his best friend.

"I'msorryIfreakedoutonyouit'sjustthatIcare!" Roger said quickly. Mark had a confused look.

"Roger, I'm sick and my ears aren't what they are usually, but even if they were I don't think I could've understood that." Mark said

"I'm sorry I freaked out on you…it's just that I…I c…care." Roger said slower as he turned red. Mark smirked at his roommate.

"It's okay Rog; I know how hard it is for you to apologize." Mark said simply; yet he was still surprised to hear those words come from Roger. The two heard the loft door open and heard,

"I come bearing cold medicine!" the two men smirked at Angel's positive attitude. They left Mark's room and found Angel taking out a load of bottles.

"Angel it's a cold, one bottle would have done enough." Mark said right as he coughed.

"You can't be too careful with a cough like that!" Angel remarked happily. "Now sit down and take your medicine mister!" she ordered giving Mark a bottle. Roger chuckled at Angel's forceful nature to take care of others in need. "Now have we got our little dispute over with?" Angel asked Roger.

"Yeah, Angel, we're alright." Roger answered.

"Good, because I was about to call Joanne to represent you both in a trial" Angel said sarcastically. She turned on her heels and looked to where Mark was sitting. "Marcus Cohen, you take that medicine right now!" Angel ordered. Mark had not tried to open the bottle since Angel shoved it at him. Roger got his guitar and started playing Musetta's waltz while he watched Angel force feed Mark the dose of medicine.