Hey this is my second fic . Sure I haven't finished my first one yet but I really needed to get this one out of my head . They are all 15 right now in my fic . Eriol and Tomoyo are going out too . DISCLAIMER: I don't own CCS it belongs to CLAMP . There I said it . like I said once in my other fic I'm practically broke so it's a waste of time suing me . Also Sakura has told her family about her magic it was just easier when she didn't have to hide Kero

~*Little Blossom*~:I enjoyed having you in my other fic so you'll be in this fic too Syaoran. ^_^

Syaoran: Great (sarcastically). Surprisingly this fic is worse then your last fic if possible.

~*Little Blossom*~:I thought you said you wouldn't be mean

Syaoran: That was the last fic ,I said nothing about being nice in this fic.

~*Little Blossom*~:Rats. well I'm tired of talking to you so lets go on with the fic.



Chap. 1 Dying Of Emotions

Sakura stared out her window it was such a nice day. The sun was shining brightly, the air was as comfortable as comfortable could get. To any person, their mood would match such lovely weather. They're not as nice as you'd think. She thought bitterly. For most people, it wasn't two weeks till the day that it happened. The day her whole mental world crumbled to dust.

******************************Flash Back**********************************

It was at the beach on a nice day. Exactly like the day today. It was at the popular beach for teens, supposedly the place for romance- but not for her, never for her. They met at a place that people thought was too far to walk to- so they had the area all to themselves.

"So Syaoran, you wanted to see me about something. What is it?" Sakura smiled lovingly at him. Syaoran was nothing, nothing but the sun her being revolved around.

"I....ummm ...don't know how to say this but…" his voice trailed off into incoherent mumbling. He seemed for the most part nervous, and extremely uncomfortable. Something seemed to be troubling him for the past couple weeks, but it had become more obvious when that new girl had arrived in town. He dropped his gazed; he seemed too ashamed to look her in the face.

"But what?" her smile faded like writing under an eraser. She didn't know what he had to be ashamed about; he's always been honest and loyal.

He was hesitant about the answer he was going to give, so in uncertainty, he paused "We can't see each other anymore," He finally revealed. Those words, those few words, they struck her like nothing in existence ever could.

"Why?" was the only word that was able to form itself in her mouth.

            "It has something to do with that new girl. I don't feel for you like I used to. I don't love you, I lo-" she cut him off like a knife.

            "You love someone else don't you." She spoke with painful venom in her voice.

            "I'm so sorry Sakura. But ummm…" he coward under the hurt, pain, and hate for him that showed in her eyes.

"Save the small talk Syaoran.....J...Just leave me alone." She exploded. She then pivoted the best she could on sand, and ran home not bothering to say sorry to the people she bumped into. After all, a simple bump by someone couldn't even come close to the emotional pain she was in. It was like comparing simple house chores to getting the death sentence- not that the thought of death didn't occur to her.

**************************End of Flash Back*******************************

As the days approached she started to feel her emotions eating away at her, eating like a starved child would at the site of a grand feast. She started getting cramps and pains even later on. Everyone started getting more worried about her. It hurt her the most when she saw him, Syaoran Li with his new girlfriend Kimi Musuno .

Sakura sighed as she thought of three more nights till it was that day. The day she loathed that ate at her heart; mind and soul- or what was left of it. . She turned off the lamp and went to sleep. Kero was at Tomoyo's because he knew Sakura wanted to be alone for these few days.


It was total black. The back drop of the night couldn't compare to it. She felt a floor under her yet she couldn't even really see it. She heard foot stops behind her, and then as they stopped abruptly. She turned around to see Syaoran there holding a sword. "Syaoran...w…what are you doing here?" her eyes widened in surprise.

Syaoran glared at Sakura with disgust. That look brought a shot of pain to her heart. "You should know why I'm here. I'm here to rid of a pathetic card captor, meaning you. I can't believe I even went out with you, let alone loved you. You will always be to me the same person you were the first day I met you-A pathetic, weak girl who wouldn't know magic if it introduced itself to her with presents and its definition."

Sakura sunk to her knees in self loathing. He may have broken up with her, but she'll always take what he says seriously. Even though they weren't together anymore he treated her with respect, and was kind to her. She didn't know why he was being so crude, even if it was a dream. "W-why are you saying these things to me?" a single tear made its way down her cheek.

Syaoran didn't respond. He just made his way over to her. Syaoran raised his sword up and struck it down fast. Sakura moved just in time but got part of her arm cut. It was deep though. It went from her shoulder to elbow. She winced as the burning pain shot through her.

"Li-kun. Stop this, please. You know I won't hurt you. I could never hurt you. Please, Stop this!" she cried out to him while dodging she blade.

Sakura dodged, that's all she would do. She could never hurt him, she loved him, and that's all there was to it. When she saw the opportunity, she was able to knock the sword out of his hand. But he just automatically swept his leg under hers, sweeping her off her feet. Her body met the ground painfully.

"Please, stop it. What did I do to you?" I can't take it anymore it hurts so much. She thought while her salty tears just kept pouring out uncontrollably.

Syaoran kicked her back hard, forcing her on her front. Sakura couldn't move. Syaoran kicked at her with all the strength he could gather. Sakura cried out in an incontrollable pain. Her painful plea echoed painstakingly over the world of black. If only there was someone there to hear it.

----------------------------Dream End------------------------------------------

Sakura snapped her eves open at the dream. She tried to get up but couldn't. She winced at a pain that came from her back. Sakura carefully got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. When she got to the bathroom she noticed a deep cut that went from her shoulder to elbow. She carefully washed her arm off and wrapped it up in a bandage. She took off her shirt and looked at her back by her back facing the big mirror. She held the hand held mirror in front of her and looked at her back. There were bruises all over her back and shoulder. They were very painful. Sakura decided to go to school early so know one would see the slight limp she had when she walked. Sakura sighed. She knew she had to wear her long sleeves so know one would see her cut. It was also supposed to be very hot that day. Sakura left the house leaving a note that said she left early so they wouldn't freak out when she wasn't there. She slowly walked to school because she was very early. Though it was early some people still were walking and looked at her weirdly. 1. She had a slight limp.2. She was wearing sleeves when it was so hot.

Little did Sakura know was that Eriol was in a tree watching people walk by and saw Sakura walking. Eriol looked at her worriedly. He loved her the way a father would love a daughter. He knew Sakura was depressed about breaking up with cute little descendent and that saddened him. But now she looked like she was in pain.

"Oh Sakura, what is happening to my cute little daughter?" he pondered out loud. He eyed her worriedly. For he knew it had to do with Syaoran. He frowned. When he saw sees Syaoran look at her, he can still see the love in his eyes for Sakura. And he knew Syaoran knew it. It was something that puzzled him. Why did he break up with her? He sighed and started to head to school.

When Eriol got there Sakura was the only one there. He watched her as she tried to ignore the sores on her body, but Eriol knew better.

"Good morning Sakura-San." he said cheerfully. He decided to act normally.

"Ohayo Eriol-kun." Sakura tried to sound cheerful but Eriol saw through that fake cheer and frowned inwardly. Disappointed that she didn't at least tell him her troubles, he sat down. But then again, he expected that from her. She was never one that wanted people to worry about her, even when she's been depressed for almost a year now.

The kids slowly all walked in. Sakura saw Syaoran walk in with his girlfriend Kimi. Sakura went through a rush of emotion Love (she still loved him), Pain (that he didn't love her), Fear (because of her dream).

"Ohayo Sakura." he said trying to sound polite. Sakura jumped like a startled fish at the sound of her voice. She whimpered slightly as she then lowered herself into her desk.

Syaoran stepped back a step at her actions. She seemed afraid of him, but she had no reason to. He was just about to ask what the matter was when Kimi drew him away, and in to a conversation. When the conversation ended, he was about to try again, but the teacher stepped into the room.

*               *               *

The day passed on, and it felt slower then usual to the lot. At the end of the day Sakura waited for everyone to leave. She didn't anyone to see how much pain she was in. She stood up turtle speed, and was about to leave when Eriol suddenly strode into the room.

            "Sakura don't deny it, but tell me what's wrong."

"What do you mean? I feel perfectly well. You don't have to worry about me Eriol." I hate to lie, but it's for the best.

"You're lying Kinomoto-san." He formally accused. "I saw you limp this morning, and I'm sure you wouldn't wear a long sleeved top because you thought it was going to be cold today. You even warned me yesterday that today was going to be a scorcher."

            Sakura turned her gaze away from his face, before replying reluctantly "I had a dream last night. It was a dream that involved me getting hurt. All I can say is that whatever that person did to me in my dream must have happened in real life. You see," an unreadable look crossed her face "all my injuries from the dream, were there when I woke up."

            Eriol's face was emotionless, but in reality, he was frozen in place by shock. He blinked recovering only to go into deep thought. It must be Syaoran who's hurting her in her dreams. That could only be the reason why Sakura seemed panicky when ever she saw or heard him. But why would her dreams hurt her, Syaoran would never hurt her. I won't tell her I know who's hurting her though, she'll tell me in time, and if not, it was her choice. "Sakura, will you at least show me your wounds?"

Well I told him this much, might as well show him .At least he didn't ask who hurt me. "Okay." Sakura rolled up her sleeve and unwrapped her bandage leaving a huge gash. Eriol's eyes widened as he saw the wound .Sakura then turned around to and lifted the back of her shirt up a little bit to show bruises on her back, she also pulled the neck part to the side to show the bruise on her shoulder.

He examined her wounds and watched as she than wrapped everything back up. Sakura got really hurt. "Sakura those wounds look pretty bad."

"I know but please don't tell anyone please. I don't want them to worry about me." She pleaded with him. She wouldn't know what to do if everyone knew she was hurt that badly.

Eriol saw the way she was looking at him. As much as he wanted to tell someone, he couldn't betray their friendship. "As you wish Sakura-san" was all he replied.

"Thank you." She spoke to him gratefully. And as gracefully as she could, she limped home.

Please be careful Sakura-San, Was Eriol's final thought as he too left for his home.

When she got home she was greeted by her brother. Sakura hoped he wouldn't notice her limp.

It's the Kaiju. I was really surprised that you left so early, I mean I thought the world would end the day you got up early." Touya would've gone on but he noticed that she seemed to be favouring one leg. "Are you okay Sakura?" he asked with a voice full of worry.

I guess I'm too obvious. Eriol got me pretty quickly too. "I'm fine Touya." She would've stumped on his foot for calling him that, but her back really started to hurt. "I'm going to my room call me when dinners ready." Was all she said before making her way up the stairs.

"Okay Kaiju. But don't make such a racket when you go up the stairs, I'll have to start calling you dinosaur for stumping so loud." Sakura smiled weakly as she heard him tease her again. Wait a second she didn't even attempt to kick me...Sakura.


~*Little Blossom*~:yay my first chapter done.

Syaoran: well it still sucked you wasted time out of your pointless life to write this when know one is going to read it.

~*Little Blossom*~:uhhhg.. I swear I'm going to invite Eriol soon cause he's less annoying...and you'll still be here.

Syaoran: (scared look) aaaahhhh.....I'll be nicer

~*Little Blossom*~:that's better. Anyways X-mas is soon yay. I will have time to write even more on my fics.

Syaoran: you mean I have to spend Christmas Break with you.

~*Little Blossom*~:yup.


~*little Blossom*~:(giggles) I promise to be nicer to you even though I am nice to you . I mean it's not like glomp hug and

hit you all the time , all well till next time

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review and tell me what you think (begging on my knees).you can flame me but I want a review. pppppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I will write the next chap if i get one review. my goal is to get on review each chapter so I know someone is reading this or else I feel useless. Till later so please review.