Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.
5 Hours Before Carlisle Disappeared
Carlisle's POV
"Daddy," I heard a small voice from behind me.
Turning around I smiled. It was my beautiful baby girl. Being only 5 I couldn't tell her where I was going; no many how many times she asked.
"Yes Sweetie," I asked bending down to pick her up.
"Don't leave me with the Nanny again. Why can't you stay home from work like normal Daddies'?"
"Because Isabella, my job isn't like normal Daddies'"
"But Daddy," she whined burring her head into my neck.
Most parents would not allow this stubbornness, but I could care less. This was my child and she was never going to be hurt. Emotionally, mentally, or physically.
"Isabella, Daddy has to go to work."
"They are people too," she said gently.
That gave me a shock.
"Wh-wh-what?" I stuttered.
"The people you call monsters. They are just people with different eating styles."
"No they aren't. They feed from our friends. They deserve to die."
Why was I having this conversation with my 5 year old daughter anyway?
"Daddy," she shook her head dropping it, "You will say one day."
Of course. She will drop it for now, but being stubborn will never let it go.
"Okay, now Isabella, may I go now."
"Please be careful."
"Always," I whispered before giving her a kiss on her forehead.
She then reached for my neck to take a chain out of my shirt to reveal 2 lockets of the Cullen's family crest. It is for both the husband and wife. We were suppose to pass it onto our children when they turned 18. I however had to hold both lockets. Her mother had died at child birth. Isabella blames herself, but I have to keep telling her she was sick in the first place so she was weak. Then she keep saying that I should give her away saying l should be mad at her. I however say she was the only thing left I had of her mother. It was also suppose to keep whoever Cullen who wears it safe.
"Do you miss Mommy?" she asked holding her mother's locket.
"Very much."
I saw tears come up into her eyes.
"How long have you known about my work?" I asked. I could tell she was worried about my well-being. I then realized that every time I went off to work she would have that look.
"When Grandpa passed the job down to you," she said a small voice.
"I can hear everything in my room."
I sighed putting her down.
I took off the second chain and handed it to her.
"Every night I go off to work I will give this to you so in the morning you can give it back to me when come home."
She gently took it.
"I love you," I said giving her one last kiss on the head.
"I love you too."
I walked out the door, but not before saying, "See you in the morning."
Everything was doing well till one of the monsters grabbed me. When he bit me I was able to crawl away. I was in pain for 3 days. When I looked at my chain I saw it was broken.
'Darn,' I thought when the pain was gone, 'I'm late. Isabella isn't going to like this.'
Right as I started to go home I caught a smell. I smelt sweet. An itchy pain was in the back of my throat. I tried to make it go away, but it wouldn't. Then as if something snapped in me I was running towards the smell. My mouth came in contact with something screaming, but I didn't care. It was warm and thick, the substance made the burning itch go away.
When the figure was gone of the liquid I got up whipping my mouth looking at the meal I just had.
What I saw was a shock. What lay before me was a man. With blood all around him. I looked down to see blood, fresh and old, covered my own cloths.
Then it hit me. I was one of the monsters I would always kill every night.
What else hit, I could never see Isabella ever again. Ever.
Present Day
I finally had my vampire family. There was my 3 strong boys, my 2 beautiful girls, and my lovely wife. The kids were of course not mine, vampires can't have kids, but my creations.
I have first changed Edward when he was dying of the Spanish Flu (AN: I don't know how to spell the technical word.) because I wanted a companion.
Then I changed my wife Esme when she jumped off a cliff.
I found Rose next and changed her after she was just raped and left on the streets to die by her fiancée.
Emmett was brought to me by Rose after he got attacked by a bear.
Jasper and Alice came to us on their own.
Even though they were my family I always dreaded September 13. My baby girl's special day.
I chuckled remembering how she would always want me to call it 'Day Closer to Death'.
"What are you laughing at dear?" I heard Esme asked.
"Just remembering what Isabella called today."
Esme's face hardened. She hated it that I hadn't told my children and they always wonder why I was depressed during this day.
There was a continues knock at the door.
"Come in Alice," I said.
"Carlisle, there is a vampire in the woods. Edward wants you to come see her."
I nodded my head and ran after my pixie daughter.
When we got to the woods I saw Emmett holding a brunette around the waist, insuring she got nowhere.
From far back her face looked just like Bella's.
I sighed. Not a good day to meet someone who looks like Bella. Maybe it was just one of the relatives after all the births.
When I got there I was in shock.
She had both of my family crests. And they both had blood on them.
"How do you know-"she stopped in shock when she saw my face.
I look over at Esme and her face had the 'Is this your Isabella?'
I nodded to the unasked question.
"What is going own!" Edward yelled.
"Kids," I said, "This is my blood daughter."
She reached up and undid the chain. She walked up to me and put it in my hand saying, "I don't know which one is my blood, but peace."
And she took off running.
"Dang, girl can give Edward a run for his money when it comes to running," I heard Emmett say.
AN: Please Review