First off I would like to apologize for dropping off the face of the planet like I have. Writers block is such a pain in the behind. I would love to thank all that have stuck with me and to say that I'm not giving up on any of my stories.
so rather than keeping you here to read my ramblings lets gets started.
Sora looked up at the night sky with a stick of pocky hanging from her lips. She had been up here for an hour after she told off the little brat. Not know what it like to lose a love one. Ha! She was so lost in her thought she didn't hear Kakashi walk up and sit next to her.
"So how did the Hokage's little girl end up with the Demon of the Hidden Mist?" Kakashi said sitting down next to her.
"Heh. Wouldn't you like to know." Sora said looking over at him not letting her surprise show. Her pocky moved to the other corner of her mouth.
"Well yes I would. The Hokage would like to know how you survived all these years and I hope you realize I sent a note to him that I have made contact with you." he replied looking amused.
"Hmm and here I thought the Old man would have moved on by now. I mean it has been six years." Sora turned her so that she could get a profile of Kakashi. "Well it was about six months after my... departure I met up with a caravan." Sora started off turning back to the dark sky. "They where pissed off when why a little girl my age was wondering around by herself. In fact they wanted to try to destroy any and all of your village's trade agreements by telling all the trader and the next big convention of traders what they did." At this Kakashi seen eye widen at that prospect by see all of the devastating effects that could have made. "Zabuza and Haku where at the convention that the caravan was heading to. They basically wanted to keep me but after finding out that Zabuza and Haku where ninja's I wanted to learn."
"Let me guess. Zabuza was less then welcoming?" Kakashi asked.
Sora snorted. "I guess you can say that. The Old Man can back me up with this when I say this, if I want something bad enough I'll stop at nothing to get it."
"Why not!" Sora said stomping her foot glaring at a younger Zabuza.
"Because brat, I already have one brat I don't need another one." Zabuza said before turning to walk away. Haku looked at Zabuza's retreating back and at Sora offering a weak smile.
"He not that bad usually, but we had a rough week." Haku said before leaving with Zabuza who had stop a good distance away.
"It's okay Sora-chan. Maybe this way you would stay with us and find another group of ninjas to learn with." Yuan said putting a hand on Sora's shoulder to lead her away.
"NO! If I don't find a teacher now then it would be harder to learn what need to know just to survive as a ninja let alone to defend myself." Sora freed herself from Yuan's hand and started walking in the direction of the two disappearing figures. They won't know what hit them."
A little know fact that only the Hokage knew. Sora could will any illusion on people no handsigns just her will and imagination. Not that she used it often just when it benefited her. She know not to rely on it to avoid becoming dependent on it. They are not going to know what hit them.
Time skip a week later
Haku eyes darted back and forth trying to find anything out of the out of place. In the past week they have been ambushed by rabid rabbits, barely clothed women chasing after a man with white hair and red lines down his cheeks from his eyes, a group of women claiming that they are bearing Zabuza's children, a drunk lady randomly punching Zabuza causing him to break six different trees before stopping, and much more incidents that Haku didn't want to think of. "Zabuza-sama why are all these things are happening to us?"
Zabuza looked down at Haku look who looked like he had not got a bit of sleep in the past week. "Honestly Haku... I have no idea why this is happening to us but it should be moving on."
"Couldn't be because of that girl with the whiskers on her cheeks?" Haku asked recalling all of the his mothers tales of how mischievous foxes could be.
"Now why would you ask that."
"Well the whisker marks on her cheeks reminded me of a fox and my mother had always said that foxes were mischievous and well..." Haku started but the sound of someone clapping cut him off.
"Who's there." Zabuza yelled out a little nervous that someone was able to sneak up on him.
"About time you guys think of something like this." Sora said appearing out of thin air looking like a cat that got the cream. "Now after what has happened this week are you more accommodating too my offer?"
"Why should we?" Zabuza asked.
"If you don't more things would happen to you till you reconsider." Sora looking as evil as much as a five year old can.
"Zabuza please I don't want to go through another week like this one." Haku said.
"Fine but you must tell me how you did this." Zabuza relented looking back at Sora.
"Agreed." Sora said and the surrounding area shimmed and faded away.
"What the Hell." Zabuza said looking around they where standing outside of an old hunting cabin.
"The last week you lived was only a two hours in the real world. I put you under a powerful illusion." Sora said turning to walk in the cabin.
Zabuza eyes widen at all the possibility that this little girl could have. Haku just looked at her in astonishment them saw a pond near by the cabin. A little bit angry Haku used her power to drench her in water. Zabuza had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing.
Sora turned around whipping water form her hair at them and said "Ah another prankster in the rough."
End of flashback
"You should go to bed now Kakashi-san." Sora said just the moon got to high indicating that it was midnight. "After all it you have to watch little kids and an old drunk."
"Good night Sora-chan." Kakashi said standing up to leave the roof. "Oh and you get some sleep to cause you are help my students with their training. Bye." Kakashi said disappearing in a puff of smoke.
"Wait what?"
Next morning
"Kakashi I hate you." Sora said sitting on the tree branch watching Sai, Sasuke, and Sakura run up and down trees well Sakura and Sai running up and down and Sasuke was still trying to get up the tree just once. Kakashi just chuckled at Sora when Haku walked into the clearing and out right laughed at Sora.
"Oh my god he has you watching his children. Oh you are going to make Zabuza sooo sorry." Haku said laughing so hard tears came to his eyes.
"I'm so glad that I can be entertainment for you." Sora said before gracefully jumping off the branch and smacked Haku on the back of his head.
"Oh you know you missed me honey."
"I miss the fat fuck. Who I would hang out over anyone from there." Sora hissed.
"If it makes you feel better Zabuza is sweating over what you will do to him. He is even muttering for some higher power to save him from your wrath." Haku said.
"Sora are you going to introduce us to your friend." Kakashi said trying to look commanding on his crutches.
"Everyone meet Mr. Hunter ninja. Mr. Hunter ninja the turds." Sora said waiting for the pinky to pipe up.
"Heh now you are a girl now." Sora said.
"Be quite."
"Yes I'm the hunter but no I'm not a girl."
Sakura just sat there stunned and muttered 'he is prettier then me. its not fair.'
I know it just it wasn't much and it just a filler but I'll will not let you wait forever next I think it will be the end of the wave arc and then chunnin exams.