Title: Unexpected

Author: Enaty

Rating: M

Warnings: hermaphrodite D, Leon's language, implications of sex, severe emotional trauma

Disclaimer: Don't own anything as far as the original cast of PSoH is concerned.

Claimer: Dana, Barf, Jamie, Sandy, Alex, can't think of more, but there are probably a few other OCs around here somewhere, which also belong to me, meaning I'd like to be told if someone uses them.

Author's Notes: So, to everyone out there who might not know, this piece here is the third part of a series named "Interspecies Communication Problems". If you don't want to read the first two parts, which I would nevertheless recommend you do someday or the other, here's a short summary: "Unwanted" starts right after D fled from America with the realisation that he's pregnant. Because Leon can't remember that they'd even had sex, D decides not to tell him about his child Dana, but his plans are ruined when Leon turns up in Tokyo roughly two years after Dana's birth and finds out that he's got a child.

"Unprepared", the second part, revolves around D's return to America and his and Leon's attempts to establish a relationship for Dana's sake, as well as various other problems they have to deal with when D suddenly is back with a child. At the point where Unprepared stops, they have managed to somehow pull themselves together by solving some problems and ignoring others, and are a happy couple. At least they think they are.

If you still want to read, you're welcome to have a look at this :-)

To my faithful readers who've been with this series since "Unwanted": What a surprise, the story continues. You didn't think I'd let it end with all that fluff, did you?

You did?!

I think I already announced it on various occasions, but I'm gonna say it again: I hate fluff. And I'm a cruel, sadistic author with a definite weakness for problematic relationships… *evil laugh*

*hrm* Yeah, like I said. So if you were happy with the (terribly fluffy) ending of "Unprepared" and didn't realise that it simply can't be that easy if I'm the author, do yourself a favour and for god's sake don't read "Unexpected". Chances are you'll want to kill me before Chapter 5 is up and I don't really dig threats on my life (despite the fact that I'm a cruel, sadistic author).

Okay, let's get down to business. I truly mean this. If you don't want to read what happens after the "Happily ever after", don't start. I didn't name the series "Interspecies Communication Problems" for no reason. Love is a curious thing, and despite what Hollywood wants us to believe, it barely ever turns out like we want it to. Not even, or especially not if you love the other one more than your life and would sacrifice everything for him/her.

As usual I would be delighted if I got feedback, meaning: everything is welcome, and especially constrictive criticism. If you write a review and want to tell me that I've made a mistake somewhere, you don't need to excuse for telling me so. Like every sensible person on this planet, I am grateful if I'm told how to do it better.

To my great surprise, I've not yet been flamed. I shall hope that this situation stays like it is, but only in case: Write it better.

I don't think I want to say something else, so have fun and if you feel like it, leave me a review.
