And now, an extensive Authors note:

Holy Crap. I've been getting a lot of reviews lately asking me for a continuation, and against my will, I found myself actually thinking about it. Now, since it's been a year since I've wrote about it or even read the book, I'd have to do a little more reading. But these reviews (and seeing the movie again) have spurred me into a thought process on the story that this could turn out to be. So I have indeed decided to at least try to do a little more for Andy, and perhaps see what his own character can be.

The Title will, for now, be Squirm, a title linked to both this and what Andy may well be doing if he thinks about it. I think there are many questions around Andy's character, and even if he is a teenage pervert, he may or may not feel remorse about his actions. I'll try to have the first chapter up tonight.