Like It's Impossible to Fly

This story came from my need to give characters backstory. It's like an addiction. I guess that I want to care about Castiel's vessel as much as I care about Castiel.

Summary: Dean rolled his eyes. He stood up and headed toward the door. He opened the door and was surprised to see Castiel standing on the other side. "Since when do you knock?"

Disclaimer: I own the idea of this story. I could say that I own Castiel's vessel too? Maybe? Maybe just this form of the character? I don't know. That's all I own, I think.

Dean sat up off of his bed. He felt something different in his room. Something was in it that wasn't supposed to be. Looking to his left, he saw Castiel leaning against the small round Yin-Yang engraved table in the room. Dean sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "This is a dream," he said.

"Yes," Castiel replied.

Dean rolled his eyes. He hated how often and how easily the angels were able to go into his dreams. "What do you want this time?"

"I have a favor to ask of you," Castiel asked.

"Which is?" Dean asked. He was impatient.

"I need you to look after this." Castiel lifted his coat and looked down.

The motion reminded Dean of the first time that he met the angel. "What? Your trenchcoat?" Dean asked.

"No," Castiel said. "My vessel."

Dean stood up from his bed. "You want me to babysit for you?" Dean said.

"My vessel isn't a child, Dean," Castiel sighed. He was tired and Dean noticed it. "I just need you to look after him."

"Yeah, that's call babysitting," Dean said. "That's what you want me to do."

"If that is what you want to keep calling it."

"For how long?" Dean asked.

"Not long."

"I need a timeframe, Cas. A day? A week? A few weeks?" Dean asked.

"A few days," Castiel answered. "No longer than a week."


"I need to go back up to my brothers," he said.

Castiel pushed up off of the table and groaned. He held his right arm tightly to his chest. He swayed leaned as he stood. "Are you hurt?" Dean asked.

"It's nothing to worry about. I just haven't had the time to heal the vessel."

"So, you're going to leave me an injured guy while you have a pow wow with your pop?"

"I don't know what a pow wow is, but I guess so."

"And if I'm too busy," Dean said. He really didn't want to do what Castiel was asking of him, so he was trying to see if the angel had a plan B.

"Then I'll leave him at a hospital. Just let him rest there for a few days," Castiel replied.

"You're going to leave him unprotected?" Dean asked.

"I don't see any other choice, Dean."

Dean sighed. He knew that he wasn't getting out of this one. "Does this mean we have to watch Uriel's vessel too?" he asked.

"Uriel is staying down here. He's been sent to protect a seal and he won't be able to look after my vessel," Castiel replied. "I have to speak with my brothers."

Dean breathed a sigh of relief. If he had to watch Uriel's vessel, he might've just punched him for good measure before helping him. Dean ran his hand up and down his face. "Okay, so when can I expect to see your vessel?"

"Soon," Castiel said.


Dean woke to the sound of someone lightly knocking on the door. "Sam, get the door," Dean mumbled into the pillow. He didn't want to have to deal with a maid or anyone just yet.

The knocking continued. Dean looked around at Sam's bed and saw that his brother wasn't there. But the shower was going. Dean rolled his eyes. He stood up and headed toward the door. He opened the door and was surprised to see Castiel standing on the other side. "Since when do you knock?" he asked.

Castiel looked up at him. "Dean?" he whispered.

Dean noticed that his voice was different. His eyes widened. "You're—"

Dean didn't finish his sentence as the vessel fell forward, unconscious. Dean caught him before he could fall on the pavement. "Soon?" Dean yelled, remembering the last thing that Castiel said to him in his dream.

He picked up the vessel and carried him into the room. He was surprised to see how light he was as Castiel always looked so bulky with the trenchcoat and suit. He laid him down on Sam's bed. Dean sat down on his bed and stared at the vessel who laid on his brother's bed, unmoving.

Sam walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around him. He reached for his bag on his bed, grabbed it, and walked back into the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, it quickly swung open again. "Why is Castiel lying on my bed?" he asked.

"Put some clothes."

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"Get into some clothes and I'll try and explain," Dean said.

Sam closed the door to the bathroom and two minutes later, he was out and dressed. "So, you want to tell me why Castiel is sleeping on my bed."

"It not Castiel," Dean said.

"It looks like Castiel."

"It's more like Castiel usually looks like him."

"What?" Sam yelled. "Are you saying that is Castiel's vessel?" Dean nodded. "Why is he here?"

"We're babysitting," Dean said.


"Castiel had a meeting."

"And you agreed." Dean looked away. "Why did you agree?"

"The other option was a hospital. There was no way that leaving a vessel of an angel unprotected is a good idea."

"But what about our hunt?"

"I can finish it. You can stay here and watch him."

"No, Dean. You agreed to this. I'll go."

"I'm not letting you deal with the werewolf by yourself."

"We're not leaving him here by himself."

"We're arguing in circles right now."

"No, I'm arguing logically, you're just being stubborn."

Dean bit his lip, hating that his brother was able to get the upper hand on him in the argument. He ran his hand up and down his face a couple of times. "So, what do we do?"

"I don't know. Do you know where Cas went?"

"He had a two o'clock with the big man upstairs."

"Is he in trouble?"

"I don't think so."

Sam stared at the man lying on his bed. He still couldn't believe that it wasn't Castiel lying down, hopefully just sleeping. "We should get him out of the trenchcoat," Sam suggested.


"Make him as comfortable as possible."

"Dude, he's unconscious."

"He'll wake up eventually, Dean," Sam groaned.

"Fine. I'll lift him, you get the jacket off." Dean slid off of his bed and took the two steps to get to Sam's bed. He stood for a moment thinking of how he was going to get the coat off. Dean slid his arm between the vessel's body and the coat. When he felt he had a good base, he started to lift him up. Sam was at his brother's side and began to peel off the trench coat. "Wait," Dean said when something caught his eyes.

"What?" Sam asked.

Sam let go of the jacket and Dean lowered the body back onto the bed. "I'm going to have to talk to Cas about his assessment of injuries."

"Why?" Sam wanted to know what his brother saw that he couldn't.

"He dislocated his shoulder. Get the coat off and I'll pop it back in."

Dean lifted the vessel one more time and Sam pulled off his jacket quickly. After Dean set the body down on the bed again, Sam grabbed the coat, folded it and put it on the empty bed. Dean popped the shoulder back in with one swift motion. He expected a soft moan or groan, or at least some movement. He'd seen this injury numerous times and every time there was always some sort of reaction. This time, he got none. And it freaked him out a little.

Dean sat down on his bed and watched Castiel's vessel, waiting for some sort of reaction. Sam looked on as Dean stared at the unconscious person on his bed. "So, what do we do?" Sam asked.

"The same thing we'd do if he wasn't here," Dean replied. He moved to lean against the back of the bed.

Sam sat at the table and popped open his laptop. He tried to do things like they'd normally do, but he couldn't ignore the fact that Castiel's vessel was unconscious, on his bed.

So, I'm not exactly writing what his life was like before Castiel came to the vessel. I just want to see how Dean would act in this situation. I think that it would lead to some good conversation and insight. Well, here is the first chapter. I think that this story is going to be less than five chapters, or maybe just five. Well, hope you enjoyed it. So, I should've written this story first because it does tie into 'Everybody Look Down'. I hope this turned out all right. Thanks for reading. Please review. Lil-Rock