A/N: Don't own anything. Kind of sad that ABC is thinking of cancelling Castle.
"Until tomorrow Detective," Castle smiled kindly.
"You can't just say night?" Kate winced at his smile.
"I'm a writer. Night is boring." Castle nodded his head confirming his statement. "Until tomorrow is more-" Castle paused thinking of the right word. "Hopeful."
"Yeah well, I'm a cop," Kate swallowed the lump in her throat. "Night." Kate turned and walked out of the precinct into the crisp spring evening. It was almost eleven thirty and there were only a few people out on the streets. Kate wrapped her coat a little tighter around her body as she started in the direction of her apartment.
Pushing her way through the front doors of the lobby, Kate smiled weakly at the doorman on guard. Her shoes let out a small click with each step she made as she walked across the cold tiles towards the elevator.
Kate stepped inside of the elevator and took the short ride to her apartment. The doors slid open revealing a stark white hallway. Walking to her apartment door, Kate reflected on her day. It had been long and tiring chasing a murderer all over New York City with Castle right behind her making wise cracks every few minutes. Lately he seemed to be trying extra to make her smile or laugh. Just thinking about him put a small smile of her face. Kate quickly shook these thoughts away as she slid her key into the lock turning it gently. She reveled in the small joy of hearing it click open knowing that her personal sanctuary was just on the other side of this door.
Kate walked inside and was greeted by her neighbor in her living room. An elderly woman that Kate had met during the first few days when she moved in. "Thank you Mrs. Gavet," Kate smiled weakly handing the woman and small bundle of money.
"No need sweetie," Mrs. Gavet quickly pushed it back towards Kate in a kindly gesture. "You keep it. Get yourself something nice." Mrs. Gavet smiled. Kate returned the smile and walked Mrs. Gavet to the door. Kate watched Mrs. Gavet walk down the hallway to the next door and disappear inside. Closing the door behind her Kate began locking the door making sure her sanctuary was completely guarded.
Satisfied she walked into her apartment and shed her coat. Hanging it on a hook by the door. She slid her hands into her pockets and wander through her apartment to a door that was ajar slightly. Kate pushed it opened gently and stepped inside.
She walked over to the bed and sat down thinking about her day once more. She mindlessly grasped the ring on her necklace as she looked away. Something stirred behind her. Kate quickly turned in the direction of the noise. "Mommy?" A small girl asked through sleep filled eyes.