Disclaimer: Tite Kubo owns Bleach, not me.

Fanfic Fact: There are illustrations for this chapter.

Theme Song: Player- Origa

Chapter 9: Bloody Beauties

Omake: Reminiscence of the Drunk

For the second time in three days, the Gotei Captain's meeting area was full, and this time with more people than usual. The Vizard and Urahara had just arrived back in Soul Society to find the pristine city scarred with the after effects of war.

"The time has come. We must unite against a common enemy. Times are difficult and our last resort has been presented to us. The only way we can now defeat Aizen and prevent him from succeeding in his plans is for the Gotei to join forces with The Ronin. But before this alliance goes any further, we must ask, what are your motives for aiding us in this war?" Captain Yamamoto stood in his customary position at the head of the rows of captains. Only there was some noticeable changes to the set-up of the usual ranks. Previously the ranks of still existing captains had been injured. This was no longer the case. With the extra help of Miyoko Shina and Doctor Ishida, the captains had received as much priority treatment as possible and now all of the remaining ten stood tall with no bandages or spheres.

Also the Vizard who had recently refilled the ranks were present. As well as Urahara, Tessai and Yoruichi. And of course, recently added was the presence of the King's ex-guard members.

"We assure you that the only involvement we will have shall be preparing your shinigami for battle, helping you gain access to the King's realm and protecting you from anything above the fifth spirit level. Our only motive: to kill the boredom, as it were." Another change was that the Ronin, Kameko Kala was sitting comfortably in the Captain Commanders seat that traditionally stood behind him during meetings. Furthermore Yamamoto stood beside the chair respectfully. She seemed to be the representative of the Ronin. This seemed necessary as the others did not seem to be taking much interest in the meeting.

Mika was standing between Soifon and Unohana filing her nails, and if anyone looked close enough they would notice the small earplug-type headphones that were playing hip-hop music into her eardrums, effectively drowning out anything the commander said.

Then there was Shina who was standing next to Captain Unohana. This meant she was standing directly opposite Captain Kuchiki. The two had begun a silent, yet apparently decided, death stare competition in which both parties were determined not to blink before the other.

Taro was standing in the middle of Captain Kyoraku and Captain Hitsugaya. He had managed to sneak in some dumbbells for what seemed like a displayed attempt to impress the women in the meeting. He had begun to pump iron, flexing his large well defined biceps. Shunsui was too busy shifting his calm gaze from his one best friend to the other in an attempt at reading their body language to really mind the testosterone performance. Unfortunately for Hitsugaya, he was at the right height to have his view of the Captain Commander filled with nothing but round, bulging muscle. And the poor young Captain had no luck.

On his other side was the muscle machine's grumpy comrade. Raidon had sneaked in some of his famous sake and was drinking at his leisure. Until he noticed Mayuri staring at him sideways. "What you fucking looking at, ya creepy ass clown?" Mayuri's lip curled in rage peeling off his freakishly white teeth.

"And before ya think of replying you half-assed loon. You might like to be informed that I just finished this bottle and would love to give it a new life's purpose by shoving it up your demented backside." At which point Mayuri's mouth just flapped in half formed but rethought come-backs with no sound being emitted from his white lips.

Despite all this the other half of the room stood observing the gentle chaos of the Ronin. The Vizard, Yoruichi, Urahara and the rest of the Captains watched in astonished awe and fascination. All except Kenpachi who was trying to pry the shadow of the corner of the room for the last Ronin present in the meeting. Mine, had disappeared into the suddenly densely dark patch when they had convened here.

Of course the weird, highly attention deficit company, was not all that new to this room. But since the majority were new generation, the old faces did not fit.

"Why are we worried about formalities!"

And there was the last of the new appearances. Kurosaki Ichigo stared fiercely at the group, having stepped out of ranks in frustration.

"Aizen has found a way to enter the Kings Realm! He's going to kill the King and take his place! Why aren't we doing anything!"

Ichigo's rant had brought even the Ronin's attention to him. Ichigo could feel the stares of those present either judging him, pitying him, or gazing at him with fear for speaking their own concerns. All except the Ronin however. Their stares were mostly... Bored?

"Firstly, Ichigo," Kameko Kala replied staring at him over her steeple-like fingers before the Commander could address him. "If the frustration you are feeling is related to self-guilt, then let me ease you. You were a conveniently fast way for Sosuke-chan to reach his goal true. But you were not the only way. If you are to be effective in this war, you will begin by not carrying the whole burden yourself. For as long as shinigami have existed there has always been someone plotting global dominance, and I assure you there will be more to come once you are long gone. If you have a problem with this condition, please let me know and I'm sure Miya will be more than happy to convince you otherwise."

After this reply, Ichigo's hot-headed rant he had been embarking on deflated and crumbled.

"Secondly, I think we mentioned before that the King's Realm is not such an easy target. Sosuke-chan will not attack it immediately. As you know the King's Realm is protected by the Zero Squad. The Zero Squad itself is formed similarly to that of the Gotei. It, however, only consists of Eight Sub-Squads. Each Sub-Squad has a speciality and is headed by a Commander and Vice-Commander. The Zero Squad is made up of two types of shinigami." At this point in the explanation Kala looked at her fellow Ronin.

"Those that come from noble families that were specifically bred for battle. As strange as it may seem, Mika comes from such a family."

"Huh?" Mika looked up hearing her name spoken. Noticing everyone staring at her with shocked expressions she replied, "What? It's not like I'm going to walk around dressed as Xena the Warrior Princess." Unohana, Urahara, Yoruichi, Shunsui and Ukitake smiled and chuckled. The commander gave a light sigh of despair.

"The other type," Kala continued, "is a shinigami that was originally part of the Gotei that caught the attention of the Scouts in the Zero Squad. To be invited to join the Zero Squad you must have a spirit pressure ratio of at least fifth level, which is what is considered to be that of a captain. Also the subject must be an all round effective fighter but with a specific speciality. For example, Shina-chan is someone who met these requirements and was recruited." Everyone's gaze shifted to Miyoko Shina who stared back in a stern manner until everyone reverted to Kala-sama.

"I mentioned that the Squad member has to be specialised in one area. This is so that they can be placed selectively into the Eight Sub-Squads. These sub-squads include The Kido Specialists, The Engineers, The Scribes, The Defence Force, The Intelligence Collectors, The Private Guard and The Royal Council. Also, regular soldiers in these groups are level five, the vice-commander is usually a level six and the commanders are level seven. In other words, once we enter the realm, the Guard will naturally assume you are the enemy and currently you are not as strong as them." This caused tension amongst the ranks.

"Impossible!" Soifon yelled. "How can there be so much difference after a shinigami has achieved bankai?"

"Raidon-chan?" Kala stared at the grizzled old man amidst the group.

Raidon glared at Soifon who actually shrunk away slightly at his icy stare.

"Certain people are born with an extreme amount of spirit-energy from the start. An example would be strawberry-top over there," Raidon jabbed his thumb in Ichigo's direction. Ichigo looked surprised to be mentioned in all this.

"That boy has power stronger than any Captain in the Gotei. The difference between all of you and him is only experience and skill. He has been forced to learn to harness his power's potential in a short amount of time. However, what do you think will become of him if he had the same training and knowledge that you have?"

The group stared at Ichigo. Most of them wore stricken if not awestruck expressions.

"Well, none of you have the natural spirit energy, the only way to gain it would be to exercise that which ya got for a millennium."

"A millennium!" Hitsugaya Toshiro exclaimed as everyone else reacted by gaping at the old man.

"Hai! Obviously we haven't got time for that bullshit. So instead the plan is to improve your knowledge of kido and degrees of it. That will be Shina-san's department. She is the expert in that field. We will also improve your hand to hand combat skills and speed, that will be handled by Mika-san. Lastly, is general sword defence and attack as well as improvement on your shikai and bankai's. Mine will be the one to kick your asses into gear on that one."

"Oh," Mayuri spoke up, "and why would we put our training in your hands?" He began, obviously trying to make up for the insults he had suffered previously by the old grouch.

"Just because you were all once part of the Zero Squad does not necessarily mean your skills are impressive enough to impart, that we might actually survive against the likes of their top shinigami." He continued.

"You'll find that our knowledge and skills are very sufficient," It was Kameko Kala that replied to this remark.

"How so?" Mayuri gave the red-headed woman a disbelieving stare.

"Simply that all of us that are present here in this room were once Commanders of the Sub-Squads."


"Do you suppose that they are speaking about Aizen-taicho?" Hinamori asked Rukia as they waited in the Vice-Captain's meeting room for the meeting to end.

Before Rukia could reply to the pitiful looking girl, another voice interrupted. "You sure are obsessed with Aizen Sosuke. And you can stop calling him taicho, he lost that title awhile back."

The two short, dark haired women turned to stare at Miya. She had perched herself on the edge of the table in the room.

Hinamori stood straighter and fixed the girl who had saved her life earlier with a slightly angered look. "He was my captain. I am not obsessed."

"Hmmm, that's not how I heard it. Trying to kill your best friend over him without question is a bit obsessive if you ask me."

"Wha-," Hinamori was stunned.

"Hold on!" Rukia spoke up in defence of the Fifth Squads Vice Captain. "You don't have any right to speak of any of this!"

"Maybe not. But if I'm fighting along side you I do have the right to worry about your mental health."

"Oi!" a fiery-red headed vice-captain made to interrupt, but he was beaten to it by another. "We have all been dealt a harsh blow. All of us, not just Hinamori-san, feel the loss of three of our great captains." This time it was Kira who spoke up.

Miya glanced behind her at the depressed looking third squad vice-captain. Her gaze then swept around the room. Along side the sorrowful looking guy and the red-head was a man with a moustache and sunglasses, and a guy with scars on his face and the number sixty-nine tattooed on his one cheek. Does that guy even know what double meaning that number has? Miya wondered holding back a giggle.

There was a women standing a bit behind then holding a large volume with a weary look in her eye held towards Miya. Another young woman was sitting on the far end of the table quietly staring off into space, she seemed a bit weirdly inhuman the way she sat so straight. Another very tall, nervous looking woman stood near where the pitiful girl and the one called Rukia stood.

On the opposite side of the room were three vizard women and a big round guy vizard that was dressed in pink. They didn't really seem to care about Hinamori Momo's feelings on the subject but it seemed her attitude seemed to bug them too.

Miya looked forward then, staring out the door to the darkening sky.

"That's understandable. But don't you all think its about time to stop mourning them and get pissed off at them instead?" The room went silent then except for a mumbled, "Damn right," from the short pigtailed vizard.

"After all," Miya continued, "They may have been putting on a show, but the characters they made were still your captains. When they stop the act it was more like they murdered the men you respected wasn't it?"

At this Hinamori turned pale and stared down at her feet.

"At this point you're all acting like your giving up. It's true Soul Society may now have the help of the Vizard and Ronin, but technically those three are your responsibility. After all, would you really feel fine with other people taking them out?"

This time the whole room went silent. Miya could feel the anger, tension and stress build. The expressions in the room no longer looked fallen, nervous or bored. Instead there was a sense of united determination fixed in every feature of every face.

Finally! Miya gave an inward sigh of relief and hid the small smile on her face from view.

At that moment the first Squad Vice-captain appeared in the doorway.

"The meeting has ended. All members are to meet back at their squad barracks to receive further orders."

"Hai!" Everyone stood up straight and immediately headed out looking ready for what was to come.


"What do you mean I'm not joining in with the training!"

"Your not joining the training."

"But Shina-san..."


Hitsugaya Toshiro looked up as two voices neared the private hospital room of his Vice-Captain and the door opened up.

The blonde Doctor who had been treating Matsumoto every hour on the hour the whole afternoon was back. Tagging along was the short blonde girl who had protected the hospital from attacks earlier.

"But how am I going to get stronger then?"

Miyoko Shina approached her patient and eyed the snow-white haired boy who looked up at her wearily.

"Miya, your strong enough. And you," Shina addressed Toshiro kneeling beside Matsumoto, "Need to get back to your Squad, Captain."

"How is she?" Toshiro asked, ignoring the blatant hint.

"Better. Her fever has gone. She should wake up in a day or two if we keep up treatment."

"Really?" It was the first time in days Toshiro felt a glimmer of hope and it showed on his face.

Shina smiled slightly. The smile grew slightly bigger as an idea came to mind.

"Unfortunately, I have to heal all the other shinigami and since some damage left Seireitei perimeters, I will have to be making visits to Rukongai and similar areas. So I won't have time to treat Matsumoto myself."

"But...," Toshiro began to protest in panic, but Shina held up her hand and effectively silenced him.

"But I'm sure Miya will help."

"Huh?" Miya asked. She had waited politely by the door once they entered and clammed up in respect for the injured.

Captain Hitsugaya eyed the young teenage girl doubtfully.

"But your Vice-Captain will still not be able to return to her duties for at least two weeks even once she wakes up. In which case, I'm sure Miya will substitute in the mean time."

"WHAT!" Miya yelled before quickly glancing at Matsumoto and lowering her voice.

"What do you mean substitute?"

"You have an excessive amount of spirit-energy that I have trained you to put to good use when it comes to healing. I've done the hard work, now is mostly the nursing part which you are more than capable of doing. As for the Vice-Captaincy, its mostly administrative work which your good at too. Lord knows you've helped Mika-sama sort out enough of her drinking bills for experience." Shina rose from the floor and walked to the door passing Miya on the way.

"Now, I have other patients to attend to. I'll leave you two to get acquainted." With that she closed the door, effectively sealing the two short individuals in an uncomfortable silence.

Miya slowly turned to face her new boss. She cocked her head to the side and eyed him from tabi clad foot to the end of his white spiky hair.

Getting slightly irritated by the obvious measuring of his height, Toshiro broke the silence.

"Miya? Isn't it?"


"I'm heading off back to the barracks. A schedule needs to be drawn up for the tenth division's new training regime. I can finish that while you look after Matsumoto."

He stood and made for the door. But he soon found something blocking his way.

"Wait! Your Vice-Captain has already been treated for today. I will only have to look in on her tonight again."

"Healing her is your top priority. Nothing else matters."

Being told what to do made Miya irritated and she began to tell the short captain off. "No just wait a second!"

"I am your Captain aren't I!" Captain Hitsugaya spoke over her. "Miyoko Shina put you under my charge. Therefore you take your orders from me."

Miya made to talk again only to be beaten to it. "I need my Vice Captain to get better as quick as possible."

Miya glared at him and responded, "Sometimes healing can't be ordered around. Sometimes forcing a quick recovering causes severe long term side effects."

Hitsugaya let a flicker of emotion cross his face as the fear those words effected him suddenly. But he quickly controlled it and composed himself. Miya however did not miss it.

"It is not that I don't want to help her or that I can't heal her. I'm just saying that in the state she's been in, its best not to push it. I want to heal her honest!"

Hitsugaya was shocked at the transformation. The bratty look on Miya's face transformed into that of sincerity and empathy.

Not wanting to get too caught in the moment Hitsugaya closed his eyes, nodded and passed the blond girl as he left. "Then do that please. No matter how long. Please just have her get better."

With that Miya was left alone to tend to her wounded charge.


Kuchiki Byakuya was displeased. It could be said that his usually disdainful expression had increased in its icy appearance. Normally those who passed him would bow quickly out of respect for his nobility and station before they sped off. Today everyone was blatantly avoiding him. It seemed as if his severe mood change was felt by all those around him. He had even noticed a small group of shinigami back-up and retreat when they saw him walking towards them.

But he did not care about their reactions. However, he did care about Rukia's. He felt guilty when he thought back to his adopted sister approaching him after the meeting had ended.

"Nii-sama!" Byakuya stopped and waited as Rukia rushed over to his side. He was still in a slight state of shock at the revelations that had occurred inside the meeting.

"Nii-sama," Rukia bowed politely in greeting. "How did the meeting go, Nii-sama?"

"It was... Informative," never really one to battle to find words, his pause made Rukia look at him with a bit of concern. 'Informative' was the best word he could use to describe the revelations that had sprung from that gathering.

Shina had been a Commander?

The thought made him grit his teeth!

"Was anything decided nii-sama?" Rukia asked eyeing him with concern.

"The Gotei will begin specialised training from tomorrow onwards," Byakuya kept the feed-back short and simple in hopes that his irritation would not show.

They walked in silence for a few steps, heading towards the sixth squad barracks.

"Nii-sama? May I ask something else?"

Byakuya glanced at his young adopted sister, who was the spitting image of his deceased wife. He did not reply, merely solemnly nodded.

Seeing the nod Rukia continued, "Nii-sama, do you know Miyoko Shina?"

At that Byakuya came to a sudden stop. He hadn't been expecting that particular question.

At her brother's reaction to what she asked, Rukia quickly tried to justify her prying in fear of being scolded.

"I-its just that the way you and her spoke to each other before... It appeared as you were previously acquainted?"

Byakuya closed his eyes. Yes it would be natural for Rukia to wander over this.

"Yes. She used to be part of the Gotei." Byakuya began to walk again. Faster this time. The faster he got to his barracks, the quicker the excuse would be to leave Rukia and this subject behind.

"Oh." Rukia took in this information and contemplated it. "Was she well acquainted with the Kuchiki family nii-sama? You said she had been keeping a close eye on the clan? Also I noticed the hair ornament she has has the..."


Rukia was effectively struck dumb by her brother's voice. The voice that usually held little to no emotion other than irritation was suddenly alive. His voice was loud and angry.

Rukia shrank from the bite it held.

"S-sorry nii-sama. I-I did not mean to upset you," she apologised looking at her feet, shrinking from him.

Before Byakuya could calm down and apologise for lashing out unreasonably, Rukia had already flash-stepped away.

Over night his issues had increased. No longer was only Miyoko Shina vexing him, but now Rukia was frightened of him. To add to it, he and his squad would be spending the entire day under Shina's tutelage. This had succeeded in placing him in the dangerous mood he now found himself.

As such he had been so absorbed in his thoughts and worries that he had missed the scheduled meeting time and was running late.

Kuchiki Byakuya approached the training field the sixth squad had been given for today's training.

As he neared it he could hear the all too familiar melodious voice rushing on the wind to meet his ears.

"Not all of you will be sent to the King's Realm, however all of you will need to be in top fighting order. As such I will be dividing you. All those who can qualify for third seat positions as well as vice-captains will be receiving more advanced training."

Byakuya now had a clear view of his squad and their instructor.

Byakuya was slightly shocked by her appearance. Whether he accepted it or not Byakuya knew Miyoko Shina had always been a beautiful woman. He had also begrudgingly acknowledged her skills as a shinigami to be impressive. But after all these years it shocked him to see her wearing shinigami attire. Or he guessed, it was supposed to be.

She wore a white revealing bustiar suit with white hakama over it held up by a yellow belt. She also wore Chinese tabi, also in white. Byakuya disproved of the white because it made her look like an espada. He further disagreed with the amount of ample cleavage her outfit showed, but begrudgingly knew it was for good reason.

Shina had been trained by the same sensei as Yoruichi, therefore their techniques of fighting were similar. Although not the same, Shina also could manipulate her spirit energy to the extent where covering over the back and shoulder area would not last.

But of the changes to her attire, her hairstyle remained the same. The same hair ornament shone, the gold reflecting the early morning light. But even if it could not be visibly made out, the Kuchiki noble knew all too well that the Kuchiki emblem was ever present, etched on its gold surface.

"However, since this squad has two individuals who can use bankai, my load is lifted today. Captain Kuchiki and Vice-captain Abarai please would you report to the fist squad's private training field."

Shina had her eyes dead set on the Captain.

"Both of you should hurry. Your instructor is rather terrifying. I would not want to be late."

Byakuya glared at Shina for attempting to give him an order but the would be glare match was broken by Renji.

"Come on taicho," Renji grinned. Being placed in with the captain's seemed to have given him an ego boost.

Byakuya turned to leave with Abarai. Before he did he glanced back at the bossy bombshell. As he flash-stepped towards the first squad barracks he frowned at what he had seen. Or thought he had seen. There had been a small yet distinct smile on those pouty lips. But it must have been a mistake. For Miyoko Shina to smile at him would mean that she wasn't angry with him. Which was absurd really. After how they had parted ways, surely she would still be mad. Shouldn't she?


Oddly enough Byakuya and Renji would not be the latest to attend their training group of captains.

At the tenth squad barracks Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro found himself in a bit of a dilemma.

The youngest captain opened a sleepy eye to find that he was not in his bedroom.

He sat up suddenly, shocked by the fact, only to induce a back spasm. He also found a blanket sliding off his shoulders.

As the situation dawned on him, Toshiro flinched, but no longer because of the pain in his back. He had drawn up the schedule's for both the tenth squad and fifth squad, sent them out then begun the piles of admin work for both squads. But after just being healed his body still needed rest. It wasn't too long into the paper work that his head had felt too heavy and his eyelids had begun to obscure his vision.

So he had fallen asleep at his desk. And he still had a mountain of papers to get through... Or he thought he had. The pile had decreased to two small piles. Both had a piece of pink post-it on top. Each had a note dictating which squad it was for and that they needed to be signed by the captain. There was another post-it in front of him as well.

Captain's training at First Squad Training Field.

Don't be late.

Taken Squad to Training field three.

Matsumoto fine.

It appeared that his substitute vice-captain had been busy. Hitsugaya felt embarrassed by the fact that she had obviously found him slacking off, and he felt a bit belittled by the fact that she had even deemed it necessary to place a blanket on him like a child.

But those thoughts soon vanished as he noticed how bright it was outside.

Don't be late.

At this rate he was already late. Grabbing his haori, Toshiro sped from the tenth squad barracks.

He flew through Seireitei at an immense pace. Finally seeing the first squad he slowed his speed. He noticed the distinct backs of two others just entering the barracks.

Sensing the tenth captain's spirit pressure Renji looked around. He looked surprised that Hitsugaya was late. The short captain was always punctual.

"Hitsugaya-taicho?" Renji stopped and waited for his superior. This meant however, that he was left behind by his own captain who had far too many things preoccupying him to bother with being polite or social.

"Abarai-fukutaicho? Why are you here?" Hitsugaya asked as he began to walk in-stride with the red-haired man.

"Since I can use bankai I have been assigned to train with the captains," Renji explained with pride and a big grin.

"I see. Makes sense I suppose. I didn't realise they wished to divide us from our squads."

"Neither did we," Renji admitted gesturing to the blank space in front of them which was meant to indicate Captain Kuchiki.

"We only found out this morning when we went to our designated training field."

"Must have been a change made by the Ronin then," Hitsugaya concluded realising that if Miya had previous knowledge of this then that had to be the case.

"By the way taicho, I heard one of them is now your replacement fukutaicho?"

"Hai," was all the short captain would say on the matter.

Renji frowned at this, scratched his chin in thought. "Taicho? Can I ask? Do you think they can be trusted?"

Hitsugaya's usual frowning expression deepened at that. But after a moment he drew an answer that seemed satisfactory for the moment.

"For now they have given us no reason to doubt them. It is important that we learn from them. But it would not hurt to be cautious either."

Renji nodded at this. He had always respected the boy genius's views. In some ways he trusted them a little more than his own Captain's. Hitsugaya had the same logical and deductive thinking patterns as Kuchiki-taicho. But Hitsugaya unlike his captain was able to still be a bit more...'human', he supposed was the right word.

The two of them finally approached the private training grounds. The other captains were already present, but thankfully the training had not yet commenced.

Ukitake and Kyoraku were trying to initiate conversation with Kuchiki Byakuya which seemed to be one sided between the best friend duo and the Kuchiki noble who stood stoic and unmoving.

Soifon stood shadowing Yoruichi who was talking with Urahara Kisuke.

Tessai who usually shadowed his boss was instead talking animatedly with an amused Unohana-taicho, possibly about new healing techniques.

Komamura-taicho was merely standing calmly to the side, eyes closed, his furry ears perked and most likely taking in the conversations of the groups around him with his keen hearing. That and trying to ignore the creepy scientist closest to him. Mayuri was glaring sadistically at Urahara with contempt.

But the most surprising group Hitsugaya found was the pair farthest from everyone else. Kenpachi was sitting tediously against some wooden panelling with his third seat Madarame Ikkaku, sitting along-side.

Recently the secret had been broken that Ikkaku could use bankai. So it was not his appearance that shocked Hitsugaya exactly. Rather, it made sense that everyone here could use bankai, except Kenpachi. He was the only captain that had never achieved bankai. But what was worse, he had not achieved shikai either.

How was he meant to train with them?

At that moment the towering form of a woman appeared next to the Captain Commander as they approached the group.

Instead of remaining in-front, the Commander instead took up ranks with the rest of the gathered shinigami.

"Good morning," greeted the whispery voice of the Ronin, Mine. Despite her quiet voice, it had a resounding sound to it. The sound seemed to echo in the mind, raising the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end.

"I apologise for calling you from your squads. I was allowed access to your files and found it may be better to work with you separately. Some of you still battle to control you bankai's. As such it would be safer this way. Also the training you will be doing will allow you to use your zanpakuto to its fullest extent."

Soifon had bristled at the comment about those who could not control their bankai's. She knew all too well that her bankai was too much for her to handle. So to vent her irritation she spat out, "Are you saying that we don't know how to use our bankai's correctly!"

Mine's eyes lazily fixed themselves on the second squad captain. This Ronin had a very inhuman quality to her. She did not blink as much as normal people. That and her red irises seemed like pools of blood.

Those pools fixed on the irrational captain. "Hai. Any being under fifth level is unable to access their full power."

Fixing her sights on the group again she continued to explain. "To ensure no shinigami can over power him, the King regulates how much power can be derived from a zanpakuto."

"The King regulates our power?" Ukitake repeated, a bit shocked by the news.

"Hai. There is a ceremony in the palace known as The Birth of a Shinigami. When a person's spirit-energy grows initially, that which is released is collected by the Engineering department in the King's Realm. The stronger an individual's spirit-energy, the more it grows, condenses and evolves. This eventually becomes the soul of a zanpakuto."

"So zanpakuto are made by the King?" Komamura asked.

"No. Apart from collecting the spirit energy, nothing else is done to effect its growth. The Engineering department has tried in the past to manipulate the contents of a zanpakuto's soul. That has only lead to disaster."

At this point Mayuri had to get involved. "What were these disasters?"

Mine gazed at the freaky looking Captain and replied, "The soul goes into entropy. It self-destructs. This also ends with the shinigami losing all their shinigami powers and abilities. They become regular plus souls."

Readdressing the group she ended with the key part. "The only thing done to the souls, once they have reached complete formation into a soul, is the ceremony itself. The soul is brought to the King. He then blesses it and releases it to return to its master. The blessing gives the soul the ability to attach and form into a physical zanpakuto. However, the blessing also ensures the King has the ability to make a zanpakuto useless."

"Now I see. So Sosuke-kun really needed to seek another way to defeat the King. His zanpakuto would be useless," Shunsui realised calmly as pieces fell into place.

"Yes. That we believe was part of it. There is more though. Those that are set to reside in Seireitei have a limiter placed on their zanpakuto. This is to ensure the King's Guard has an advantage at all times."

"If that's the case, how will we be able to access our full abilities?" Hitsugaya asked.

An evil smirk appeared on Mine's lips sending chills down the spines of those present.

"We have a way to by-pass this."

"So we are about to do something illegal?" Soifon said in a loud judging tone.

"What's illegal?" At that moment Usagi Mika walked into the training grounds. She was wearing her shinigami attire. It had to be noted that all of the Ronin's clothing was very unique compared to the standard uniform. Mika's was clad in a halter-dress like uniform with white pant-leggings. Like Yoruichi, Miyoko Shina and Soifon, she wore traditional Chinese shoes.

"The training they will be receiving," Mine replied calmly. Mine's outfit consisted of the normal billowing pants of the shinigami uniform. Her top however was sleeveless leaving her arms and part of her midriff open apart from pieces of black cloth criss-crossing her abdomen. She also wore sandals but not tabi.

"You're worried about that?" Mika asked incredulously of the small female captain. Mika was quite aware already that Soifon despised her. "Technically your already sentenced to death for allying yourself with traitors. If your already screwed, go all out, I say! Royally fuck yourself. Which is perfect, since Royalty is the one your screwing."

"As usual your speaking the language of flowers," came yet another new voice. Miyoko Shina walked casually into the arena, giving an exasperated look towards her elder.

"Now Shina-chan, don't act high and mighty now. You swear all the time."

"Yes, you do have a knack for bringing out the worst in me," Shina gave a withering glare to the blue-streaked woman.

The Shinigami captains stood observing the strange exchange.

But Mayuri was less than impressed. "Aren't you two meant to be training our squads?"

Shina's withering stare was brought to the Captain posing as Tutankhamun.

"They have received their instructions and have begun. Once we are done here, we'll return to them."

"Done?" Hitsugaya questioned.

In reply, Mine responded. "I requested Mika and Shina-san to give you a demonstration. At the moment they're spirit energy is similar to yours. They will show the end results of your training."

"You mentioned that their spirit energy is similar to ours. Why?" Komamura asked.

"Because there is no way in hell the Zero squad would let a supposed enemy remain stronger than them," Mika replied.

"Shall we begin? I still have patients to check up on," Shina inquired marching to the centre of the arena with her arms folded under her ample bosom.

Mika followed reluctantly stretching her arms out. "Always so serious...need to chill out..."

"Commander," Komamura approached the old shinigami, "Are we sure this is the best way to stop Aizen?" Usually the large beast-captain would never dare question the man he admired and praised. But the prospect of leaving their final hopes with a bunch like the Ronin appeared to give off an impression of desperation. To Komamura there was no hope to be found in such radical and extravagant people.

"Maybe once you all see this, your dispositions will change," the Commander replied simply. The Gotei captains had naturally gravitated towards him.

"Everyone," a creepy voice came from behind them. They cringed in unexpected fear. The group had forgotten about their instructor momentarily.

Everyone glanced in shock at Mine. "Please move to higher ground. It will be too dangerous to watch from here."

The captains obeyed but some wore frowns at being ordered back.

Once they were in position, Ikkaku noticed the absence of something.

"Oi, Mine-san! Why don't they have zanpakuto?"

Mine smiled at the fact that one of the most dense, according to rumours, had noticed this first.

"Shina-san always carries her zanpakuto with her because it is so hard to collect if she were to keep it in the same state Mika does. You are all aware that you have to corporealise your zanpakuto's soul in order to achieve bankai. When you achieve bankai entirely, you can give your zanpakuto's soul a body so it appears more humanoid. This is useful in cases when there are too many enemies."

"Wait! The zanpakuto's become human?" Renji asked in shock. Everyone glanced at their swords uncertainly.

"Yes. It's called the Final Release of Bankai. If you do it rashly, you can lose all your shinigami powers."

"We could lose all our powers!" Ikkaku burst out.

"Its a possibility."

"And why would we take such a risk?"

"The answer will become apparent after this." She indicated the opponents below them.

From here they could see clearly when Shina made to remove the golden hair ornament from her hair. Her wavy and thick blond hair drifted down her back and captivated most of the male audience. A moment later she was no longer holding a hair ornament. It morphed into a long crystal blade.

"How'd she do that?" Renji asked, more to himself than the instructor.

But Mine responded anyway. "Shina-san's speciality is kido. To make it easier to carry during battle so it doesn't impede her movements, Shina placed a spell to combine her zanpakuto with a hair ornament. It's very complex. The Soul of a zanpakuto will only morph with something of great value to its master. By value I do not mean wealth either. The object must have an emotional value that zanpakuto can understand."

Renji was surprised that this response seemed to make his Captain, who stood next to him, visibly tense.

"Now observe how Mika draws her blades," Mine instructed. Everyone, except Ukitake who had been staring at her all along, switched their attention to the other Ronin.

"Zev! Come!" Mika's voice carried easily in the arena. She calmly stretched out her hand and a blue glow spread from it. The air grew thicker with spirit energy. It wasn't dangerous but it did feel uncomfortable, like heavily condensed air feeling too thick inside your lungs.

Then the air began to whistle slightly as if a rather stern wind was passing through. As the crowd tensed trying to understand what was going on, a few began to notice something. The whistling sounds had voices laced in it that could only be heard if you listened intently.

What was said could not be understood, but that which was distinct enough was laughter.

Suddenly two dense balls of spirit energy came rushing from the sky. One was blue in colour, the other black. They came to rest in front of Mika, and this time it was very clear that the laughter was coming from those...things.

The balls then, like Miyoko Shina's hair ornament, began to morph. They grew past the length of Shina's sword and did not smooth out. Instead the spirit energies took on the form of two distinct silhouettes. By this stage the laughter had become raucous.

The final touches were in place when the silhouettes solidified. And there stood two...people? A male and female stood before Usagi Mika, both clutching at each other in an attempt not to fall over from laughing so hard.

"Miiiiikaaaaa-saamaa!" They cried out in a unison, yet slurred greeting.

"Ohio!" Mika greeted back with a grin. "What you two been up to?"

"As if you can't tell," Shina growled. "I refuse to fight you when your zanpakuto are completely drunk! They are bad enough when sober."

The said drunk zanpakuto who had been distracted by their Master's presence slowly turned to their 'opponent'.

"Shina, baby!" cried the male, with a big perverse grin on his pale face.

He tried flinging his arms around the beauty in a groping hug, but Shina easily side stepped the embrace, letting the drunken spirit fall forward.

Seeing her comrade face plant it, the female spirit began to howl with laughter again and fell flat on her ass as well, her laughter knocking her unsteady balance.

"What the hell are they?" Ikkaku asked wearing the same uneasy look as the rest of the spectators.

He was stunned when Mika responded to his question even though she was far enough away that she shouldn't have been able to hear a word he said.

"These are my zanpakuto. Zee," she indicated the male who lifted his face from the ground to smile at the shinigami above, "and Vee," the female waved from where she now sat on the earth.

So that was a humanoid form of a zanpakuto. Zee had striking blue hair that stood on end and wore a leather body outfit reaching from his toes to his neck and tips of his fingers. Vee had pitch black hair and matching black lipstick. She was dressed in a billowing black dress with long sleeves. Both looked contradictory, Zee a type of biker persona, Vee a goth-Greek goddess. But what was certainly similar was their pale skin that seemed to almost glow, and their eyes that were both the same neon blue colour as Mika's.

"How can you use them in such a form?" Zaraki asked doubtfully. Swords that didn't look like swords were pretty useless in battle in his opinion.

"You don't use them," Mika replied in a tone that suggested the question was utterly stupid.

All the captains and two extra bankai users looked baffled by this response.

Noticing this and Mika's apparent disinterest in continuing with an explanation, Shina added, "Once you reach the final stage of bankai you fight with your zanpakuto, you no longer use it as if it were an inanimate object."

"You too have mastered this?" Kuchiki Byakuya asked then in his usual tone, although Renji swore it had a bit more bite to it hidden in there somewhere.

Shina stared Byakuya dead in the eye. The two stared at each other a moment longer than was necessary. This lead everyone's eyes to glance between the two.

Shina was the one who broke it by turning her head away and closing her eyes as if she found the situation tedious. This only became more apparent when she let out a sigh. "Quintessa, wake."

The crystal-like zanpakuto morphed much the same way Mika's had. It took on human form and stood beside Miyoko Shina.

"What is it, Shina-sama?"

The being now present in the arena was enough to make even the most stiff, detached, and composed captain's gape.

'Quintessa' as this humanoid zanpakuto was named, was a shock to the senses. Her body was a pale green and her form was nearly completely nude. She had strategically placed ivy wrapped around her delicate areas. Her hair looked like fire, with the yellow, orange and red colours fluttering in a wind no other person could feel. Her eyes were a pale swirling blue, like icy water. The last thing to be noticed were the pair of scarfs she wore attached to her arms by rings that almost looked like ice. They were a shimmering white, so light they looked like wisps of condensed air.

As Quintessa queried her master her eyes were drawn to the captain's above them. Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya a sly smirk played over her orange coloured lips.

"Are we going to play with Senbonzakura again?"

"No, we play with that."

The zanpakuto spirit turned her attention back towards the arena. The instant she glanced Mika's zanpakuto she turned to her master with a wounded expression upon her exotic features.

"Must I Shina-sama?" The only reply she acquired was a tense nod.

"Let's begin." Miyoko Shina extended her hand and Quintessa condensed back into her sword form.

Mika extended both her hands and the giggling spirits also condensed to form swords. Mika wielded two blades that were held much like a policeman's baton. The blades were shaped smooth on one side but jagged and razor-like on the other. At the base, near the baton-like hilts were holes in the blades. One blade had a mass of blue spirit energy, while the other had a mass of black spirit energy.

The two Ronin faced off with their zanpakuto, the spectators tensing with apprehension.

Shina looked calm and undisturbed while Mika smiled playfully.

"Begin," Mine announced.

Mika made the first move by swinging one sword forward which Shina easily blocked. In quick succession the next of Mika's swords came pelting towards Shina's head. But that too was deflected. This rhythm continued and it became apparent that Mika was a fast paced fighter. But Shina easily kept up with it. This was evident by the fact that Shina didn't move very far even under the powerful blows aimed at her.

Deciding she had had enough of this type of attack, Shina blocked the one swing, dodged the next and angled her zanpakuto to spear Mika, making her opponent jump back a few meters.

Both readjusted their grips on their zanpakuto...then charged.

What had started out as a boring spar was instantly transformed. The speed they collided at was immense! This was proven by the violent force of spirit energy rippling out from the clash of their swords. Mika had Shina's zanpakuto trapped between her two blades. But Shina was not concerned as she immediately swung her leg in a diagonal upwards cut to meet with Mika's now open and defenceless hip.

Seeing the attack coming Mika quickly jumped throwing her body into a hand-stand held perpendicular above where the swords were still meshed.

To unsteady the balanced, Shina placed both hands on her hilt and muscled a sword stroke upwards, sending Mika soaring into the air. Mika orientated herself in the air easily. She then swung one of her zanpakuto at Shina from a distance. A blue flash of spirit energy appeared and rocketed towards her opponent. Shina didn't dodge it, instead she simply raised her hand as if to deflect it. The spirit energy made impact and the entire arena, and no doubt the whole of the first squad barracks shuddered with the force of it.

Mika settled on the ridge on the opposite side of the arena.

Her and the audience waited till the dust cleared.

As it did, Shina's figure came into sight yet again. A large section, almost half the arena, was marked by the attack. It looked as if a large wild beast had lashed its claws at the opponent , as four distinctive gorges marked the solid earth, forming small canyons.

There was a break in the middle two marks though. Shina had erected a barrier without uttering a word. Her and the ground below her were safe.

The barrier broke into shards of spirit energy. In an instant Shina swung her own blade at where Mika watched. A ball of flames that was twice the size of its creator went blasting towards the Ronin woman. Mika used flash step to get out of the direct line of fire, literally.

But in that time Shina had swung her sword again and this time a blast of wind was sent forth. The ball of flames collided with the rocky edge and blew up the section. But before all the flames dispelled the wind fed it and carried it towards Mika. With the wind feeding it the flames went wild and raced towards its target. Mika kept up her flash step but the wind was easily redirected and pursued her relentlessly with its flames scorching the area.

But Shina did not have the upper hand as every one supposed.

Although the fight was happening in far too fast sequences to keep track of everything, the captains could notice the tactics used.

Suddenly there was a gasp from Shina. Everyone's attention deviated from Mika to the Ronin still present on the ground.

Black cords had wrapped themselves around the beautiful shinigami. Her body was being contorted backwards while her sword arm was bent at such an angle she was forced to release her weapon. Shina had not noticed Mika swing her other zanpakuto.

The bounds were strong and for a moment it appeared Mika may win as they began to strangle Shina. But the flaming wind was not relenting. And every captain knew that if the attack did not wear off the opponent was still not incapacitated enough.

To prove this Shina's body went still as she concentrated. In a moment her spirit energy sky rocketed causing her body to glow a golden white light. Shina curled her body up and then let a blast of energy release from her body, disintegrating the bounds. Her rather revealing attire finally became logical as her body became coated in the destructive energy. Any material on her back would have been shredded instantly. This technique reminded many of Shunko, which Yoruichi used often. However it had a very different signature to the density of spirit energy.

Shina used a flash-step that was far faster than anyone had ever witnessed. She was before her opponent and ready to strike. Mika was still being chased by flame and wind so to get rid of the barrier in her way, namely Shina, Mika slashed the blue zanpakuto again. This time Shina did not move to stop it. Instead the attack bounced off her harmlessly. This explained the spirit density of her Shunko. Combined with her spirit energy was an invisible barrier spell keeping her safe from attacks.

Realising this Mika threw her zanpakuto aside, embedding them in the rock face of the arena and also coated herself in spirit energy. Hers was a blue-white. She slashed out with her arm effectively stopping and dissipating the flames. With that gone Mika headed towards her opponent.

The two made contact and began the fastest taijutsu fight the captains had ever witnessed. Both these woman were masters at the flash step.

But that was not all. Mika appeared to have the advantage when it came to hand-to-hand combat. She landed a punch to Shina's solar plexus making her fly backwards. When the blonde righted herself again, a trail of blood could be seen dripping from the corner of her mouth. But she did not seem perturbed by it in the least. She glanced up at Mika who suddenly realised something.

She looked down at the fist that had made contact with Shina. Their expressions switched. Shina's lips turned up in a cocky smile as Mika's smile was wiped off to be replaced with a frown.

The frown was soon replaced with disbelief. "Shit!" But before anything could be done an explosion engulfed her.

A second later Mika came back into view by the side of the arena. Her left arm was badly burnt and shredded with blood running freely from it.

Miyoko Shina had mysteriously been able to place an exploding spell on Usagi Mika's fist on impact, when she had hit her in the solar plexus.

But no one had paid attention to which side of the arena Mika had landed.

Mika's good hand grasped the hilt of one of her zanpakuto. In seconds black tendrils snaked down the rocky walls to the ground and straight for Shina.

Noticing them just in time Shina flash stepped away. But she didn't get far. After her first flash step Shina nearly doubled over in pain. Mika had used a deadly assassination technique that hit a spirit-energy point. Right then Shina's internal organs were bleeding and the injury was spreading. This was made evident when she coughed up a sizeable amount of blood. The black bounds had finally caught up to her. They raised themselves off the ground forming sharp spikes ready to impale their victim. One made a hit, spearing through Shina's leg but she dodged the others. While she clutched her abdomen with her one hand, she performed a series of hand signs with the other. In moments steal plates appeared, falling and pinning down the dark ropes. But that didn't work for long. The black tendrils went still for a moment, as if receiving a new order. What followed was chill inspiring. The black snaking vines transformed from solid objects to incorporeal smoky wisps that were no longer effected by the binding spell.

Shina slashed her arm out. A bolt of golden spirit-energy was sent at the ghostly ropes.

Since they had no material base the bolt passed straight through them.

Seeing as she was severely wounded and probably in a great deal of pain, the spectators surmised that this may be due to a misjudgement. But the attack was sincere and well planned. The tendrils could not prevent the attack from reaching its intended target, Mika.

Realising her mistake, Mika pulled free her zanpakuto and deflected the attack by pouring her own spirit energy into the blade.

She realised too late that the attack was merely a distraction. Shina managed to flash step in her injured state, behind Mika. Mika was just barely able to dodge the next attack as she yelped in shock. She had reason to be concerned as the spot she was just in exploded with the force of Shina's punch.

Mika kicked out only to have the attack blocked by Shina. There was a resounding 'Snap' sound as the arm Shina used to block the attack broke, but she didn't move it.

Mika then spun mid air and brought down her other leg. Shina blocked it with her other hand which made a crunching sound on contact. The two finally separated jumping back a few meters.

Both of Shina's arms hung limply at her sides now rendered useless. She was panting and sweating under the pain, but her gaze was still clear and filled with determination.

But Shina wasn't the only seemingly incapacitated party.

"Dammit! Again?" Mika cursed a second before explosions engulfed her.

The next time her profile became visible she was kneeling on the ground. Her spirit energy had yet again kept her limbs from being blown apart, but the close range had still caused severe damaged. She now had three mangled limbs.

At this point all the spectators had begun to feel rather uneasy.

What they had expected to be a mere spar, had turned into a blood bath in minutes.

Komamura's ears were flat against his head in concern, Mayuri actually had his head cocked to the side in interest, Kenpachi was leaning forward eagerly with a manic look that indicated his wish to join the brawl. Ikkaku stood by his captain's side with raised eyebrows, Hitsugaya wore his usual expression save for the fact that his lips had practically disappeared at how thin a line they had become. Renji had decided the fight was giving him too much anxiety so instead he had taken up watching his captain. Byakuya was now visibly flinching every time Miyoko Shina took a hit and had gone very white in the face.

Shunsui was actually frowning and had clenched his jaw, glancing every now and then at Ukitake in concern. Ukitake was clenching the banister in front of him so tight that his knuckles had gone white and his face was frozen in the darkest expression anyone had ever seen.

Captain Unohana had closed her eyes to the scene bellow and was wearing the same expression she had worn when the injured captains had been pulled from their beds.

Soifon was watching intently with a gaping mouth. She hadn't noticed yet but Yoruichi and Urahara who were some of the few not concerned by the deadly injuries being dealt below had smuggled in popcorn and were aiming pieces at Soifon's open mouth.

Tessai was watching, holding his chin in thought, most likely analysing and deducing how to heal their injuries. The only other member not concerned by the fight was the captain commander. He just stood there, no one able to tell if he was awake or asleep.

"Ah, Mine-san? Shouldn't you stop them?" Shunsui asked a little forcefully.

Mine glanced over briefly with a bored expression. "No. The real fight has not yet begun."


Everyone glanced behind them, being woken to the realisation that there was a life existing beyond this battle.

Kameko Kala had come to the barracks.


"How is the battle coming along?"

"Just about to get interesting. How is the training with the Vizard coming?"

"Well enough. Ichigo seems to be battling. I'll get Miya to talk to him."

The two women faced the field together talking calmly, ignoring the rest of the shinigami.

"It does seem I arrived at the right moment."

At that moment Shina attacked again. She sped to a point above Mika and aimed a charged kick directly at the blue striped head. Mika managed to dodge miraculously given her condition. She flipped herself and manoeuvred on her one last good limb, her right arm.

Shina followed easily however. But before she could land another well aimed kick something flashed into her path.

It was part of the Zev zanpakuto, Zee. The blue, biker was poised like an animal ready to attack with a sadistic grin on his face.

Seeing the threat Shina backed up and poised for the strike. Zee began to collect blue spirit energy around his hands. After a moment it condensed to form thick metal claws encasing his fingers and hand all the way up to his fore-arms.

Zee began to slash the air with his claws in the direction of Miyoko Shina.

Shina sent her spirit energy into her legs and began kicking the attacks away.

From behind, another being appeared. Vee stood like a creepy apparition cornering Shina between herself and Zee. Her gothic gown morphed and became snaking black vines, which immediately went for Shina's legs.

At the last moment both Vee and Zee were stopped. Real green vines the size of an anaconda wound themselves around the two zanpakuto humanoids.

Quintessa had also taken on her human-like form. She appeared instantly next to her master.

The two seemed to read each others thoughts and separated a moment later.

Zee blasted the vines away with a large amount of spirit energy while Vee became intangible and slipped through them.

Quintessa faced off with them. The ethereal being of nature began to glow. This seemed to disturb Vee's ability somehow. Meanwhile Zee slashed at Quintessa who manifested a whirl wind surrounding herself which deflected the attack. Before another attack could be made an earthquake shook the area. The earth split and nearly swallowed Zee whole.

As he leapt into the air Quintessa followed. Unbeknownst to the nymph sword, the earthquake gave Vee an idea. She attacked from below. While Quintessa and Zee shared blows, Vee encased them in a large black bubble.

The shinigami could no longer see what was happening but by the rumbling and blasting sounds, the battle was on going and relentless.

While they had been distracted by the swords' fight they had not taken note of what had become of Mika and Shina.

The two had continued to attack each other with disregard for their wounds. In fact they were fighting now as if there were no wounds to begin with. This was plainly untrue as the two Ronin were still bleeding from old and new wounds.

What appeared to make the difference was what was glowing on their bodies.

Miyoko Shina had what appeared to be ribbon twisting around her injured limbs. It glowed golden, filled with her spirit energy.

Usagi Mika on the other hand had tattoo like marking glowing on her burned and shredded limbs. Hers were neon blue in colour as her spirit energy.

Unohana noticed that this technique was only meant to keep them fighting, probably numbing the wounds and using spirit energy to move the limps and keep them attached. It was in no way healing the injuries.

In the next moment, both females manifested spirit type blades out of thin air.

The sped towards each other at such speeds that none but the Ronin present could acknowledge their movements.

The next scene they saw made stomachs tighten with the gore of the after effects.

Shina had speared Mika through and through. The blade had grown longer and entered at the hip and exited on the opposite side between the shoulder and neck, causing Mika to look somewhat contorted.

Mika's blade had sliced cleanly, severing from the shoulder to just above the lung. This meant Shina had lost her whole left arm.

Blood gushed from both.

Just then an explosion erupted from the battle of the zanpakuto. The three spirits were blown in opposite direction. They lay sprawled on the ground unconscious before morphing back to their sealed sword states.

"I think we can call that a match," Kala-sama said into the now deafening silence.

Mine nodded and both Ronin left the top of the arena.

Kala-sama disappeared using flash-step to the un-level and destroyed grounds of the training field. Mine merely jumped down. Mine took the lead and muscled Shina away from Mika. Shina was cursing a mile a second at her elder for chopping her arm off and seem to have enough energy to continued the fight. Mika was laughing at the weird angle she now stood at making Quasimodo-jokes.

Kala, who was wearing a dress-like shinigami-outfit with red ribbon holding it together like a medieval gown, reached inside her displayed bosom and retracted a petite hourglass on a chain. The hour-glass morphed to become her zanpakuto.

The blade looked slightly old fashioned, more a regular sword that a Japanese blade.

In the middle of the blade itself was an hour-glass.

Kala held the blade above her head where it disintegrated into sand particles. The Commander had also descended to the base of the arena and was making his way towards the Ronin accompanied by Urahara, Yoruichi and Tessai.

Seeing this the rest of the captains and the two seated members followed. On the ground they noticed that red glittery particles were flying in the air.

The scene they came upon was morbid yet humorous.

Shina had picked up her detached limb and had begun smacking Mika upside the head with it which wasn't too hard to do because Mika was laughing hysterically at the absurdity of the moment.

Mine circled an arm around Shina and picked her up easily, taking her away from Mika.

"This is...," Ukitake gasped at the pair in nauseated shock.

"Not permanent." Mika had seen his stressed face approaching and decided to reassure him and the rest of the shinigami. Especially since most of the looked so pale.

"Mika-chan, what do you mean?" Shunsui asked.

"She means this..." Kameko Kala raised her hand and the red glitter in the air began to glow bright. The light grew to the point of near blinding.

Once everyone could see again they noticed a few extreme changes.

The arena which was pitted and gouged was back to its original state.

The group glanced around them in shock.

But it was Ukitake and Byakuya who noticed the real change.

Mika's and Shina's wounds were all healed and Shina's arm was reattached as if it had never been sliced off.

Mika flexed her neck appreciatively while Shina rolled her shoulder which gave the men a good show of her breasts.

"Now that the demonstration is over, I would like to know your impressions of what you witnessed."

Soifon glanced at Mika with the kind of detest that you imagined would give a sour taste in the mouth.

"They were faster than any of us."

"The level of kido used passed even that of the Kido Corps Masters," Tessai added.

"Their zanpakuto are weird," was all Ikkaku had to say.

"Their combat skills use the spirit energy points of flow around the body to cause extreme damage," Yoruichi added looking starry eyed at Mika-sama who had been using the technique.

"They what?" Renji asked at that point.

"I'll explain later," Mika replied with a wink.

"They didn't do much sword work," Kenpachi grouched being the only person truly bored by the demonstration.

"If you want to see sword fights ask Mine and Mika to go at it," Shina replied calmly walking past still stretching her arm.

"It seems that with their techniques and zanpakuto in only Shikai they would still be able to fight at Captain level against a bankai. Am I correct?" Urahara asked.

Kala-sama replied. "Yes. None of us are able to use our bankai's at present. It is part of the restriction we are under."

"Why restrict the whole bankai? Would it not be effective enough to just restrict your spirit energy?" Komamura asked.

"Well given that you have seen three of our zanpakuto's in effect, what can you deduce?"

"Miyoko Shina seems to have exceptional power," Mayuri answered. "It is the first zanpakuto I have ever heard of that can control all elements and in bankai form most likely it can be very destructive. Usagi Mika appeared to have some control over some shadow or darkness ability similar to Kaname Tosen. However the beast like aspect in the other zanpakuto seems to make it more violent. I would be interested to see it in its final stage. Lastly, your own zanpakuto. It appears to have a similar ability as Inoue Orihime and rejects time but on a larger scale. A bankai like that could only be described as god-like."

Kala gave a small smile, "Such flattery, your too kind."

Renji, Ikkaku, Kenpachi and Hitsugaya turned their stares towards their instructor, Mine.

Mine just gave a creepy smile.

"Trust me, you don't want to know what her zanpakuto can do," Mika spoke up in reply to their unasked questions.

"Why not?" Renji asked.

"Because its disturbing," Shina replied from where she picked up her zanpakuto. Once she had it in hand it began to shrink and form yet again into her gold hair ornament, which she then twisted back into her hair.

"And scary as hell," Mika tacked on in a mock whisper to the group.

Kenpachi who was near-by made a scowling noise of disbelief.

"Your wording is incorrect Mika-sama. Her power is hell on earth," Shina corrected as she head towards the exit of the arena.

As she did she passed Byakuya who spoke so softly only she could hear.

"Leaving so soon."

Shina turned her golden orbs towards him, as calm as ever.

"I do have your squad to get back to."

Byakuya did not comment further but instead opened his closed eyes that were framed by a deeper frown than usual. His eyes moved swiftly to her left arm as if to assure it was attached before he proceeded away from the blond beauty.

Shina made no sign of acknowledgment of his slight concern. But if a person had a well trained eye they would spot the smallest smile touching her full lips.

"Jushiro please remember to breathe." Mika was now surrounded by her two old friends.

Shunsui was trying to make light of what just transpired by detailing the benefits of watching two hot and sexy women fight.

Ukitake on the other hand was looking deathly pale and hadn't moved much or said a word.

Ukitake looked up at the mention of his name, especially by that voice.

"Next time don't be too concerned. I have survived a near decapitation once so these fights are quite tame."

"T-tame...," Ukitake croaked in astonishment at the description used.

"Well after a few hundred super strong shinigami try to kill you its pretty much cool sailing from here on," Mika remarked off-handed.

"How come you're here?"

Mika looked around a moment before realising the voice that had spoken was below.

She stared down at Hitsugaya and her frown turned into a smile.

"What ya mean chibi?"

Hitsugaya glared at the Ronin before him, "It's Hitsugaya-taicho."

"Sorry little man I'm too old to care about being polite. But since my knowledge got better with age I answer any question I can."

Ignoring her rudeness since technically she did out rank him in age and position, or experience at least, Toshiro let it slide and continued.

"You have no duty to aid us so what personal reasons do you have for aiding us?"

"I respect your forth-rightness, oh king of the little people. All of us have our own reasons. As for mine, your looking at them."

Hitsugaya glanced between Ukitake-taicho and Kyoraku-taicho.

"They're not much but at least they're house broken."

"How?" was all the confused white haired boy could get from that answer.

"I was one of the very first students of the Shinigami Academy. I got the first ever detention."

"You were classmates!" Renji exclaimed eavesdropping.


Renji and Hitsugaya took the three in as a whole. It finally fell together. The way Mika and Kyoraku-taicho stood so comfortably next to each other. The way Ukitake-taicho and Mika seemed to move in a complementary way. The three seemed so natural.

At seeing them Renji thought back to his taicho and Miyoko Shina. If anyone would know anything about it...

"Mika-sama," Renji called as she and her two old friends turned to leave.

The woman turned towards him with a bemused expression.

"Yeah?" She patted Ukitake on his shoulder to signal they should carry on without her.

"Um, well...It's none of my business really, but I was just worried. I was wondering about...aah"

Mika cocked her head to the side. "This about Bya-chan?"

"Ah!" Renji looked startled at the reference to his captain through the use of such a cute nickname.

"Seems so," Mika deduced by his startled expression and embarrassed blush.

"Well he hasn't seemed himself since the Ronin arrived."

"You mean since Shina-chan arrived."

Renji blushed as she pin-pointed his drift immediately. He was too nervous to voice his further questions.

"It's true that the two of them have a history, but you'll find it hard to find someone who doesn't have a history with the Zero Guard."

She meat Renji in the eye. "Some of that history holds a lot of pain. But everyone deals with it in their own way and chooses when to face it."

She turned away then and started walking away. "That's all I can say for now. It will be more interesting if you guys just watch how things unfold."

Renji stood in shock as he watched the empty space that Usagi Mika had just flash stepped away from.

"She's as bad as those two old men."

Renji squawked in shock. As usual everyone had forgotten the presence of the much shorter Hitsugaya-taicho.


Omake: Reminiscence of the Drunk

"Kyoraku-taicho? What were you all like when you were students?" Kiyone asked her superior when he came over to the thirteenth squad barracks for tea in the afternoon. Her, Rukia and Ise Nanao were sitting to the side of the Eighth squad captain.

"I suppose we were the same as we are now," Shunsui replied thinking back.

"Mika and I had very little regard for the rules. We bunked classes, got drunk and went on dates with most of our classmates instead of study. Ukitake was the good boy who was popular."

"I was never considered good," Ukitake corrected as he returned with a tray with a steaming pot of tea and six cups.

"Of course not you were friends with us, it blew your saint-hood," Mika commented following Ukitake into the room with the view of the koi pond.

She placed a bottle of sake on the tray once it was set down on the low table.

"Isn't it a bit early to start drinking?" Nanao asked with a frown, averse to the idea.

"Don't think of it that way. Think of it as us starting to drink very late. We meant to have this drink last night. We were too drunk to remember if we did."

"See," Shunsui pointed out, "Mika still likes to drink."

"And Shun-kun still harasses the ladies," Mika added pouring a healthy amount of sake into her cup.

"That's not true, is it Nanao-chan?"

"Drink your tea taicho," Nanao answered non-commently.

"And Jushiro is still the nice guy," Shunsui put in sipping his strong tea.

"Still popular with ladies too," Mika winked at her white haired friend, to which he blushed to the extreme.

Seeing the red face Shunsui asked, "You didn't spike his tea again did you Mika-swan?"

"Na I like Jushro-kun," she slung her arm around Ukitake's neck and continued, "I only ever spike yours. It's only fair since you keep spiking mine."

"Well its not fun to be drunk alone."

It went on like this for two hours.

By the end of the evening the three friends were lounging, giggling about the past.

Ukitake glanced at their subordinates.

"Mika did you spike their drinks?"

"Well I thought it was mean to leave them out of the fun," she explained lifting her own cup with tea and sake mix in salute.

"You spiked their drinks?" Kyoraku asked.


"Well that's slightly problematic."

"How so?"

"'Cuz I also spiked their drinks."



"Well that kinda explains why only two sips knocked them out."

"I still remember when you two used to do that to me," Ukitake reminisced looking at the pile the three young women.

"It was never effective enough. That cough syrup Unohana gave you was so strong it made you immune to most of our attempts. Fortunately if we ran out of alcohol it was good back-up."

"Speaking of which, Ukitake, got any of that cough syrup on you?"

Finally done! I am extremely sorry for the extreme delay. This poor chapter went through a lot. Between drama and technical malfunctions it had to be rewritten plenty of times. Hopefully the hints of romance, the explanations and the fight scenes made up for the very long wait.

To make up even more for its late publication I have included illustartions of:

Byakuya and Shina: Picture titled 'Staring into the Past'

Shunsui, Ukitake and Mika: Picture titled 'A Friendship can Last Forever'

Mika and shina fight scene: titled 'Bloody Beauties'.

Please review. Starting on the next chapter TODAY.