So you know the drill I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters from the books, nor do I own anything related to Heroes. I simply own the plot of this one shot scenario. What would happen if the ultimate heroes villain Sylar crashed the death eaters party at the beginning of book 7 in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.I hope you enjoy, and you are kind enough to review this One Shot.
"Avada Kedavra"
There was a flash of green light that temporarily blinded Voldemorts death eaters sitting around the table. A loud crash echoed through Malfoy Manor, as the limp body of Charity Burbage crashed down in the middle of the table.
"Nagini, dinner is now served" came a high pitched voice, followed by an evil laugh from the dark Lord known as Voldemort.
Several death eaters cringed in fear as Nagini slithered her way onto the table, swallowing Professor Burbage whole.
"Now that annoyance is properly taken care of we may begin the meeting" sneered Voldemort.
A sudden small popping noise was followed by a shaky high pitched voice belonging to one of Lucius Malfoy's house elves.
"M...M.....M...M...Master Malfoy sir, I is being very sorry to interrupt master and his...present company, but there has been a disturbance in the front gate wards master" the house elf named Dooky stuttered.
Lucius kicked out at the poor elf before commanding him to inform the death eaters guarding the entranceways.
Without warning the two large ebony doors leading into the malfoy dining hall burst off their hinges towards the group.
Several death eaters ducked as the doors crashed into the table.
Almost immediately ten different wands were pointed towards the doorway.
"Lucius, take Draco and see dares interrupt our meeting," snarled Voldemort who hated to be interrupted, by anyone.
"But master, I do not have a wand!" cried Lucius.
"No, but Draco does, perhaps he can protect you" Voldemort laughed.
Lucious and Draco stared forward past the smiling Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Well this is cozy isn't it!" came a new voice that surprised everyone in the room, Voldemort included, who recovered quickly as all the wands in the room except his flew out of their grasps towards the new speaker.
"Who are you?" demanded Voldemort.
"My Sylar, and you all have something I want. This is usually the part where people start screaming." Slyar smiled widely at the astonished death eaters.
The laughter that followed from Voldemort, Bellatrix and Lucious was cut short as the man called Sylar raised his left land hand slightly, flicking his wrist to the right, causing the goblin made knives littering the table rise and fly directly at the closest death eater Yaxley. Yaxley's body flew backwards colliding against the nearest wall; the knives piercing his body, effectively holding him in place. The death eaters and Voldemort stared at Yaxley's unmoving form, then back at the strange man who had just killed him. Voldemorts eyes narrowed and then widened in surprise as deep blue orbs of electric current formed in the stranger's hands. Voldemort raised his wand but was caught by a surge of electricity striking Voldemorts wand burning both it and his hand to dust.
Dolohov the nearest one to Sylar attempted to rush the man only to be stopped by an invisible force. With another wrist flick Dolhov was sent flying out the third story window to his death. Upon watching Dolhov fall, the death eaters scattered, a few more shots of lighting and a few fireballs cast at their retreating backs managed to catch their robes ablaze.
All that was left in the room now were Voldemort, Bellatrix, Severus, Lucius and Draco Malfoy.
"Indeed you are powerful as you have just shown us Sylar; I wonder what else you can do!" Voldemort said calmly attempting to distract the man from Nagini who was close to striking Slyar from behind.
"If you are trying to distract me, and hope to use your pathetic pet reptile to kill me, I suggest you think otherwise!" Syalr said his voice dripping with a somewhat bored tone.
"I wouldn't dare of course!" lied Voldemort who attempted to use occulemcy on Sylar but was unable to get anything from him, obviously Sylar must have occulency training as well.
Sylar smiled at Voldemort sensing the lie, that particular power he had obtained from Sue Landers. Slyar then disappeared in front of them. Nagini being a snake however had greater senses than the wizards, lunged for Sylar but her attack stopped in midair, and was redirected towards Lucius and Draco who had begun to edge towards the nearest exit.
"Run, Draco. Go find your mother, make sure the two of you get to safety," Yelled Lucius as Nagini wrapped her body around him.
Draco did not need to be told twice, and he ran.
Lucius began to struggle against Nagini; he produced a small silver knife and stabbed the snake through its brain, but not before Nagini had bitten him releasing her poison into his body.
Voldemort was livid, he had just lost many of his followers, he knew the ones who had not died would never return for fear of certain death at his hand or Sylars'. Voldemort glanced around the room and shrieked at the invisible menace.
"Where are you? You coward stand and fight me like a man!"
"Master!" Bellatrix called out, terror laced her voice.
"Help me!" she called out to him.
"What!" snarled Voldemort, turning to face his most loyal follower.
Voldemort just stared in horror at Bellatrix, who had just fallen to her knees; a thin red line appeared across her forehead suddenly. Bella let out a very loud scream as Sylar began to slice open her skull from behind.
Bellatrix tried to speak but no words came out.
"Run!" she mouthed to Voldemort, and for once in his life Voldemort ran in fear of this vastly powerful man.
Reappearing Sylar smiled as he heard a small groan from one of the black cloaked figures. Slyar let bellatrix cold body fall to the floor, as he advanced on the man with long black greasy hair and black eyes.
"And what is your name?" Sylar asked Severus.
Sylar leaned in closer so he could hear the dead man's final words, although he could've heard them just as clearly if he had been five stories up, thanks to Dale Smithers superb hearing ability.
"Severus Tobias Snape" he croaked out painfully.
"Well Mr. Snape today is your lucky day," replied Sylar.
A blinding pain in his brain caused Severus to scream out for Lily. The last thing he saw was Sylar leaning over him, drawing his index finger horizontally inches above his forehead.