Fairy- Hey we were told that you guys didn't like our A/N during the story.

Pedal- Big babies.

Fairy- *hits Petal* Be nice.

Petal- Do I have to?

Fairy- Yes.

Petal- Why?

Fairy- Because I have your books.

Petal- You do not *Runs to her room looks for her books* NOOOOOOOOO!! *Runs back into the room* You bitch how did you find them?

Fairy- Easy, you hid them in your closet.

Petal- Give them back.

Fairy- No, not until you say you will be nice.

Petal- okay.

Fairy- Good so any way, like I was saying, we were told not to do A/N during the story, so we promise to try not to do A/N during the story :)

Chapter II

Harry could feel himself being picked up and moved but couldn't pull himself from the lovely dream, well that was until he heard his voice. "Apparently you don't know how to carefully carry someone, here give him to me." came the deep silky voice of . . . who was the owner of that lovely voice? Harry sighed deeply and got a whiff of a lovely smell of roses and rain. "Mmm." Harry moaned and cuddled up to the worm chest that he was placed into.

"You're awake I see." the voice said.

"No I'm not." Harry muttered burring his head into the chest. Harry heard and felt the guy laugh, and he just had to smile.

"Come now, don't be that way, will you open your eyes for me?" the guy said.

"Don't want to." Harry muttered as he breathed in the guys scent.

"Please, I want to see those pretty green eyes that I've been dieing to see since school ended." The guy said.

"Do I have to?" Harry asked, the guy laughed and then rubbed his nose up against Harry's.

"Please." The guy pleaded, Harry sighed once again but this time he opened his eyes to see bright light blue-gray eyes. Harry was in love, not only did the guy have a wonderful voice, but he also had wonderful scent and beautiful eyes, now Harry's only problem was trying to figure out where he had seen this person. "Aw there's those beautiful eyes I'm been dieing to see." the guy said smiling the most beautiful smile Harry had ever seen, suddenly the smile faded. "What's wrong?"

"I've seen you from some where, but I can't remember where." Harry said.

"You forgot about me?" The guy asked.

"I'm sorry." Harry said the guys eyes held disappointment, "I didn't mean to disappoint you."

"No, its okay, I was told that this might happen. Here let me help you remember." the guy said then leaned over and whispered "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

"Draco?" Harry asked excpecting to feel the usual annouance he felt when he saw Draco but nothing came.

"Bingo." Draco said smiling. Harry smiled back, then something hit him.

"Where are my mom and dad?" Harry asked.

"Don't worry, you'll see them after we clean up here and take you home, okay?" Draco asked.

"Okay." Harry said. "Where are we any way?" Harry asked.

"Well, we are in the bed room those muggle Dumbledore told you where your relatives." Draco said.

"Oh okay, when are we going to leave?" Harry asked turning over to press his back against Draco's chest.

"I don't know, all I know is that Uncle Serv told me to stay up here with you until he comes to get us." Draco said leaning back against the wall.

"Draco why did you smell so good?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, maybe you should ask your parents." Draco said as he started to play with Harry's hair. Suddenly there was a loud bang and Harry jumped out of Draco's lap and started to head toward the open door.

"What was that?" Harry asked stopping.

"Wow, they got here fast." Draco muttered. Harry turned to look at Draco confused.

"What?" He asked and Draco shock his head and held at his arms out showing Harry he wanted him back in his arms and Harry instantly smiled forgetting the loud bang, he ran and jumped into Draco's arms. Once back into Draco's arms Harry instantly started to snuggle into his chest. Another loud bang made Harry turn around toward the door."What's going on down there?"

"The Order is fighting your god father's army." Draco said.

"Harry!" Harry heard someone yell and Draco wrapped his arms around him. Suddenly Sirius was at his door, "Harry there you are, come on, I'm here to save you."

"Sorry but he doesn't need saving by you, he is perfectly safe." Draco said and when Sirius was about to run into the room Draco flicked his wrist and the door slamped shut.

"What was that for?" Harry asked.

"No one is going to take you away from me." Draco growled out his arms tightening around Harry.

"Possessive much?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Draco said and the door opened to show Snape holding an knocked out Sirius.

"Take Harry to his parents, I will deal with them." Snape said then ran down stairs. Suddenly Harry felt like he was being pulled through a tight tube, he closed his eyes hoping for the felling to stop and it did.

"You can open your eyes now Harry." Draco said, Harry did as he was told to find himself in a beautiful mansion the floors were made of marble, the walls had many beautiful pictures of lakes and forest. "Harry, welcome home." Draco whispered.

Petal- okay, that is it for now, please review, we will take flames. Now if you will excuse me I need to find Fairy and kill her.