Disclaimer: Of course NCIS… characters… and such belong to the powers that be & not ME!!! Story created for purely entertainment value.

You know the drill… The character of Kathleen, the 2nd Mrs. Gibbs, is complete fiction and has no connection to actual show history.

A/N: Here's the 2nd installment of Type II Family….Fast forward a few years… Kate and Tony are in the same school (she's a freshman & he's a junior). Little brother Timmy just turned 11; living in his own room; and suffering through the early stages of junior high.

A/N: Sit back, suspend belief and enjoy it as the fiction it's meant to be.



Kate left her brothers to clean the kitchen making her way down to talk to her father in his favorite 'hiding' spot. She had been working the nerve up all through dinner to ask him something. The man was hard to read lately mood wise. He was still trying to make it home every night for dinner, but often had to good back to the Navy Yard to wrap up work. Ever since his mentor and surrogate big brother had left the team to him Leroy Jethro Gibbs vacillated between exhaustion, exasperation, and trepidation. He kept commenting that breaking in the probies was going to 'kill' him.

Hanging on the frame to the basement door off the kitchen Caitlin Nicole took a deep breath and ventured down the stairs. Sitting on the steps at the halfway point she didn't say a word. He'd heard her before her foot hit the first landing. This was her quest though and he wasn't going to drag her further into it then she wanted to be before she was ready.

"It looks really good daddy."

"Um-hum, she's going to be a real beauty. Just like her name sake." Gibbs never turned around.

"You know it kills Tony that you won't tell him how you're going to get it out of here."

"Yeah, I know. Gives his mind something to toss over when he's got too much time on his hands."

"So he'll stay out of trouble, huh?"

"Something like that…" Gibbs wanted to launch into a full interrogation, but his daughter was a much different entity. The sort of strong arming he did with his boys was lost on her and often resulted in tears and slammed doors.

"How's it going with the new team? Is Steve still driving you crazy?"

"It's Stan."

"You know you always call him Steve, right. Poor guys doesn't think you can bother learning his name." Kate laughed. The last time they were visiting their dad at work he had barked at the new guy so much, never getting his name right, that the newest Probie balked admitting he thought his days were numbered because his boss couldn't even remember his name.

"I get it right when I need to that's all that matters."

More silence stretched across the distance between them. Reaching into her back pocket Kate pulled out phase one of her reason for being down there.

"Daddy, I… um, I have something to show you."

Placing down his chiseling tools and wiping his hands on the front of his jeans Gibbs walked over to the steps closer to his daughter. Wagging his index and middle finger he gestured her closer to him with the 'heavy' paper between them.

"Something you should tell me before I open this?" Fixing her with a hard stare father was putting daughter under his scope.

"No… no, it's not bad news. I mean its good news… really good news. I got my first quarter grades today."

Without letting on Jethro's heart beat returned to normal and his blood pressure slowly went back down. He didn't know what was on that paper before, but when it came to Kate and grades he rarely worried. Opening up the document a broad grin spread across his face. His baby girl never surprised him. She always did him proud.

Pulling her up into an embrace he whispered, "I'm so proud of you baby. Your first year in high school and you get 3 A's, 2 B's and a B+. That's fantastic Katie."

"Thank you daddy."

"So, these are not fidgeting around grades Katie what's with the twenty questions and all the squirreling about."

She wanted to hold his gaze, but he didn't make it easy. Looking into federal agents eyes was like taking a gulp of truth serum. You immediately got verbal diarrhea and started spewing. She looked away.

A gentle pop under the chin drew her eyes back to his. "Let me guess you want my credit card to do a little celebration shopping with Stacey."

Kate laughed nervously. After what she'd done with his card the last time she wouldn't dream of asking for that even if she'd gotten all A's.

"No sir, I learned my lesson last time." Rubbing her backside she smirked and added, "I really really learned it."

"So, that means the next time I give you a spending limit you'll stick to it. I trust you kiddo."

"Thanks again dad, but I don't want to go shopping. I had another reward in mind for my grades."

Slipping the grade sheet in his pocket to sign later Jethro folded his arms over his chest waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now they were getting to the reason for the squirrely behavior. Nodding his head at her he prodded her on.

"The Fall Festival is being held at the National Mall this year and I was wondering… I mean… you know everyone's going and I… Dad can I go to the Fall Festival?"

His heart sank. This was the part that made being a single dad suck completely. "Baby, I would love to take you, Tim and some friends, but I'm in the middle of an op. If I'm not held up in MTAC that night I'll have to be ready to get there at a moments notice."

"Oh, I… I didn't want you to take me. I wanted to go with some friends from school."

In his mind the Gunny thought… this kid has lost her mind if she thinks that's happening… out loud he said, "I don't think that's a great idea Caitlin."

"Don't I even get to plead my case?"

"Not on this one kiddo. There is absolutely no way I'm allowing you to go to a night time event on the National Mall without adult supervision. Not going to happen!"

"Daddddddyyy, pleeeaasseee. It'll be a big group and you could drop us off and pick us up. Or maybe Stacey's mom will do the driving. It's a school function I can't help it if they decided to move it to a bigger location."

"No Kate, No… discussion over."

"You always do that and it's not fair. I still want to discuss it."

Leaning down with his hand gripping the banister he let her feel his breath. "You sure about that young lady?"

"No." Well, at least that's what her mouth was saying.

Passing her spot on the landing Gibbs kissed his daughter on the head as he bounded up the rest of the steps. Before he reached the door Gibbs asked, "Does this mean Tony got his grades too?"

All she did was nod her head. Showing her grades to her dad was supposed to just be for her benefit not her brother's demise.

"You change your mind about that shopping trip let me know."

"Sure thing dad."

As she went up the steps a few paces behind him Caitlin Nicole Gibbs could hear her father bellowing for her older brother. She only hoped he didn't get in too much trouble because of her early report card reveal. Getting Tony to help her plan a way out to the Fall Festival was her only chance of 'flying' under the Gunny's radar.