Disclaimer-I don't own dbz or its characters, but I do own my original characters and this plot^_~
Yay! My very first Cell romance! (takes deep breath) Alrighty, I hope it's interesting as I hoped it should be, please tell me what you think!

Chapter One- Dream Salvation

My mind was lost in a darkly painted picture, where no light could enter through the thick muster of clouds. I was enveloped in their barrier, as trapped as a mouse in a maze that was clearly searching an exit. I kept walking towards the endless grounds of black, hoping I could see my way through. It was then I felt a sudden thrust of pain shoot up my spine, embracing me in an overwhelming amount of power. Its weight was heavy, and dense, with a great negativity; quite evil. What was this power? I thought carefully, forcing my mind to break it away. It entered the atmosphere, dissipating evenly, but still lingering in my core. I force my legs to walk forward, trying with all my might to find the light out of this place. As I continued my journey through nothing, my mind was creating an image, presenting it before my eyes. I lifted my head up, gathering the sight and wasn't sure I was looking at. My eyes met with the creature's, very cat-like and in an odd shade of pink. His slits blinked at me, as his beak crawled oddly into a smile.

His body bared a close resemblance to a lizard's, but still too peculiar for words. I watched his tail flicker at me, as I received a foreboding sensation. I saw the needle shape point swaying with the creature's movements, who was now advancing slowly towards me. Each of his steps exhilarated my heart; I then heard something tell me to run. I didn't hesitate, I quickly turned around and started running anywhere to escape it. I heard endless screams and footsteps passing me, but there was no one else there. My legs started aching, each ligament feeling the stress I was applying. As I felt my strength dwindling, a burst of wicked laughter echoed. I turned around and around but saw nothing. I felt a surge of fear hover over me, as I finally caught the creature's gaze; with no further warning he lugged his tail at me. I closed my eyes and let out a loud shriek, I felt myself disappearing into mist I was a goner.

I jumped up, my mind flooding back into reality. Seating up from my bed, I gathered air, breathing in and out rapidly. "That was the third time this week…" I patted, running my hands over my face and through my hair. This dream or more like nightmare was becoming a burden. It was too bothersome in how realistic it felt each time I dreamt.

I looked over to the clock that sat on my night stand, it was early morning, with no hopes in returning to sleep probably ever I decided to get up. I tore myself out of my bed sheets, almost tripping onto the floor, but I regain my posture. I took a quick stretch, before heading towards the bathroom, catching a glimpse of my reflection. I knew perfectly well why I looked the way I did. "These dreams are becoming quite a stress." I murmured, rubbing the dark circles under my light green eyes. I pulled off my white night dress, slipping into a nice cool shower. As the water poured down on my face, soaking my loose black hair I began to replay my dream. I usually never have dreams this vivid, well….unless it were more of a premonition, it you were to believe I have those. It was probably in my early teen years I started noticing slight differences in the way I saw the world. Some days I would go to sleep and dream of things that I felt were believable and in a matter of days, weeks or even minutes it would happen. I thought I had just lost my mind, or maybe hit my head too hard in one of my clumsy attics, but I had to face the truth, well the truth few people believe, I was psychic.

From that point I lived with this ability, still not knowing how much it was worth. What I mean by this is if my predictions were in fact reliable. Sometimes they would actually emerge into the world, while others they never had a chance to come into light. Though, I tend to lean more towards them being coincidence than anything else. I still haven't fully understood what I was capable of and I wanted it to stay that way.

Growing up was hard, when people start to think your different, especially as a teenager. I tried my hardest not to reveal my ability to anyone who wasn't trustworthy in knowing of it, which left me only telling my mom and my best friend Ariel, she's quite special too. I kept it hidden this long in my life, as I am now 20 years of age and have grown use to seeing things in my dreams, or visions. However, this dream in particular was probably the worst of them all. For one thing, the others never left me feeling such fear and mental pain. That creature…my mind was recreating the image from my dreams; I could remember its face. "What the hell was that thing?" I said out loud opening my eyes beneath the water, that monster was like nothing I'd ever seen before. That amount of fear it brought upon me and all those screams had left me wishing it wasn't a prediction of any sort.

But why do I keep having these dreams then?

I finished showering and went through all my daily routines. Once I was done, I headed downstairs, wearing a light green summer dress; my hair loosely flowing as I ran down the stairs. I got to the kitchen placing a kettle on the stove. As I waited for my cup of tea, I began reading the paper I grabbed from my porch yesterday.

Flipping through each section, I glanced over at the clock, hanging in its usual spot on the wall.

I had tons of time left before I headed down to the bookstore I owned right here in Western City. My mother gave it to me, when her and my father decided to go travelling around the world. I took good care of it, and ended up spending most of my time there. Since Ariel and I are so close, I gave her job, she's quite useful to have and very much trustworthy in its care.

I read most of the paper in my hands, wondering if it said anything about a creepy green creature lurking around the premises. There was nothing of it in the papers and I started wondering if I was letting my imagination run again. "Maybe it just hasn't happen yet…" I sighed deeply. "I feel like this is becoming a burden on me if I don't figure it out fast."

As the kettle let out its usual shriek I began pouring myself a cup. "But how likely is it for something like that to really happen, I mean come on, the thing looked a lot like those monsters from those myths, yea like a chupacabra!" I laughed at myself. "..Yet it was scarier looking than one of those, or maybe to me…"

I sat at the table, sipping my tea and reading the paper. When I was done, I grabbed my handbag, throwing on my shoes with slight grace leaving my home.

From my bag, I opened up a white square container and took out a capsule. I pressed down on it and watched it pop open, revealing my little red car from the smoke.

I jumped into the driver's seat of my car, bumping my head on my rear view mirror. "Ouchy…" I cringed, rubbing the corner of my head. I quickly adjusted it and sped off.


As I arrived at my shop, I was warmly greeted my Ariel, who was waving at me from the counter. "Hey Vera, you're up early, alarm clock go off when it wasn't suppose to?" She grinned while flipping through a book.

"Ahh…no actually I had that dream again…and well you know the rest." Ariel leaned her arm on the countertop, resting her cheek in her palm. "Freaky monster again? I was hoping you would have wiped it away from you memory..." she spoke with an air of worry, but still continued, "...because I've been getting some strange vibes if you know what I mean."

I raised my eyebrow to her, "You mean, you're sensing something?!" I shouted, as everyone in the store turned and looked at us, we smiled nervously and they looked away. "Not so loud, but yes, I've been sensing something evil and its weird but I think I has something to do with that dream of yours." Oh Kami, I was hoping it wasn't true. My worries began to sink in.

Ariel wasn't psychic, but she did possess numerous abilities that were quite inhuman and out of this world. She was part witch. I can't remember how far back it goes, but she's related to this woman…Baba I think and well it's like a bloodline of spell casters. If she was sensing something bad, it was no way in hell wrong.

"This is bad…that thing in my dreams is real, it's going to hurt a lot of people I could hear the screams when it was approaching." I bit my lip, what were we suppose to do? There was no way we had enough strength to send that thing back where it came from, I felt its power, it's too strong.

"Vera, we don't know that for sure okay, maybe what I'm sensing is just a bad vibe that was given off by your dream, like a dark aura, if it's one of those they for sure that creature in your dream isn't real." She assured me, with a comforting smile. I smiled back. "Well…if it's just a dark aura then I guess we shouldn't be worried…"

"That's the spirit! I was starting to fear I was losing you by those dreams, they've been giving you quite the freight, but I think I can fix that, here." she handed me this small bottle filled with a lightly coloured pink liquid. "And this is?" I asked her curiously shaking the bottle. "Just put it on when you go to bed, it's supposed to get rid of dark auras within a person's dreams."

I stared at the bottle, "Cool." I placed it into my handbag. "So what's on the agenda today?" she said, completely switching over to a different subject. "Well I really don't know, before I got here I was fearing that the world was coming to an end." Ariel laughed at me, she really knew how to lighten up the mood.

"Well it's not, maybe not for like another billion years, well as my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great…"

"I get it!"

"Right, as my great aunt Baba would tell me, so earth is fine and my shift ends at twelve, so we should go do something that doesn't involve anything with creepy large green bugs."

I gently laughed, pushing my hair, behind my ear. "Well okay, you finish helping the customers with their purchases; I'll be in the back going over some information till then." I walked around the counter, heading towards the back door. "Have fun." She teased, as I got to work.

It was noon, and Ariel and I decided to the mall for a bit, while another employee took her spot. It was beautifully sunny out, as the sun would radiant its rays like glitter over everyone. Nobody was screaming, or running for the fear of their lives, quite a nice day. Yet something kept triggering my thoughts to that dream and I still didn't understand why. I tried my hardest to push it away in the back of my head, since I didn't want Ariel worrying over me. It was like that for the rest of the day.

When we arrived at the bookstore, it was closing time. I locked up the register, turned off the lights, locking the door till tomorrow. "Well that's that, I'll see ya tomorrow, Oh and Vera don't forget..." she pointed towards my handbag. "Make sure you put some of that stuff on tonight." I reassured her I would. "Kay, bye!" Ariel exclaimed, before jumping into her car (much better than I did) and leaving dust as she hovered away. I yawned with great amount of fatigue, carelessly tossing my bag in the car. The day was ending and I feared going to sleep.


When I arrived back at my place, I made some supper and settled down in front on the television for a while. I was almost falling asleep sitting there, when I decided to head off to bed.

I stepped out of the bathroom, wearing striped pajama bottoms with a white tank top. As I ruffled up my sheets, I looked over at the gift Ariel gave me. "This stuff better work, or I swear I'll never be able to sleep again if it doesn't." I picked it up, and opened it gently dabbing the liquid on with my ring finger. "Smells like soap."

I placed the bottle back on my night stand, turned off the lamp, settling down in the calm darkness. "Please don't dream, please don't dream, please don't…" I went on. I threw my comforter over my head in my own method of safety and tried resting my eyes.


Within the solemn night that bestowed down on every creature on earth, another was lurking, his hunger was growing and so was his quest. He smiled, eyes growing as his tail, sharply swaying in the air came into contact with a man's throat. He drank until there was no more; the only remains of his feast were the victim's clothes, dropping lifeless onto the ground. The creature moved on…

Hiya! Well this was chapter one. Well basically this chapter is mostly just for introductions, before I really get the story going. (So excited!) lol, I'm hoping I can stick to the actual structure and events that happened, but maybe with slight differences and perhaps changes, I'm really not sure yet, but please stay tuned^^ Anyways, feel free to leave a review,
ttyl for now ^_~