A Heart Wishing For More

Summary: Meet Darien Chiba, the most prominent heir to the Chiba Inc. at age 25, thought he could be a bachelor forever, but he was proven wrong when his grandfather request Darien to wed before taking over Chiba Inc… and that's not it. He has six months to find a wife or the company will be sold for charity. Meet Serena Tsukino, a well known author under the pen name of Usagi Wasaki, she gave up on looking for love and the only thing she thought she could look forward to was growing old alone with her cat, Luna- and boy, was she ever wrong… Read&Rate 

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own Sailor Moon's characters… nor am I responsible for any alikeness in characters or settings. Please do not sue.

Chapter 1: Can You Repeat That? Part II

"Honey, I'm home." He sighs in frustration as he clumsily unties his tie and removes his shoes at the entrance, a routine he had developed after living with his wife of two years. The once tidy look he had spent most of his morning on was gone now and along with his usual composure. It was last week when the unthinkable had happened, he remembered, after the phone call.

Andrew watched as Darien's usual collectedness disappeared, and in place of it was trepidation. The phone slipped out of his boss's hand, his mouth still agape, but that wasn't what had made Andrew worry about his boss, also childhood friend, Darien. No, it was the news that had escaped from Darien's lips that had concerned him.

"I have…" Darien's trembling as the words escaped his lips, "six months… six months to… to…find a…" It was nerve breaking to listen to his old friend speak. Andrew let his imagination finish the sentence, which was still incomplete, but not one word could explain what could possibly put Darien in fright, until that very word that had escaped his lips.

"wife." Darien finally forced the unspeakable word out.

And that one word… yes, that one word explained why Darien felt morbid. The man, VP of Chiba Inc., was not given the title of "Tokyo's Prince of Ice" because of his cold expression or, better yet, his cold nature when it comes to business. It was also because he IS a womanizer and feels no guilt about it! Darien is a very popular man, even more popular than George Clooney, and he had never gotten rejected on a "night" call. He even thinks he could be a bachelor forever, and to hear that he has to be serious about a woman? It must be the apocalypse!

What happened after that? Well, they spent all week trying to come up with a candidate. Darien's office was once a well-kept room; with a gray leather sleeper, which Darien claim is all he needed to call "home", and a chestnut executive desk and a leather chair stationed near the wide window with a beautiful view of Tokyo, is now filled with paperwork and countless pictures of female candidates. One picture, he distinctly remembers, of a blonde female actress by the name of Mina Aino. Mina, Tokyo's pop star on the rise, is a beaut and they did consider her as a "bride candidate" but Darien had claimed that she was too flirtatious- which was quite canting. So far, they have not made any progress. Their list is still empty and the deadline of six months seems so close. What are two men suppose to do?

'Enough about work', Andrew shook the thoughts out, replacing it with a nice image of him getting pamper and love from his wife. Speaking of his wife, he had not been welcome with a kiss on his lip today and the usual sweet smell of his favorite dish, curry, was not anywhere to be found. He places his suitcase in the foyer and went in search for his missing wife. Their house was nothing big, Andrew has the money to live in a mansion if he had wanted but that was not the case. He was thinking of his wife when he picked this cozy home, she's a willful woman and doesn't believe that happiness lies in the materials but in the comfort of the small little things- and that's what he fell in love with. After they brought this house, his wife mentioned about wanting a family so they begin trying for a baby. In the end, it was successful and now she's three-month pregnant.

Thinking about his wonderful wife didn't help his patience and lessen the worries, he hurriedly started searching the house and calling out his wife's name. She was not in the kitchen, where he suspected since it is her favorite place, she was not in the backyard planting flowers or watering the garden, she was not in the bedroom where they retire their nights there, and she was not in the baby-to-be room to finish furnishing it. Where can a three-month pregnant woman be at?

He tried to be calm but it was impossible! He fumbles through his pocket and pulls out his mobile phone, but before he could make his next move, his beloved wife opens the front door. Andrew turned toward the entry way, watching as his wife enter with her barely showing tummy and her phone, he had given her for Christmas, was glued between her shoulder and her ear. She was dressed in a green, stretch sundress with black slippers, and her brunette hair was tied messily up in a pony tails with a little strand of curly bangs hanging carelessly down. To any man, she looked like an average girl with a sense of charm. But to him, she was an angel. He watched as her forest-green colored eyes shine as she finally takes notice of her worried husband. Andrew felt relief, knowing that his beloved has finally come home. He rushed over to her side, grabbing hold of her grocery bag but stopped when she slapped his hands. She has always been independent, never asking for any help, and he admired it but while she's carrying their precious baby, he sometimes wishes she would depend on him a little. He sighs at the impossible.

"Hold on a minute, Andrew's home." She spoke to the phone apologetically, and then turns to her husband. "Darling, you're home early. How's work?" She gave her husband a welcoming kiss and place her grocery bag into the kitchen as she begin prepping for dinner.

Andrew ignored the fact that it is eight thirty in the evening and he's usually home by seven, he was just happy to see his wife home. "So, how was your day, sweetheart?" He asks as he begin taking off his coat. When there was no response, he walked into the kitchen to find his wife absorb in her conversation on the phone. He felt curious and a little jealous, not knowing who she was talking to. He stayed, listening onto her conversation, trying to be unsuspicious.

"I can't believe he said that to you!" His wife squirms as she started cutting up the veggies. 'Said what?' He thought to himself, still curious to whom she's talking with.

"I know!... Honestly, Serena, you're not going to grow up alone. You're exaggerating." He felt relief hearing Serena's name. Serena has been like a little sister to him and a childhood friend of his wife. Andrew reminiscent of the old days; the first time he met Serena was when she was fourteen, she had beautiful blonde hair and an unusual style, her hair was tied up in two buns and the rest of the length of her hair dangles down like pigtails, she has a fair skin with a sky color eyes and natural rose color lips. He also remembered, Serena had a slight crush on him, Andrew chuckled at the thought. Now she has fully grown and mature gracefully, although still a little clumsy but successful. He felt proud knowing that his "little" sister is also the world's famous author, Usgai Wasaki, and felt a pinch of guilt about how he had almost spill the beans a week ago.

His attempt to be unsuspicious was a failure as his wife caught him eavesdropping. She begins mouthing, "she's having guy problem again" and went back to consoling her friend. Andrew couldn't help but grin. Don't get him wrong, Serena is a beauty and turns head everywhere she goes. Her problem wasn't in looks or intellectual, she's like a prototype but with one major flaw-she doesn't commit, and for God knows how many times she had said no when she got propose to? He let out a breath, he's been unknowingly held, and began wondering that Serena and Darien have a few similarities. They both fear of commitment, they're both successful- despite Darien being a playboy, he was not chosen as heir to Chiba Inc. due to his connection, the man himself is a genius- they're both physically attractive and… they're… single. He froze at the last thought.

The brunette wife turned to her husband and was curious when her husband stood rooted, and appears numb. "Andrew, are you alight?" The wife asked worriedly.

"Lita, is something wrong with Andrew?" Serena's question had reminded Lita that she was still on the phone with her childhood friend, Serena Tsukino.

"I don't know, he looks as if he just…" Lita stressed as she continued, "Had an epiphany."

"Lita, honey, let me talk to my precious sister." Andrew asks his wife as he reaches for the phone. She watched her husband with an unsure expression. Lita contemplated for a minute before she finally surrender the phone over, not sure of what she did was the right thing.


Author's Notes: Ah sorry guys, I had this finished this chapter over a week ago but never got around to publishing it :P Before I continue, I'd like to thank you all for your reviews! To those who disagree on my comparison to George Clooney hotness… George Clooney is HOTT, regardless of his age. The man can be seventy for all I care and he's still be the hottest man alive. *drooling* Again, I am not totally satisfy with this chappie either so I will edit this as the story progress. When I do decide to edit the chappies I will leave a note in my AN.

Warning: you can either skip this paragraph or read it, I feel like talking so I apologize ahead of time……….. I can't wait until my finals are done, so I can enjoy my summer. After my finals are done, I'll be living by myself for the very first time. All my years of going to college, I've always had roommates- good and bad ones- so it'll be a big change for me this year. Don't get me wrong, I am very independent, but that's not what's causing me butterflies. It's the fact that I am a socialist, I have to be around people consistently, if not I am drawn into depression very easily :( There are always pros and cons when it comes to roommates, I realize, the pros being that I always have someone to talk to and the cons being that I am a neat freak and my roomies are not. So, what I have been doing for the past week was listing all the pros of not having roommates… (1) I don't have to worry about cleaning up for others or sharing my grocery with, (2) Although I am a socialist, I do like to have a "me" time so I can grab a good book and read, (3) I don't have to worry about last minute parties, (4) I don't have to worry about unknown guests in my house… and the list kept adding up. So far, I got it up to 38 pros… LOL, I guess it's not a bad thing. Wish me luck guys :)

PhantasyDreamer, thank you for your advice, I understand what you mean, that's why I also mention that I am also planning on editing my stories and if you've read my first two rough draft, you'll think of it as an autobiography- trust me. Moon_Titan, thank you for your compliments, I did have second thoughts on posting this story because of that fact but I'm glad I did. Also, thank you to jessicam242, pinkslytherin, moonlover46, stranger, na, Kagenoneko, Crystalinchen, Silver_Moon_Goddess1, SerenityMoonGodness, and RoyalLovers1418.