My name is Kari.
You want to know my last name? Well I can't. They might find me.
Your probably wondering who I mean by "they". Well, that might take a bit of explaining. You see, earth is being invaded by aliens. You're probably saying "yeah right, where are all the flying saucers you nut?" Well these aren't THOSE types of aliens. These guys are like ticks; except they're slug like and instead of attacking your skin and draining blood they invade your brain and take control of you. And we aren't the first species to have it done to us.
Still don't believe me? Then I might as well tell you of one of my stories, how I got involved in this whole mess.
It all started on a summer's day, in the period after we had defeated Armaggedonmon...
Animorphs: Digimorphs #1: The cousin (Kari's PoV)
Timeline: After season 2 and Armaggedonmon (Digimon), after The Weakness (#37) but before The Arrival (#38) (Animorphs)
Disclaimer: Leo: I don't own Animorphs or Digimon, nor do I make money from this fanfiction.
Chapter 1
It was a very long, and very hot, summer holiday. Davis and Ken were both off at soccer summer camp, Cody was at this big Kendo tournament out of town, Yolei was busy helping her family run their store, T.K. was travelling with Matt and his dad, hiking I think, Tai and Sora were frequently visiting each other, Izzy was trying to figure out how to make his computers better and Joe was at an special education camp, seeing as the schools had banned him from summer school years ago.
And because of there being no-one around, as Gatomon and Patamon were spending alone time in the digiworld, I was bored out of my mind.
Just then my mum walked through the door "Hey mum" I said, lying on the couch, trying to watch some TV.
"Hey honey, guess what?" my mum said, sounding more cheerful than usual.
"You found a new recipe?" I asked, hoping that she hadn't. Mum isn't exactly the best cook in the world.
"Better" she said "I found something for you to do while your friends are away." She pulled out a pamphlet "it's this organization called The Sharing; they are kind of like the boy scouts that your friend Mimi talked about. Anyway, they're offering people to go to America, for a cultural experience if you have a small trial period while there. Apparently it helps you meet people"
I thought about mum's suggestion for a second. "It sounds a bit school-ish mum" I pointed out.
"It's better than just doing nothing the whole holidays isn't it?" mum asked.
Well she has me there I thought and anyway, this Sharing place might allow me to meet some new friends. "Ok mum, I'll do it." A few minutes passed in silence when I then asked "who am I going to be staying with while I'm over there?"
I need to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes.
As I exited customs I looked around. You see, it had been a few years since I had seen this side of my family, so I might have not of recognized them. However, when your distant cousin is holding up a sign that says "Kari" in four different languages, you tend to notice them quickly. "Hey Marco, hey uncle" I said, walking over to the jokester.
Marco's dad grinned "why Kari, is that you?" he asked in mock shock "you've certainly grown".
"I see Marco hasn't" I replied, all three of us having a chuckle. Marco and I had this little tradition of teasing and pranking each other at any chance we got, so I knew this was only the opening bout.
"So Kari did you bring a pole for that mop?"
See what I mean? Always like this. Anyway after an uneventful drive to Marco's house, I found a small letter for me in the letterbox "Strange" I said "who would know I'm here at the moment?" I asked, opening it. What I saw was directions to the nearest Sharing meeting. "Oh it's just from The Sharing" I said, slightly relieved. I swear that Marco twitched for a moment when I mentioned The Sharing but I thought it was my imagination.
"When's the meeting?" Marco's dad asked "and where?"
"The meeting is tomorrow apparently, 5 o'clock" I said. After telling them the address I yawned "what time is it?" I asked.
"9pm, Kari you better get to sleep and Marco you better get to doing your homework" Marco's dad said. With a small grumble from Marco about it being a Saturday we both headed upstairs, him to his room and me to my room. As I opened the door I heard a small "whoosh" sound as a bucket of cold water landed on my head.
In the middle of the night I got up, just to go get a glass of water, when I passed by Marco's room, some rustling happening in the background. Taking a peek through the keyhole I saw Marco climbing into bed.
Why was Marco out of bed? I thought, before going to grab my glass of water and get back to sleep.
A/N: Hi all, Leonite the red back and ready to entertain! This is pretty much an intro chapter, this fic in total will have between 3-5 chapters, though it could be more.
However, this is the first of many books planned, so tune in next time for another instalment of Digimorphs, same morphing time, same morphing site