A/N: Hey guys it's been soooo long hasn't it? I can't, and won't, blame you if you're not interested in this fanfic anymore. I just wanted to let you know that you've been such kind and supporting readers; I really appreciate how nice you are to me and how happy you've made me feel with your reviews. So, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to send me a message ^_^

I've done a lot of growing up these past two years and I'm wondering if I should discontinue this story or not, what do you think? I still don't know what to do yet but it would really help me out if you could tell me your opinion on the matter. Thank you :D R & R



Ben's POV

I gazed out the window as the Rustbucket drove through an area which appeared like one of your average, everyday suburban town where everything, as far as I'm concerned, looked alike; bushes separated each porch, women were saying goodbye to their husbands, and children were playing all kinds of games on the street. Everything seemed quaint, peaceful and perfect ….Too perfect. I felt a shiver run down my spine and I decided that this place definitely gave me the creeps.

"Ben, Gwen"

"Yes Grandpa?"

Gwen looked up from her laptop to answer and I had to force myself not to gawk at her.

"We're going to have to stop here for a while"

"Why is that?"

"The engine overheated and I need to find some spare parts for it"

"Oh man! Do we have to?" I knew that whining was childish and it probably wouldn't get me anywhere but hey, I had to try. I seriously didn't want to stay in this strange place.

"Yes we do, and Ben please act your age we'll get out of here soon enough"

"As if he could grandpa; you're asking too much of him. Let's just be happy that he doesn't wet his bed anymore"

"Hey!" I turned away, surprisingly hurt from that remark, and stared blindly out the window again.

I heard typing from the other side of the seat and after a few minutes I felt Gwen nudge my knee. I glanced in her direction and found myself reading from a screen.

"You mad?"

I shook my head and took out my phone to IM her laptop.


She started typing again; my phone vibrating to life when she finished.

"I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean that."

"I know."

"But still… "

"I'm not mad just shocked and well… a bit hurt"

"Oh Ben… Remember that we are supposed to act the same. I wouldn't have said it If I knew it would upset you :("

And that's when I saw it; the regret that was reflected in her stunning eyes. I immediately felt like an idiot for having been so affected by a simple remark, which she didn't even mean. I wanted to go to her, to tell her to forget about the whole thing, but I couldn't right now; it would be too much of a risk if grandpa were to catch us. So I lowered my head and started texting.



"I love you"

She watched me with a mixture of disbelief and happiness in her expression.

"I know."

I arched my eyebrows at her, questioning her reply. Then I saw her smirk and I just had to laugh.

"Hey, what's so funny back there? Care to share it with the lonely driver?"

"Oh nothing grandpa, I just how hard it was to have a female alien specimen around,"

Gwen rolled her eyes at me and I smiled, not knowing what torture lay ahead of me when we skidded to a stop in front of a huge mansion.

"Guess we'll stop here. The engine can't take much more"

"What the?"

I glanced at Gwen and saw the bewildered face she was making.

"What is it?"


A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. Reviews are LOVE. Cyber hugs to all ^-^