DISCLAIMER: Kim Possible" and all characters within (c) The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. (These sentences are owned by Sobriety). I don't do this story with the goal to make money, but if you want to sue, I've enough money to counterattack.

SUMMARY: Kim disappeared four years, and nobody knows what she did. Now she is back, and everything will be different…or not? Kigo.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED BETAREADERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here we are. You followed me and my madness in this story. For the people who are joining us, this story is the sequel of After College. If you didn't read it, you will be lost, so you know what you have to do.

Before anyone complains, yes, I know, this chapter will be short. Well, at least I'm in time. So, enjoy it and worship me ^^.

KP FF: After College...And Death: Sadness and Sorrow, sequel of After College (Yes, Sapphicpensil doesn't own the idea anymore ^^)

Chapter 1:

Her target was moving, surrounded by her bodyguards. They entered in a big building.

She sighed. The security, high level, would not be really a problem. She was too good to be stopped by that. No, the main issue was the way she had to do her mission: the threat that somebody could unmask and recognize her was high, and it was the last thing she wanted. After all she had to do to disappear completely from the world one year ago, she wouldn't be pleased to be discovered.

Banishing the thought, she went back to her observations. She had all she needed, so she decided to leave her hide before being spotted. Tonight, she would act.

The full moon, shining in the sky, enlightened a black silhouette on the roof of a building. She took an object similar to a rifle and fired without a sound toward another one, the same she had spied earlier this day. Her hook went through a wall and she tied the rope linked to it at a vent. She tested the resilience of the "bridge" and let herself slide under the rope until she reached her target. She used a small laser to cut a hole in a window and opened it. She was in the place, and the easy part was done.

She wandered a little in the building before finding what she was looking for. Well, now it was time for the hardest part of her job.

Should be only four heavily armed and trained bodyguards…Nothing to really worry about… Her mind teased.

Oh, drop it! One lucky bullet or one unlucky move and this job will become a pain in the ass.

Maybe literally. Her mind snickered.

Don't remind me of that!

She threw a smoke bomb in the room where two bodyguards were and followed it. In the confusion, she only needed two smooth moves to let them lying unconscious on the floor. However, the bomb had made enough noise to warn the two others who were waiting for her, guns ready. She barely dodged the rain of bullets directed to her.

Well, really well trained. Lucky for me, I'm better.

She launched a decoy, a grenade not armed to force them to dive behind covers, and she quickly entered the room. The time for them to react, it was too late: she was already on them, and soon they were unconscious as well.

Well, one thing left to do!

She entered the last room, where her target was.

-"I don't know who you are, but my men are on the way and I doubt you want to deal with them."

-"I'll have finished before they reach this room." She stopped and just stared at her target.

-"What do you want?"

-"You recently attacked a gang. I'm here to make you understand it was a bad idea."

-"You…You…You're HER? But…But there are rumours like what you are dead…"

She snickered under her hood.

-"So consider me like a spirit who will deal with you if you keep going."

Her target looked absolutely panicked and took a gun which laid on a desk. Before her target could use it, she had grasped it, turned it against her target's knee and fired.

-"That's for you to remember my warning. Consider you as lucky I didn't shoot both of your knees and elbows."

With these words, she turned back and went through the door. When the other men of her target arrived some minutes later, they were not able to find her in the building.

From the roof of the other building, she was smiling while looking at them.

Efficient…but maybe a little slow.

Then she checked her watch and frowned.

Crap, I'm late. I should move, or they will chew my ass.

A half-hour later, she was in a warehouse near the river. Two men exited the shadows.

-"What were you doing? You finished your mission three days ago! How could you be late?" One of them scowled.

-"I had a business to take care of."

-"You know what They think about your interactions with your past."

-"And you know what I've always said to Them: it's none of their business."

The second coughed, interrupting them.

-"We're going away of the point, there." The attention of the two other went back to him, and he continued: "They want you to go back to the Last Temple before the end of the week."

-"Did They say why?"

He looked at her, arching an eyebrow.

-"Okay, okay, forget I asked." She sighed. "Say to Them I'm on the way."

She was back for the first time in two months and, as always, the landscape was breathtaking: the forest and rock mountain around had a wild look nothing could harm, not even the low and old-looking buildings at the bottom of one of the peak. She took a deep breath, and began to walk toward the buildings.

As soon as she reached them, she was greeted by one of the eldest who was meditating.

-"Welcome back, Shego."

Author Note: Okay. How many of you believed it was Kim? If the answer is none, just say it to me, I'll stop writing…If I can't surprise you, writing is useless… (Personally I hate reading something predictable…or at least too predictable).

A last thing: I lost the reference of the people who had offered to betaread me, so if you can't manifest yourself again, it would please me.

Oh, and a really last thing: I have the material to write another chapter (it is already written) but after that, it's the darkness (well, I have the outlines, but I have not too much time on my hand, so it could take a little time for me to post the next chapter…). Well don't worry, I will come out one day or another ^^.