Okay, so I kinda developed writer's block for this next chapter. And I thought of another FF I wanna do, and I started that. I probably won't be able to update both at the same time, so it's being put off in favor of finishing this. I'm having trouble with fillers, though, so this story is too plotline-ish. Not enough "other" stuff. Oh well. I'm going to stop complaining.

Ren's POV

I stepped out of the car, Camila nestled in my arms. She was attempting to bite my wrist, but was just managing to gnaw on it uncomfortably.

"Camila!" A voice shrieked, and with a whoosh of wind, she was snatched out of my arms by her mother and everyone disappeared into the house.

I looked at Jacob and frowned. "Let's go inside and see if Camila and Damon can get along."

We stepped into the house and Camila already had a clear baby bottle in her mouth filled with blood. Her black eyes blinked hungrily as she drank it in.

When the bottle was empty, she pulled away with a blank stare.

I looked at my dad nervously as he watched her in amazement.

"She's psychic," he whispered. "She sees the future. But she can't see us. She sees herself and Jasmine and Conan and Damon and Renesmee. She doesn't see us."

"Like an opposite." Rosalie smiled. "The opposite children. If the mother has an ability, the daughter has it in reverse. Alice sees humans and vampires, and Camila sees half-breeds."

"Is she communicating with you?" Jasper asked.

"Yes. She wants to be older, to be able to speak freely. Jacob, make her eight like your kids."

Alice gently set her down as she grew.

Camila's hair was black like her mom's, but it was shoulder length and straight. Her black eyes remained their color despite the blood she had just drunk. She looked around at us, and then her eyes set on my abdomen. She giggled. "Renesmee, name your daughter Lorraine. I like her ability. Lorraine fits well."

"I, um, I'm having a girl?"

Camila nodded. "Of course. Are you planning on betting against me? I wouldn't, if I were you." She smirked.

I grinned. "Okay, Camila. Her name's Lorraine. Anything else I need to know?"

"Yeah. Make sure Conan stays away from Brennar if he's in the age group of thirteen to seventeen. I'm sure Jacob would hate to lose a son so early."

"Hey. Don't say things like that. Okay?" Alice scolded. "It's not nice."

"Sorry," Camila apologized.

Jasmine came wandering out of the next room. "Camila!" She ran and gave her cousin a hug. "Do you wanna go play dolls with me?"

She nodded. "Okay, that sounds fun. Where's Damon? I wanna meet 'im."

"He's in the next room playing dolls also. He's Ken. I'm Kelly. We saved Barbie for you. Conan's playing with the toy trucks."

"Oh, okay. Thank you." They disappeared behind the door again.

Rose, does it scare you that your son is playing dolls with my daughter and Alice's daughter?

"Not at all. I'm okay with his choices. He's playing with Ken anyway." She snickered. "But, somehow, I don't think Jasmine's been applying the 'no looking while I dress Kelly' rule. I don't know if he likes what he sees or not, though."

"He does, Rosalie. His thoughts resemble those of the guys I saved Bella from when we first met. He's quite fascinated by the female form. Jasmine, don't let him take off your shirt! Okay, good girl." Edward shook his head.

Jacob looked at Rosalie and scowled. "What is your son doing to my daughter?" Wow, after all we've been through with them, Jake and Rose still wouldn't get along.

My dad laughed. "Yeah, I know, right?"

Rosalie folded her arms over her chest. "Who said that my son started it? Maybe your daughter was being a slut."

"A slut? You're one to talk, Rosalie. My daughter has respect for her body."

"Are you implying that I give out my body like it's homework help? The only guy I've slept with in decades has been Emmett. It's not my fault that my son takes after his sexually eager ways. He's more mature than you, I suppose. How old were you when you lost your virginity? Twenty-three?"

"Maturity has nothing to do with how young you were when you lost your virginity. We all agree that Edward's very mature, and he was seventy-seven."

"Ok, that's it. Rose, make sure your son keeps his hands off of Jasmine, and we'll make sure Jasmine doesn't do anything to make him think she feels that way about him when Chris has obviously imprinted on her. My father is a prude-ass; let's get over it." I threw up my hands. Jacob and Rosalie were not going to fight. This house was home to fourteen vampires, two of whom could possibly explode into a canine form if angered. No tension was allowed. I exhaled and calmed Rose. Jake would automatically quit if I wanted him to.

She growled softly under her breath. "Fine."

Camila, Jasmine, and Conan walked out of the room. "We heard you arguing. We don't want to start anything." Jasmine eyed her brother cautiously.

Conan nodded in submission. "Yeah, I'll protect Jasmine if I need to. But Damon's not a bad kid. He's just, well, he's weird. He's not like us. I can tell. He's different. More mature. He seems like the creepy forty-year-old a lot of people have in their neighborhoods. He won't do anything to Jasmine, I promise. Wolf's honor. I don't know that he would, either."

"Of course I wouldn't." Damon walked out into the living room with all of us. "You know, I don't appreciate having my family talk about me behind my back."

"Sorry," Jake apologized briefly, still scowling. "But I'm not going to promise it won't happen again."

Damon's defiant eyes met Jacob's for a moment. "Fine. Then I won't promise you that I won't touch Jasmine again. But you can be sure that I won't put a finger on her as long as she stays away from that flea bag Uley."

"And what happens if she can't?" I asked. Staying away from someone that had imprinted on her was difficult. I would know.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He smirked.

Conan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "It's all talk. But she's going to stay away from Chris if she can nevertheless."

Edward gasped as his ability returned. "Conan, remind me to have you do that more often. It's almost as refreshing as it is scary."