"So, what's the damage?" Diethard pursed his lips as he sat down before the Lady of Zero. She looked at him hesitatingly as she ran a hand through her hair, tapping her foot nervously.

"As predicted, the polls show that the Japanese population is torn." He finally answered her, plonking down a heavy folder on the table. "It's been an interesting night in Area 11." Amaya bit her lip, tapping her foot again as she stood from her seat, reaching for the folder.

"Give me the summary."

"Understandably, they're all shocked. Hesitant their champion is half Britannian, even more so that she's the daughter of a man who played a major role in the invasion itself. For some, it was more than mere hesitance." She nodded again, flicking through the papers, glancing at graphs, spreadsheets, opinion polls.

"That was always going to happen." She said, more to herself then to Diethard.

"When asked, people were mostly frustrated it was kept a secret rather than you're lineage itself. However, they themselves admitted that had they known they would probably not have supported you in the first place."

"And now?" she asked, glancing up. Diethard paused another moment.

"84.6 percent of the people still support you." He finally reported, and Amaya let out a sigh of relief, "13.4 percent say they do not- keep in mind though, some of those were Honorary Britannians who didn't support you in the first place, pacifists, and the like who don't involve themselves in politics." Amaya nodded, leaning back as he continued,

"Of those, 47 percent say they still support you to be Empress. 22 percent do not, while a further 20 percent remain undecided or uncaring. 11 percent were completely opposed to the Monarchy to begin with, no matter how symbolic it may be."

"So I'm not going to be killed in the streets then?" she asked hopefully and Diethard smiled tiredly.

"Not yet, my Lady. The speech saved you. You beat the major Britannian press to it- it helped it came from you're mouth rather than theirs." Amaya nodded again, decidedly happier then he had been when he entered.

"Thank god for live broadcasts." She sighed and he nodded.

"The fact you did it to save Zero was another deciding factor. Made you look more like a hero, you could say." She rolled her eyes. Diethard closed the folder.

"I am assuming you will be attending the wedding today then?" she glanced over at him. "The invitation was revoked by Schneizel due to your insistence to wear a mask- now that you're not..."

"Can I though?" she mused, furrowing her brow. "I mean, I was supposed to fly the Roiyaru-"

"Tohdoh can." Diethard interrupted. "Right now, we need to strike the iron while it's hot. Go to the wedding," he urged, "it'll be broadcast live across Britannia and Area 11- imagine it, my Lady." He grinned, "Imagine the people's reaction to see you after you're speech, living up to you're name, defying the Britannian's yet again. Let them see their Empress to be in all her glory." Amaya sighed, glancing at him wearily.

"In all my glory, Diethard? Really?" Diethard didn't reply, only continued to stare at her. She tilted her head back in thought.

"Fine," she finally agreed, Diethard grinning as he picked up the folder. "Go check Tohdoh-san can cover me first though."

"Excellent. I'll send you're dress over within the next fifteen minutes, you have to be ready by 10 to be in the palace by 11."

"What dress?" she glanced back at him again in confusion. He grinned.

"When you revealed yourself last night, I knew we may need one today. I contacted one of our soldiers in Area 11, who just so happens to be friends with a traditional dress maker in Kyoto. They had it shipped over during the evening." Amaya stared at him in horror.

"You went through all that trouble for a dress?!"

"Not just a dress," he noted quite seriously, "Shoes and accessories too."

The door slammed shut behind him and she stared at it in bewilderment for a moment before shaking her head. After a few seconds, her eyes drifted guiltily over to the t.v she had adamantly ignored throughout the night. She stood, pacing the room before she finally turned it onto the Britannian news.

"the chaos which has took hold all of Area 11. Of course, it was not just Area 11 that has been plunged into anarchy over the revelation that the Lady of Zero is none other than the thought to be deceased daughter of famed Knight of One, Sir Bismarck Waldstein, who when leaving the palace this morning refused to comment."

And there he was. Striding through the guard controlled path to a waiting car, her father avoided glancing at the cameras, as if they were pests.

"Lord Waldstein, Lord Waldstein!" one reporter called. "Are you shocked? Did you know she was alive? Were you aware of you're daughter's terrorist activities?" Bismarck paused then, glancing at the reporter coldly.

"All members of my family and I refuse to give any comment on the ongoing events surrounding Area 11." He finally answered bluntly and shortly, before turning away again, disappearing into the car.

Amaya swallowed, rewinding and re-watching the short interview as her mind whirred as to what he was going to do. Would he come to Area 11? Would he and Dimitri seek to recapture her, in order to save the Waldstein's pride? Hand her over to the Emperor? Kill her?

Probably not Dimitri, she decided as she paused the television on her father's face, biting her nail in thought. But her father was not a man who could simply let his daughter destroy the family name.

Her father was a wildcard she had feared since her arrival in Japan all those years ago- one could never gauge what was going on in his head- after all, when she was small, her father was the man she loved most in the world. Took her on trips to the palace, let her sit on his lap while he worked, sneaked her treats and always made sure to tuck her in whenever he was home.

It was only after the invasion she learned that as he did all that, he was invading numerous countries, killing people on the Emperor's orders- her own family. He had killed her own mother, planned to have her killed as well- her eyes bore into the screen as she continued to bite at her nail. There was simply no telling what her father was planning- and that terrified her more than she could ever admit.

Terrified her enough to live like a rat for seven years. Enough to make her live her life in masks and disguises.

She bit her lip as she stared at the frozen image of her father. There was only one certainty now her secret was out, she thought warily.

She would be hearing from her father, one way or another, very, very soon.

"Oh, Onee-san!" Kaguya gasped as she leapt forward, careful not to damage her attire. "You look absolutely beautiful!" Amaya smiled at Kaguya as she laughed, noting,

"It's strange not to have to wear the mask today!"

She wore a royal blue kimono, which swam to her feet in waves. The kimono was art, Amaya admired in awe. Hand stitched, the designs of silver and lighter blue blossoms bloomed in the waves of silk, like a beautiful painting. Her hair was done elegantly up, with a simple and single pin. It was a platinum gold, with red blossoms blooming in one straight line down the right side of her face, a mixture of gold beads interwoven within.

It waved with her rhythm as she walked, slowly and gracefully, in her traditional heeled sandals, a golden fan in her hand and a single line of jade beads under her chin. Her make up was done in the traditional sense- pale, simple, not extravagant- Her eyelashes fanned out, her eyebrows prominent and her lips a beautiful plush red.

"I'll be just downstairs," Kaguya added, "I'm going to make sure I have the Wedding presents all ready to go!" Amaya nodded, smiling at her as she left the room.

"I'll be down in 5," she assured as she disappeared. She turned back to the mirror, examining the dress again, fingers running over the magnificent material, savouring it.

"You look magnificent." Amaya glanced in the mirror, smiling as she saw Lelouch in full Zero getup at her side door that led to her living quarters.

"Thank you." she smiled, turning and strolling towards him. "It's weird not wearing a mask, or glasses or something. I feel so..." she paused before him, hesitating to find the right word.

"Vulnerable?" Lelouch provided the word for her. She glanced up at his mask, nodding slowly. Without a word she reached up, slowly taking his own mask off and dismissing it to the floor.

Lelouch met her gaze then, and she smiled.

"Not when I'm with you." she murmured and his gloved hand went to her hair decoration.

"Are you sure you'll be alright there?" he asked, meeting her gaze again, concern in his eyes. "You know I don't want you in that room when-"

"I know," she sighed, slumping against his chest, playing with his cape. "But it can't be helped. I need to 'strike while it's hot', or some other nonsense." Lelouch snorted a few moments pausing before he interjected again.

"I don't like it when you're not right there next to me." he murmured, Amaya's gaze softening. "I don't like it when you're unprotected."

"I'll be fine, Lelouch." she assured him, grinning slightly. "It'll only be for two hours or so. Then you'll pick us up and I'll have my Roiyaru and the world will be right again." he gave an over exaggerated sigh, rolling his eyes.

"Well, if it's only for two hours." he mused thoughtfully, gloved hand tracing her cheekbone. A moment passed before he leaned down then, gently capturing her lips with his.

She smiled, leaning into his touch, hands looping around his neck as his went to her waist.

"Now I really don't want you to go." he muttered as they pulled apart, Amaya chuckling as she tilted her head to the side.

"Well, you just got me another five minutes," she muttered, pulling him away as she rolled her eyes, indicating to her lips.

"Because now I have to redo my bloody lipstick!" Lelouch grinned as he picked up his mask, Amaya stomping back to the mirror.

"Honestly," she snapped, "How do people do this everyday!?"

The Black Knights stared at her as she moved toward the transport convoy with Kaguya, Zero pausing in his conversation with Diethard.

"Well?" she asked them, spinning slowly. "Am I regal enough?"

"When in the hell did you start wearing dresses?!" Tamaki blurted, Kallen elbowing him in the side. "What?!" he snapped, indicating to her wildly. "Look at her! This is just plain weird-"

"Weird?!" Amaya repeated, glancing down at her. "What the hell Tamaki, have you never spoken to a girl before?!" Tamaki went beetroot red. She smacked him in the arm.

"I-I mean- I'm just saying-"

"I'm you're future Empress!" she snapped, hitting him again, making him yelp.

"I'm representing our goddamn heritage and culture on the international stage, and you tell me I look weird?!" She smacked him again, making him cry out for Ohgi, who only watched in amusement.

"Fujiwara-sama looks beautiful." Zero interrupted his ramblings. Amaya turned to him, allowing Tamaki to run away. "I'm afraid she'll steal all the attention away from the poor Empress." Amaya smiled, chuckling softly.

"Well, I doubt they'll be fixated on me for long." Zero nodded and moved closer to Amaya.

"You have protection?" he asked her, Amaya rolling up the kimono to show a plastic gun holstered to the side of her leg.

"It should make it through security." she assured, rolling it back down. "Just in case we have to protect ourselves when everything breaks down."

"Good." he looked up at her again.

"Just remember to look after the Roiyaru," she reminded them, "I may not need it now, but I'll need it later." Tamaki nodded from afar.

"As soon as the Guren's done, it's yours!" Zero glanced down at her again.

"Be careful, Fujiwara-sama." she smiled softly.

"Just get that girl out of there," she told him. "She's 13 years old. Never mind the political implications- save her." Zero nodded again.

"Trust me, Fujiwara-sama."

"With my life, Zero." she answered him as she stepped into the car.

Lelouch watched the transport vehicle leave, pursing his lips in thought.

"This will make things more difficult." he mused aloud, Tohdoh pausing beside him, watching the vehicle disappear.

"Yes." Tohdoh agreed hollowly. "It will be more difficult to complete the mission whilst protecting Hime-sama as we do it." Lelouch crossed his arms, narrowing his gaze.

"I predict Xingke will be another problem to contend with." he noted lowly. "Make sure we keep our eye on him today. He disappeared into meetings all last night- Suspicious behaviour, wouldn't you agree?" Tohdoh glanced back at him.

"What are you suggesting?"

"I'm suggesting that Xingke and some others are opposed to this marriage, and they will stop at nothing to stop it. There's only one way to pull that off." Tohdoh's eyes widened.

"You mean- you think he'll attempt a coup-de-etat?" Lelouch nodded. "And we just sent the Hime-sama into that madness?!" fury infected his tone, reaching for the communicator to turn the vehicle back around while Lelouch clenched his jaw.

"I warned her of the risks." he explained. "She still went. Her mind was made up, as they say. I doubt you're call would bring her back." Tohdoh clenched his jaw, reluctantly returning his communicator to his belt. Lelouch glanced over at him, recalling all Amaya had told him those last few weeks.

"You're very protective of her, aren't you?" he asked softly, and Tohdoh's eyes met his in a flash.

"Of course I am," he snapped curtly, "I have been guarding her for seven years,"

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, Tohdoh." Lelouch interrupted, and Tohdoh stilled. "Honestly," he added, "It's good to know there is someone out there protecting her when I cannot. Luckily, she is well equipped to handle herself in situations such as these." he nodded in Tohdoh's direction. "We all have you to thank for that, Tohdoh. You raised her well."

Tohdoh didn't reply, clenching his fist as Zero turned.

"Keep me updated on Xingke. He could either make our mission today or destroy it."

Amaya held her head high as she and Kaguya entered the temple. As soon as the guards brushed aside, the chatting in the temple fell silent. Amaya felt all eyes, from both the camera and the world, fall on her. She held herself tall and proud as she smiled, making sure to remain graceful as she took in the room. With a snap of her wrist her fan was out, echoing all around the room as her eyes met with Schneizel's from across the room.

"So many people have come today to support the beautiful Empress." She noted softly and gracefully to Kaguya, who nodded before answering,

"Indeed, Kōtaishi Denka."

Kaguya bowed her head slightly as she said this, making sure to commune to both Japan and the world that Amaya was a Royal Highness. The future Empress of Japan, yet uncrowned- therefore, the Crown Princess.

Amaya smiled softly, attempting to get used to the name as she glanced back, and noted with coldness that Schneizel still had his eyes fixated on her. She furrowed her brow, only breaking contact by Kaguya taking her arm, beaming at her as they walked to the side of the room.

"We're sitting up there," she indicated to the seat closest to the alter on the second floor. "We'll be overlooking the entire ceremony! Oh," she sighed, biting her lip, "I hope the Empress is alright- she was so nervous and scared last night."

"She'll be fine, Kaguya." she assured softly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Trust me." Kaguya smiled waveringly back, about to respond- and then her eyes widened. Amaya furrowed her brow in confusion, turning before freezing as her eyes met furious blue.

"...Lord Weinberg." He pursed his lips, clenching his fists.

"Lady Amaya." He answered coldly. A silence drew on, and Kaguya hesitantly tugged on her arm.

"Onee-chan, we should get to our seats-"

"Did you know?" he demanded and her eyes flashed. "Did you know what the hell you're disappearing act did to Dimitri?" she paled.

"I did what I had to do to stay alive." She tried to answer impassively. Gino's eye twitched.

"He was a mess, Amaya, a damn mess. It took him years to be able to smile again, he threw himself into all these theories, conspiracies about you're death, he blamed himself for not being there to protect you-" Amaya winced, clutching her fan even more tightly.

"You were alive, all that time, and you never thought to contact him, let him know you weren't dead?! That you were ok!?" He demanded an answer Amaya couldn't give. Finally, she met his gaze.

"...It...It wasn't safe, Gino-"

"Don't give me that crap, it was selfish." he spat. "Don't you dare say you didn't trust Dimitri to keep you're secret, don't you dare claim he would have turned you in, that he was the enemy- he loved you with all his heart, and you disappearing destroyed him." he sounded disgusted, and Amaya felt her throat dry as she knew, deep down, that he had a perfect right to be. He took a deep breath, shaking his head as he continued,

"And now you just waltz back into the land of the living, dammed how Dimitri would react- do you even care?" he demanded and her lips parted, his words like a dagger to her heart. "Do you even care what the hell you've done- what you're doing- to you're brother?! Or do you just not care because he's Britannian and apparently you're not anymore!?"

"Gino..." she hesitated, looking away. Kaguya's hand slipped into her own.

"Hey," she snapped, Gino blinking as she moved in front of Amaya. She pointed at him, eyes narrowed.

"This is a wedding, you should not be rude! My Onee-chan's been through alot, and this is her first time in years she's being able to go out and not wear a disguise and have some fun! I've been waiting for this day for years, and I won't have you ruin it, do you understand me, Lord Weinberg?!" Gino blinked, Amaya glancing between them, torn between awe and amusement as Gino glanced again at Amaya.

"This conversation isn't over, Amaya." He concluded coldly, and spun away, retreating back to the top of the aisle. Amaya glanced down at Kaguya in shock, who nodded, brows furrowed as she tugged on her hand.

"What a meanie." She snapped, leading Amaya in numb silence to their seats.

The wedding was about to begin.

The Empress, known by few people by her name her parents gave her, Lihua, gripped the pale violet flowers in her hands tightly, not looking up. Her crimson eyes focused on the flowers, so pure, beautiful...She gripped tighter as she pondered again, that her marriage could not be more different.

She gulped again, her cheeks blushing a pale pink against her pale skin, her eyes unblinking and wide as she willed herself not to look up while the sermon drew on and on, aware that this wedding was being broadcast live across the globe. Her heart was beating madly, pounding against her chest. She was certain that Odysseus-her future husband-could hear.

She dare not glance up to see though.

Instead, her eyes wandered to her left, to the balcony nearest to her-and caught the gaze of her best friend, Kaguya. She smiled confidently, encouragingly. She tried to return one, but her hands were shaking too much, and she just couldn't. Her eyes instead wandered beside her, to the newly unmasked Amaya. She smiled gently down to her, mouthing

"It will be ok."

"NO IT WON'T!" Lihua wanted to scream, wanted to run, wanted to cry at the top of her lungs. 'I'm going to become a hostage...' her shoulders slumped as she gazed again at her flowers, wanting to cry.

'All my life, I've dreamed of leaving the Forbidden City...But I never thought...it would be like this..." She again felt the need to cry as she thought of everything she would miss...Or, more selectively, Xingke. She noted as soon as she walked into the room that he wasn't there, and recalled the day he promised her he would free her from her golden cage...

'As Tianzi, I should have that power...' she gripped her flowers so tightly her nails almost cut into her skin. 'The power to be free, to rule...' She nearly laughed as she realized with a hint of joy, she would not be called Tianzi when this was over.

No, the first Consort of the First Prince Odysseus, the future Emperor of Britannia, would be known simply as 'the Crown Princess Lihua'. She hadn't been called by Lihua since her childhood...

She glanced over her shoulder, staring at the door for a second before returning her gaze to the floor.

'To think...my beginning also means my end...I won't be able to come back again...See Xingke...Or my friends...Or my country...' Silently, she felt an almost invisible tear fall down her face, before she heard the creak of the doors opening.

Her head turned slowly, not daring to believe. She didn't see him at first, only his outline against the blazing sun behind him. The figures of armed men followed him as he called resoundingly,

"I question, to the voice of the skies, to the cries in the earth, to the hearts of the people!" his eyes blazed as she stared, still disbelieving as he slowly unsheathed his sword. "Where, in this marriage, is the will of the Chinese Federation?!"

Lihua blinked, her mouth opening as she felt joy erupt within her, unable to move.

"Have you lost your mind, Xingke?!" the eunuch Zhao Hao cried, getting to his feet.

"Silence, Zhao Hao!" Xingke demanded, stepping forward, so that Jiang could see his blazing eyes. "Representing all citizens, we protest this marriage!" Lihua took an intake of breath as he suddenly sprinted towards the alter.

The guards ran to meet him, Odysseus suddenly moving to gently move her back from the danger. She paused after a moment as he touched her, refusing to move.

"Xingke..." she whispered, as she felt her grip on her flowers fall.

'How funny...' Xingke thought darkly as he met the onslaught of guards. 'As I constantly wish to save the impoverished citizens, I still think of Empress Tianzi...'

"This moment!" he cried as he moved forwards, "I..." He grinned again as he took another guard down, as a eunuch panicked that they could not fire... 'You can't risk hitting any Britannians!' he grinned as he inched closer and closer to the stage.

"Disloyal fool!" one guard cursed, "Trying to make the Empress your belonging!" he paused for a split second as this hit him.

'That's right...I don't know if this is what the Empress wanted...' his sword again met that of a guard as he thought of all his supporters, completing their coup de etat at that very moment, and glancing at the white figure on the stage.

'Perhaps the Empress doesn't remember the promise from 6 years ago...' he grunted as his sword brought another to his feet. 'Even so...I made a pledge of Eternal Harmony with her in return for saving and giving my life...' He spun around to meet another as he gritted his teeth. 'I swore...to my heart...'

"To bring Empress Tianzi to the outside wold!" he said aloud as he brought two men down and met another. Then, out of the corner of his eye...

"Xingke!" He glanced up for a millisecond as he took in the Empress calling for him. She jumped up and down, eyes blazing, throwing her hand in the air, with only her little finger and thump up...How they made their pledge...

"Xingke, Xingke!" she cried through the masses, tears falling freely down her face.

'She...remembers...' he realized in numb disbelief. With that in mind, and a single swing of his sword, he forced 5 men backwards, and held his sword up in triumph.

"There is no more hesitation in my heart!" he announced with a grin, earning a smile from the Empress as he ran towards her, her arms wide for an embrace...

He came to a halt, however, as the Chinese and Britannian flags fell from the wall, in front of Tianzi... and as they hit the ground...

He started in shock and disbelief as he took in the sight of Zero, standing beside Tianzi. He stared in numb silence as Zero called,

"I thank you, Xingke. Thanks to your help, I was able to move with more ease." Xinke did not respond for a moment as he took a breath, before moving forwards.

"Zero," he ground out, trying to remain calm as he moved forward, "what is the meaning of this?!"

"Don't move!" he ordered, suddenly pointing a gun to Tianzi's head. He froze, anger welling him as Tianzi let out a yelp of fear. He gripped his sword tighter as he ground out,

"I thought the Black Knights owed me a favour from Area 11, no?" Zero dipped his head in acknowledgement, explaining calmly,

"Which is why I will destroy this marriage, as your group has desired." He paused a moment before concluding, "However, the bride will be mine." His heart broke as she tried to struggle in his grip, eyes pouring tears as she cried again,


"Empress Tianzi!" he gripped his sword so tight it nearly drew blood. "You fiend!" he spat, hatred filling him as Zero simply cocked his head to the side.

"Oh, am I?" he asked before laughing coldly.

"Xingke!" the Empress cried again and Xingke gripped his sword tighter.

"Zero, will you release her majesty or not?!" Zero cocked his shed to the side.

"Do you think you can save the Empress alone? You are mistaken." and then the wall behind him fell.

Xingke fell back, covering his face as dust and smoke swirled around the room, revealing a Knightmare, one he had never seen-

"You even had a Knightmare prepared for this?!" he spat, as Zero glanced up at it.

"Tohdoh," he commanded, "Get Schneizel!" he glanced over at the blonde Prime Minister, who watched the exchange with a critical interest.

"Right," Tohdoh acknowledged, turning to the notable quiet Britannian party. "I'm on it." he raised one arm, leveling his guns, but as the frame began to move, however, a cable came from above blocked only by Tohdoh blocking the blow.

Xingke glanced upwards wildly, eyes widening at the sight of the Lancelot.

"Hands off the Prince!"

"Suzaku!" Tohdoh called, taking off to engage with the notorious white Knightmare.

"Tohdoh-san!?" he heard the Knight of Seven gasp, before they disappeared from view. His gaze darted back to Zero and the Empress, who once again met his gaze pleadingly.

"Zero!" eyes fell to the left of the room, and his breath hitched at the sight of Amaya sprinting towards them, gun aloft, Kaguya right behind them as well as the pilot of the Guren.

"Fujiwara-Hime!" he yelled and she screeched to a halt, meeting his gaze. "You would go along with this madness?!" he demanded, throwing an arm out to the spectacle before him,

"We are allies, return the Empress to me!"

Amaya clenched her jaw, eyes darting between him and Zero.

"Trust me, Xingke!" she called back as a transport container rolled up behind them, backing into the hole in the wall. "That's all I ask-"

"Return the Empress!"

"We didn't know you planned to intervene!" she snapped as it began to open. "Please, Xingke, just trust me on this!" Zero began to back bring the Empress onto the container, which also held the Guren, along with Kaguya. Xingke only glared at her as she tore her eyes from his, turning to follow Kaguya.

It was only then she noticed the Britannians to the side. Her gun zoomed up, meeting Gino's. She glared, clutching her gun tighter as Gino refused to look away. Kaguya froze next to her, eyes wide, stuck to the spot. She's in his range, she cursed, I shoot Schneizel, he'll shoot Kaguya. Stalemate.

"Get into the container, Kaguya." she eventually called, an accord silently reached between Gino and her.

"Flee while you can, Your Highness," Gino ground out. Schneizel nodded, deceptively calm in such a situation.

"Yes." he concurred, "I guess it can't be helped, Brother." he met Amaya's gaze once again. "A pity." he added, and Amaya clenched her jaw as he smiled softly, bowing his head slightly before he turned, along with a wide eyed Odysseus and a bored looking Anya.

Amaya glared after them before reluctantly backing up the ramp, gun still trained on Gino. She turned again as it began to close. Xingke met her gaze again then, rage pulsing in his eyes, making her pause.

"I'm sorry, Xingke." she called, "Trust me, she'll be fine, I'll protect her! She's safe with me!" Xingke only glared, and Amaya felt helpless as the door closed.

"Dammit!" Xingke cursed as the container closed, and was lifted out of the Forbidden city. "Outside!" he barked at his men, who instantly followed him as he abandoned the hall, running outside, watching as the container disappear into the North west direction.

"Deploy the Dragon Calvary to pursue them!" he commanded, pausing only at the high pitched interruption from above.

"That is now our task!" he spun, glaring at the Eunuchs standing overhead, smugness oozing from their very presence. "You are relieved of duty!" he bared his teeth as his nails dug into his skin, soldiers surrounding him as the Empress got farther and farther away.

'Amaya,' he seethed as he was restrained, 'How could you betray me?!'

"Is everyone ok?" Amaya bent down to the shaking Empress and Kaguya, who nodded, slipping an arm around the young girl.

"Tohdoh damaged the Lancelot's float system," Lelouch called from the other side of the container, "he can't follow us."


"Tohdoh's returning to his unit and the Roiyaru is waiting for you on the Ikaruga." Amaya nodded as she sat down next to the girls.

"Great, and when do you think-" her question was cut short as the container shook a loud clunking sound filling the room as the container was landed in a disguised truck.

"Never mind!" she called, turning back to the girls with an exasperated smile.

"Come on then," she guided them to the ladder. "Up here."

As they climbed out of the container into a makeshift mobile office on the lorry, the drones following being decimated by Tohdoh and Kallen overhead. The Empress gasped, eyes wide as she turned to Kaguya.

"Are we outside the Forbidden City!?"

"Yes." Kaguya affirmed. "I'm sorry you're dream had to be brought about in such as way like this..." the Empress took a breath, staring up at her.

"You remembered about my dream as well?"

"Of course, Your Majesty." Kaguya smiled as they made their way to a table set up.

"We all did." Amaya smiled as she sat down next to her and opposite Zero. The lorry lurched suddenly, and Amaya cursed.

"Whose driving?!" she snapped at Minami who looked at her in misery.

"C.C," he answered. "Jinx is giving her directions."

"Oh no."

"Hm," Jinx peered over the map at the road. "I could have sworn it was right."

"It's left." C.C. answered curtly. Jinx experimentally turned the map upside down to see if that would make a difference.

"You know, I think you're right."

"Fool." she scowled and he glanced at her in amusement.

"300 years and you're only grasping that now?"

"No, I grasped it long, long ago." Jinx grinned, glancing from her to the road, furrowing his brow.

"...Have we been here before?" he asked, "I think we have." he paused, C.C. falling silent as realization seemed to dawn.

"Ah," his smile fell. "I...I remember...We came through here once, shortly after-"

"Don't say his name." a silence fell in the car, C.C staring firmly ahead, lips pursed.


"Don't." another silence drew on, Jinx watching her analytically.

"I don't blame you, C.C." he called to her softly. "That's all I'll say for now."

C.C did not respond. Jinx glanced back to the road.

"And you go straight on from here."

Lelouch, still in full Zero garb, folded his hands as he glanced at the anxious Empress, who clutched a takeaway cup of diet coke in her hands.

'Dammit Jinx, why do you only stock diet coke for missions?' He ignored the urge to twitch as he turned back to the matter at hand.

"Our nation, the United States of Japan, should be thought of as just a part of a giant union of united states, including the united states of China. And for that, we need you." The Empress blinked in confusion, Kaguya leaning forward as she explained,

"The Indian Southern Province has already promised support. Mongolia and Burma will probably move with them-"

"This union of untied states will form an axis to oppose Britannia." Lelouch continued. The Empress hesitated, brows furrowing.

"But...Our nations already a federated system-"

"All systems are limited!" Lelouch interjected, the Empress jumping, going red as she suddenly became very interested in her cup. "That's why the High Eunuchs sold you to Britannia for their own ambition."

"That's why we stopped the ceremony, Your Majesty." Amaya leaned forwards, "It is unforgivable that they were going to sell you to Britannia in return for a high rank- to trade their country for wealth, their Empress to a man almost two decades older then her..." Amaya shook her head as the Empress glanced upwards, swallowing as Lelouch stood.

"It- It's hard to understand this," she confessed, Kaguya's eyes widening as she leaned forward.

"But, Your Majesty- is Li Xingke the one you'd really like to be married to!?" Both the Empress' and Amaya's eyes widened.

"Kaguya!" she snapped, ignored as the Empress blushed a beetroot red.

"Oh- no, no, he just made me a promise-"

"As you're fiance?!"

"Well- I- I...told him I wanted to go outside six years ago-"

"It was that long ago!? He must be destined for you!" Kaguya gasped with joy, Amaya's mouth falling open, numb as the Empress gasped.

"You- you think so?!"

"That's great!" Kaguya cried, clapping her hands together, "We can have a double wedding- you and Xingke, and me and Lord Zero!"

"Wait, what?!" Amaya was jolted back into the conversation in horror as the Empress beamed with eagerness.

"Nope," she stood up, pointing first to Kaguya, then to the Empress frantically, "No, no one is getting married, that was the whole point of this mission-!"

"But we're destined for each other!" Kaguya whined, "I want to marry him and have lots of his babies-"

"No one is having any babies!" Lelouch took that moment to poke his head back into the room.

"Fujiwara-sama, would you like to join us in the front-"

"No," she snapped, "I'm trying to stop a teen pregnancy back here!"

Lelouch paused a moment in the door, before smartly disappearing. Amaya turned back to the wide eyed girls.

"Where was I?!" she snapped, "Oh yes, I was going to repeat that no one here is getting married at thirteen and having babies-"

The truck slowed to a stop, just before the broken Shengzhong bridge. Miles behind, the Chinese forces surged forwards, planning to surround their now trapped truck.

'Of course they fell for it.' Lelouch smiled, allowing the forces to continue forward another minute, urging them forwards. Make them better targets.

"Now, Asahina." he commanded after a minute.

"On it, Zero." Asahina's frame flew from the ravine where the bride once was, followed by his squad. On the flanks of the deserted, abandoned road, Chiba and Senba also appeared with their squads.

The Chinese forces were surrounded.

Amaya entered the front, sitting beside Jinx as she glanced at Lelouch.

"And so it begins." Lelouch mused, and Asahina fired.

"They've taken out our strike force, haven't they?" Xingke glanced up at the now transparent ceiling of his and his fellow 'traitor's' holding cell.

The Eunuch's gaped down at him, pursing their lips as they bristled. 'They're desperate.'

"How did you know that?!" Zhao Hao snapped impatiently. Xingke narrowed his eyes.

"If I were in their place I would hang back and stage an ambush at the Shengzhong ravine."

"And then?!" Cheng Zhong leaned forward eagerly over the glass. Xingle clenched his jaw.

"Then I'd join up with my main force in Zhao Pai."

The Eunuchs glanced at each other, apparently agreeing on something with no words.

"Xingke," Zhao Hao began, "we're willing to overlook you're crimes, if you can bring back our Empress."

"We'll even give you a new weapon." Cheng Zhong added.

Xingke clenched his fists, not needing a moment to give them the answer they all knew he would give.

"That went more smoothly then I'd hoped." Lelouch mused aboard the boarding bridge of the Ikaruga. "Perhaps I should thank Xingke for setting his own plan in motion. He's a talented strategist."

"Xingke is our ally." Amaya reminded him, pursing her lips as she stared out the window. "Who knows what the Eunuchs are doing to him now. We should have tried to merge both of our missions together." Silence reigned, the humming of the elevator shutting louder then ever as Lelouch glanced at her.

"And how would we have explained to him how we learned of his mission without incriminating one of his men or explaining about how I geassed his men?" Lelouch asked and Amaya slumped her shoulders, shrugging as she stared at the door.

"...They won't do anything just yet." Jinx began in a bored tone, "The Eunuchs will want a big public trial and execution to please Britannia." Lelouch nodded in agreement as they passed by Kallen, who hesitated a moment in her conversation with Ohgi.

"We have time. Xingke has been a friend to us. Once this is over and done, we will help him escape." Amaya didn't respond for a moment as the elevator opened.

"...I just hope you're right." she finally offered as the doors hissed shut, ending the conversation. Lelouch nodded reluctantly, both of them falling into companionable silence as they stepped into the control bridge.

"Is there news from Penglai Island?" he called to Diethard, who turned at his approach.

"Reinforcements from India have already arrived there. All that's left is to return and join forces with them, but the Empress is-"

Ohgi was interrupted by a crashing boom, the Ikaruga groaning, shaking from it, throwing the bridge into chaos as warning sirens whined through the air. Amaya gripped the railing, Lelouch following suit as one of the knights called out frantically,

"An enemy attack! The Knightmares in the front have all been destroyed!"

"HALT!" Ohgi roared, "ALL UNITS, HALT!"

At this, all ground frames jerked to a halt, Lelouch's eyes widening as the Ikaruga stabilized, staring out the window onto the empty ravine where smoke now billowed in a horrifying pillar.

'Strange,' Lelouch's mind whirred into action, 'Even if we were to encounter enemy forces, it would have taken them at least an hour to reach here...' His eyes narrowed as a figure shimmered in the pillar, clenched his fingers around the balcony.

'Somebody...read my move...?'

"It's a Knightmare," Amaya's breath hitched in her throat, eyes widening as the figure loomed closer, the smoke thinning. "Someone, zoom in on it now!"

Immediately the screen was on the window, zooming in on the parting clouds, revealing a blue, red and gold frame...

Rakshata dropped her cigarette.

"What he hell is it?" Amaya watched it in horrified fascination, "And why does it have the same air glide wings as we do?!"

She didn't wait for an answer.

"I'm on it!" She yelled as she spun on her heels from the room, and Lelouch watched as Asahina, Chiba and Senbu took matters into their own hands, yelling out orders to their squads, who moved in for the attack-

"Hmph," the pilot called onto the battle field, "Quiet, you unreasonable fools!"

And single-handed, it defeated frame after frame after frame. It was like watching a terrifying dance of death, Lelouch marveled as the frame used it's slash harkins, spinning through the skies, easily dishing out destruction to multiple frames before finally pausing.

"Can you hear me, Zero?" the pilot called, and his eyes widened in recognition.

"Xingke!" the name tore itself from his chest, "Are you Xingke?!"

"Zero, I will not let you pass." Xingke instructed him coldly. "Return the Empress immediately. I will not take you're life if you do so now."


Xingke was interrupted as another blue frame met it in the air, hurtling into it, their swords clashing in the air.

"Fujiwara Amaya!" Xingke cursed as electrical charges flew around them, neither of them relenting in their efforts.

Lelouch and the rest of the ship held their breath.

The Roiyaru had joined the battle.

I am sorry it took this long.

All I can say is life gets crazy, and yes, unfortunately, the Lady of Zero had to take the backseat for a long I can do is assure you this was done very reluctantly, and I never gave up on this story.

A huge thank you to anyone who stayed with the Lady of Zero. I have been reading all you're private messages, and let me just say, you are all amazing. I do intend to continue with this story, albeit updates will be sporadic to say the least.

Again, you guys are incredible, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and anymore to come.