Watanuki didn't know why, but lately, whenever he saw Doumeki…it made him really nauseated. He would get sudden jumps from his stomach, and that sudden reaction would cause his legs to go weak. He didn't know what it was, but…

It annoyed him…

He hated that feeling…

And because of those negative feelings, he would snap even more at Doumeki.

It was when he saw Doumeki asleep at the shrine that Watanuki finally figured out what those weird feelings were. It was March 3rd, Doumeki's birthday. He told Watanuki to come over earlier that day. Watanuki, as usual, yelled at him for not asking politely.

His face went red when he saw Doumeki's body lying down in his room. The yukata that he usually wore was open, revealing his toned chest and abs. His arm was stretched out, while the other one was covering his eyes. Watanuki cleared his throat and walked up to the man.

"Damn it…do you have any dignity at all?"

He kneeled down and shook the man's shoulders.

"Doumeki…get up…"

He grunted, but ignored Watanuki's whispered call.

"Hey, Doumeki! Get up, or I won't cook anything that you wanted me to make today."

It was odd. That somehow did the trick of waking him up.

"Hn…oh, you're here…" he started with a groggy edge to his voice, "make me food."




Watuki chuckled to himself. Today was White Day…and to make the day interesting…he planned to tell Himawari the truth about his feelings. Himawari, for once, was able to see Watanuki that day. He knew that he had to man up and have the courage to say what he needed to say. He brought Himawari to the cherry blossom trees at the back of the school.

"Is something wrong, Watanuki-kun?"

"Yes…I'm sorry for calling you out like this."

"Not a problem."

"It's just…today…I wanted to tell you what I have been wanting to say for the longest time."


"Himawari-chan…I know for a fact…you never really liked me that way, did you?"


"It's ok…you won't hurt my feelings…just tell me…you never really liked me that way…right?"

"I…I'm sorry…no. I never did. You are very precious to me, Watanuki-kun. You are a great friend, and…I really want to cherish that friendship."

"I see…well…I'm glad that I got that out of my system…"

Watanuki walked towards her and gave her a bag.

"There is a bunch of chocolate candy in there…I made them last night."

"Thank you…" Himawari grabbed the bag and sighed, "Watanuki-kun, I'm so sorry-"

He raised his hand, signaling her that he was not done.

"That was only half of the confession."

She looked at him, wide-eyed.

"Himawari-chan…I LIKED you. Every single White Day…I wanted to tell you how much you meant to me…how much I loved you. It's funny…this year's White day…I'm able to tell you everything that I had been holding in for so long…and yet, I'm okay with your rejection."

"Are…you telling me…" Himawari smiled kindly, "that…there is someone else that you like?"

Watanuki couldn't help it. He laughed out loud, surprising her.

"I-I'm sorry! But…you really got ahead of me!"

"Ah…I'm sorry."

"No, that's ok…it saved me a lot of time."

"So…who is it?"

Watanuki became really tense, suddenly embarrassed from her question. He sighed, trying to calm his nerves. He knew he could trust her very much with his secret. She was never the one to blab. He looked around, left and right, and leaned over to whisper in her ear. Her eyes went wide.

"Wow…so…him, huh?"

Watanuki blushed a deep red.


"I see," Himawari laughed, "I guess that's okay. It is him after all. Are you planning on telling him?"

"W-What? No! At least…not now…argh, I don't know. I highly doubt he likes me like that. We're…good friends…we have done so much together. I …don't…want to make things awkward and have him leave, or anything."

"I see…well, I'm sure things will work out. You two are such good friends, I highly doubt he would end the friendship just like that. Your bonds are too strong."

"I…I suppose you're right. Yeah, things will work out, but…again, I don't plan on telling him anytime soon!"

"Alright, alright…well, how about this? Why don't we go to the movies this Sunday? Let's celebrate the end of a crush, and the beginning of a new one!"

"I…I guess, but just to let you know…I don't like theatres that much…ghosts seem to hang around there."

After leaving the area, fully understanding each other at long last, they never realized that someone was listening, frozen in place.

"…Such good friends…"

"…Such good friends…"

"…Such good friends…"

"You two are such good friends!"

He knew…Doumeki knew.