A/N: Hi! So this is a random idea I got while talking about stuff with Revengent. It is extremely random, and very fluffy at parts. Umm...yeah that's all I have to say I guess. Enjoy!

It was a beautiful autumn day in Princeton, New Jersey, as nine children were set free to the playground of Sunny Starts daycare.

The oldest of the children was seven and a half year old Lisa Cuddy, her clothes neat and her hair pulled back into a trim ponytail. She was, in every sense of the word, a perfectionist. She had a firm, but caring attitude that made the younger kids look up to, and obey her without question. Except for one.

Greg House was also seven and a half, but his birthday was one week after Lisa's, something she never let him forget. Due to a recent soccer injury, Greg was walking with a crutch ("Just one, it's cooler that way" he had proclaimed.) and his normally bad attitude was even worse. The other children also obeyed him, but out of fear and not admiration. Lisa was one of the only two who would put up with him, truthfully she thought he was pretty cute. The only other person who would put up with him was six year old Jimmy Wilson.

Jimmy Wilson was only six years old ("ALMOST SEVEN" He was know to correct. He had been born just after the cut off age for schools.) but already he was a heart-throb amongst first grade girls. He had been "married" to three in kindergarten, but each had broken up with him after finding out he was friends with that "meanie" first grader Greg. Sometimes Greg made him very angry, but Jimmy never stopped being his friend. Greg was funny, and he wasn't mean to Jimmy, so he didn't see what was wrong with being friends with him. The only time Greg bothered Jimmy was when he made fun of the dressy pants and plain white shirts his mom made him wear.

Robbie Chase was another victim of Greg's teasing about clothes, but that wasn't all. Greg often imitated the heavy Australian accent Robbie spoke with, because for the first four years of his life he had lived in Australia. His dad was a doctor ("A really important one." Robbie often bragged.) and was working at a research center in Princeton for two years. He had taken Robbie with him, and at five years old Robbie had been the target of Greg's teasing about his "funny voice" and the sweater vests he said were "silly looking." But Robbie didn't care about Greg, or any of the other children for that matter, except for one. His kindergarten classmate Ally Cameron.

Ally Cameron was extremely beautiful, that much was obvious. She had big green eyes that always seemed to catch the light in the right way to twinkle and shine, a smile that could light up a room, and long wavy hair that turned curly towards the ends and was always held back with a thick black headband. She was beautiful, and very temperamental. Around adults she was sweet and polite, but leave her alone with other children and she was prone to fits and crying jags. Some would blame this on the fact that she was only four ("I got into kindergarten early because I's smart." She told anyone who would listen), but the truth was that it was just in her nature.

Eric Foreman was another child at the daycare. No one knew how old he was. They didn't really care. They didn't know what grade he was in. They didn't care about that either. Eric played alone, in the corner. No one invited him to play with them. He smelled funny.

Chris Taub was also at the daycare, although he didn't seem to like it very much. ("I'm too old for this!" was his most frequent complaint. He was a few weeks younger Lisa.) He didn't have any specific friends at the daycare, but floated around talking to everyone or just played by himself.

Lawrence Kutner was one of the two preschoolers at Sunny Starts. He was three years old, and already a little strange. While the others watched cartoons, he watched Star Wars. While they pretended to be dogs, and made barking noises, he would pretend to be a wookie and make wookie noises. But he was nice, and cute so they put up with him. He was even funny sometimes, when he made references they understood.

The youngest resident of Sunny Starts was baby Remy Hadley. She was two and a half years old, but looked much younger. On top of that, she was extremely shy and wary of the older children. For the most part, she just hung out with Lawrence. She didn't understand most of what he was saying, but he had a comforting voice and talked a lot. Lawrence liked spending time with Remy too, because she was a very good listener and she was cute on top of that. Lawrence wasn't the only one who thought Remy was cute however. Her big blue green eyes and wispy brown curls were enough to melt anyone's heart. So even if she didn't spend much time with the rest of the group, she was the baby and none of them could help but to like her.

On this particular day the nine children had been left out on the playground alone. Their adviser, Miss. Melanie, had gotten a call from her boyfriend and when she got off the phone put Lisa in charge before running inside in tears. The kids had been unfazed, things like that happened quite often. Like usual, Greg was causing trouble by the slide.

"Greg, let me go down the slide!"

Greg House smirked as Ally Cameron stood before him glaring. He was sitting at the edge of the slide's landing, his bad leg stretched across the length of it, keeping anyone else from passing by. Jimmy Wilson was sitting between Greg and the slide, munching on a cookie.

"I already told you Ally, you have to trade me to get down the slide." Greg said, one hand tightening around his crutch. His mother had been distracted that morning and had forgotten to pack his snack. Now, hungry and bored, he had taken over the slide and started collecting toll. Jimmy had paid a cookie, but hadn't gone down the slide. He just wanted to sit up there. The others hadn't wanted to go on the slide at first. And then there was Ally.

"But I don't have nothing! All I has is carrot sticks." She said, pulling the plastic baggie out of her pocket. Greg made a face and lifted his crutch, whacking away the carrot sticks.

"Eww, those don't count. Go get something better." He demanded, looking away in disgust. He didn't notice the tears welling up in the little girl's eyes as she stomped her foot and screamed,

"I'm telling Lisa!" before running off. Jimmy had noticed though, and he frowned,

"Greg, I think you hurt her feelings. You know her mommy doesn't let her have sweets."

"That's not my problem." Was Greg's only reply. Instinctively, his hand went to his pocket, reaching for the bag of jellybeans he always kept around, but then he remembered. Frowning, he turned to Jimmy,

"If you're going to sit up here with me, you have to pay rent."

Jimmy sighed, reaching into his snack bag and putting a cookie into Greg's outstretched hand. His mom had started packing him two snacks a day when she had found out about Jimmy "sharing" with Greg. Jimmy never told Greg this, he would find some excuse to eat both.

As Greg chomped on his cookie, he surveyed the scene below. Lisa and Chris were sitting in the sand box, trying to create a sand castle village. Off to the side, in the shade of a group of trees, sat Lawrence and Remy. Lawrence had lain out his collection of Star Wars action figures and was attempting to play with Remy, who was more interested in pulling up (and occasionally eating) the grass. Greg yawned, they were boring. He wanted to see where Ally Cameron had gone. He sat up and looked straight down to see below the slide. There he saw Ally crying to Robbie, who was listening with a frown. After a moment Robbie said something back to Ally and grabbed her hand, leading her away towards the sandbox. Greg panicked, stealing a quick glance at Lisa to make sure she wasn't watching. Without thinking, he grabbed Jimmy's bag of cookies and dumped the contents out onto the landing. He paused for a moment,

"Why do you have so many cookies?"

Jimmy's eyes got wide, "Uh…"

But Greg didn't have time for an explanation. Quickly, he crumpled the bag and took aim at the back of Ally's head. Then in one swift motion the bag had left his hand and soared through the air, making contact with Ally's shoulder.

"Hey!" Ally screamed, stopping suddenly, halfway to the sandbox. She turned around and picked up the bag, looking at it curiously. But Greg wasn't paying attention to her, he was paying attention to Lisa, who was looking between Ally and Greg knowingly. Without hesitation, she walked towards the slide, her ponytail swinging purposefully.

"Code Blue, Jimmy." Greg announced, his eyes fixed on the girl walking towards him. His dad had told him once what to look for in a woman, but Lisa had none of those traits. Still, Greg couldn't help but like the way she took control, and he couldn't keep his eyes off of her as she climbed the steps up to the slide landing.

"Greg, are you charging for the slide again?" she asked, hands on hips. Jimmy, who had been collecting his cookies, took this opportunity to inch away towards the slide, but Lisa turned her glare on him,

"Nu-uh Jimmy, you can't just leave. I know you were helping him!" she accused, and Jimmy smiled sheepishly, tugging on his shaggy hair.

"Cut it out mom. We're in charge of this slide, and we get to charge if we want!" Greg said, sticking his tongue out at Lisa, who rolled her eyes.

"You aren't in charge of anything!" she spat, "Miss Melanie left me in charge and I say you can't charge for sliding!"

"How are you going to stop me?"

Lisa opened her mouth, getting ready to tell Greg just exactly how she planned to stop him, but suddenly there was movement down by her feet and she looked down to see Remy standing on the step next to her. While the older kids had been arguing, she had snuck up the steps of the structure, hoping to slide down.

"Slide?" she asked, perplexed by the fact that Greg was blocking her path. Jimmy hadn't been paying attention, but suddenly looked over to see how Greg would handle this situation. Greg grimaced down at the baby staring up at him.

"You have to trade me something." He said. Remy stared at him, then turned and looked up at Lisa.

"Greg, she doesn't understand." Lisa said, staring at the boy incredulously. Surely he understood that Remy was just a baby, she couldn't possibly know what he was asking. But Greg repeated himself,

"You have to trade me something."

Remy was even more confused now, and took a step closer to the landing where Greg sat, grabbing the edge to stay steady. She was still prone to falling down at random, and needed things to hang on to. But that only made Greg angry. Grabbing his crutch, he jabbed Remy in the stomach. He hadn't jabbed her hard enough to hurt her, but just hard enough to loosen her grip on the landing and send her backwards. Having lost her balance, Remy fell onto her back, her head hitting the structure with a dull thud. There was a moment of silence where everyone seemed to be holding their breath. Then, Remy's face scrunched up and she let out a loud cry.

"Shhh, you're okay." Lisa said, crouching down next to Remy and pulling the crying girl into her arms. Greg looked away, but Jimmy moved closer, peering over the landing and looking down at Lisa and Remy.

"Is she okay?" Jimmy asked. Lisa nodded,

"I think so." She called back over Remy's cries. Just then there was the sound of footsteps and Ally Cameron yelled,

"What happened?" Lisa peered down at the younger girl, who was accompanied by Robbie and Chris. Lawrence was watching from farther back, obviously worried about his friend.

"Remy hit her head." Lisa explained, casting a glare at Greg. But he seemed oblivious to what was going on around him.

"You should get her down here to make sure she's okay." Chris suggested, and Robbie nodded in approval. Lisa bit her bottom lip, turning and looking down the steps that led up to the landing. They were slightly steep, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to get the wailing Remy down them with her safely.

"I can't!" Lisa cried finally,

"Take her down the slide." Jimmy suggested, ignoring Greg. Lisa nodded, standing up and holding Remy to her. Remy was little, but Lisa still couldn't pick her up. Carefully, Lisa helped her inch towards the slide, but Greg was suddenly at attention again.

"No one's getting by without something to trade!" He said, glaring down at Remy and causing her to cry harder. Lisa stared at him, horrified,


"Here!" Jimmy thrust all of his cookies at Greg, his eyes still on baby Remy. Greg was quiet for a moment, then swung his leg out of the way,

"Fine, but hurry up!"

Quickly, Jimmy helped Lisa get Remy up onto the landing. Then Lisa climbed up and sat down at the edge of the slide, pulling Remy onto her lap.

"Coming down!" she hollered to the three down below before wrapping one arm around Remy and pushing off with the other.

Ally was the first to meet her at the bottom of the slide, taking Remy and holding her until Lisa could get off the slide. Then Remy began to squirm until Ally let her go and she threw her arms around Lisa's waist, still crying, but feeling safer in the older girl's arms. Robbie and Chris were on their way over to make sure Remy was okay, and Jimmy was about to slide down the slide, but they were all stopped by Greg's voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The boys all stopped dead in their tracks, looking up at Greg, who was sitting facing away from them, looking thoughtful.

"Why not?" Robbie asked, torn between wanting to help Remy, and wanting to know why he shouldn't. There was a long pause, then Greg turned around and said accusingly,

"Girls have cooties!"

The only sound in the silence was Lisa's gasp,

"We do not!" She yelled, looking at the other boys, but they were still frozen, odd looks on their faces.

"Do so!"

"Boys are the ones with cooties!" Lisa cried, and Remy whimpered at all the noise. Ally crinkled her nose in disgust at the thought of cooties. Then there was a long pause where no one moved, too frightened by the thought of cooties. Finally Lisa stomped her foot, "Come on Ally, Remy." She said, handing Remy off to Ally and stomping away. Ally led Remy after her, into a grassy area far away from the boys, casting a glance at Robbie.

"Do they really have cooties?" Robbie asked Chris, who shrugged. He frowned, kicking at the sand under his feet. Robbie really liked Ally. He might have even had a crush on her, but if she had cooties, he wasn't interested.

"All boys who don't want cooties come up here!" Greg yelled down at Robbie, Chris, and Lawrence who had moved closer. Robbie and Chris exchanged a look, but both made their way over to the slide structure, climbing up and sitting at the step just below the landing by Greg's feet. All the boys were gathered…except for Lawrence.

"Circle, circle, dot, dot," Lisa recited, drawing the corresponding figures on Ally's outstretched arm, "now you've got your cootie shot."

The three girls of Sunny Starts were sitting in a close group on the grass away from the boys. Lisa was sitting cross legged, gel pen in hand. Remy was laying on her side, her head in Lisa's lap. She had mostly calmed down, except for the occasional hiccup or whimper. Ally lay across from them on her stomach, propped up on one elbow while examining her other arm.

"So now I can't get cooties?" Ally asked, while Lisa gave herself a cootie shot.

"Nope!" she said. Then she looked up and saw the sudden smile on Ally's face and added, "But that doesn't mean you should go hanging around boys, 'cause sometimes the shot wears off."

"Oh," Ally tried to hide her disappointment, turning her attention to Remy, "Do you want a cootie shot Remy?"

The baby whimpered, looking nervously up at Lisa. Seeing the fear in Remy's eyes, Lisa forced a smile, stroking the younger girl's hair sweetly,

"It's okay Remy, you don't have to get a cootie shot." Lisa looked up at Ally, "As long as she doesn't go near the boys she'll be okay."

Ally frowned, "But look!" she pointed behind Lisa, who turned around to see Lawrence toddling over, holding a fistful of dandelions he had picked. Remy sat up so she too could look and her face lit up. Now Lisa frowned too,

"Ally, go see what he wants." she ordered as Lawrence got closer. Ally's eyes went wide,

"Why me! You gots your cootie shot too!"

"Because I have to stay with Remy! Just go, you'll be okay, but Remy could get cooties if he comes over here."

Ally suddenly realized the gravity of the situation and pushed herself up, straightening her skirt before running over to Lawrence,

"What're you doing?" Ally asked, standing a good arms length away from Lawrence, who held up his flowers,

"I give flowers for Remy." he explained innocently, taking a step closer to Ally. In return, Ally crinkled her nose and took a step back.

"You can't see Remy, because you has cooooties." she sang, drawing out the word "cooties". But Lawrence just frowned,

"For Remy." he said, waving the flowers a little. Ally planted her hands on her hips firmly,

"You can't see Remy!" she cried angrilly, then regretted it when she saw the tears in the little boy's eyes, "But I can give her the flowers if you want."

Lawrence looked sadly at the ground, blinking back his tears and kicking at the dirt. Finally, he held the flowers out to Ally. She stretched her arm out as far as possible, not daring to take a step closer, and grabbed the flowers from Lawrence.

"I'll go give them to Remy." Ally assured before running back to where the other girls sat in the grass.

"Here Remy," she said, holding the flowers out to the little girl, "These are from Lawrence."

Lisa watched with a smile as Remy wrapped her tiny fist around the weeds and giggled, holding them close to her face and smelling them like she had been taught to do. Then, she looked up at Lisa with a hopeful expression,

"Aww-ance?" she asked in her adorable baby voice. Lisa looked up at Ally, who's green eyes had gone wide, then back down at Remy. Finally she sighed,

"You want to see Lawrence?"

Remy nodded, and a grin broke out on her face, but Ally looked horrified, "But he has cooties!"

Lisa shook her head, "I think he's okay, he's not playing with all the other boys." she stood up and extended a hand to Remy, "Come on!"

Remy stood up and grasped Lisa's hand tightly in her own, glancing back at Ally briefly as she was led away. Ally was staring sadly at the playground area where the boys were, her eyes glistening with tears. But Remy didn't understand that as she innocently followed Lisa over to where Lawrence was sitting in the grass. When they were a few feet away he turned and looked over, his expression somewhere between excited and confused. Remy giggled, letting go of Lisa's hand and toddle-running to her friend. When she reached him, she skidded to a stop on the dewy grass, and plopped down across from him, the dandelions still clutched tightly in her fist. Lisa smiled as the two toddlers began to play, like nothing had even happened. She watched them for a moment, and from the playground Greg did too.

"See, I told you he was a sissy!" Greg announced to his listeners: Chris, Robbie, and Jimmy. He was standing at the top of the slide now, leaning heavily on his crutch and glaring at the boy and girl playing in the grass a few yards away.

"He's only three." Chris pointed out from his spot next to Robbie. Greg turned and narrowed his eyes,

"Is that supposed to be an excuse?"

Chris shrugged, taking a bite out of the licorice wand he was holding. Greg eyed the candy, and leaned down, rubbing his ankle.

"Your foot hurting?" Jimmy asked. Greg shook his head,

"I'm fine. What's not fine is the girls. We have to sabotage them!"

"What's sabotage?" Robbie whispered to Chris, who shrugged and continued to eat his licorice.

"Can't we all just be friends?" came a voice from the bottom of the structure. The boys all turned to see that funny smelling kid standing there looking up at them. There was an awkward five minutes where they all stared at him, then he ran away to cry in a corner. The boys went back to their meeting.

"Like I was saying, we've gotta sabotage them!" Greg declared, lifting his cane into the air for effect. The boys were quiet, then Jimmy mumbled,

"I dunno what that means."

Greg sighed, shaking his head in disappointment, "How can you not know what sabotage is!"

"Do you know what it is?" Robbie ventured, earning a death glare from Greg,

"Of course! It's... it's when...well, we're going to make them angry." he spat, then began to dictate his plan to the others, but Robbie wasn't listening. He was watching Ally Cameron standing off in the grass while Lisa came back from taking Remy to Lawrence. He wondered if Ally missed him as much as he missed her. He was daydreaming about playing with her again, when suddenly Chris was tugging on his sleeve.

"What?" Robbie asked, jumpng slightly. Jimmy and Greg were gone, and Chris was standing.

"We're going to scare Ally and Lisa. Greg and Jimmy went to get fingerpaints. We're supposed to 'Act normal'." Chris reported. Robbie nodded, getting up and climbing down the steps as Chris headed for the slide. He glanced over at the daycare building. Jimmy was sneaking in the door, while Greg stood guard, watching through the window very intently to make sure Miss Melanie stayed occupied. When he was satisfied that Greg was not paying attention to him, Robbie snuck over and hid behind a tree near the girls. The two were laying in the grass staring up at the clouds.

"That one looks like a doggy." Lisa said, pointing up at a cloud in the sky. Ally nodded, though she didn't seem to be paying much attention to the clouds. Robbie watched her for a moment and smiled at the way her eyes sparkled when she looked up at the sun like that. He enjoyed that for a moment, then remembered that he didn't have much time.

"Ally!" he whisper shouted, peering out from behind the tree slightly. The girl jumped, her eyes widening as she glanced over at Lisa, but Lisa hadn't heard. Cautiously, Ally snuck a look over by the tree, locking eyes with Robbie who began to wave her over. She looked back at Lisa, then sat up suddenly.

"Where're you going?" Lisa asked, glancing over as Ally stood up and fixed her headband. The younger girl was quiet for a second, panicking,

"Umm, I'm going to make a daisy chain." she said finally, waiting until Lisa shrugged to hurry off after Robbie.

"We can't stay here, Lisa'll see us." Ally said quickly walking by Robbie and over to the baby playground. There, they ducked behind a playstructure, remaining a few feet apart. Robbie grinned despite himself,

"I missed you." he admitted bashfully. Ally blushed,

"I missed you too...but Lisa says you have cooties."

Robbie frowned, "I don't think I have cooties. Do you have cooties?"

Ally shook her head, "My doctor says I'm perfect! And I got a cootie shot." she held out her arm, showing Robbie her arm. He laughed and held out his own arm. He too had gotten a cootie shot.

"So, we doesn't have cooties then?" Ally asked. Robbie shook his head and she grinned, "good."

The two kids were quiet then, looking at each other. Then at the same moment they both began to lean in awkwardly, neither having the sense to move closer. Finally, their lips smashed together in a kiss.


The children jumped apart, both turning red and looking over to where Greg stood, staring at them in disgust. Jimmy was at his side, holding the fingerpaints, his mouth open in shock. Before Robbie or Ally could begin to explain themselves, Lisa came running over. She stopped, surveying the scene in front of her, and frowned,

"What happened?"

"They were kissing!" Greg announced. Ally and Robert both looked down at the ground, seeming to turn even redder than they had been, as Lisa's jaw dropped like Jimmy's. There was a moment of silence, then Ally burst into tears, turning and fleeing the scene, Robbie made to follow her, but Greg stuck his crutch out in front of the younger boy, stopping him.

"Nu-uh, if you follow her, then that makes you a sissy like Lawrence!"

Robbie stopped dead in his tracks, frozen at the thought of earning the label of "sissy". But it didn't matter anyways, because Lisa had already chased Ally to the smaller sandbox containing the swings. The little girl was leaning against one of the poles to the swingset, her knees drawn up to her chest as she sobbed into them. Lisa cautiously sat down next to her, placing a comforting hand on her back.

"Ally,are you okay?" Lisa asked softly. Ally lifted her head from her knees and sniffled,

"Robbie's not going to like me no more!" she half wailed, half hiccuped. Lisa frowned as Ally put her head back on her knees, her whole body shaking with sobs. Finally, she wrapped her arms around the younger girl,

" Why wouldn't he like you anymore?' she asked gently.

" 'C-Cause everyone s-saw us k-kissing!"

"That's not your fault."

"Yes it is!" Ally screeched, her sobbing becoming even more violent.

"No it's not."

Lisa looked up to see Robbie standing before them, his hands in his pockets. His face was pained as he looked down at Ally's shaking form.

"Ally," he said, kneeling down in front of the girl while Lisa moved away to give them some privacy, "It's not your fault that everyone saw. And I still like you."

There was a moment of silence before Ally lifted her head from her knees and sniffled, "You do?"

Robbie grinned, "Yeah."

"I like you too."

From where he stood, far away from the couple, Greg watched the scene in disgust.

"I told you he was a sissy." he said to Jimmy, who was still staring in shock at the place where Robbie and Ally had previously stood. Greg rolled his eyes, grabbing his crutch and whacking Jimmy across the shins.

"Hey!" Jimmy shouted, jumping slightly then reaching down and rubbing his leg. But Greg ignored him, a sudden look of recognition crossing his face. Finally, he turned to Jimmy and smirked,

"You've never kissed a girl!"

The red hue that Jimmy's face suddenly turned prohibited him from even arguing the fact. Instead he glared up at Greg bravely,

"You haven't neither."

Greg hesitated, surprised by his usually passive friend's words, but was willing to fight back,

"I bet I can get Lisa to kiss me."

"Can not."

"Can so! Look she's coming right now."

The two boys watched as Lisa ran towards them, storming up to Greg angrily.

"Why'dja have to go an tell everyone that Ally and Robbie kissed!" she demanded.

" 'Cause they did."

"You made Ally cry!"

Greg shrugged, "She's a cry baby."

He immediately knew he had said something wrong when Lisa's face darkened, "She's only four, and you hurt her feelings! You hurt Remy this morning too, and she's only a baby. You're a mean person Greg House!"

Greg grimaced as Lisa yelled, anger bubbling up inside of him, didn't she know? didn't she understand? Suddenly, he burst,

"I'm in PAIN!"

His voice seemed to echo through the playground as he dropped his head. Lisa and Jimmy stared at him. Jimmy had an obviously shocked expression, while Lisa's was hard to read.

"Your mommy forgot your jellybeans today, didn't she?" Lisa asked quietly after a moment. Greg nodded, staring at the ground. He hated this, hated being embarrased, but Lisa was angry at him, and he needed to win that bet with Jimmy. Suddenly, he felt a plastic baggie get shoved into his hand. He studied it, then grinned. It was full of jellybeans.

"I always keep some extra, just in case." Lisa explained when she saw Greg's shocked expression. He nodded,


Lisa smiled as he popped a few candies into his mouth and shoved the bag into his pocket. Then her expression turned serious again,

"I think you should apologize to Ally and Robbie, and Remy too."

Greg nearly choked on the jellybeans. There was no way he was apologizing to anyone for anything. Then he glanced at Jimmy and saw the smirk on the younger boy's face. If he wanted to win their bet, he would have to apologize.

Ally and Robbie were first.

Robbie had managed to calm Ally down and the girl was now sitting on a swing while Robbie pushed her. They were both laughing, and talking when Greg walked towards them, glancing at Lisa a few feet away.


Ally and Robbie turned to look at him, and in doing so stopped paying attention to swinging. Ally's swing (which hadn't been going very fast) came to a stop, as did their laughter.

"Whadda you want?" Ally asked bravely, though the proof of her tears was still all over her face.

"I'm sorry I made you cry," Greg started, then turned to Robbie, "and I'm sorry I called you a sissy."

Robbie and Ally looked at each other for a moment before Robbie shrugged,

"Okay." he said, then went back to pushing Ally on the swing. Greg stared at them, surprised by their anti-climatic reaction, then headed back to Lisa.

"There, done." He said, pulling a handful of jellybeans out of his pocket and popping them in his mouth. But Lisa shook her head,

"You still have to apologize to Remy."

Greg sighed, looking across the playground to where Remy was playing in the grass while Lawrence had gone off to get her more flowers. Remy seemed fine now, except for the occasional hiccup.

"Do I have to?"


Greg opened his mouth to argue, but shut it when he remembered his bet with Jimmy.


He limped across the playground with Lisa walking alongside. She stopped a few feet away from the toddlers and nodded for him to continue. Greg hesitated, then bit his tongue and continued forward.

"Ankle-Biter." He said, standing before Remy. The baby looked up at him, her thumb in her mouth. She didn't show that she was angry with him, or afraid of him. He figured that she had probably forgotten.

"I'm sorry for knocking you down earlier."

Remy stared at him for a moment, then hiccuped and took her thumb out of her mouth,


"Wha-" Greg followed the girl's gaze to his pocket, where the last cookie Jimmy had given him was visible. He rolled his eyes, "No, you can't have my cookie."



Remy continued to stare at him, her big blue eyes wide. Greg frowned, why did she have to be so cute?

"Cookie?" Remy asked a third time, pointing at Greg's pocket. He sighed,

"Fine, have the stupid cookie." he said, pulling the cookie out of his pocket and handing it to Remy. Remy giggled, sticking the treat in her mouth and beginning to munch on it. Greg rolled his eyes, limping away from the now happy little girl. He stopped in front of Lisa, who smiled up at him.

"That was nice."

Greg shrugged, "She looked hungry."

A grin spread across Lisa's face and without warning, she leaned up, kissing Greg on the lips. When she pulled away he was grinning too.

"Wanna jellybean?"

A/N: Awww. Review?