A/N: Hello there, and I just want to say thank you to anyone who is deciding to read my story. It's my fourth story here on and my very first crossover! So we all know that the Harry Potter series was huge, and so is Twilight, but I personally cannot pick a favorite so I've decided to combine the two storylines. This will take place in the summer after the 6th year at Hogwarts for Harry, Ron and Hermione, and will be Post-Eclipse for The Cullen's. I think I will only be doing a few chapters because I'm not sure how readers will react to the story; if people like the story I will consider continuing, but I will try to stay as accurate to both of the series' as possible! Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters, the author J.K. Rowling does. I do not own Twilight or any of the characters, the author Stephanie Meyer does.

Chapter 1-Edward and Bella

Edward Cullen drove his silver Volvo into the garage and slammed it into park. He whipped open the door and stepped briskly outside, in less than a second he was around to the passenger side swiftly opening the door.

"Thanks." Bella mumbled, getting to her feet coming face to face with Edward. She would never tell him how much she hated it when he was so polite all the time. It made her feel a bit helpless in a way, when he did everything for her.

Edward stared down at her and moved his arm to touch her cheek. He lifted her head ever so slightly so she could look at him more clearly.

Bella stopped breathing.

"Breathe Bella." Edward said silkily before leaning in to plant a kiss on her lips. Bella heaved a huge sigh, forgetting the small pang of annoyance at once.

Edward pulled away much more quickly than she would have liked, but not because he had lost control, for the first time since they drove into the garage she noticed Emmet Cullen leaning against the wooden workbench, toweling off his oily hands.

Edward turned his face slightly to look at him, but Emmett didn't say a word, her merely gave a small chuckle and turned back to work on something.

"Hello Emmett!" Bella called, Emmett responded by waving a large wrench above his head without a word.

Edward let out a small sigh, "He thinks it's funny how you still can't breathe." He whispered softly.

"Oh..." was all Bella could manage before Edward kissed her this time a few seconds longer. Edward linked his hand with hers and shut the Volvo's door. He led her toward the house, pausing for a brief second to shove his brother playfully into the work bench, drawing another laugh from Emmett.

He reached for the door knob leading inside and pushed the door open, causing a loud thud to come from inside. "Alice." Edward breathed before shoving the door more violently this time and pushing his way through, never letting go of Bella's hand.

Boxes upon boxes cluttered the floor before him, stacked to the ceiling in large towers. Books and magazines were strewn about the Cullen's living room haphazardly. Alice was obviously getting excited for the wedding.

"ALICE!" Edward called, a bit forcefully, dropping Bella's hand and shimmying past the clutter. He found his sister on the white couch, pouring over her latest bridal magazine. "What is all of this?" He demanded impatiently.

Alice looked up smiling wide. "Just experiments." She said calmly.

"Don't you think you are going a bit overboard? We talked about this Alice."

"Oh Edward, you worry far too much." Alice bubbled jumping to her feet to compare what looked like paint samples with a picture of flowers she had sitting on the small end table. Alice wrinkled her nose in dislike and immediately tossed the paint sample she was holding over her shoulder.

Edward emitted a low growl of frustration with his sister.

Alice chuckled, "Bella is going to love it." She said with a sense of satisfaction in her voice. Edward rolled his eyes, Alice had obviously seen Bella on the wedding day, praising her up and down for the hard work she had put in to make her wedding perfect.

Just then there was a loud clattering noise as several large boxed toppled over one another and crashed to the wooden floor. Bella stumbled into the living room, knocking over several more boxes on her way.

Edward was at her side in an instant, protecting her from the box she had just shunned into and was about to fall from the tallest stack on top of her head.

"Hmmm, I guess I really ought to have seen that one coming. Boxes plus Bella equals disaster." Alice said quietly.

Bella clutched Edward's shirt in her fists, thankful that he had been so polite this time and saved her from a minor concussion. "Hi Alice. Ummm, are you sure you need all of this?" Bella asked skeptically.

"Of course I don't." She responded, gliding over to Bella plating a kiss on her cheek. "You know it's all here just to annoy Edward.

Edward scowled.

Alice chuckled. "Oh Edward, calm down I'm only teasing. I'm just experimenting with my options before I get my final choices to show you Bella."

Bella gave a polite smile. Edward grabbed her hand once more and pulled her up the steps, in a few moments they were standing in Edward's bright bedroom. He led Bella towards the large bed in the center of his room and set her down lightly onto the gold comforter.

Bella wasted no time, she pulled him down next to her to kiss him again, to really kiss him. Edward latched his arms around her waist and forced himself closer to her. Bella clasped her hands around his neck and pulled lightly on his hair. After a long minute, Edward let up, pulling away slightly but kissing her hair before he separated himself from her.

Bella looked defeated and she let him slip out of her clutches. She chewed uncomfortably on her lower lip.

Edward had made his way to the other side of the room and was gazing out the large window. He suddenly turned on his heels to face her again. "Come away with me." He said quickly, a soft edge in his voice.

Bella was a bit bewildered. "What?" She asked, feeling a bit stupid.

"Only for the weekend." Edward said, more smoothly this time, he was at her side again pulling her to her feet. "Let's get away for a bit, then Alice can plan, and we won't have to worry about you getting any concussions from falling debris." He chuckled.

"I don't know Edward, what about Charlie?"

"What about him? It's not like you haven't gone someplace without his knowing before. Tell him your staying with Alice and Esme for the weekend."

Bella looked up at him, his golden eyes burning down into hers. "How can I say no? You've left me no choice." She said before Edward was kissing her again, all other thoughts fleeting from her mind.


In three hours, Bella had gone home to tell Charlie the plan, and had convinced him to let her go. Miraculously she managed a fantastic scheme of lies, she was defiantly getting better at lying.

Now her and Edward stood in the middle of Seattle airport, ready to board a plane. Edward had refused to tell her where he was taking her. It was Thursday evening, and the airport wasn't terribly crowded. When Edward had said the weekend, what he really meant was Thursday night through Monday afternoon.

They were just entering the terminal, when Bella glanced at the sign above her head.

"Edward no!" She shouted, much too loudly drawing looks of confusin from surrounding people. "I can't go to London England!" She said, controlling her voice.

"Sure you can." Edward told her, taking a few steps forward in line. "You'll see, it will be fun." He smiled his crooked smile at her, and Bella found it impossible to argue the subject further.

At last they boarded the plane and were flying high above the clouds. Edward had purchased a first class ticket (much to Bella's annoyance seeing as how she didn't think it was necessary) and Bella sat by the large sunlit window looking out in awe. The sun was just descending for the day and it was going to set in another half hour.


Edward was pushed as far over in his seat as he could manage without being in the aisle, obviously tensed.

"Are you sure you don't want me to close this?" Bella asked.

"No love, you deserve to see the world beneath you. I'll just steer clear of the light for a bit."

Bella lowered her eyes with concern, she hated making him uncomfortable. She decided to compromise and lower the shade halfway so that it blocked the remaining rays of sunshine, but still allowed her to see outside.

Edward relaxed at once, leaning in closer to her, resting his head on top of her hair. Bella put her head next to his stone cold chest and inhaled, drinking in the sweet scent radiating off of his skin.


After changing planes in New York and flying for what felt like an eternity, Edward and Bella stood in London Airport. It was very early in the morning and the sun was high in the sky again, or at least it was while they were still on the plane. Edward went to baggage claim and picked up Bella's small suitcase and then turned back to her grabbing her hand. He meandered his way through the crowd of people and was about to take them out the door. he had obviously been here before.

Bella now noticed that, though the sun was shining above the clouds, on the ground it was a different story. It looked very gloomy outside as if a storm was coming. That almost bothered Bella except for the fact that she was so used to the constant cloud cover in Forks.

"Wait. Wait!" Bella said, just as Edward reached the door.

"What?" He asked smoothly looking down at her.

Bella had slept most of the way and she and Edward hadn't had a chance to talk much. "Where are we going to stay."

Edward laughed, "And for a moment I thought you had another problem." He said, kissing her hair. "Emmett and Rosalie have a small house here. They come for a visit every year for at least a month, err they haven't had a chance to go this year." He added, "Emmett gave me the idea in the first place, he and Rosalie have agreed to it."

"Well that is convenient." Bella thought to herself. That was something she was not prepared for, Rosalie doing something nice for her and Edward.

Soon they were outside on the streets of London, England. Tourists crowded the way every place they went. Bella wanted more than anything to get out of the company of so many strangers and have time alone with Edward, and she could tell he was thinking the same thing because he quickened his pace and made it difficult for Bella to keep up without stumbling (even though she did on more than one occasion.)

After a long walk, Edward could see Bella was getting tired of walking so fast and he hailed a taxi for them.

"How far away is the house?" Bella asked when they were riding inside the little yellow taxi cab. It was very strange for Bella to see the car going down the opposite side of the road.

"It's just on the outside of London. Not much farther, but a good walk... well for you." He added, flashing another crooked smile in her direction. Bella felt her face go hot and tried to restrain herself from grabbing at Edward madly and kissing him. Surprisingly, that was becoming more and more difficult to resist as time went on.

Edward gave a low murmur of laughter when he saw the look in her face. He was obviously amused.

After another twenty minutes, the cab rolled to a stop outside a 'small' white house with black shutters in the suburbs. There was a large green lawn in front of the home, decorated with a variety of flowers. The house was by no means small, it was smaller than the Cullen's home, but much larger than Charlie's.

Edward took her hand and led her up the drive after paying the taxi driver. He pulled a set of keys out of his jeans pocket and jammed a small golden one into the lock.

"After you." Edward said musically. Bella smiled and took a step inside. The house was beautiful. It was so modern, there was a large open staircase leading upstairs, the kitchen was to the left and the dining room just beyond that. The living room was huge decorated with paintings and canvases galore! The walls were painted a deep crimson that gave it a warm inviting feel. To the right of the living room was a sizeable office, complete with leather armchair and half a library of books. Bella stared at them in astonishment, all the classics were here. She had been amazed by the books in Carlisle's office, and in the library of the Cullen's home as well, but she had never figured Emmett or Rosalie for big readers.

"Something wrong?"Edward asked, his voice with a hint of distress. "Your mouth is hanging open."

"No its.. this place is gorgeous!" Bella exclaimed. "And all these books! Every one of the classics." She rambled letting her hand fly across the shelves of books.

"Rosalie likes to read when she comes here." Edward explained, all signs of distress vanished away at once.

Bella nodded, and turned to look at Edward's perfect face. She smiled at him adoringly, and Edward grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

"Emmett and Rosalie have let us use this house before, well I've never stayed her for a long time, I came once with Emmett to help him paint the place but that was all. This is Rosalie and his room." He said leaning in to the first room at the left. it was painted a light purple color with lots of flowers in vases, fresh flowers. Bella wondered how they kept the place up so well when they hadn't been here in a long time. It was obviously the master bedroom because it was so large.

They continued down the hall, passing a tiny bathroom along the way. "This is where Alice and Jasper stay." Theirs was a much smaller room painted in a lush green color with long sheer curtains covering the window's. "And this is the room Emmett made for Carlisle and Esme, but they have never stayed here so he said we could have this room."

This room was the same size as Japer and Alice's had been but was painted a light blue color with white trim and carpeting to match it. There were more flowers resting on top of the oak night tables, beautiful pink lilacs. The scent filled the air in the entire room and Bella sniffed the air around her.

Edward had come up behind her, his cool hands on the sides of her hips. Bella spun to meet his gaze. He pinned her against the wall closest to them and leaned over her small frame. Bella felt her breath leaving her again, she reached up to put her hands on the sides of Edward's beautiful face. He shut his eyes, savoring her soft touch. he bent down closer to her and pressed his lips to hers, a fluttery feeling overwhelmed her as his cool lips met her own. Edward stuck his left hand to the small other back and clutched her tightly to him. She immediately pressed herself still tighter, just in case there was any room at all between them.

They broke apart, and before Bella had realized it, Edward had lifted her off the soft carpet beneath her and set her on top of the silky blue bedspread. He put his lips to her neck and Bella closed her eyes focusing on the way Edward's lips felt as they moved up and down on her. She wrapped her arms around his back and clung to him. Edward paused for a brief moment, but Bella didn't open her eyes, she was too afraid that he was going to stop.

She felt the soft petals against her skin, Edward had grabbed one of the lilacs and dragged it delicately across her face, her neck, her stomach, and back up. Bella inhaled the sweet scent, that was now combining with the smell of Edward so close to her. it was intoxicating.

Suddenly they were kissing each other again, pressed tightly together. It was a long time but at last Edward broke the kiss and rolled onto his back. Bella got her breath back and tried to even it out.

Edward scratched his neck, Bella turned to face him. "I love you Edward." She breathed, still trying to even out her breath.

Edward smiled and pulled her closer Bella rested on top of his icy chest, Edward clutching her in his hands. They stayed that way for a very long time.


Later in the afternoon, they had agreed that it was time to go out and visit the city. Bella didn't really care to leave the house, it felt so calm there, so relaxing. It was almost as if Jasper was there using his curious talent to control emotions.

They stepped outside into the still cloudy air. Edward walked beside Bella down the walkway slowly. Bella looked out across the street observing all the action that was outside. There was a family outside a mother a father pushing their daughter on the swing set. They looked completely full of bliss and totally at ease. An older couple were sitting on their front porch, reading the newspaper.

Bella's eyes came to rest upon the house directly across from theirs. It was also white with black shutters, it looked about the same size as well. There was a huge flower bed in front of it and a porch scattered with chairs. There was a large birdfeeder in the center of the flowerbed where at least a dozen birds were munching and throwing the seeds to the earth under them.

There was a girl that looked like the same age as Bella who was watering the flowers. She was short and small with thick brown hair, dressed in a yellow t-shirt and jeans. She was laughing at something, but Bella didn't understand what. She lifted her eyes to see a boy about the same age sitting on the steps of the porch, his hair a blazing color of red.

Bella hadn't realized she and Edward had stopped walking, she hadn't even notice Edward wander away from her to go back and lock the door.

"What are you staring at?" Edward asked.

Bella jumped, startled. "Oh I was just looking at the people here. They all look so.... happy."

Edward laughed, "You say that like it's a bad thing Bella."

Bella shook her head, she didn't know why she was so transfixed, she had never seen people being so friendly with each other, there were people walking and biking up and down the street waving to everyone that was outside their homes, some stopping to chat.

She looked again across the street as she heard a shriek from the small bushy-haired girl. Edward was also alert now, standing very still as if there were some kind of danger.

"RON STOP THAT AT ONCE!" The girl yelled. Bella saw that the red-haired boy had gotten up and wrestled the hose free from the grasp of the girl and was squirting her with it. She could hear them laughing all the way across the street.

Edward gave a low chuckle. "We have a love interest in our midst." He whispered in Bella's ear.

Bella snapped her head back to look at him, "They like each other. A lot. But neither of them will admit it. I'll never understand you humans." Edward explained.

Bella turned her gaze back to the girl who was now wringing out her yellow shirt. She must have seen her and Edward staring at them because she looked up and waved in their direction. Bella waved back and smiled faintly, glancing sideways at Edward, who was again standing very still.

The girl made her way across the street and was being pursued by the red head. "Hi there!" She called when she was a few paces away. Edwards nose crinkled up a bit when she came closer.

"Hello." Bella said taken by surprise, she hadn't expected them to come right over, she felt a bit rude now for staring.

The girl was right in front of them now, Bella had thought she was short but she was in fact about two inches taller than Bella herself. "Are you moving in here?" The girl asked.

"No, no. We are just visiting." Edward spoke for the first time in his silky voice, Bella felt his arms tighten around her waist as an instinct to protect her.

The girl noticed him for the first time and looked up, studying his features, she looked like she was in deep thought. But she didn't look like the others did when they looked at Edward, she didn't think he was as beautiful as Bella thought he was. At that time the red haired boy had reached where she was standing, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets.

The girl tore her eyes off Edward to look at the other boy, her eyes lit up. "My name is Hermione Granger." She said turning back to Bella, holding out her hand to shake it. "Nice to meet you."

"I'm Bella Swan." Bella said grasping her hand.

The girl's smile widened and she moved on to Edward, to shake his hand also. Bella could feel Edward's body stiffen, he pretended not to notice her hand. "My name is Edward Cullen."

The girl named Hermione looked a bit skeptical of Edward neglecting her friendly gesture, but she didn't linger on it. "This is my friend Ron." She said turning to the red haired boy. "Ron!" Hermione hissed, pulling him forward to greet them. The boy was obviously shy. He was taller than Edward by a good three inches, his hair seemed to be ablaze despite the fact there was no sunlight anywhere.

"Err--Hi." The boy mumbled. Hermione nudged her elbow into his ribs, it didn't seem to bother him much. "I'm Ron Weasley."

Hermione looked annoyed with her friend but looked at Bella once more. "How long are you visiting for?"

"Just the weekend." Bella replied.

"Ohh, I see, well it will be nice to see someone in that house. The people that own it are hardly ever there, I bet I only see them once in a year's time! Yet their yard is perfectly manicured." The girl laughed a bit. Edward smirked. "Where are you from? I can tell you aren't here from England."

And for the first time Bella became conscious of the fact the girl had an English accent, not that it surprised her but she had completely overlooked it until she asked where they were from.

"Forks." Bella replied mechanically.

"Where?" The boy named Ron asked, puzzled.

"It's a small town in the state of Washington." Edward said smoothly.

Both the boy and girl looked totally stunned, their mouths fell open slightly. Bella could tell what they were both thinking, even though she couldn't read minds like Edward could. And that was: Anyone who came all the way from the United States for a weekend obviously had a lot of money to spend.

"Wow, that's a ways away." Hermione said after a very long silence. She cleared her throat, "Well, I hope you enjoy your time here, it's been lovely meeting you but I've got to finish up some things before my Mum and Dad get home."

"Yeah you too." Bella said with a small smile on her lips.

"See you around then!" Hermione called as she turned to leave.

"Pleased to have met your acquaintance." Edward said, sounding a little bit odd.

The girl nodded and waved good-bye. The red haired boy shuffling lazily behind her mumbling something that sounded like, "Hope to see you again." But Bella couldn't be sure since the boy was hardly coherent when he spoke it.

"They seem nice." Bella said when they had disappeared into the white house.

There was a long silence. "Edward?" Bella asked, shaking his arm, "Edward what are you thinking?" She pleaded. He was standing stalk-still looking at the house, he was still tensed, his arms were stiff still latched tightly to Bella's waist.

Edward seemed to shake himself out of the trance, "Oh, it's nothing." He told her through his teeth. But Bella knew that her had been poking around in their minds and had uncovered something troubling.

"Who do you think you are fooling?" Bella rounded on him.

Edwards voice became soft and sweet again, he turned to look at her, resting his hand on her cheek. "You are very perceptive today." He said before leading her down the street.

Edward never told Bella what he was thinking about, and Bella couldn't help but be a little bit angry with him, there was obviously something he didn't like about those two and he wasn't likely to forget it because for the rest of that night he was a little bit on edge.

A/N: End of chapter one, I realize that it was long and very boring, but I'm trying to work my way into something here. The next chapter will cover Harry, Ron and Hermione, and you just know that something is going to go down when they all meet up again. I'll try to finish up the next chapter by tonight or tomorrow morning! Don't forget to review please!