Uhhh, yeah this is some things to do if you find yourself in the world of +anima, as a +anima.

Gareth walked down a path, relieved. He had just passed into another dimension, stayed for several years and returned. Man, his life sucked. He came to the world of +anima by falling into a well, near his farm. Everyone used that well so he decided to make a book that he can deliver to others so they would not be in danger.

When he got home, he started strait away:

If you are reading this, you have passed into another dimension, or you will pass into it. Here are some guidelines you could follow. These following tips are for the +anima.

Don't die. If you die, you'll be transformed into a +anima, a being who posses powers of an animal. EX: a bird +anima will have wings.

Don't be caught as a +anima. Most people hate or loath +anima. You might get killed or enslaved.

Our money will not work there. The currency used is called gillah. Gillah are coins with numbers on it. Most things will cost 10 gillah or more, if you're lucky, it will be less. pillah are also used. 100 pillah is equal to 1 gillah.

They write in a different language. They speak English though. You might want to pass as illiterate.

Transportation is horses, walking, or carriage. Only the elite ride horses like the army. Carriage is more common that horses because they can hold large amounts of objects, but the carriage will need a horse or two. Walking is the most common use of transportation. The towns are spread out by miles.

Stay away from the army. They will give you nothing but trouble. Their leader is Igneous, he loathes +anima and kim-ur-kle.

There are different races on the continent. There are the Asterians, the Sailandos, and the Kim-ur-kle. Kings and queens control both the Asterians and the Sailandos; the king of Sailand has many wives, thus there are many queens. Sailand's law says that any +anima has to be enslaved. So if you are in Sailand, do not show your anima. The Kim-ur-kle are a tribe of Indians that worship animals, and use the anima as a way to be closer with nature, and the such. They are the divide between the two countries, living on the mountains. In Asteria, there are no laws against the +anima, but they have a hard relationship with the Kim-ur-kle.

If you are to find a +anima or more, try to join each other. Being in groups will help you through the wilderness. Some people will ask why you might be traveling with people who don't look like you.

There are wild animals. Don't go anywhere without a weapon. Whether it be your anima or a sword, be prepared.

There is no technology. No air conditioners, no light bulbs, no stoves, or anything.

These are helpful tip you should always follow in the world of +anima. Do not bring this book into the other dimension. To get out you must find the tall oak tree that bends in quarters and shapes to a doorway.

He saved his work on the computer and printed several copies out.



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