Apocalypse: Doubts of a Hero


The Galaxy at Peace

(A/N: Finally, we're at the epilogue! I hope you like it!)

The Elite Guard had arrived at the planet a bit too late. When they walked out of their ship, they saw the planet was in a complete mess as a result of the battle. Most of the villages were in ruins and the entire surface was almost completely filled with captured Decepticons and bodies of the battle's fatalities, like a child's toys lying all over their room in a complete mess.

"You guys already took care of the Decepticons?!" exclaimed Sentinel. "That means we came here for no reason!!!"

"This is not a real insult, mind you, but if you would consider looking around and seeing all the defeated Decepticons in stasis cuffs, waiting to be brought to the Cyber-stockade, rather than complaining, which proves nor accomplishes nothing but the mere fact that you are self-centered and idiotic bot who should not really be in the Cybertron Elite Guard in the fist place!" shouted Blurr.

"It not matter." said Jetstorm. "We beat Decepticons and kill Megatron! They not have to bother us anymore!"

"Well done, then, all of you!" Ultra Magnus said to the Autobots protecting Bara Magna. "Which one's the hero-bot? And where's my Magnus Hammer?"

Jetstorm handed Ultra Magnus his Magnus Hammer and pointed to Durahx. "He did, sir. The black techno-organic. His name's Durahx."

Ultra Magnus looked down at Durahx, who bowed. Ultra Magnus said nothing, but he did have an expression of surprise on his face, as had the rest of the Elite Guard. They had absolutely no idea how a techno-organic like Durahx could have destroyed Megatron and defeated the Decepticons.

"Is this some kind of joke?!" exclaimed Sentinel. "There's no way a stupid techno-organic could have beat Megatron and every Decepticon in the known universe by himself!!"

"That's because I didn't do it by myself!" said Durahx. "I had help from my friends and allies. They helped me beat Megatrona nd the Decepticons! They gave me the strength to conquer the evil that lurks in every corner of the universe. And I owe it to them. Because with them...you're a real hero!"

Sentinel was a bit awestruck by Durahx's words. Ever since an incident when he was training to be in the Elite Guard, Sentinel has been wreckless and stubborn and never really cared about his teammates. Hearing what Durahx said made him realise the truth; without friends or allies, he couldn't get true strength.

His thoughts were interupted when Ultra Magnus had told the Autobots (and Durahx his friends) to round up all the Decepticons, which they did. As they went to do so, Durahx and Ultra Magnus stayed behind.

"Durahx, I'd like to talk with you." said the Supreme Commander.

"Okay." said Durahx as they entered the Elite Guard ship. Durahx was seated on a small seat that Ultra Magnus put in, just in case there were friendly organics--or techno-organics, in this case—who wanted to speak to the Elite Guard—or the other way around. Ultra Magnus sat in his usual seat.

"I never knew a techno-organic like you had that much strength." he said. "But that's probably perhaps we have hardly seen a techno-organic since Primus-knows-when. Tell me—how did you learn how to fight so well that you defeated Megatron."

"I've known how to do all the moves and abilities I know since my creation." said Durahx.

"When exactly where you created?" asked Ultra Magnus.

"I'm kinda new, actually." said Durahx. "I may be experienced and strong, but that doesn't mean I've been fighting for so long. I think I was created a few months ago—along with my friends, Femmrahk and Destiny."

"And you were the only male created?" asked Ultra Magnus, with a bit of surprise in his voice.

Durahx got a bit surprised as to how the Autobot knew his friends' genders and a little nervous he brought that up—he was a bit nervous being the only male around them when he first met them, too—but brushed it aside and stayed true to Ultra Magnus's questions. "Yeah."

There was a long silence between them. It was Ultra Magnus who broke it. "I heard from Blurr that you were created as the accomplices of your Makuta allies. This is true, yes?"

"Pretty much." said Durahx.

"And you grew more friendlier towards them and saw them as good friends and would even sacrifice your life just to see them live, right?" continued the commander.

"I would protect them with my life!" said Durahx. He paused for a moment, then regained. "Provided they do the same."

Ultra Magnus got up and spoke again. "Your heart is pure, Durahx. I'm sure your friends see that, as well."

"Yeah." said Durahx.

"But tell me, Durahx—who do you care for the most?" asked the Elite Guard commander.

Durahx was confused at the question. "I...don't know what you mean."

Ultra Magnus turned to face Durahx. "I mean to say is there any of your allies—or any member of your team—that you love and care about more than anything else in the world?"

Durahx paused for a moment. The sentence made Durahx think of Femmrahk. He loved and cared for her more than anything else. He wondered if Ultra Magnus somehow knew that.

He wasn't taking any chances. Summoning his courage, he said: "Y—yes."

"How much do you care for her?" asked Ultra Magnus.

Durahx was getting really nervous—Ultra Magnus could be talking about Femmrahk—but went along with the conversation. "More than anything else I can think of that would make me happy."

"Do you love her?" asked Ultra Magnus.

Durahx was silent for a moment. He had to think over the purpose of the conversation. At last, he spoke. "I love her more than anything else and I wouldn't know what to do without her."

"I'm sure that she is very lucky to have you." continued Ultra Magnus. "Have you told her how you feel for her?"

"Not yet." said Durahx. "I keep trying to tell her, though, but every chance I get, I always get interupted by a very inconvinient event."

"That must be very frustrating." said Ultra Magnus. Durahx nodded.

"Well, I'm glad we had th chance to talk to each other." said Ultra Magnus. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must confer with Cybertron Command in a matter of great importance. You understand."

Durahx nodded again and left the Elite Guard ship. When he exited it, he saw that everyone was back, with all the Decepticon prisoners.

"Wow. That was kinda fast." said Durahx.

"Naturally." said Jazz.

Durahx just smirked and walked away. Femmrahk was tempted to stop him, but knew her friend better than that. Durahx stopped walking, for a minute, and turned to the group. "We're gonna have a little victory celebration at our base in Atero tonight. All are welcome to come."

And with that, he used Chaos Control to warp away somewhere—no doubt the base, in order to get ready it for the party.


Later, at the party, everyone was having a great time. There was food and music for everyone—even the Autobots. Nearly everyone was chatting, telling jokes, and even dancing to the music that Jazz and Jetrax were throwing at them. Jazz kept chosing all the songs he liked, so Jetrax kept arguing with him, telling him the party's for everyone and everyone helped defeat the Decepticons.

Durahx looked around and saw everyone having a great time. He had talked to everyone to learn a few things, namely what the Autobots would do. Jetfire wanted to stay on Bara Magna, so he could get in a better relationship with Destiny. This has forced Jetstorm to stay, as well, as they cannot merge into Safeguard if they are separated from each other. Blurr decided to stay on Bara Magna so he could be with his new friends more. He has been on too many solo missions and needs better help talking to others. The rest of the Autobots would return to Cybertron.

Durahx could see Jaller and Hahli dancing with each other, while their friends watched. Even with the 'Potion of Destruction' out of Hahli's system, Durahx still didn't trust her, but somehow, he still knew her place was with her boyfriend, Jaller. He also turned to see Hot Shot & Red Alert ouside, looking at the night sky, as were Sprx & Nova, but at a different location.

"I wonder if I can have me and Femmrahk do that tonight..." he thought.

He got his wish sooner than later. As he wandered through the banquet hall of the base, he noticed Femmrahk was the only one missing from the party. Concerned, he walked out and searched the entire base. He looked in her room; she wasn't there. He looked in the restrooms; she wasn't there. He looked in the kitchen; she wasn't there. He looked in the control room; she wasn't there. He looked in practically every room in the base, but she wasn't in the base.

He decided to look all over Atero. If Femmrahk wasn't in the base, she was probably somewhere else in the city. He searched all over the city for her, with no such luck. That's when he decided to check out the last place: Arena Magna. He doubted she would be there, but it was worth a shot.


Femmrahk was in the arena. She was watching the night sky from the stands. She kinda liked it; all alone at night, sitting in the seats of an arena, gazing at the night sky. She thought it was very beautiful.

But the one thing that trailed her thoughts off were her sudden thoughts of Durahx. She had always loved him, but she often wondered if he felt the same for her. After what she had just been through, she had to wonder: was she really the one for him? She had, after all, disobeyed an order he gave her. He told her to stay away from the fight with Megatron and Shockwave, but instead, she faced Shockwave. She had betrayed her friend and her leader.

"And besides, he's probably thinking of someone else." she thought, sadly. "Someone far better than me. Why does he even care about me so much?"

A voice behind her trailed her thoughts off. "Femmrahk? You okay?"

Femmrahk turned around and surprisingly saw Durahx walking down to her. She blushed, slightly.

"Oh, Durahx!" she said. "I—I'm sorry! I—I didn't think you'd be here!"

"That's okay." Durahx said calmly, as he sat down next to her. He blushed, ever so slightly. Just looking at her beautiful self made him so happy he could kiss every last bit of it. He brushed those thoughts off and began speaking. "So, why are you all the way over here? You should be at the party celebrating with the rest of us."

"Well...I thought here would be a bit more peaceful." said Femmrahk. "I guess I'm not used to being around others. I was hoping to get out here and watch the stars from here. But...why aren't you at the party, either?"

"I was looking for you." said Durahx.

"R—really?" said Femmrahk, hardly believing what she was hearing.

"Yeah." said Durahx. "You worry me, sometimes. Sure, the Skrall are gone, the Vorox & Zesk are normal, and the Decepticons are captured, but there could still be something that could do you harm. I don't wanna lose you again! That's why I didn't want you to face Shockwave. I was afraid he might hurt you again."

Femmrahk said nothing. She was so paralyzed with emotions to speak. She had no idea Durahx cared for her that much.

"The stars look nice, don't they?" said Durahx, changing the subject.

"Y-yeah." said Femmrahk, regaining her voice. "They're so beautiful, so amazing."

"I can think of one thing that's more beautiful." said Durahx.

"And what would that be?" asked Femmrahk.

Durahx was coming closer to telling Femmrahk how he felt about her. It was now or never. But before he could answer her question, something swooped in and grabbed Femmrahk. He looked up to see it was the Dark Hunter Airwatcher that took Femmrahk and he wasn't alone. He had the eight Hordika Dragons with him.

"I take you guys are Dark Hunters." said Durahx. He has never met a Dark Hunter before in his life and has only heard of them from the stories the Makuta have told him.

"Well, duh!" said Airwatcher, dumbly. He never was the smartest Hunter.

"What are you gonna do with Femmrahk?!" exclaimed Durahx.

"I have some little 'nasty thoughts' and I need her to...clean them up." said Airwatcher with a sickening smile on his face (if he even has one). Durahx knew what he emant when he said that: the Dark Hunter was going to rape her!

"You creep!" shouted Durahx. "I'll never let you rape her!!"

"And I won't let you interfere." said Airwatcher. "Which is why brought them with me! Sick 'im, boys!"

The Hordika Dragons roared and charged at the black & red monkey. Durahx jumped up and charged into battle. Airwatcher decided to stay and watch. He thought that he'd take the enjoyment of watching Durahx perish before the real fun begins.

So far, this method wasn't succeeding. Durahx was avoiding the drangons' strength, speed, and even electric attacks. He fought back with some magnetic attacks. The dragons were getting beat up. Airwatcher decided it was time for a little change in plans. He aimed his acid staff at Durahx, but before he could fire, he was hit by some magnetism by Sprx.

"Hey! I know you!" said Airwatcher. "Aren't you the guy that's supposed to be Slicer?"

"My name is Sprx!" shouted Sprx, aiming his magnets at the flying Dark Hunter. "And I'm not one of your Dark Hunter pals anymore, Airwatcher!!"

"Yes, you are." said Airwatcher. "Once a Dark Hunter, always a Dark Hunter!"

"Y'know, Airwatcher." said Sprx. "The more and more I see you, the dumber you get!"

"Why you little--!!" Airwatcer raged, tossing Femmrahk aside and charging his staff at Sprx. But almost immediately, Sprx hit him with a blast of magnetic energy that knocked him out-cold.

When Durahx saw Femmrahk falling to her death, he took out the last Hordika Dragon and flew in to save her. He held onto her very tightly and closely and Femmrahk did the same with him. Durahx set her near the entrance of the base and as soon as they got to safety, Femmrahk embraced him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. This made him blush, a bit, as they gazed at the night sky. The Dark Hunters had blown another chance to tell Femmrahk how Durahx felt, but he swore in his heart he would do it without any interuptions!



(A/N: Finally done! Now it's on to the last part of this trilogy! And I swear this time, I won't start writing until school's done and over with!! See ya! Please R&R!!)