This is a series of drabbles written for ot3_100 on LJ. The rating will definitely change later on.

Also: Enkrateia is a Greek word for "self-mastery", which was a set of rules (or a path to enlightenment) to be followed by an eromenos (a young man aged 12-18 or 19) with guidance from his erastes (mentor and lover, generally a man). It seems Edward is a special case…not only does he have two erastes (who he doesn't currently trust), but one erastes is a woman. Or is she a siren…?

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist

Claim: Envy/Ed/Lust

Prompt + Number: #089, "Opportunity"

Title: Just For Research

Rating: PG

Word Count: 98

Warnings: None.

Summary: Edward was an alchemist after all, and that meant discovery.


Edward Elric: Genius, Hero of the People, Golden Boy. He was an innocent young sinner, an idealist with a cynical bent, a boy born for discovery.

Envy and Lust didn't come to him for comfort, or love, or anything of the sort. Because their needs were purely carnal—Envy wanted to lead the son of that bastard into the world of adulthood as fast as possible, and Lust simply wanted to see how a teenaged human would react to otherworldly advances.

Edward felt—deep in his scientist's heart—that research had never been so easy.

Envy and Lust found him amusing.