Rorschach's Journal #1

Tonight, a Comedian died in New York.

Sucks. But only proves what I always knew. Justice breathes no more in these streets—ignorance choked the life from her, ineptitude left her in the gutters, and arrogance made funny faces at her when she wasn't looking. Arrogance pisses me off. Must remember to break fingers for that.

Broke into Blake's apartment. Walls lined with framed newspapers and faded memories. Picture of Silk Spectre on the wall. Didn't he try something with her? Jesus, that's messed up. I dislocated a man's arm for littering. Broke a two-by-four over a woman's head for holding up a green light. Currently instigating justice in the murder of a rapist. Beginning to wonder if priorities are unbalanced.

Wander around the room. Kick aside bloody shards of glass and bits of the wall. Must have been some fight. Bet it would have looked epic in slow motion.

Know what I'm looking for. Check the bedroom. Living room. Kitchen. Bathroom…the stink knocks me back. This guy needed a window opened either way.

Check the dresser. More pictures. Smiles. Handshakes. Old friends. Presidents. Not the real Eddie Blake in one of them. The smiles are lies. The handshakes, a pact with the devil. The old friends…found myself in one of the pictures. Can't remember if I was smiling. No. Never smile. World collapsing in on itself by its own hand. No reason to smile…Except after hearing story of the great clown, Pagliacci. Love that joke. Laugh every time. Clowns don't deserve justice. Soulless creatures in my eyes.

Finally find it. Press the button in the dresser. Comedian's armor slides into view. More pictures. When will people learn? One hour photo kills secret identities.

Turn away from the dresser. Not altogether sure what I needed up here anyway. Memory must be going. Need a little tape recorder. Pen and paper is the past. Magnetic tape is the future. Like New Coke.

Find a business card for Adrian Veidt. Bloody fingerprint. Two forms of ID, including driver's license. Didn't know he was a Virgo. Must tell the other Crimebusters of the deed that's been committed this night. Positive they'll believe me…