

Raindance, Beastboy and Raven




"Raven? Raven! RAAAAAAVEN!"

I closed my eyes all the tighter. Azarath Metrion Zinthos, I murmured. Focus on the words, Raven.

There was a great banging as Beastboy unceremoniously shoved the door open so that the poor door shivered on its hinges and almost banged shut in Beastboy's face.

With my eyes still closed, I couldn't help but snap, "Nice work, Beastboy, Cyborg will be very happy you ripped off the roof door."

"Hey, the Tower's strong enough to withstand even the mighty strength of Beast Man!"

I rolled my eyes under my closed lids. I wasn't quite ready to give up on meditation yet, and once I had my eyes open, I knew Beastboy wouldn't leave me alone. Azarath Metrion Zi –


My lips tightened. "Go away."

"But Raven!"

"Beastboy, I'm warning you –"

"It's RAINING!" he burst out, and from the soggy slap of wet fabric on fabric, I knew he was flapping his arms in earnestness. Like a small child.

I sighed. He meant well, I knew, and I reminded myself that I should remember this before being irritated at him, but I couldn't help sounding a little cross. "I'm well aware of that, Beastboy."

Suddenly, he became still. "Oh," was all he said. The soft pitter-patter of raindrops on the cement contrasted with the louder plunk-plank of rain on fabric, informing me Beastboy was still standing next to me. I opened my eyes, curiosity getting the better of me.

In the grayness of the rain, he stood, dark green hair plastered to his lighter hued face, like a mountain. Quiet, understanding, and majestic. His eyes were fixed on the hazy city at first; he then closed them and raised his face to the sky. A drop of rain slid down his face, following the contours of his cheekbones, tracing his neck, then disappearing into his already soaked uniform.

An unwelcome gust of wind reminded me it was winter, and to the fact that Beastboy only had on his uniform, whereas I was wearing thick leggings and my warm, stormproof foul weather cloak of nylon.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked. He looked at me, shook his head, but a small shiver betrayed him. "You are cold. Let's get inside before you catch a cold. Again."

He had looked beautiful, more beautiful than I'd like to admit, there in the rain, his viridian eyes bright against the gray, his hair slicked down onto his face and I wanted to run. Then he smiled his stupidly-happy-patented-Beastboy smile.

"Voulez-vous danser avec moi?" he said, holding out a hand. The sudden use of French surprised me into silence. His grin widened. "I've always wanted to use that phrase. It sounds so…smart, something you'd like…whaddya think Rae? So, yes?"

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter…went the rain, relentlessly. What to say?


His grasp was firm as he pulled me close. For several moments, we just stood there looking into each other's eyes, drenching ourselves (literally) in the beat. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter…Then, as if someone was conducting us, we began to move in unison.

The rain was orchestra enough. We spun wildly around to the music of the rain in strange dance moves that would have won no prizes. But from the way he looked at me, I knew he felt just as I felt – that it was perfect. He let loose a wonderfully free whoop that soared above us.

Us. Me and him. Our hands clasped almost desperately, we swung each other around with our eyes glued to each other – for an absurd moment I believed the world was revolving around us. Both of us kept smiling, kept laughing…

Suddenly, because it felt right, we split apart as Beastboy spun me out of his arms.

I whirled around, with hands outstretched and face to the heavens. My hood had long ago been pushed back to feel the rhythm on my own skin. A regal tiger loped around me, beckoning, and I leaped onto him, trusting. The fur was velvety soft as I ran my fingers through it. After a couple more rounds, he jumped over the ledge.

My breath hitched in my throat.

For a brilliant moment, I saw the stone-gray sea breaking into white foam against our island. I felt myself suspended in midair. Then, I buried my face into green fur, just to feel the smoothness of feathers. The great eagle caught the wind and glided, gracefully, back to the roof, tracing a big semicircle in the air with the tip of its wing.

The thunder of hooves rang out as he touched down as a horse. We ran around the roof, him ever-changing his form. A bear, a camel, a gorilla; I felt skin, bone and muscle shift and knit into different shapes under me.

Gently, gorilla-Beastboy picked me off his shoulders and onto the ground. I couldn't help but laugh as he traipsed around on the wet ground as an otter, then a seal, laughing with his many voices. He was still laughing as he sat on the concrete as a man again, drenched to his skin.

Suddenly, he leapt towards me with a feral grace and hugged me tight. I could feel his breast rising and falling rapidly through my uniform.

"I love rain, it feels like life, you know?" he breathed, nuzzling my wet neck.

I knew.

Slowly turning around, I kissed him full on the lips, life coming down upon us both, upon the city, upon the earth…

He picked me up by the waist and spun me around like a child – it still amazed me that he was now tall enough to do this – and grinned so wide. His joy was so tangible it trapped me in its web. I felt as if I would burst, burst right there in his arms with happiness.

And for a long time, all we could do is gaze at each other in that cocoon of utter joy. Both of us barely flinched as my powers crept across the floor and ripped the door clean off its hinges.

"I guess you'll have to tell Cy," Beastboy said, voice playful.

My usual stern expression came up in a moment. "I'll just say it was your fault."

He mock pouted. "Aww, Rae, you wouldn't!"

"Mmm hmm. You have too much belief in my humanity."

He hugged me again. "I love you anyway, Raven."

I knew he meant those words, so why did I stiffen every time I heard it? Unable to bring up the courage to echo his words, I gently hugged him back, hoping he'll know all the same. He, still giddy with emotion, seemed not to notice as he kissed my wet hair.

"Let's go inside and dry off before we catch cold," I murmured. The rush of warmth that dancing had given me was ebbing away. I shivered.

He shivered too. "Heh, should've taken your advice the first time."


The question was clear in his guileless eyes. I smiled.

"No," I repeated. "I'm glad you didn't."



Rainy days are my love, whether it is gentle or stormy. Each has its own separate beauty.

Calm rains, like today, with its steady thrumming beat, calls to me, peace, peace, peace…until I feel cleansed of anger and irritation. I listen to the soft drip-drip of rainwater running off my cloak, and to the quiet thunder of rain falling onto my hood, and it seems as if nothing in this world can go wrong. As if the rain can clean not only me, but everyone and everything around me.

Raging storms exhilarate me, catching me up in its ferocious embrace. The pelting rain lashing across my skin makes me more awake and aware than ever. And when I've poured all my rage into the storm, when the storm rages in my place, I feel deliciously empty and calm.

And dancing with him was like dancing with the storm.


A/N Many long days have passed since I updated. I'm sorry I was so late with this long-awaited one, but it took a while to perfect. I had too many ideas I had to cram into it! Vowing the next one won't take long! (review and tell me all my flaws, I beg you.)

p.s. Beastboy & his many forms = similar to a storm, or that's what I was trying to show, anyway. ^^;